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Batman 3

Started by Demonology, December 16, 2008, 05:53:56 AM

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yeah its bullshit Sam.   There is still not script let alone do people know who the actual villain will be.


Quote from: jagilki on October 11, 2011, 05:21:41 PM
Midas would chop off his Penis if he thought it would win him a Mafia game.


Given the source I wouldn't be surprised.  That paper is totally full of shit.


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Kendell Smith

Shit and tits, only thing The Sun is good for. Although I do like their crosswords.

On my jobs insite they have the same article up. Somebody must have been reading the Sun this morning and put it up as actual news. Morons.

Triple B

It was already confirmed that The Sun is wrong.[Movies]-False-Batman-Rumors-Run-Wild.htm

You know... Spacey as Penguin might not be a bad pick, as I think about it.  Who says Penguin has to be portly and short?

In "Gotham Knights," the DVD that came out that is supposed to be in between the movies (those anime ones various people made) Batman fought Killer Croc and Deadshot already.  Not sure if that would impact the movies or not...
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thing about Spacey, is he already played Lex Luthor.


Quote from: jagilki on October 11, 2011, 05:21:41 PM
Midas would chop off his Penis if he thought it would win him a Mafia game.

Ian "Wolfie" Trumps

Quote from: Guille on December 18, 2008, 11:58:12 AM
thing about Spacey, is he already played Lex Luthor.

So what? They decided to hit the rewind button on the entire franchise under 18 years or whatever or making the original 4. Same for Superman, same for alot of films.

I actually hope they don't make a new one. It would be a refreshing change.

The original 4 were fine, particularly the first two, but as soon as directors swapped from Tim Burton (who to be fair had more of a family audience as his original target than this franchise) it went to shit.

If I am Christopher Nolan, I am sat there thinking that The Joker is incredibly like in a lot of ways The Riddler. Now some gaylord comic fan will disagree, but there is a striking similarity between the two characteristics for most casual fans. Someone like the Penguin or Catwoman takes the franchise in a completely different direction. Particularly if Batman becomes torn between the seductive side of battling Catwoman and the need to rid the city of her because she is a criminal.

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Smash INC

Bane would work for me because of the Knightfall storyline. That made him so much more than just a hulking brute.

Catwoman, ehhhhhh, leaves me undecided unless Nolan finds someone who can really pull it off. The concept of Megan Fox in a catsuit has me all tingly inside though.

Logan Taylor

According to Perez Hilton (my misses gave me this, I swear I don't go to that site) he posts:

QuoteReady for Eddie Murphy as the Riddler ???????

Directed by Christopher Nolan and set for a 2010 release, working titled Gotham has reportedly tapped Murphy to reprise the role played by Jim Carey in 1995.

Shia LaBeouf will allegedly play sidekick Robin, while Christian Bale is set to return as the Dark Knight with Michael Cain. Rumor has it that Britain's Rachel Weisz will be playing Catwoman.

James Onlee

With the way the story is going I think if you just think on it, it might be clear as to where they will go if there is to be a third.  Gotham is without District Attorney.  Batman is now a fugitive according to the official report.  Who better to step up into a role than the penguin?  They could borrow from the Danny Devito penguin story line where he runs for office on the premise that Batman needs to be caught.  Something to think about.

Rebel Child

Now, I know he's not part of the Gotham scenery so to speak - but when I was x-mas shopping yesterday, I saw a Deathstroke figure that was from the Batman 'movie' but we ALL know he hasn't BEEN in Batman, nor the movies.  So.. I've been slightly hung up on the fact he might make a good adversary for Batman 3 if they make it - as others have said Nolan is still unsure about making it to begin with.

Some folks may be wondering why Deathstroke was part of a Batman movie series -without- being in the movie, they did that in the Hulk movie series and the Iron Man series - putting up characters/suits that weren't in the movie at all.  It's a good way for the toy manufacturers to make more money.

However, I do agree with Ian that Penguin or Catwoman would be an interesting way to put things, and set them on a different track.  For Penguin, I think it was Beth that said it, Bob Hoskins/Haskins (What's his name) would be a good Penguin.  Penguin was -really- diabolical, and in some cases a genius, in his own right.  Hoskins would really portray that very well, in my own opinion.  And as Onlee has said above me - while I was going to go and post this, Penguin's line of going towards Batman to save Gotham would make sense.

Spacey would be a good one for Penguin - however, as Gary pointed out, rarely will you find a producer/director/writer etc etc who would like to use another super hero villain actor for another movie.  This harkens back to the time when actors were type cast for various different things, and they were only type casted for those specific things.  Which is why most homosexual stars were afraid to come out of the closet, as they were afraid they'd be typecast for the cute but overly gay friend to lead character.  Different premise entirely but hopefully that example doesn't hurt too bad.  

They keep saying Two Face is dead and won't be coming back - I somehow have a feeling he's not dead and if they make a third movie they will have him at least make an appearance like they did with another villain in Dark Knight.  

Anyways - I'm done rambling on this.

Black Death

we know the  thrid movie going to be made , that a given . TDK made to much money not for the suits to cash in.  now all we have to be is think were the story will go from were we stop at the dark knight . Catwoman makes sense because he lose the woman he love since he was young , her comes this woman full of sex and danger that can match him physcially and mentally.   but the other villian I have really no idea
"Asuka, gives you two thumbs up"


you know Ian brought in a good point about the riddler being similar to joker. the thing with he's not really that big of a threat. hell in the knightfall storyline he was completely ignored while guys like the ventriloquist, zas and other no names had some shine in them. Bane would be a good choice..but Knightfall wasnt just was Knightquest and Knightsend as well. And I think it should end with 3 (although we know it wont). So who could make a great badguy..we already had someone who went at batmans fear and physical strengths (scarecrow and ras'), someone who affected batman's psyche (joker), we now need someone to get fucking personal with batman and someone who brings gothman to the biggest lows ever to force the people to love Batman again. I for one can't think of one that will work as well as Joker did, and if they replace him people will boycot the 3rd film. So Catwoman, while intresting wouldn't be that great of a match for me, Riddler is Joker-lite especially if done by Depp, Penguin while awesome in the movies was so so in the books especially recently, Bane while Knightfall would be intresting you'd need a longer movie to bring back batman after his back is broken, Prometheus while he had an intresting origin he was a pussy in the comics, Two Face dead, Zazs too unknown.. Nolan would have to tweak any of these characters or some unknown to make it work.


Quote from: jagilki on October 11, 2011, 05:21:41 PM
Midas would chop off his Penis if he thought it would win him a Mafia game.


I agree that The Riddler is very much like The Joker, but I'd really like to see what they can do with him. He's a dark demented character, and I think that if given the right actor for the role, it could be great.

If they make one, Catwoman is a given. The reference to her in TDK is more then obvious. Though, I don't think Jolie would be a good pick. She's too seductive, we need a darker, more evil and devious woman to play the role.

Penguin would be money. I'd love to see him brought into this.

And fuck Robin. If ANYTHING can ruin this franchise, it's fucking Robin. And Shia for the role? That kids a cunt. Fuck that.


I still say The ventriloquist would be a really interesting one to use. Especially since he's not really that well known.

And I still don't know how you'd pull off The Penguin realistically.