Seinfeld Overrated and not all that funny?

Started by Jon Tees, May 27, 2009, 10:24:58 AM

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Jon Tees

I just never found Seinfeld to be all that funny to be honest. To me it just seemed like the writers/producers were pulling things out of their asses for the sake of producing something because they had nothing which is why the show was about nothing. To me it was funny stupid as opposed to funny because it’s funny. If you were laughing you were laughing at the sheer stupidity of the whole thing.

Don't Fall For Cheap Imitations And Knock Offs We Are The National Wrestling Federation Period.


As for Seinfeld the show.

I thought Seinfeld was ingenious. The timing was absolutely perfect. The situations were more of a parody of sitcom situations than sitcom situations themselves. Sure, the show was unrealistic but it had a bizarre charm to it. It might be a tad overrated. I mean, it's not up there with greats like All in the Family or the Simpsons. Especially in terms of wit or scope. I mean the show had no scope, really. Since it was covering completely unrealistic situations. But, it did it in such a clever abstract way to represent true unpredictability.

As for Jerry Seinfeld as a comedian.

Well, yes, overrated. Not funny at all? He got me to laugh once. So, I guess not quite but not funny 99% of the time.



This is real funny to me for one reason.

I read most of Tees' posts in Seinfields voice.


I agree, never liked the show at all, probably the most over-hyped show of all time.

Give me a good episode of south park over that anyday.


Drama Queen

I concur. Never cared for show nor comic.

Big Gay Honker

It was a great show.  By today's standards it's nothing, but it did push the envelope a bit.  And you also had to be smart about the humor.  It had a dreamer who did nothing.  A playa who could never be one in real life.  A female who made funny faces and was quite a looker.  And then you had a whiney guy who held the whole group together.  It was pure genius for the time when it came out.  In fact, some of the words and phrases the show used are still used to this very day.


I love the Seinfeld drum riff and the Simpsons parody made me laugh, but what i've seen of the show isn't that great. There are a few good quotes though. I recall one about life being totally backwards.

Big Gay Honker

Rebel Child

I enjoy Seinfield, because of everything Honker said.   Plus if you think about it, before sitcoms became a thing of the past (for the most part) they were one of the last.


I love Seinfeld the show.

Even they said it was always a show about nothing. So Tees, really you're just repeating exactly what the creators said about it. And personally I think thats what drew me to it. To this day I still watch it on TBS and enjoy it. Because it doesn't have the typical sitcom stories. Im not afraid to admit Im one of the biggest Scrubs fans alive, but even THEY had some predictable storylines, even though theres were less predictable than say FRIENDS.

Seinfeld was either a hate it or love it show. While I got it and love it, my friends just don't get it.

Its one of my 3 favorite sitcoms of all time. Along with Scrubs, and Married... With Children.

Yes I have a varied favorites lol

Adam Wrong

I tried watching it a few times and hated it. Give me Scrubs any day

Jonny Worldbeater

Funny show and a funny comic imo. Not as funny as quite frankly a lot of comics imo, but funny nonetheless, and like with Bill Cosby, I find it pretty endearing that he never really had to stoop to being crude, vulgar or overly offensive to get a cheap 'shock value' laugh.

Seems to me, especially these days, a lot of comic think all you have to do is shout, jump around like a moron and say 'fuck' a lot to be funny, when the reality is that's what most 12 year olds do. Hell, I think half of it is that people are laughing at you for being a retard when you pull shit like that.

On that note, fuck Dane Cook, the no-talent hack. I'll take Seinfeld over that shallow, pandering horseshit any day.


Quote from: Jonny B: Big Fat Failure Turtle on May 29, 2009, 07:43:14 AM
Funny show and a funny comic imo. Not as funny as quite frankly a lot of comics imo, but funny nonetheless, and like with Bill Cosby, I find it pretty endearing that he never really had to stoop to being crude, vulgar or overly offensive to get a cheap 'shock value' laugh.

Seems to me, especially these days, a lot of comic think all you have to do is shout, jump around like a moron and say 'fuck' a lot to be funny, when the reality is that's what most 12 year olds do. Hell, I think half of it is that people are laughing at you for being a retard when you pull shit like that.

On that note, fuck Dane Cook, the no-talent hack. I'll take Seinfeld over that shallow, pandering horseshit any day.

I'm probably gonna lose a lot of "cool points" or whatever for this, but I don't mind Dane Cook. Overrated? Sure -- he's in the mainstream, and he's a good-looking guy, so of course people are gonna hate him, but the guy keeps an audience, even if it is just HIS audience. That's like someone from the South saying Dave Chappelle ain't funny -- different strokes for different folks. That being said, I honestly think if you took Dane's material and gave it to someone else, a lot more people would dig it. It's easy to hate on the material when you hate the comedian, y'know? Dah, well. C'est la vie.

But with Seinfeld, he's not my cup of tea personally, but for his audience he does really well. And the show? It's unapologetically quirky, one of the first mainstream quirky shows out there, which is just a testament to how good it actually was. Granted, I watched it more for George, Kramer, and some of the ancillary characters, but that's like "The Simpsons." It was a show about nothing that he pulled in a million bucks an episode for -- THAT'S saying something. In my opinion, if you've been in show business for ten years, you've gotta be doing something right. And if you've been in it for more than twenty years, you're great.
"Behind you, Primo! WATCH OUT!"


Agreed. I was a sometimes Seinfeld fan and a regular fan of Dane Cook. It's not for everybody but they're surely doing something right if they're millionaires several times over. Both of them are funny to me for just being random, I like to watch when it is just off the cuff type shit.


im getting off topic, but I saw a Dane Cook comment.

I hate Dane Cook.

Not because hes "mainstream" or whatever.

Not even because I hate that he uses shock value.... although he definetly does.

Im tired of him because every stand up he does seems the same. I watch a special of his on TV and Im thinking "He used that joke 3 years ago." Not neccesarily the same joke, but same idea, different punch line, name, etc. My favorite of his was his first Comedy Central Presents. The shock value is obvious but his jokes were fresh back then. Dunno what happened to him since.

Im in no way a "clean" guy. Ive got the foulest mouth around, outside the internet. But I prefer the comedians that arn't doing vulgar joke after vulgar joke. Its why ive given up on Chris Rock and Martin Lawrence. Two of my favorites of all time, but every joke is white vs black... we get it already....

My favorites are Jim Gaffigan, Brian Regan, Kyle Cease, and that Tosh guy that suddenly out of nowhere got his own TV show now.