Good Documentaries and Educational Programs

Started by Excaligore, January 26, 2009, 03:11:23 AM

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Here are some of my favorite and suggested educational programs/Documentaries:

The Conspiracy of Silence - Creepy story about whoring little boys and girls out of boystown for politicians. Was an unaired Discovery special. Eerily convincing. Much a favorite for starring out of Nebraska which, for me, makes it all the more creepy.

Most Evil - A show that does 3 killers per show and basically tells of their psyches. Some of the most interesting and bizzarre tidbits about their personalities. Whether it be a Scotsman who feels he needs to kill 7 people to resurrect his son or Jeffrey Dahmer has popular murderers. Fantastic show. Very much worth watching.

Hitler: The Occult Conspiracy - Fantastic documentary on the black magic side of the Nazis. Goes over a lot of the cultish aspects and a lot of Hitler and Himmler's fascination with superstition and black magic.

There will be more added when I think of them...

Ian "Wolfie" Trumps

I got some documentary films for yah..............

Hoop Dreams Best documentary I personally have ever seen. I love basketball, I love Chicago and I love the way this film pretty much ticks EVERY single box of what I love about movies. A must see as it follows two black inner city kids recruited for a white suburban school over four years (and their families) only cause they can throw a ball in the air through a hoop.

Capturing The Freidmans Documentary following a family which falls apart when the father and one of the sons are accussed of molesting children whom they teach after school.

Grizzly Man recommended by Chris. Watch it because the guy in its a fucking fruit loop.

GO TIGERS the real life version of Friday Night Lights following a football mad town in the States who are totally into Highschool football.

Bowling for Columbine Moore's best documentary as far as I am concerned.

Manufacturing Dissent SCREW YOU MICHAEL MOORE LOL!

Outfoxed Screw you Rupert Murdoch!

Heart of the Game we turn the tables on Hoop Dreams as we follow the basketball life of a girls high school team and particularly their star Darnellia Russell

Hardwood Dreams I promise the last basketball documentary! Following a superstar highschool team and its 5 starters.

Thats just a few to get going...

On a side note...anything and everything by Louis Theroux or Donal MacIntyre
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The Con Kid: About a Norwegian con artist who gets away with just about everything. He's a millionaire and pretty much steals entire bank accounts worth of money at a time. Incredibly interesting documentary.

Sick Humor: Albeit, not much a documentary but rather a collection of sick jokes. Very pleasing though.

Anything about MK Ultra: There's a thousand specials on it and they're all the same thing. Get a good one and the story itself is interesting enough to carry even the shittiest reenactment-laden production.

Ian "Wolfie" Trumps

Quote from: Timbo on January 26, 2009, 12:36:41 PM
has anyone watched Man on Wire yet?

Ironically I am 'getting hold of it' as we speak.
'Check out MFX -'


Supersize Me - It's amazing how 30 days worth of McDonald's can cause a lot of damage.

Bowling for Columbine - Michael Moore sometimes annoys me, al though I do believe that there should be strict laws regarding guns and weapons.

Tarnation - It's a compilation of home videos and other documents taken from a young man who lives with his schizophrenic mother.  There's footage that dates back to 19 years before the documentary was released, making it a timeline film.