Robina Hood vs Billy Mitchell

Started by Alex Smiley, January 03, 2019, 12:05:08 AM

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Alex Smiley


- Word limit for Group Stage matches is 1500.
- 1 RP per wrestler per match.
- Deadline: January 13, 2019, at 11:59PM Pacific.

Quote from: JackHondo on October 24, 2012, 07:31:28 AM
You're right, Jesus is nicer. But Alex is a close second.


SLAM! The door almost breaks off its frame from the impact of how hard Robina closed the door behind her as, with an irritated sigh, she walks forward. We immediately start backing up to give the lady in red some room yet this also causes her eyes to dart out towards us as she doesn't stop in her movement.

"And I'm guessing you're curious about the Extreme Tournament, when I get to face fellow EWC representative Billy Mitchell to see who tops our group, thus qualifying for the elimination chamber final which will decide who is the true winner of the Extreme Tournament. And considering that both me and Billy are two of the few who have achieved back-to-back victories so far in this tournament say either one of two things. Either a, the other two members of our group is simply pathetic, or b, the winner of this upcoming match could very well be a possible favourite to win this tournament. So I guess loads of people are expecting an all out war, right?


Sharply departs the Englishwoman's lips as her eyes narrow for a moment before her expression softens to one of more confidence than frustration.

"And I clearly ain't the only one to think this. After all, wasn't it not long before Christmas that Billy Mitchell - some ugly 'Outlaw' and not a much more likeable Eastenders character - declared that it is his 'mission' to win this tournament and add his name to a list of 'True Experts' to help build his legacy. Oh, he even said 'no one's gonna stop me.' Do you genuinely think that Billy? Do you genuinely dare to even think that nobody, and I repeat NOBODY, can stop you? How fucking ignorant are you, you filthy background character?

I'm the one who can beat Kid Dynamo in less time than you, and with less use of weapons. And while you feel the need to mention how you ain't 'too violent' or 'too dangerous' for how you beat Adrianna, I destroyed that bitch so badly that no one has heard from her since...and I did that all with a smile on my face. Hell, aren't you the guy who managed to win that battle royal just before Wrestlefest? Oh god you are, aren't you? Sorry that I didn't recognise you at first, I didn't pay too much attention to the Wrestlefest pre-show, especially when i was on the main show proving why people like me are good enough to be entering this tournament as a Champion.

Yeah, you have both the size advantage and a few years of experience over me but this match isn't your match at all. Nonono. You can be the Messiah of Wrestling all I care but that won't be enough because I am The Greatest Showman and you're entering my Scene. And just like Adrianna and Dynamo both did before you, you are going to found out that you will only be able to leave my Scene on a stretcher...however, just like with them, it'll way too late for you as I turn you from 'Wild Bill' to Dead Bill so that I can take my well-deserved place in the finals."

The Emo Princess arrogantly declares for herself as we now find ourselves entering the parking lot. Yet it seems that The Greatest Showman has noticed this as well as she stops in her place to tilt her head leftwards.

"Don't believe that I'm sadistic enough to do whatever it takes to beat you and win the Extreme Tournament? Heh..."

The milky skinned competitor chuckles for a moment before suddenly pushing us down and pinning us to the ground as she looks down upon us like a bloodthirsty predator.

"Why else did you think Eternal Circle invited me instead of you?"

An egotistical smirk etches itself across the haughty woman's face as she slowly gets herself off us before shooting us a bigger smirk.

"See you tomorrow night."

With those words, and a mocking wink, Robina Hood walks deeper into the parking lot...leaving us alone on the cold floor in the process.