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The Lounge => The Media Room => Topic started by: Tritch on January 06, 2017, 02:18:40 PM

Question: The Flash (BA) vs The Punisher
Option 1: The Flash (Barry Allen) votes: 6
Option 2: The Punisher votes: 2
Title: MFX: Contest of Champions Round 1 - Fight 60
Post by: Tritch on January 06, 2017, 02:18:40 PM

The Flash
Alter Ego: Barry Allen
Rank: 49
Publisher: DC Comics
Main Book: The Flash
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 179 lbs.

Powers, Abilities, Weapons & Gadgets
- Speed force generator and conduit, granting him: accelerated healing, increased perceptions, phasing, speed force aura, superhuman durability, superhuman stamina, superhuman speed, superhuman agility, superhuman reflexes, enhanced mental processes, electrokinesis, time travel, dimensional travel and the ability to create vortices, negate the Anti-Life Equation and alter reality
- Highly-skilled chemist and criminologist
- Always filled with hope


The Punisher
Alter Ego: Frank Castle
Rank: 27
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Main Book: The Punisher
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 200 lbs.

Powers, Abilities, Weapons & Gadgets
- Multidisciplinary military training by the U.S. Marine Corps, Army and Navy
- Proficient in basic infantry skills and spec ops, which includes maintenance and use of specialized firearms and explosive ordnance
- Highly-trained in infiltrating heavily-guarded structures for assassinations, captures and military intelligence
- Highly-skilled in forms of camouflage and stealth
- Also skilled in packing and maintaining his own parachute rigs, professional control landings, extended underwater operations, and demolitions
- Skilled with a great many types of explosives
- Highly-skilled hand-to-hand combatant, both armed and unarmed
- Preternaturally-precise marksman
- Thoroughly trained in unconventional, guerilla warfare
- Expert armorer, gunsmith and field medic
- Possesses an ever-changing arsenal of weaponry; including: automatic and semi-automatic rifles, array of handguns, frag grenades, tear gas grenades, other explosives and combat knives
- In particular, often utilizes: ballistic knife, M16 .223 caliber automatic, Sterling Mark 6.9mm, 9mm Browning Llama automatic pistol, .45 caliber automatic, .223 caliber Derringers, and Gerber Mark II combat knives
- Wears a Kevlar uniform that protects him from most gunfire
Title: Re: MFX: Contest of Champions Preliminaries - Fight 60
Post by: Tritch on January 06, 2017, 03:24:14 PM
Same here. The Punisher is my favorite superhero, and I think there are plenty of actual supers that he could hold his own with and even beat, but Barry Allen is Barry Allen.