How Can So Many People Be Experts On What Happens To You After You Die?

Started by Jon Tees, July 12, 2013, 08:34:00 AM

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Jon Tees

1.   Some people believe you are going to heaven or hell
2.    Others believe you are going to some other plain of existence or afterlife (The summerland)
3.    Some believe you will be reincarnated and come back again to live another life.
4.    Many believe that death is simply the end and once you die that's it for you pretty much.
5.    A few believe in conditional immortality where if you live your life a certain way you will be rewarded with eternal life in a better place. If you fail to do this you won't be punished eternal but will rather either be destroyed or simply cease and desist upon death.

All of these people have one thing in common they are adamant that what they believe will happen is what actually happen and state these beliefs as facts in the same vein as the sky being blue, grass being green and gravity existing whether or not you believe that it does.

I'm sure there are probably countless other beliefs that I failed to mention in regard to what happens to someone who has died afterwards. There are even people who believe that you aren't going anywhere but will simply die in the mean time and that one day you and everyone else who has ever lived (or mostly everyone) will be resurrected to eternal life on a renewed paradise earth.

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