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TEN: The Experts Network => Historical Archives => The Experts Invitational - Chaos Reigns => Topic started by: Alex Smiley on May 17, 2018, 01:34:02 PM

Title: Leverage.
Post by: Alex Smiley on May 17, 2018, 01:34:02 PM

The board of directors is abuzz within their conference room, discussing amongst themselves the impact of Legion's actions as of late. One person speaks up

"He's lost his mind! He's even gone out to Siberia to look for a ghost. No one's seen or heard from Jack Benevolence since the explosion, but Legion insists on putting on a wrestling show in a pile of rubble."

"The power Legion has obtained has finally gotten to his head, and we need someone to keep him in check. We need some leverage against whatever scheme Legion has cooking. That's why we came to you, Mr. Tenegra."

The board turns their direction to one Danny Tenegra, better known as MDK, who simply smirks in response.

"That's cute, really it is...but I'm a busy man, and a busy man needs motivation to do what it is you're asking of me."

One of the board members opens a briefcase, revealing an undisclosed amount of money in cash...but MDK just scoffs at this.

"What do you think this is, Deal or No Deal? I have plenty of money already."

"We know Legion's invited you to the Experts Invitational...have you considered taking him up on his offer? What if this was an opportunity to humiliate him, knock him down a few pegs?"

MDK grins at the idea.

"Go on, then."


Darkness consumes us, with no sign of light to be found. Suddenly, a flash of light reveals something of importance: a blade on the ground, and a mysterious figure picking it up as though to examine the object.

"It's time to go home."

The light is gone just as quickly as it came, never revealing the face behind the voice as a portal appears in the background...
