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TNA Wrestling news is hiring

Started by ! JDM The Professional !, October 10, 2010, 10:31:18 AM

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! JDM The Professional !

Speaking of news, TNAWrestlingNews is hiring! Yes, we're looking for new TNA writers. If you're interested in writing for you need to know a few things first:

1. We're looking for columns with a unique perspective. Have a reason for your column. What's you stance on professional wrestling today? Make sure that your column has some sort of hook or slant that people can relate to. If you're looking to just write another random column of gripes about the product, we're not interested.

2. Be prepared to write at least once a week. We're really looking to revamp our writers schedule with a full time crew of weekly writers. I will spearhead this myself, so I'd like people who are committed. Don't apply if you can't take time to craft columns on a semi-regular basis.

3. We're not looking for a complaint column. As mentioned above, if you idea of "unique perspective" is watching the product and then ripping it to shreds, go apply somewhere else. We're looking for people who are passionate and interested in the TNA product. Any idiot can ramble on about how everything sucks.

4. Please make sure your grammar and spelling is checked and is good. It doesn't have to be perfect, but it needs to be better than a forum post. Knowledge of HTML or basic formatting skills would be greatly appreciated.

If you think you fit those qualifications above, submit a FULL SAMPLE to We're hoping to have a new staff together by the end of October. I get a lot of emails, so please allow a few days for me to get back to you. Now on with the show!

How happy is the blameless vestal's lot! The world forgetting, by the world forgot the eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! Each prayer accepted, and each wish resigned.

Quote from: Kise on February 29, 2012, 01:42:01 AM
Shake and bake, JDM! S-n-B!

!JDM'S Top Ten Movies of all Time!
1. Leon the Professional
2. American Beauty
3. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind
4. The Big Lebowskie
5. There will be blood
6. A Clockwork Orange
7. Once upon a time in the West
8. The Proposition
9. Reservoir Dogs
10. Taxi Driver