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TEN: The Experts Network => Historical Archives => The Experts Invitational - Chaos Reigns => Topic started by: Alex Smiley on May 12, 2018, 01:56:00 AM

Title: The Final Encounter: Scott DiBiase vs Jonny Cedrone
Post by: Alex Smiley on May 12, 2018, 01:56:00 AM
This is the place where the burritos--I mean roleplays--go.

Hype: Two of the top names in VWF history, Scott DiBiase and Jonny Cedrone have had a storied rivalry over the years...and it all comes down to this, their final encounter, and all within the confines of a Siberian prison...

RP Deadline: May 27, 2018 - 11:59PM Eastern
Title: Re: The Final Encounter: Scott DiBiase vs Jonny Cedrone
Post by: Jonny Cedrone on May 27, 2018, 08:03:56 PM
**--The scene opens up inside the Siberian Prison. It's so cold in the cell that you can actually feel it through the camera lens. The camera slowly pans different rooms inside the prison until finally we come across a cell where we see someone sitting on a bed inside, looking out the window. The room is only lit by the ominous lamination of the moon. We're far away from the cell, but the cameraman moves in closer. Upon a closer look, sitting in the moonlight, turning his head to look towards the camera which is outside the closed cell, it's revealed to be Jonny Cedrone!--**

"It's been a long, long time since I sat in this prison cell. The last time I was in this cell, I was recovering from a knee injury. A knee injury inflicted upon me by a masked man in the Viking Wrestling Federation. So many memories from that time in my life. I was on top of the wrestling world, riding the highest wave a person could possibly ride...even in the face of the injury. But as we all know, the show and life goes on. You cannot be at the top of your game without fighting hurt. You cannot achieve the success that I have without sucking it up, working through the pain and going out night after night and putting on the best match each and every time!"

"But through all of the memories that I have of my time with the Viking Wrestling Federation, there was one constant throughout my time there. There was one person that was there along with me as we went through the ranks. We started out as mortal enemies, gained mutual respect for one another, and became friends as we went from low on the card to the main event! You cannot think of the Viking Wrestling Federation without thinking of us and you can't really think of Jonny Cedrone's run in the Viking Wrestling Federation without thinking of him. And that man is the same man that busted my knee, and the same man that I'm facing here on the 27th of May, Scott DiBiase!"

**--Jonny stands up but is still looking out the window--**

"'The Experts Invitational: Chaos Reigns' is actually a pretty aptly named event. It's the same night that The Experts make their return, it's the same night that Jonny Cedrone makes his return, it's the same night that Scott DiBiase makes his return...all for one night only! ...or is it? Could this mark the return to full time wrestling action for 'The King of Sexy'?! Could this mark the return to full time schedule for Scott DiBiase?! Could this possibly mark the long awaited return for The Experts?! No matter what the answer is here, this night is bound to be full of disappointment, satisfaction and without a doubt, unadulterated chaos!"

**--Jonny turns and slowly walks towards the cell door, putting his arms through the bars looking into the camera--**

"When I got the phone call from The Experts inviting me to come and join the festivities, I told them that I would only do this under one condition, and that one condition was that my match was with a man that I have some unfinished business with...Scott DiBiase."

"Scott, you know and I know that we were supposed to have 'one last match' in the Viking Wrestling Federation...but in typical Viking Wrestling Federation style, good, bad or indifferent...circumstances had arisen and the match never happened. So answer this Scott...why not? Why not have that 'one last match' for The Experts instead?! Of course I was upset that the match never happened. Of course it was disappointing. But upon thinking about it since I got the phone call...I can't really think of neither a better way nor a better place to have our last match than for The Experts. The Viking Wrestling Federation was a very prominent organization in the Experts umbrella. One of the top two wrestling companies in the world, the other company being TFWF. You and I fought, and fought hard to defend the honor of the Viking Wrestling Federation and we represented the Viking Wrestling Federation on so many occasions, and we represented the company with every fiber of our being! We represented the Viking Wrestling Federation on Experts shows, on the Efed Knights shows, on CWC shows...we've even shown what the Viking Wrestling Federation stood for in other wrestling companies! So why wouldn't we have our 'one last match' or 'Final Showdown' if you will...for the Experts?! Why wouldn't we showcase everything that we've stood for in the Viking Wrestling Federation for the final time in an Experts event?!"

**--Jonny walks over to the bed and sits back down, looking at the floor--**

"Scotty, it's been a long, long time my friend. You and I have been around the block and back together. We've been friends, we've been enemies, we've been partners and we've been opponents. We know each other like the back of our own hands. We know each other's strengths and we know each other's weaknesses. We've fought over Championships and we've fought for Championships...in fact, at your insistence, you and I forged a tag team in Viking Wrestling Federation and became World Tag Team Champions! You and I were even inducted in the VWF Hall of Fame at the same time! We've seen it all! You are, by far and without a shadow of a doubt, my greatest opponent, my greatest partner and the man that is worthy of all of the respect in the world! Call it a 'Once in a Lifetime Event.' Call it a 'Final Showdown.' Call it our 'Retirement Match.' Call it whatever you will, but rest assured that when you and I get into that ring, we will test the very foundation that these walls were built upon. I know they rebuilt the prison, but I don't know if the walls are ready for the magnitude that is a Jonny Cedrone vs. Scott DiBiase match! 'Chaos Reigns' is filled with 'Match of the Night' candidates, but in my opinion and the opinion of anyone and everyone that's ever seen a Cedrone/DiBiase match, all of them pale in comparison to what's in store when you and I step foot in the ring my friend. You and I may not stay in touch like we used to, we may not be as tight as we once were...life happens and we're adults, we know that...but there's one thing that's for sure, we each know what the other's all about. We each know what the other is willing to do in that ring. We each know what the other is capable once we step through those ropes. Best of friends or bitter enemies, no matter which side of the plate we were on, we each knew that the other will put in 1,000%; we each knew that the other will go to that ring and do whatever they have to do to win and try their damnedest to put on the best match on the card...no matter what!"

**--Jonny, still sitting on the bed, looks up at the camera--**

"So what do ya say Scotty? For old time's sake..."

**--Jonny stands back up, walks towards the door and opens it--**

"Let's set our competitive spirits free."

**--Jonny walks out of the cell and slowly walks towards the camera as the cameraman walks backwards at the same pace--**

"We respect one another, we always have and we always will, but we also go out to that ring to win...like any competitor is supposed to. As I always say, 'If you're not in it win it, why do it at all?' So for old time's sake, let's go out to that ring...one last time...in our final showdown...and put on the best match of the night! You and I both know that we're each going out there to win. We expect nothing less from each other!"

**--The cameraman stops walking backwards--**

"Experts, thank you for showcasing the Final Showdown between Jonny Cedrone and Scott DiBiase! I couldn't have picked a better place to do it either. It may be colder than Hell, but it's still....HELL!"

**--Jonny reaches the camera and gets up close to the lens--**

"Scotty! It's gonna be fun putting each other through hell one last time! I'll see you in the ring!"

**--The scene cuts to a snowy feed--**
Title: Re: The Final Encounter: Scott DiBiase vs Jonny Cedrone
Post by: Snap on May 28, 2018, 01:48:47 AM
Several years have passed, but from the view of the familiar grounds and the beautiful estate, one could be forgiven for thinking only a few weeks had gone by. On this beautiful Spring morning in Vancouver, the mail had just been delivered and Anthony Hillerman, as always, dutifully collected up the various envelopes though one stood out amongst the rest that it piqued Anthony's interest.

It was a FedEx package.

Anthony carried the mail back to his office and sat down, before he picked up his morning tea and savoured the first sip. He broke the seal on the FedEx package and saw only a single sheet of paper enclosed within. Mildly interested, he pulled out the sheet and glanced it over as he raised his cup for another sip. Suddenly, Anthony's eyes bulged in fury and his eyebrow rose to such an extent it risked being lost within his hairline, and he slammed the paper to his desk before spitting out a familiar curse.

"Insufferable pillock!" he seethed as he once again read the contents of the paper. It contained a single word in bold Antique Olive font.


Some time later, as Anthony was delivering coffee to Scott he noticed he was watching old VWF matches involving himself and his longtime rival and friend, Jonny Cedrone. At the sight of Cedrone, Anthony scowled and shook his head before he placed the coffee down on the table and took a seat on the couch beside Scott.

"Why are you feeling so nostalgic all of a sudden?" asked Anthony. "It's been years since that Nordic organization shuttered and you haven't had contact with this 'King of Sexists' since. What with the elephant in the room, and all."

Scott glanced over at Anthony. "That's an insult to elephants," he said and Anthony scoffed, "Enough to make you swear off doing business in America as a result, if I recall."

Scott picked up his coffee and savoured his first sip.

"I had given that a lot of thought, actually," Scott said, "but it turns out that I won't have to go back on my decisions. This Experts event is going to be held on 'neutral ground,' so to speak. We're going to have our final encounter in the Siberian prison."

"Talk about an even bigger elephant, sir," said Anthony wryly, but when Scott turned to look at him with a somewhat incredulous expression, he waved it off. "But it certainly explains why young Mr. Schiavone has been so interested in arranging an appointment. I believe he is due to arrive in a few hours."

"Just like old times," said Scott, "just be sure to behave when it comes to the coffee."

Anthony regarded Scott with an expression of mock annoyance. "Sir, I always behave," he insisted, "it's not my fault others are incapable of handling such a finely brewed beverage. I suppose hot chocolate is the extent to which Mr. Schiavone's stomach can handle."

"Whatever it takes," said Scott with a smile, "we just don't want to see him leave on a stretcher." With that, Anthony nearly froze in his tracks and looked back at Scott. "Considering where you're about to be heading, sir, I could certainly say the same about you." Scott could see Anthony almost immediately regretted his outburst. "Now, if you will excuse me."

An instrumental rendition of "According to Our New Arrival" began to play over a montage of Anthony's preparing for the day's activities, including the arrival of Richard Schiavone, while Scott continued to review matches involving Jonny Cedrone. While Anthony was running around to accomplish a laundry list of tasks, Scott had apparently grown bored simply watching old matches that he had dug out a vintage toy VWF ring and started making matches with DiBiase and Cedrone action figures. The montage came to an end just as Richard Schiavone was welcomed at the door by Anthony.

"How long has it been, Mr. Hillerman?" asked Schiavone as he extended his hand. Anthony stared at his hand indignantly for a moment before taking it and giving a quick shake. "Several years, at least," he said, in a matter-of-fact tone, "but it has not been long enough to be removed from this ridiculous farce of an industry. Now, if you will follow me, sir."

Schiavone began to move towards the study when Anthony brought him to a halt, gesturing that he should follow him in the opposite direction.

"Aren't we going the wrong way?" Schiavone asked, pointing down the hall behind them but Anthony shook his head with a smile. "No, sir,: he said, "things have become a little less formal since your last visit." Without another word, Anthony escorted Schiavone to the rec room and cleared his throat to signal to Scott that he should stop... well... playing with "himself" before his guest's arrival.

"He believed, he believed, he believed he was the son of Tony.
He changed his name, he changed his name, he changed his name to Schiavone."

"Welcome Richard!" said Scott, wiping his hand on his pant leg before extending it. Schiavone, obviously oblivious to the running gag, accepted it without question. "I don't think I've ever been in here before. It's... cozy. Hey! Is that one of those JLN VWF rings? I haven't seen those in ages!"

"A perk of being in the main event scene in the VWF," said Scott, "the Experts Invitational has me feeling somewhat reflective upon days gone by. Sometimes just watching old footage isn't enough to satisfy creative curiosity." Unbeknownst to Schiavone, Anthony glared at Scott over the implied innuendo. Despite their longtime affiliation, Anthony was clearly considering filing a suit over gimmick infringement.

"When I heard that you and Jonny Cedrone would be stepping into the ring again," said Schiavone, "I had to be the one to get this interview. The two of you have had a storied and, let's face it, convoluted history ever since your showed up in the VWF. There are people, to this day, who truly believe you both hate each others' guts."

"That," said Scott, "is the sign of a story well told, and there are few people in this business with whom I could have played off of so well. The magic ingredient, of course, is that Jonny and I are cut from the same cloth... students of the same game, if you will. Despite our competitive spirits, we can both put our egos aside in order to ensure that the overall package exceeds anything else on the card. With the Invitation, that is definitely a tall order as every match on the card is worthy of a main event spot, it's just an honour to have been included and to be the lead in for the True Expert championship."

"Speaking of the True Expert championship," Schiavone interjected, "have you ever felt your career has been... I don't know... incomplete with that belt eluding you with every Extreme Tournament you've participated in?"

Scott shook his head, "No, not for a moment. I never once expected to actually win any of those tournaments, I just enjoyed my time as a participant. I was told many times, both our and within the tournaments that I wasn't on the league of those who would ultimately claim that championship and those arguments have some merit. My goals were always centered upon the VWF, those championships and trophies held greater meaning for me than anything else. If anything, the fact that I was never able to claim a Brazilian Death Match Scepter leaves a void than any extracurricular accolades I had the potential to acquire."

"But can you really say that belt would not look great with the others?" asked Schiavone, as he started to make his way towards the trophy room. With a smile, Scott followed Schiavone down the hall. "Those World championships, the Owen Hart and Eddie Guerrero Memorial trophies... the King of the Ring... the Royal freaking Rumble, it's all..." Schiavone stopped in his tracks and in mid-sentence when he stepped over the threshold of the trophy room and found... nothing. At least, nothing he was expecting to find. What he saw before him looked more like a family den, with various games and activities.

"What?" Schiavone asked, more to himself, as he looked around to make sure he was in the right place.

"Self-aggrandizement is a useful trait in the world of professional wrestling," Scott said, then smiled, "but not in the real world. I'm proud of my accomplishments through-out my career, but they are just props. I may not officially be 'retired,' Schiavone but I have left that world behind me. But when I was contacted about the beginning of a new era for The Experts, I could see the gift which was being presented. One last match against the person I have respected the most, a chance to say good-bye to the fans who have loved and hated me." Scott looked off to the side, appearing to collect his thoughts, but Schiavone could read between the lines.

"It's almost like you've decided to finally hang it up," he said.

"I signed a contract for a match, Schiavone," said Scott, "one match. I have always wanted my last match to be against Jonny Cedrone and, as this is truly 'The Final Encounter,' I am happy that this will be the last time I step between those ropes. What better send off could I possibly ask for? Through-out our rivalries, Jonny has always brought out the best in me and I would like to think that I have brought out the best in him and that's why we have so much respect for one another, regardless of where we stand in that ring. There's no title to fight over or any real grievances to settle, it's all about putting on one hell of a show and even though neither Jonny nor myself may have stepped into a ring recently, you can count on the two of us putting on a show to bring the crowd to their feet."

"So..." said Schiavone, somewhat awkwardly, "with this being your last match, do you want to win?"

"I'm batting 500," said Scott, "so when that final bell rings, I don't care if it is me or Jonny with an arm held high, I'm coming out a winner regardless of the outcome. My one wish for my final match was for it to be against Jonny, anything else is just icing on the cake. It's been a fun ride, but I will finally get to see the ending to my story."
