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Cliff's fucking awesome song of the day

Started by Excaligore, March 28, 2010, 12:49:46 AM

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Eh, always trying to think of how I can contribute to the music forums. I just thought "Why don't I just post one awesome(in my opinion) song a day". So, I'm doing it.

Just listening to Secret Chiefs 3 today and this song stood out for some reason. Not the best Secret Chief song, not by any stretch. Definitely not coming from the best Secret Chief's album. Yet, a nice little bizarre psuedo-new wave avant garde experiment which just caught me this listen for some reason.

P.S. POST 1000!

Zombie Gunn

I thought this said "Cliff Fucking Awesome Kong all day"


You know what this reminds me of? Those mid/late 80's NWA themes. Thats not a bad thing by the way, I happened to like that kinda stuff. And this sounds like a pretty decent song.

"Just do the best you can with whatever gift God has given you, whatever intellect you have. Use it. Be good while you're doing it. Love your neighbor. Love the One that created you. Enjoy the cosmos. And rock on." - Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty


Eh, a more normal one that everyone's heard. Albeit, this will mainly be dominated by more obscure songs in order to expose them.  Actually two songs in one. Enjoy it.


Primus cover of two really fantastic Residents songs. Was trying to get the Constantinople cover isolated but eh, they come as a package, and seeing as how they're both obviously fantastic I have no problems presenting them as a package:


Seeing as I'm trying to remain unpredictable and eclectic with my picks:


Not the best thing from Zappa, not the most musical(not to say it's unmusical just not an example of what the man's full ambitions were), but Zappa weirdness is always welcome in my book, and I've always liked this:

And since I completely forgot yesterday another one:


A more serious Sun Ra one. Not sure many will get into it but the man was a genius: