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The Lounge => The Media Room => Topic started by: Tritch on February 06, 2017, 02:44:25 PM

Question: Swamp Thing vs The Flash (BA)
Option 1: Swamp Thing votes: 0
Option 2: The Flash (BA) votes: 8
Title: MFX: Contest of Champions Round 2 - Fight 80
Post by: Tritch on February 06, 2017, 02:44:25 PM

Swamp Thing
Alter Ego: Alec Holland
Rank: 28
Publisher: DC Comics
Main Book: Swamp Thing
Height: Variable
Weight: Variable

Powers, Abilities, Weapons & Gadgets
- Elemental body composed of sentient vegetable matter, giving him the ability to nourish himself
- Superhuman strength with a nearly incalculable glass ceiling
- Complete mastery over all forms of plant life, with the ability to command vegetative matter to do his bidding
- Ability of chlorokinesis, which allows him to control plantlife's form and growth, giving him the ability to shoot out fines to entangle or snare, etc.
- Ability to grow multiple copies of himself through bio-fission
- Possesses an enhanced intellect
- Ability to cast illusions
- Effectively immortal, so long as there is some form of plant life existing in the universe
- Abilities of size alteration, regeneration and resurrection as well
- Brilliant botanist and chemist

The Flash
Alter Ego: Barry Allen
Rank: 49
Publisher: DC Comics
Main Book: The Flash
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 179 lbs.

Powers, Abilities, Weapons & Gadgets
- Speed force generator and conduit, granting him: accelerated healing, increased perceptions, phasing, speed force aura, superhuman durability, superhuman stamina, superhuman speed, superhuman agility, superhuman reflexes, enhanced mental processes, electrokinesis, time travel, dimensional travel and the ability to create vortices, negate the Anti-Life Equation and alter reality
- Highly-skilled chemist and criminologist
- Always filled with hope
Title: Re: MFX: Contest of Champions Round 1 - Fight 80
Post by: Tritch on February 06, 2017, 03:02:34 PM
I wasn't very familiar with Swamp Thing heading into this, so I assumed he might be an early washout, until I started building his profile. I think he's low key one of the strongest people in this tournament, and thought he might have what it takes to go pretty deep, but then he ran into Barry Allen. I think this one might be just as close as Wolverine vs Hulk, and I certainly think Swamp Thing has what it takes to give Barry the fight of his life, but I'm not sure he can beat him in the end.
Title: Re: MFX: Contest of Champions Round 1 - Fight 80
Post by: Goldferg on February 06, 2017, 08:21:16 PM
Yeah, Flash wins this one