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Started by ., June 20, 2011, 10:29:18 AM

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Quote from: JustinP on February 26, 2015, 08:28:24 AM
Not at all I was just making mention of it cause I remember when you first posted about it (when you were drunk) that you said you would post constant updates.

Oh right, sorry.  I thought you were being sarcastic and shitty!  I don't even remember writing that.  Must've been cause I was drunk!  Apologies for the crossed wires.

I find updating here keeps me honest and keeps me motivated.  Not what I expected at all.  A pleasant surprise to say the least.
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No problem man. Guess I could have been more clear as to what I was referenci referencing.  But im glad its helping you. Staying motivated is the hardest part but as long as you have a support system you can and will make it.


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Drama Queen

Quote from: J-Reb on February 26, 2015, 08:45:58 AM
My workout this morning:

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:

5 Power cleans (135 lbs.)
10 Toes to Bar (while laying on the ground, you're holding a 45 lbs. bar up and basically doing a sit-up to bring your toes to the bar)
15 Wall Ball Squats (20 lbs. ball; you throw the ball up 10 ft. against the wall, catch it and squat, repeat).

30 minutes of Yoga

21-15-9 (Number of reps- first set is 21 reps, second is 15, third is 9)

Snatch (75lbs.; I'd never done this before...brutal).
GHD situps (don't know how to describe these- here's a video:

I can no longer walk.

This sounds like an awesome workout.

With your permission I would like to attempt it and then review it in a blog entry (giving you full credit of course)

I would love to do reviews/segments that include suggested work-outs. The same goes for recipes. I'll go I to more details when I post my first blog entry, hopefully this weekend.


Quote from: Drama Queen on February 26, 2015, 06:07:03 PM
This sounds like an awesome workout.

With your permission I would like to attempt it and then review it in a blog entry (giving you full credit of course)

I would love to do reviews/segments that include suggested work-outs. The same goes for recipes. I'll go I to more details when I post my first blog entry, hopefully this weekend.

Of course.  Good luck!

The Crossfit open (15.1) was revealed last night and I attempted it this morning.  The workout was:

AMRAP (As many rounds as possible) in 9:00

15 T2B (Toes to bar)
10 deadlifts (115#)
10 snatches (115#)

After that, you have 6 minutes to get a 1-rep max clean and jerk.

It was absolutely brutal.  I attempted it twice this morning - something I probably shouldn't have done.  I made it 4.66 rounds (I finished the deadlift/snatch portion but couldn't get to the bar fast enough) the first time.  I've never really done a snatch before but 115# is miserable.  It may sound lightweight but it's absolutely brutal.  I managed to C&J 155# the first go round which was slightly disappointing. 

The second attempt I managed 3.66 rounds; same scenario.  I couldn't finish the toes to the bar - my hands were screaming at me.  I had to break them up in to sets of 3 after the 1st round.  However, I'm pretty stoked to say I got 185# up for the clean and jerk.  I'm going to attempt it one more time on Monday, and I'm going to get over 200# - it's going to happen.

Either way, a heckuva workout.  The deadlifts were the easiest part of this and I hate those.

If you want to see the two fittest people on the planet going toe to toe with this workout, here's the vid:  Those guys are nuts. 

My score wouldn't have placed me in the top 4,000 in the US... but the progress I've made so far has been pretty awesome.

Captain Metro

Have you enjoyed to crossfit J-Reb? I ask 'cause I know you used to be high-level athlete and am wondering how you feel. People I've talked to are either hardcore "it's the best thing ever" - or find that they get a really crappy work out because it doesn't really fit into athletic training to improve on X.

Haters gonna hate. Just win baby!

Quote"I'm like Disneyland - overpriced as shit but everyone leaves happy!"


Quote from: Captain Metro on February 27, 2015, 02:36:34 PM
Have you enjoyed to crossfit J-Reb? I ask 'cause I know you used to be high-level athlete and am wondering how you feel. People I've talked to are either hardcore "it's the best thing ever" - or find that they get a really crappy work out because it doesn't really fit into athletic training to improve on X.

It's a different work out, that's for sure.

For me, it's the community aspect that drew me in more so than the actual workout.  I needed someone to push me - lifting/running on my own got boring quickly.  I'd skip a day or two here and there and it of course nobody would notice.  Being at the gym, I've got people who push me to work harder, and that's kept me motivated. 

As far as the actual workouts, I love Crossfit because you can scale any workout.  So, if a buddy of mine is lifting 185# and I know I can't keep up, I'd drop to 155# and still do the same workout - with slightly lesser weight.  That doesn't even begin to get to the countless variations that you can do.  There are only so many ways to do chest fly's with free weights, you know? 

I'm also enjoying getting a lot of cardio in with my lifting.  Have you ever tried to do countless rounds of deadlifts/snatches/sit-ups?  Man, I'm dead after the 3-4th round.  But I can understand how it'd be difficult as a top-level athlete (which I'm not by any stretch of the imagination any more) but some of the exercises are really stretching me.  There is always a way to make it more challenging on yourself.  Mastered the 24 inch box jumps?  Move to something higher.

I don't know if that's the all-around answer you were looking for - but I absolutely love it.


 Just did the first Fat Burn workout in DDP Yoga.  Holy shit that kicked my ass. He moves at another level than the Energy workout.


Oh yeah, fat burner is a whole different animal.  Much higher pace for the movements and those 'crunching' moves are a killer when you first do them.  Especially the broken table one.  I've been doing fat burner 3 times a week for 3 weeks now, with an energy work out on with Saturday or Sunday.  So I'm up to 4 days a week and the difference in my energy levels and mood is amazing.  Keep at it buddy, the more you do it, the less painful and exhausting it is! :)
Check out the MFX Podcast today!

Subscribe to MFX via Stitcher or Itunes.  Just search: Marks for Xcellence Podcast.


Quote from: Jack on March 09, 2015, 12:25:15 AM
Fantastic moment today. Really something I've been working towards since the beginning of the year...

When I started being more conscious about what I ate, and starting the slow carb diet, I told myself it would be a secret to those around me. I've yo-yo'd so often that I was embarrassed to tell people I'm losing weight again.

So when people asked me "Have you lost weight?" I would say "Nope." or if they said "Have you been working out?" I would say, "Nope...just the same."

Today I was at a party with a few friends and someone said "Jack, you look like you slimmed down. Are you dieting?" I said, "Nope." Like usual and someone said..."Bullshit Jack...You've lost weight." I tried to hide it for a bit but it was great to hear everyone basically corner me and say "admit that you've been losing weight!"

It's great to know that it's visible now beyond dispute. Feeling great!

Got a few goals to accomplish first, but may do some DDP Yoga once done. Sounds like others have had such great success with those videos? Is there a 'test' video I can use? I'm a big fan of paying people for what they earned so I don't want to steal the videos online but would love to see how it is (P90X Yoga was a great workout but so boring! Would hate to buy a whole video package of that.).

Love this thread and so glad to see people being healthy!

Every now and then, I'll yo-yo anywhere from 3-5 lbs., and -- well, considering I'm half-girl -- that's enough for me to completely lose my shit and take eating/training up a notch. Where you at right now, Jack? From what I've seen on FB, you look fantastic!
"Behind you, Primo! WATCH OUT!"


Congrats, Jack.  That's such a great feeling!

This morning's workout:

Partner workouts this morning.  You split the reps however you want as long as you hit your target. 

We started with 4 rounds for time -
10 deadlifts at 275# (kill me)
20 walking lunges at 135 (kill me again)
30 knees to elbows (hang from a pull up bar and pull your knees up to your elbows; a third death)

I don't remember the time but I ended up scaling the deadlifts in the third round.  I had to drop to 225 lbs. in order to finish.

Then round 2 - we set a 25 minute cap - adding extra reps each round:

50 double-unders (jump-rope but instead of turning the rope once each rotation, you turn it twice)
20 snatch (at 95#; if you've never done a snatch before, check them out, brutal:
20 jerks (just a push press with a little leg added in)
20 box jumps (24 inches)
2 rope climbs

Still split the reps.  We went 2.5 rounds before our cap expired.  I'm going to be sore for hours.


Ah, first DDP Yoga work out since Wednesday.  Wasn't as tough as I thought it would be.  I'm getting stronger every time and recovering a lot quicker.  Looking forward to getting back into the swing of things and getting back to clean living/eating after the wedding blow out!
Check out the MFX Podcast today!

Subscribe to MFX via Stitcher or Itunes.  Just search: Marks for Xcellence Podcast.


Have done ddp yoga strength builder every day since I've been at sea. Feeling great!

Drama Queen

Great to see the founder of this thread posting again :D

Glad to hear of your progress jack, moments like that can be so motivational along the way. Being vegetarian, my diet is a bit more intentional by nature, though there are a lot of unhealthy things I still partake in, mostly an over indulgence in baked goods... Sweet ones especially. Now that the winter is over I'm Trying to cut down to one muffin a day!

Dorling, yeah, I had a feeling we wouldn't have to worry about you slacking off ;)

Duckman, I think it should be said, that to do what you did... Take a weekend off and let go, and then get back into it again requires a lot of discipline that not everybody has (myself included) and I think it shows that you are in a fantastic place mentally.

J-Reb, yeah I think I'm going to have to make do with trying your cross fit exercises individually rather than in a set workout, as well, I'd pretty much need my gym to be empty to guarantee all of the equipment available, let alone placed in a set order. Still though, as someone who's not into lifting at all, is should keep me honest and take me out of my comfort zone when I get around to it.... Any day now... Honest ;D

Judge, how does the fat burner feel two weeks later? Sounds like a well engineered program that it doesn't hit you with everything all at once. Again, reminding me of insanity, after the first month is a whole new level of torture haha.

Well I've been keeping up with my running goals. I ran a half marathon two weeks ago in freezing weather (about 20F if I remember) and knocked ten minutes off my only other time for that distance. To say I was happy is an understatement. Obviously I'm doing something right.

I've been coming on in leaps and bounds in certain areas of yoga. I can almost do an unsupported handstand now! It's also teaching me new ways of activating my core. Again, I recommend trying a yoga class at least once to everybody in this thread. There are many different styles and therefore many different kinds of instructors, but generally speaking I haven't had a "bad" class... An occasional mediocre one maybe, but because of the wide range, I am usually able to learn something from each class, even if I find myself being one of the more advanced students in a particular class.

Now to the less positive side of things. I've been neglecting strength training. I just haven't had the same motivation over the winter. My philosophy was to keep doing the things I enjoyed, rather than forcing myself to do the stuff I didn't, that way I wouldn't just give up on fitness completely. And... I guess to an extent it worked.... I did not stop everything for my annual winter blues as I have done in previous years. I guess I shouldn't beat myself up to much about the weights, and I did go back to them this week.

Keep up the good work everyone.


Fat Burner still makes me its bitch.  I'm getting better but I collapse on the floor after doing the pushups instead of lowering myself down like he says.  DDP is an evil evil asshole for that workout.  I'll show him though.