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WWE Smackdown Results - 9/12/08

Started by Triple B, September 13, 2008, 01:14:40 PM

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Triple B

-We get a video package for the WWE Title Scramble match from Unforgiven.

-JR and…THE TAZZ welcome us to the show. MVP vs. Jeff Hardy vs. THE Brian Kendrick vs. Shelton Benjamin will headline the show tonight, with the winner gaining a title shot at No Mercy.

HHH comes to the ring a jolly man this evening, and says if you didn't see Unforgiven, you need to. Trust him, buy the DVD…partly because he gets good residuals, and because it was awesome. He says the titles changed hands like, 100 times. CM Punk got punked out, Jericho basically won the lottery, Matt Hardy finally put it together and won the big one and a giant cheated death and Rey Mysterio came out with the craziest Mohawk you'll ever see. But only one man walked into the show with his title and left the same, THE H'S! He had an 80% chance to lose his title, well maybe the others, but he is a sure thing. It was a difficult match, yet, as always he found a way with one second left…

Jeff Hardy makes way to the ring, says HHH is the man and won fair and square. HHH is the king of kings, everyone in the locker room respects you, and looks up to you, including Hardy. He then says HHH is like a god around here. Damn, take your mouth off of his dick. HHH says he appreciates what he has to say, and says that he respects Jeff. He respects and admires him. His passion for the business, his desire, and that each and every night he puts his body on the line more so than anyone else ever has. He respects his individuality. Finally, he respects that night after night, Jeff comes out here and reaches for the brass ring. BUT…you're just always one second away. HARDY HAR HAR! That's the story of your life Jeff. Jeff says HHH is right, maybe he is always one step away, or maybe he just never had the right person to push him along. Maybe he never had the KLIQ, or DX, or THE FAMILY. OMG SUPER SERIAL! Jeff says if he had he would have had what HHH currently has. HHH says sure, possibly, but Matt, your brother, well you had the most success with him. Most thought you were the better one of the team, but today Matt is a champion. It wasn't that you were better than Matt, the fact is that Mat kept you on track, kept you focused, and since you have been away you haven't been able to stop those extra curricular activities from ruining things. That may be harsh, but the fact is he doesn't want to argue, it does them no good. Whether you believe it or not, he does respect Jeff and what he has done. And tonight, you get the chance to win a title shot against him for the WWE title, another shot at the brass ring. HHH hopes that he wins, and that he is proven wrong. Because no matter what happens tonight, because when you get to No Mercy, you'll prove me right.

Maria, Michelle McCool and Brie Bella vs. Victoria, Natalya and Maryse

McCool and Natalya to begin. Arm drag into the side headlock and then off the ropes and a roll up for McCool gets 2. McCool almost blows a float over, gets the big boot and covers for 2. Maria tags in, works the arm and gets the cradle and 2. Side headlock by Maria, but Natalya slams her down. Maria escapes, gets an arm drag and then tags in Bella. Snap mare by Bella, forearms and to the corner and a monkey flip on Natalya. Tries another, but Natalya walks her out and gets an overhead toss. Tag to Maryse, side back breaker and a cover for 2. Forearms by Bella, but Maryse gets a takedown into a face slam. Snap mare by Maryse, tags in Victoria and she MISSES the slingshot leg drop. Victoria tries to stop the tag, Natalya charges in and levels McCool as Maryse tosses Bella to the floor. TWIN SWITCH. Victoria tosses her back in, jackknife roll up by Bella and that gets the win.

Winners: Maria, Michelle McCool and Brie Bella @ 4:30 via

-We get clips from last week, and R-Truth's win over Bam Neeley.

-R-Truth sings his way through the crowd. WHAT'S UP?

Chavo Guerrero w/Bam Neeley vs. R-Truth

Chavo and Bam argue a bit before the match. Lock up and a go behind by Chavo, to the mat and a hammerlock by R-Truth. To their feet, back elbow by Chavo and they trade arm holds, boots by Chavo and then a hip toss by R-Truth. Deep arm drag takedown by R-Truth, Chavo to his feet, escapes but runs into the spinning forearm strike. Chavo fires back and levels R-Truth with the cannon ball kick, uppercuts follow and a cover for 2. Clubbing shots by Chavo, off the ropes and a clothesline by R-Truth. Another and then an uppercut by R-Truth. Off the ropes and a boot from Chavo, charges in and a powerslam by R-Truth. Bicycle kick by R-Truth and that gets 2. Ax kick misses, one suplex by Chavo, another and then the third. Chavo goes up top, argues with Bam, which distracts Chavo and R-Truth up top with Chavo…but Bam pulls R-Truth off of the ropes and that is a DQ.

Winner: R-Truth @ 4:00 via DQ

-Chavo and Bam argue after the match, Chavo shoves him and says he pays him to do a job. Bam then shoves Chavo down and says never to put his hands on him. R-Truth then gets the ax kick on Bam, brawls with Chavo and R-Truth lays Chavo out with the spinning forearm shot.

-Shelton talks with Eve and says he should be the champion. HHH breaks that up and says Eve is hot, and says Shelton shouldn't have to compete for a title shot since he didn't get pinned in the scramble. HHH doesn't think that is fair and says Hardy said he would win tonight. Shelton only reaches for gold. Ok, HHH stirring the shit is great.

-Jesse and Festus come to the ring dressed as movers with a box and hand truck.

-Dykstra comes out and says how great and young he is, but gets no respect. Try winning. He mocks Jesse and Festus, and says he will take the garbage out. He attacks before the bell and Jesse stops that.

Kenny Dykstra vs. Festus w/Jesse

Jesse rings the bell, Festus destroys Dykstra and we have no official match

Winner: No Official Match

-Jesse and Festus duct tape Dykstra and place him on the hand truck. We head to a commercial. Maybe he is being sent back to OVW again.

-Back from commercial and they have added bubble wrap to Kenny. Jesse tapes his mouth shut and then they take Kenny away.

-JR says Show and Vickie will come out to explain their actions.

-We get video from Unforgiven, where Show joined with Vickie and beat Taker down.

Vickie Guerrero makes her way to the ring. "Excuse me for a moment. EXCUUUUUUSE ME!" They hate her so much. The Undertaker made several threats towards her before the PPV, threatening to take her soul, to send her to hell even. But as we all witnessed, the Undertaker failed. No hell, no soul; he couldn't even take her job because she is still OUR Smackdown general manager. She spit in his face, but she didn't do this alone. She introduces the Big Show.

The Big Show makes his way to the ring. Show says Undertaker destroyed Edge, and then Vickie's family then abandoned her. He didn't want to help Vickie, but the Undertaker doesn't follow the rules. And if HE has to, then so does the Undertaker. Taker thinks he is special, but he is NOT better than the Big Show. Show followed the rules because he knows what is best for Smackdown and for all of us. He now has a good thing with Vickie, they are a true power couple. No rings or sweet nothings, this is business. They can help to get each other where they want to be, and that will lead him to the WWE title. Vickie wants an apology from the Undertaker, and he WILL apologize. If Taker isn't sorry now, he will personally make sure that he will be.

Vladimir Kozlov vs. Scotty Goldman and Funaki

Oh this will not end well. Kozlov tosses down Funaki, Goldman tries to fight off Kozlov but fails. Rights by Funaki, does nothing and Kozlov then tosses Goldman into the top rope and punts him. He slams Funaki and Goldman together, head butts to Goldman, and then the head butt to a flying Funaki and that is all.

Winner: Vladimir Kozlov @ 1:30 via pin

-He demands more competition, he thought Smackdown would give him a challenge. If no one will challenge him, he will find one on his own.

-Zeke reads WWE magazine as HHH comes into speak to him. THE Brian Kendrick is now here, and HHH wishes him luck later tonight. Kendrick says he should be the number one contender because he held the title the longest in the scramble. HHH agrees. HHH then says he was rooting for him the whole time. He just wants him to know that Kendrick was the biggest loser of them all that night. HOW DARE HE INSULT THE BRIAN KENDRICK!

-Hey, Smackdown still has tag team champions!

-Hey, Carlito still has a job!

-Primo and Carlito cut a pre-match promo and say that they are tagging together for the first time. They discuss their hair and say that them being on Smackdown is cool.

Non-Title Match: Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins © vs. Carlito and Primo Colon

Carlito is sporting the shiny/baggy pants now. Carlito and Ryder to begin, neck breaker by Carlito and then a cover for 2. Blind tag to Primo, springboard dropkick to Ryder. He gets a cover for 2 after a leg sweep. Tag to Carlito, double team attack to Ryder and a cover for 2. Hawkins distracts Carlito, leg lariat by Ryder and Carlito is down. Hawkins in, a suplex on Carlito and a cover for 2. Hawkins works the chinlock, elbows by Carlito but he gets slammed down by the hair. Ryder tags in and gets a cover for 2. Hawkins tags back in, charging forearm to Carlito and then a cover for 2. Ryder tags back in, snap mare and a chinlock applied. Carlito fights out with lefts, but misses a dropkick and Ryder covers for 2.Backslide by Ryder, blind tag by Hawkins and he stomps on the face of Carlito. Back to the chinlock, but Carlito works to his feet and snap mares out and then eats a clothesline. Hawkins drags Carlito to the corner, tag to Ryder and he slams the head of Carlito off of the mat repeatedly. Hawkins back in, Hennig neck flip by Hawkins and a cover for 2. BACK TO THE CHINLOCK goes Hawkins, Carlito works to escape, gets to his feet again, fights out again, elbows and to the corner, Hawkins misses a splash and Primo tags in. Lefts to Hawkins, off the ropes and a back elbow to Hawkins. A dropkick follows, knocks Ryder to the floor. Primo up top, cross body onto Hawkins and Ryder makes the save. Carlito tags in, tosses Ryder and then gets the back stabber on Hawkins for the win.

Winners: Carlito and Primo Colon @ 6:30 via pin

-HHH meets with MVP. HHH mocks him and says he didn't realize that he was in the fatal four way because MVP didn't do shit and took the final fall. MVP says he is the man, and HHH says not to choke like he did Sunday night.

-Back from commercial and we get a WWE 24/7 moment. Flair vs. Race, NWA Starrcade.

-MVP makes his way to the ring.

-Shelton cuts one of his mini gold standard promos, and makes his way to the ring.

-THE Brian Kendrick and Zeke make their way to the ring.

-After a commercial Jeff Hardy makes his way to the ring.

#1 Contender's Match: MVP vs. Jeff Hardy vs. THE Brian Kendrick vs. Shelton Benjamin

Kendrick bails to the floor, he chills with Zeke as Jeff tries to fight off Shelton and MVP. Back elbow to Shelton, tries to go after Kendrick but Shelton rolls up Jeff, MVP breaks that up. MVP lays the boots to Jeff in the corner, Shelton as well and they shoot Jeff off the ropes and then flapjack Jeff. They stare down as both thought about going for a pin. They square off, MVP shoots for a single leg, dumb move as Shelton escapes and uses the big right hand. Kendrick sneaks in, covers Jeff and Shelton boots him to the floor. MVP and Shelton brawl, MVP takes control and grabs Jeff, to the corner and a clothesline to the back of the head. Kendrick in, tries THE Kendrick, fights off MVP and Shelton, Jeff back in and Shelton with a TBONE on Kendrick! Whisper in the wind by Jeff onto Shelton, he covers and only gets 2! We'll head to a commercial @ 3:30.

Back from commercial @ 6:30 and MVP is in control with a chinlock on Shelton. Jeff was tossed to the floor during the commercial break. MVP covers Shelton for 2. Shelton battles back, off the ropes and Shelton gets the spin wheel kick. Kendrick sneaks in and gets the leg lariat on Shelton as Zeke distracted him. Running basement dropkick by Kendrick get 2. Camel clutch by Kendrick, Zeke beats down Jeff on the floor as Kendrick keeps control over Shelton. Cross face shots by Kendrick, Shelton to his knees and then stands up with Kendrick on his back and slams him to a corner. Kendrick holds on, but gets slammed to the corner again. Shelton drops back and that breaks the hold and covers for 2. MVP is back in, basement dropkick to Shelton and Kendrick then rolls back to the floor with Zeke. MVP and Shelton trade rights, off the ropes and an overhead toss by MVP that gets a cover for 2. Cravat by MVP applied, Jeff is back in and then gets tossed back to the floor by MVP. Shelton counters a suplex into a bridging German for 2! Kendrick lays the boots to Jeff on the floor, MVP and Shelton continue their battle as Kendrick sneaks in, covers Shelton for 2 as MV makes the save. Kendrick tries to run, MVP grabs him and Kendrick kicks him away ad is back to the floor. Shelton tosses MVP, Jeff back in and tossed back out once again. MVP slides back in and Shelton wit a snap suplex and float over for a cover of 2. Jeff tosses Kendrick into the barrier, MVP escapes a cross arm breaker from Shelton and Jeff is back in the ring and gets the corner basement dropkick on Shelton and covers for 2. Jeff up top and MISSS the swanton as MVP pulls out Shelton. MVP holds Jeff, Kendrick charges and MVP then decapitates him with a clothesline. Forearm shots by MVP, off the ropes and Jeff kinda gets the whisper in the wind. He covers for 2 as Shelton makes the save. Jeff tossed to the floor, MVP and Shelton in and MVP misses the Yakuza, PAY DIRT by Shelton! Kendrick in now, Shelton misses a splash, THE KENDRICK hits on Shelton! Kendrick crawls, Jeff nails Zeke, Jeff up top and SWANTON onto Kendrick and Shelton! Jeff covers Kendrick and gets the win.

Winner and #1 Contender for the WWE Title: Jeff Hardy @ 16:25 via pin

-Vladimir Kozlov is out now, he and Hardy brawl and he begins to destroy Jeff Hardy. Shoulder blocks in the corner, kicks, and the inverted DDT all connect and Kozlov stands tall over the new #1 contender.
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