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McCain chooses running Mate!!

Started by Tim-Æ, August 29, 2008, 11:31:30 AM

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And officially seals the deal for Obama/Biden to be the next team in the White House.

I'm sorry, I'm not a Republican, but honestly, that has to be one of the worst picks for VP ever. I could see him choosing Romney, I could see him even choosing Satan over the Alaskan Governor. Its a desperation pick. He chose a younger, female, politician in hopes of counteracting Obama's youth and failure to choose Hilary. Problem is, NO ONE KNOWS WHO THE HELL SARAH PALIN IS.

I'm assuming he was thinking that people would take this as the idea of change. That McCain is hip. That people will vote for him now because he chose a young woman, and not an old white man. No offense to Gov. Palin but she's not exactly prepped for this kind of work. She's all for drilling into the Alaskan Wild Life Refuge which means she's not going to get the hippies on her side. She's a woman, which means he just lost a lot of his supporters who are anti-woman in the white house. McCain will die in office, and then a woman runs the nation? Nope.

Sorry to the proud McCain supporters. He botched this one big time. After Obama's ridiculously Pro-Unity speech last night,  McCain drops the ball and chooses a no-name governor, and sacrifices a strong ticket and opts for desperation.

Obama/Biden 08


I'm not a Republican either but I could see and could even understand a McCain/Romney bid. He's just trying to capitalize on Obama's wave of being young and revolutionary by taking someone nobody's heard of. Mind you, I'm Canadian so I dunno a LOT of your governors but judging by a lot of reaction, it's a no name to the US too.

Obama made a great move picking Biden. McCain...not so much. It'll be interesting to see how this is gonna happen.

Zombie Gunn

Well, its obvious you guys aren't conservatives. He may lose the bigot vote by selecting a woman, but its not as if those same people are going to turn around and vote for Obama.

I, Like many people, agree with drilling in Alaska. I'm also in agreement on their stance on anti-corruption and reform.

Nobody knows who she is... Good. I don't want a seasoned gangster, I mean, politician to stand side by side with McCain, the biggest threat to politics-as-usual since Teddy Roosevelt.

Also, as far as whether it will help him in running... I knew many people that wanted to vote for Hillary just because she's a woman, caring little for what she actually stands for. This may help sway voters that simply vote based on face value.

Rebel Child

I'm just thankful he didn't choose Romney.

However - McCain screwed the pooch before he chose the VP, plus this VP while she may be an unknown, she doesn't know that much about politics, which means she'd just be a puppet (not a good thing)

But as I was saying, with McCain's rhetoric about Georgia/Russia, it made a lot of people just laugh, specially when in the same breath he says he stands by Bush's decision.

Bad juju


To me this just completes McCain's transformation into the soulless hypocrite that he started to become the second he spoke at oral roberts university.

The consistant arguement that the republicans have been making is that Obama has no place in the oval office because of his inexperience and lack of foreign policy.

The comes Obama's acceptance speech and the same hitting points that we heard the whole convention, McCain is old. McCain is afraid of change. Hes not with it. Hes outdated.

So the republican's big answer was to go and find a younger, more inexperienced, and even less knowledgeable person to be second in command, thus voiding their own argument??

And im sorry saying that its the second seat instead of the first is irrelevant when are picking a team to be in the office and given McCain's age is not completely ruled out her having to take office.

When Obama was attacked for his lack of foreign policy experience he went and tapped Joe Biden who is well versed in it and has years of experience in washington. However a move to make McCain seem younger is just going to work adversely.

I understand trying to pull in the female vote but you also picked an extreme conservative who is pro life and pro gun law, which the average woman is against not to mention that many of her political philosophies are counter to what McCain himself believes.

I honestly wanted to see McCain in office, unfortunately I wanted the real John McCain that we saw in 2000 and not this facade that walks around now. As much as I would love for Obama to have four more years to season himself before taking office, I will be damned to see the conservatives have their stranglehold on this country anymore.


I'm actually registered as  a Republican, but I gotta say I was done with McCain 8 months ago. The more I learn about Obama, the more I realize that we need someone fresh and far more intelligent to get elected to dig us out of the crap hole Bush put us in. I don't care that Palin is inexperienced, mainly because I don't think that has everything to do with being a good leader, but it does feel like McCain is trying to weasel into the female vote. As I said to Marc earlier, McCain could have picked Jesus to be his running mate and I still wouldn't vote for him. If he gets elected then we are screwed and I'm moving to Canada. See you there Beth!

BUt, this year I'm getting off my lazy ass and voting so that change does happen, because we really need it in the US.


John McCain just proved he's incapable of running the country by choosing someone less experienced than his opponent. Obama may be pretty new to the world of politics, but Palin is even further removed from it, especially with her being from Alaska. The only thing that I believe she brings to the table that's new is her background. She's unknown (which is good) but she's also got an active lifestyle that's not cluttered with shit about having seven houses or how close her name resembles Bid Laden. She's an active woman, she's not hideous, and her interests appeal to modern voters - basketball championship won, hunting, fishing, etc. It's a tactic that W used back in the day when he was attempting office. Make them relate to you. Problem is, no one can relate to Alaska b/c...its FUCKING ALASKA.

We'll see how the debates go, there's three Prez ones between now and November, and one VP. I'll give her a chance to make an impact but she's got to work against the clock. Biden and Obama have had the whole year (I credit Biden as getting his name out there during the primaries). she better buckle down and really prove she can back Methuselah b/c if he dies, she'll be in office. And 1.5 years as the Governor of an icy tundra doesn't exactly make you qualified.

Big Gay Honker

She is doable though.  She looks like a MILF pornstar

I think that she is a good pick, something that can POTENTIALLY help get the McCain vote.  When I saw he got her, I thought "Well looks like he sealed the vagina vote".  My wife was a Hillary fan because "It's about time we had a female in office".  I've known several other women to say this. 

Plus I hear she has experience in Executive politics that Obama doesn't have, whatever the shit that is supposed to mean.  She has also dropped the gas tax for the state, and taxes the oil companies higher.  This should cancel each deed out with higher gas prices to the tax I know, but she also sends Alaskans 1200 dollar checks.  Her lack of being around for a long time can be a good thing when you think about it.  Not in with the inner circle of corruption just yet, and a new look on how to do things that the old boys thought of a long time ago and forgot.  This in itself is a HUGE bold move, and it has people talking about politics again.  If Romney got on, how many people would be talking about this?  If it doesn't work, or even backfires in McCain's face, it still seems to have generated new interest in politics. 

I also don't understand the talk of qualified or experience.  There have been qualified and experienced people running this country for a very long lime, into the ground.  Other than the Lewinski bit where Clinton Lied under oath, he's about the only exception.  Bill was an awesome president, who served as Governor of Arkansas, one of the least educated states, with at the time some very poor roads.  Yet he turned out to be an awesome President.  Who's to say she can't be? 

But I think the debates will tear her apart.  Democrates usually excel in the debates.