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Started by ., June 20, 2011, 10:29:18 AM

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As some of you know, I am in the US Navy. So being in somewhat physical shape is mandatory. I wouldn't say I was in terrible shape, I've always kind of had a decent metabolism and have never reached 200lbs in weight. But I wouldn't say I was in good shape either. So, I have begun to recommit myself to getting in the gym on a regular basis as part of my New Year's resolution. And in 2 and half months I am already seeing the results come into fruition. Although I have slacked in my cardio aspect of things (I was always a decent runner, so I haven't stressed myself on this part of working out), I have put an emphasis on weight lifting. Now I am still not lifting crazy weight, but my body is already transforming and with it, I'm starting to rebuild that self-confidence I've lost through the years of not exercising regularly, not eating healthy, and drinking beer, haha. Starting this upcoming week, I'm going to begin a pescetarian diet (fish, seafood, vegetables, and fruit). I'm also going to cut out beer... or at the very least minimize my intake.   

Some results I have noticed so far...

My pushups in a two minute time frame (Navy PT Test)... went  from 50 to 90. I only need 84 to reach my MAX score for my age bracket.

Tricep dips... I went from doing about 2 to doing 15-20 and 5-10 weighted (with 25lb weight on a belt).

Pullups... went from about 2 to 10-15.

I haven't tried maxing out on any weightlifting yet. But I'm not overly concerned with lifting heavy weights either. I've been more focused on less weight, high reps. Although I do tend to test myself on my final set.

I workout 5 times a week, M-F. Chest on M, Shoulders/Legs on Tue, Back on Wed, Triceps on Thur, and Biceps on F. I do Abs twice a week and cardio three times a week on no set schedule. I just fit it in on one of the days.

I'm hoping that moving to a healthier diet will further improve the results I've already been showing.

GM of the Queen City Conquerors


first post in this thread......or on the forum so Hello :)

Well i am now officially no longer over weight  ;D i started to loose weight in october 2014 when i bent down and my belly got in the way of me tying my shoelace! i know i could of just tucked them in lol.

i stared doing the 5x5 strong lifts workout program ( and stopped eating so much crap and i have now loat over 4 stone! when i started i was 18.7 stone i am now 14.5 (im 6 foot 3) im feeling fantastic! i also quit smoking in March 2014 so its been good working out and loosing weight. If i can do it anyone can! keep at it everyone, i still want to loose more weight and start gaing more muscle i work out 5 days a week and the strange thing is that i look forward to it and if i miss a day i get into a bad mood  :-\

here is a unflattering before photo

this was taken in januray

and this one was today after i weighed mysef at the gym (ignore the clobber)


Awesome work buddy!  On the stopping smoking and the weight loss.  You're a great example for someone like me to follow.

I know what you mean about looking forward to the work out and feeling down if you don't do.  I get the exact same thing with DDP Yoga - I think it's the happy hormones that get released during exercise.  You really miss them!

Anyway, cheers for this post bud and well done, all your hard work paid off!
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I read that exercise releases the same hormones as spicy food.  That's why people get all giggly after eating spicy food.  So if you eat some chillies while jogging, you'll probably end up high as kite...and in the end, addicted to chilli-jogging - which will no doubt become a new craze at some point! :)
Check out the MFX Podcast today!

Subscribe to MFX via Stitcher or Itunes.  Just search: Marks for Xcellence Podcast.


Chilli-jogging... imagine the heartburn!

EDIT: Just had to double check I didn't type Chilli-dogging... 'cos, well, that is just whole other kettle of fish.


Good work everyone!

Have managed to return to the treadmill after not really running since September. My back feels nice and strong so have started alternating yoga and running days. I really enjoy doing the yoga but the buzz from getting a new time or distance while running really spurs me on.

I just have to be tactical when I do it as we only have 1 treadmill on board ship...and sometimes there are a lot of marines hanging around the gym!


Quote from: Jack on March 21, 2015, 11:50:00 AM
Question for you guys:

I've been working out very regularly for some time now and I've got a routine going. Today I'm really under the weather though and struggling to make breakfast!

Should I:

1. Just get through a work out to keep up the routine

2. SKip today and try to get better so I can get back at it tomorrow.


If your body needs rest, listen to it. That's always my rule.

Drama Queen

Quote from: J-Reb on March 21, 2015, 12:09:16 PM
If your body needs rest, listen to it. That's always my rule.

Pretty much this.

However if you HAVE to work out due to maintaining a certain program or keeping a streak going, just do the bear minimum and go through the motions. Less weight, less distance, less speed. Even when you just dial it in, I believe you are still developing muscle memory.

Some people suffer psychologically if they skip entirely, particularly if you have ocd tendencies, others are comfortable enough with where they're at in their goals and their habits that they can take a day off and think nothing of it.

I can skip anything except running. I have to run at least one mile a day to keep the streak alive though one mile for me at this point is in itself a rest day.

I think you know that you've reached a certain point in your fitness journey when you can look at the gym, or your running shoes or your weights or yoga mat and realize that these are your tools, you own them, they do not own you.

Another thing to consider, is dedicating whatever time your work out would normally consume, towards a good stretch routine, and use a foam roller if you have one. Be good to yourself, you've earned it. If I remember correctly you've done P90X before right? If you still have the dvds, use the stretch one, it hits all the parts nicely.

Drama Queen

Quote from: Judge on March 15, 2015, 08:19:04 AM
Fat Burner still makes me its bitch.  I'm getting better but I collapse on the floor after doing the pushups instead of lowering myself down like he says.  DDP is an evil evil asshole for that workout.  I'll show him though.

Love the determination Judge.

Hetro... anyone who comes to the forums and makes their first post in this thread is off to a good start in my book ;D Great work man, keep it up.

Excellent work Jon, I am the opposite of you, I've been slacking in the weights, really focusing on running and yoga, and I've seen a lot of improvement in both... but I DO kind of feel guilty about the weights. Its like I know I need it, but its the aspect I'm least motivated for. I'm thinking of taking a break from doing them at the gym and going back to the P90X workouts, just to change it up. I think maybe if I set myself a regular calisthenics routine at home it would help at least.

Duckman, Jack... sometimes I feel I am becoming overly addicted to the happiness hormones, I feel so crappy if I skip! I guess its not a bad thing as far as addictions go though.

I have a love/hate relationship with the dreadmill Dorling... its so boring compared to running outside... except in really crappy weather haha (or if you are on a boat I imagine lo)l. Its the only time I use headphones when running.

Well, I'm going for my Sunday morning run now, keep up the good work everyone.


Introduced to Interval training last week, holy fuck that kicked my arse, I was glad the highest level was only for a minute! On the other hand, managed 20 minutes on crosstrainer at my previous highest level, so pleased with that and will work in Intervals once a week as have been advised.

Weight training also going well, seem to make progress on one set of weights or another each time I go. Needing to work on bicep curls to overhead now, but feels like another good thing to add in.
That's the bottom line coz Tone Cold said so...


Introduced a couple of crew members to DDP Yoga a couple of days ago and they loved it.

Also got near my first running goal today - my first target is a sub 30 minute 5k. Been running now for two weeks and this is the first running I've done since September and today I managed 5k in 30m15s, so very close. Pretty happy with that.

Starting to get into that zone now where I feel annoyed if I don't do any exercise in a day.

Also picked up a fitbit surge in Abu Dhabi and for a number chaser like me it's excellent. Measures your heart rate, steps, floors climbed, calories burned, sleeping patterns etc, syncs them to your phone and collects data over time. The app also lets you challenge friends to weekly targets for distance, calories, steps etc. Very cool.

Also surprising how much I move about on ship. Most days I walk over 6 miles up and down the ship, and I generally climb at least 60 flights of stairs (I live on the 5th deck up and I often work in the 3rd of 4th deck down, so that's 8 flights just to get back to my room). Step wise the daily target is 10,000 but most days I've done 17-18,000 steps. I love how much more active my new job is compared to sitting in the office back home.

Keep up the good work everyone.


Just a quick one - beat the 30 minute barrier today and ran 5k in 29m34s, so the next target is 28 minutes.

Ideally I want to get as close to 20 minutes as I can before getting off the ship.


Have really been pushing myself on the treadmill and took my 5k time down to 26:42 today. Starting to feel strong now and feeling the benefits.

Today the ship was rocking and rolling quite a lot (huge sandstorm earlier too - that was a sight to see, or not to see since everything went yellow) today so the treadmill experience was interesting to say the least. One minute you're running uphill, then downhill, then on a camber. All at a nice 27 degrees with no air con or breeze.

Still enjoyed it though!

Drama Queen

Dorling, that's almost a minute a mile improvement in the space of four days.... damn good work man, keep it up. You should totally enter a 5k when next you get the opportunity.

The nice thing about interval training Tone, is that while you get your heart rate up so high, that while you're resting you're still working. But yeah, its tough. If you get a chance to try Insanity, give it a whirl, that's about as HIIT as I care to go.

In my news I held a handstand for three seconds today :D

I also came across the Wii balance board whilst cleaning up junk and plugged it in for nostalgia... and forgot how much fun it is. Believe it or not, twas my first step on the road to fitness!


Quote from: Drama Queen on April 02, 2015, 10:50:07 PM
Dorling, that's almost a minute a mile improvement in the space of four days.... damn good work man, keep it up. You should totally enter a 5k when next you get the opportunity.

The nice thing about interval training Tone, is that while you get your heart rate up so high, that while you're resting you're still working. But yeah, its tough. If you get a chance to try Insanity, give it a whirl, that's about as HIIT as I care to go.

In my news I held a handstand for three seconds today :D

I also came across the Wii balance board whilst cleaning up junk and plugged it in for nostalgia... and forgot how much fun it is. Believe it or not, twas my first step on the road to fitness!

I'd love to be able to do a headstand - not there yet, but my balance is a lot better than some of my fellow crew!

Interval training sure is hard work, but it can certainly help build your fast twitch muscles and increase speed. It allows you to work at your maximum for longer - it also does exactly what DQ said and gets your heart rate into those zones that improve your cardio and fat burning and it stays there. Nothing better than seeing your heart rate it is still nice and high and you're into a cool down (or fall down as can be the case!).

Took another 52 seconds off the 5k yesterday (25:50) - really pushed towards the end and felt it afterwards. Looking to take another 20 seconds off today before my rest day tomorrow and then go for the big 25 minute barrier on Monday. That will signify big progress for me, so really looking forward to pushing myself.

Once I get as near to 20 minutes as I can for 5k, I will then start to extend and maintain, firstly by continuing to run for 30 minutes at my fastest pace, and then 40. A 45 minute 10k is probably my ultimate aim, but that will take some serious work.