Being Mainstream Doesn't Mean You Shouldn't Check Your Facts

Started by Mason Pierce, August 12, 2012, 09:19:24 AM

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Mason Pierce

I find it so funny that at least one major sports site has stated that Robert Griffin III is the "first athlete in North American sports history to have Roman numerals on his jersey".

In fact, if they'd bothered to do their research, they'd know he's not the first. I do believe that honor would go to Arland Bruce III of the CFL's B.C. Lions. He's been wearing the Romans on his jersey as long as I can remember seeing him play (which is coming on just over a decade now).

Kinda makes me wonder if someone just didn't bother to do their research or they just don't want to acknowledge that the NFL isn't the only football league out there.


Careful now, a lot of people get upset when you suggest anything is wrong with America. Some people will not like to see it


Mason Pierce

It's more of a condemnation of the mainstream sports media than anything else. Especially when the party in question is a major national network.

Black Death

Being lazy and not doing the right research

To be honest ... Typical american sports fan  does not know there is a CFL...

It the truth and can not deny that... American Footballs fans know about it , least respect it ( know I do) ... and most don't care that much about it  because it not the NFL

That bit of trivia I did not know and I thank you for sharing it .

Rob ... we only get mad  at you when you say something  ...   ;)
"Asuka, gives you two thumbs up"


Prior to the title change I was going to point out that you should take away the American part. I know for a fact that there are a bunch of Canadians who a) don't care about the CFL because they prefer NFL and b) wouldn't know who Arland Bruce is.

Though, I got curious, because when Bruce was a member of the Argonauts, I remember his jersey just said "Bruce". I went to his website (Sunday mornings mean I apparently have nothing to do) and looked at his photos.

I know it's not indicative of what's happening but this is what I uncovered (and only able to tell from shots that show the back of his jersey). With Toronto, he wore "Bruce" on the back (as of a photo in November of '07). With Hamilton he wore "Bruce" on the back of his jersey (as of photos from '11, '10). With B.C. he is wearing the roman numeral III.

To me, and I hate being THAT guy, but it seems like with RGIII coming to the NFL, Arland Bruce decided to wear the III, maybe to try and oust RGIII as the first. But since no one cares about the CFL, no one realized it. I can say that if he's worn it prior to 2012, there are no pictures of it.

So while mainstream and possible ignorance/not doing their research would fit, it seems likely that Arland Bruce recently put his III on his jersey to try and be the first.