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The Lounge => The Media Room => Topic started by: Tritch on January 18, 2017, 12:01:46 PM

Question: Spawn vs Thor
Option 1: Spawn votes: 1
Option 2: Thor votes: 7
Title: MFX: Contest of Champions Round 1 - Fight 63
Post by: Tritch on January 18, 2017, 12:01:46 PM

Alter Ego: Albert Simmons
Rank: 36
Publisher: Image Comics
Main Book: Spawn
Height: 6'2" (Simmons) 6'11" (Spawn)
Weight: 234 lbs.

Powers, Abilities, Weapons & Gadgets
- Ability to emit a specific pheromone that summons creatures of darkness to attack on his behalf
- Ability to manipulate the elements and control plantlife
- Ability to fly, become invisible, phase through objects, shapeshift and create portals to other dimensions
- Ability to regenerate himself
- Ability to manipulate souls and resurrect the dead
- Possesses superhuman endurance, reflexes, strength and speed
- Ability to control things with his mind, speak telepathically, create psycich links and manipulate people's memories
- Ability to manipulate time and reality
- Ability to manipulate matter, giving him the ability of transmutation
- Ability to create necroplasm bombs
- Possesses immortality and invulnerability
- Ability to feel or sense misery, pain and hatred
- Highly-skilled interrogator
- Trained in stealth, tactical analysis, the CIA, as an assassin and as a ninja
- Wears the K7-Leetha suit, a living symbiotic costume that will protect him even if he is unconscious


Alter Ego: Thor Odinson
Rank: 14
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Main Book: Thor
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 640 lbs.

Powers, Abilities, Weapons & Gadgets
- Ultrahuman strength, endurance and resistance to injury
- Extremely long-lived, though not completely immune to aging
- Immune to conventional disease
- Superbly-skilled warrior; highly proficient in hand-to-hand combat, swordsmanship and hammer throwing
- Ability to summon lightning from his hands
- Ability to channel his godly energy through Mjolnir to create a Godforce, capable of killing immortals though leaving him weakened
- Wears a full-body hauberk composed of Asgardian steel
- He is worthy of wielding the hammer Mjolnir
- Wielding Mjolnir gives him the ability to control the powers of the storm; including rain, wind, thunder and lightning; he can then channel these into an energy blast
- Mjolnir can also absorb other energies, which Thor can then release
- Wielding Mjolnir gives him the ability to hover or fly at speeds up to Mach 32
- Wielding Mjolnir gives him the ability to deflect incoming attacks
- Possesses the Belt of Strength, which doubles his strength but weakens him after use
- Possesses a pair of iron gauntlets to protect him from Mjolnir's most powerful energies
- Possesses a chariot drawn by two goats, Toothgnasher and Toothgrinder
Title: Re: MFX: Contest of Champions Round 1 - Fight 63
Post by: Tritch on January 19, 2017, 01:21:42 PM
In my opinion, this should be one of the closes fights of the tournament so far. I didn't know much about Spawn going in, but reading his list of abilities and everything, he should be able to whip a lot of people's asses. But Thor is Thor. And Thor wins this one.