MFX: Contest of Champions Round 1 - Fight 62

Started by Tritch, January 18, 2017, 12:00:29 PM

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Martian Manhunter
Alter Ego: J'onn J'onzz
Rank: 43
Publisher: DC Comics
Main Book: JLA
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 300 lbs.

Powers, Abilities, Weapons & Gadgets
- Martian physiology grants him superhuman durability, superhuman strength, superhuman stamina, superhuman speed, super hearing, super breath, longevity, extrasensory input, enhanced senses including electromagnetic spectrum vision, telescopic vision, microscopic vision and heat vision, a meditative form of sleep, telekinesis, the ability to shift his shape, size, malleability, plasticity and elongation, to become invisible, to phase through objects, to regenerate, to fly, and several telepathic abilities including illusions, possession, astral projection, mind control, telepathic relay, telepathic assault and thought sensing
- Possesses a genius-level intellect
- Highly-skilled investigator
- Multilingual

Scott Pilgrim
Alter Ego: N/A
Rank: 69
Publisher: Oni Press
Main Book: Scott Pilgrim
Height: 5'10"
Weight: Average

Powers, Abilities, Weapons & Gadgets
- Ability to play bass guitar, though he sucks at it
- Ability to Level Up, which increases his stats and grants him a sword
- Swords include the Power of Love Sword and Power of Understanding Sword
- Possesses video game & anime martial arts fighting style, most notably from Street Fighter
- Highly-skilled swordsman
- He is the best fighter from the Ontario province
- Ability to create an energy shield
- Possesses some enhanced strength and durability

Best Town Player - 2008
2nd-Best Overall Player - 2008
2nd-Best Moderator - 2008
Best Third Party Player - 2010
2nd-Best Use of a Night Action - 2010
Best Game (Batman: Arkham City) - 2012
Best Moderator - 2012
2nd-Best Third Party - 2012
Best Game (Batman: Wayne Penitentiary) - 2013
Best Moderator - 2013
2nd-Best Town Player - 2014
2nd-Best Scum Player - 2015
2nd-Best Moderator - 2016
Best Game (The Conjunction: Episode 1) - 2016


I'm a huge fan of Scott Pilgrim, and I think he could've lasted longer in this tournament if he was placed elsewhere, but the Manhunter makes it close to the finals imo. No way Scott wins this one.

Best Town Player - 2008
2nd-Best Overall Player - 2008
2nd-Best Moderator - 2008
Best Third Party Player - 2010
2nd-Best Use of a Night Action - 2010
Best Game (Batman: Arkham City) - 2012
Best Moderator - 2012
2nd-Best Third Party - 2012
Best Game (Batman: Wayne Penitentiary) - 2013
Best Moderator - 2013
2nd-Best Town Player - 2014
2nd-Best Scum Player - 2015
2nd-Best Moderator - 2016
Best Game (The Conjunction: Episode 1) - 2016