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The Lounge => The Media Room => Topic started by: Black Death on July 23, 2016, 09:41:41 PM

Title: Batman & Harley Quinn Animated Movie Coming in 2017
Post by: Black Death on July 23, 2016, 09:41:41 PM

While most beloved characters featured in superhero movie universes usually originate on the comic book page, one of the best examples of that not always being the case is Harley Quinn. Usually depicted as sidekick and/or twisted love interest to iconic villain The Joker, Harley was created by Bruce Timm and Paul Dini for the landmark Batman: The Animated Series in 1992.

Following her Animated Series debut, Harley soon became so popular that she is now a firm part of the Batman canon across various mediums. With Harley (as played by Margot Robbie) about to finally make her live-action cinematic debut in Suicide Squad, WB Animation apparently sees now as the perfect opportunity to give her an animated showcase.

During a WB Animation panel held prior to the premiere of Batman: The Killing Joke at San Diego Comic-Con, the studio revealed that their big animated movie release for next summer will be entitled Batman and Harley Quinn. While many DC animated films serve to adapt famous comic arcs, Batman and Harley Quinn will instead be a completely original tale centered on the titular characters, and written by Harley co-creator Timm. Details on the project beyond that weren't announced, outside of the aforementioned summer 2017 release window.

With so much buzz surrounding Harley's portrayal in Suicide Squad, it'll be interesting to see which rendition of the character Timm and WB choose to include in Batman and Harley Quinn. Considering that Timm co-created her, one might imagine that he'd lean toward her original incarnation from Batman: TAS, but there is something to be said for cross promotion among company properties.

It'll also be interesting to see who ends up voicing the titular characters, and whether or not The Joker plays a large role in the proceedings. Since the Clown Prince of Crime isn't included in the film's title, one might imagine that if he does show up, he'll be a supporting character at most. Still, it's hard to imagine "Mr. J." not appearing in some fashion, given how closely he tends to be linked to Harley.

As for voice actors, the obvious choice for Batman would seem to be stalwart Caped Crusader Kevin Conroy, and the obvious Joker would of course be Mark Hamill. A real coup, assuming Timm could somehow pull it off, would be to lure original Harley actress Arleen Sorkin back to the role she helped make so well known. Sorkin last played the character in 2012, and has seemed to all but officially retire from show business since. Should Sorkin return, Batman and Harley Quinn would truly serve as a love letter to long-time fans.

I am so down to see this