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Can Heroes be fixed?

Started by Zombie Gunn, March 10, 2009, 03:40:30 PM

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Zombie Gunn

Can Heroes be fixed?

Well, last night I got into my normal Monday Night routine.  No, I didn't watch RAW.  I watched Heroes.  I've watched every show since it's created.  While most people were turned off during last year's debacle, I actually enjoyed the season.  The first season was amazing, and now the third is turning out well.  But while watching it, I realized something.

Sylar is one cool character.  I can see where they want to push him now, which is where I'd like my own eWrestling character The Crimson Shadow to go, at some point.  To be the bad guy that people love.  For those not watching this season, here's a quick rundown.

The government is trying to capture and quarantine all the infected.  It's similar to what The Company or Pinehearst was doing, except that A) They're not interested in protecting them, and B) There hasn't been much focus on controlling or eliminating their abilities.  The main focus has been the power struggle between Nathan Petrelli and the bald guy, whose name eludes me.  The bald guy is quite a fascist when it comes to those with abilities.  And while Nathan isn't thrilled with hunting them down and shooting them, he is willing to capture and quarantine them indefinately.  The one thing that's separated them the most however, is what to do with Peter and Claire.

In the meantime, you have Sylar's side story.  And in the most recent episode (SPOILER!) he meets his father, who he realizes is just a tired old man who regrets the constant hunt for new powers and sees it as a waste of his life.  He says he always went after the weak, which is what Sylar has done.  Sylar denies it, but then his father mentions that he never did anything to the government agents that were trying to find him.  That he RAN from them.  This causes Sylar to want to prove him wrong, in my opinion.  And now, I predict that we're going to see the badass mofo Sylar taking on the "evil bloodthirsty military agents."

What I think this is doing is it's going to create a Bourne type of scenario.  One where the hero is seemingly unstoppable, and his enemy is omnipresent.  It's something they've tried to pull off with Peter, but he's just not tough enough.  The difference is that Sylar is not a good guy.  But I think people can root for him anyway.

So, here's the problem.  And no, it's not that Season 2 turned viewers away.  It's that they've given Sylar way too many (in wrestling terms) face/heel turns.

There's an old standard in wrestling that if fans can't get behind a gimmick due to too many face/heel turns, you make the guy turn again and give him a new gimmick.  Well, Sylar may be in trouble.  Because all of the face/heel turns he's done have been in a wussy manner.  He's had people manipulate him and mold him into who they want him to be.  They turned him into a Momma's boy.  They turned him into a hopeless romantic.  Then they made him go crazed psychopath again.

So, how do they get people to root for him, knowing that at any given moment he could kill one of their heroes?  My solution would be to make the heroes completely unlikable.  Claire is never going to welcome Sylar in, because of what she did.  We also know that the future has Claire as a villain.  I say, go with it.  Make Claire the enemy.  Make her tougher, stronger, less of a whiny bitch.  Then make her do something unthinkably horrible, like killing her father.

For a second though, imagine Sylar as the bad ass good guy.  Unstoppable powers, but forced to stay in hiding because of the government's omnipresent ability to track him.  Picture the man hunt.  Picture him taking out a dozen tactical military.

The Punisher meets Wolverine meets Jack The Ripper.

Tezmission Black

(Warning: This Post may contain Spoilers)

I watched the whole first session and this last but missed alot of what happened between with them introducing Elle and the whole Peter losing his memory thing and then the Villains storyline. I did get alot of the stuff with Sylar and by far he is the most interesting person in the show. I think he is smart and cunning, but he's easy manipulated despite all that, he goes wherever the people around him wish him to go. I think it just shows the sides that he can play.

The storyline through-out has been good, but has lacked in some places, but this session focusing on Nathan, Claire, Hiro, Ando and Sylar and the others to a lesser degree is a good mix. Claire and Sylar are always good storyline arcs to follow. Nathan and Peter are also good, and everyone loves there Hiro and Ando classics, but lets face is Mohinder is lost to me. Parkman would be better if they focused more on he and Dafney and went deeper on all his powers can do.

What really lacked for me was a epic face down between Peter and Sylar back when Peter had all the powers he had, we got a small tease but they did not deliver the full on Epic Battle that should of happened.

I do like them bringing Claire's dad into the spotlight a little more, I always thought he was a good addition to the cast, and the fact he survives throughout all of it with the out look he has I like alot.

Now unto last nights Episode, getting a actor of the caliber of John Glover to play Sylar's father was a great choose(Sorry if that spoils anything). The guy is a great actor and can play the dark, calculated char like an older Sylar would be. With everything going on, I'm wondering who Rebel really is, could it be Nathan and Peters mother? Or could it possibly be Clair's Father? I think the answer is gonna surprise us. I think there ready to bring someone in we havent seen in awhile. I would say Micka(sp), possibly being asked to do it by Nathan's mother or perhaps on his own accord to save the women who looks so much like his mother. The preview that the next episode made it look like it's gonna be Epic, which I honestly think is a bad idea UNLESS they can actually deliver the best Episode yet.

I look forward to watching more Heroes, I did not think the show would last as long as it has, or get as popular it did with it being a TV show about people with powers, but it has and should be good TV for a little while longer.

Zombie Gunn

Wow, the idea of Rebel being Micah hadn't even occured to me.  DAMN, that's good.


Jeph Loeb, who had been a writer/producer for Heroes was fired a few months ago.  They re-hired Bryan Singer, who had left at the end of season 1, for Pushing Daisies, which has since been canceled.  Loeb is, well, a bit of a hack, even moreso after the death of his son.  Singer, on the other hand, is responsible for some of the better episodes from season 1; IE: Company Man.

If anyone can "fix" Heroes, it'd probably be Singer, who is bringing in some of his own crew.  Last night was the first of his episodes, so there'll probably be a more competent and increase in writing quality of the episodes.

I just hope Rebel isn't Micah, as it'd be kinda dumb for a kid to be behind it, in my opinion. :(

If anything, this show needs less Claire because every time she's on screen, I cringe.  Her lines and acting is the absolute worst.


Its not Bryan Singer its Bryan Fuller. Singer directed Usual Suspects and the good Xmen movies, Fuller is one of the most talented writers in hollywood today.

Can he fix it? Not by the end of this year. Too much damage, too many bad storylines. Can anyone fix it? I dont know genuinely because even Tim Kring is done with it by his own admission. He doesnt like his own show and heard he wants to do his own new show in the fall and leave heroes behind, which is fine he had nothing to do with the success of season 1 heroes anyway. THat was fuller.

and if you want to know why the show has tanked its because the two characters that in season 2 and 3 that have become absolutely insufferable is Peter and Claire. Guess who was in charge of their storylines. Fuller.

Personally the show is too damaged for me now, every episode of season 3 has gotten progressively worse and I think its well past the point of no return. You can't cook up spoiled meat and say its filet mignion.

We are already seeing a shortened season 3, from 23 episodes to 18 and i think if the show doesnt do something drastic they will open with very low ratings next year and the show will finish there. One thing NBC execs have thought about doing is putting an expiration date on it ala Lost to try to fix things but the writers have gone in so many non sequential directions i dont think they have the foresight to end the show where they need it to be.


Err... yes.  I got my Bryans mixed up.  My bad. :(

Even though the ratings are declining, I can still see it renewed past season 4, as it's really one of the "name" shows on NBC right now.   That said, the past few episodes have been slightly better.  Even Peter has magically stopped being stupid.  I'd like to see them do a complete reboot or something, keeping a few characters; but with contracts and all that, it'd never happen.

Sadly, I'll still watch this trainwreck, as it's just too much dumb fun.

Ian "Wolfie" Trumps

Honestly, I download this show everyweek out of habit as opposed to interest. It has become a background watcher as I do other stuff. It makes no sense and too many people have powers, like literally everyone they meet can do something like pick each others noses from 19 miles away. Its I think the constant face and heel turns of a lot of the characters coupled with Hiro jumping around time and being a confusing fucker makes it a show that will pan soon.

Tune into Lost, at least your suppose to not understand that one.
'Check out MFX -'

Jose The Law Ramon

One of the main problems with heroes is that not only are you supposed to follow the show and know what's going on, they also think you're watching the webisodes, participating in their games, and reading their webcomics. There are SHIT TONS that go on in these things that don't even get a passing mention but could have a HUGE impact later. For example, the deal with Richard Drucker and the lady who could hack computers with her thoughts. Well, too much stuff to go on, but suffice to say that they supposedly put more detailed info that gets left out of the show in their comics. Of which they probably have more than 100.


Now, I'm a big fan of the show, don't get me wrong. After all, I'm not one to say "Ooh, it's not winning an award so I shouldn't watch it." Like I've ever given a damn about other people's opinions. I'm more of someone who enjoys shows because something about them appeals to me. But even this season of Heroes has left me thinking "Really?" Like cutting off the only hope the Heroes had of protecting themselves from Sylar, or Hiro going on these quests of his splurging through the fortunes his father left him (btw, where's his sister in all this? You know, the buisness savy one). And that whole thing of killing Arthur... honestly, I'm thankful that I at least have the only good season on DVD, because I don't know that I'd want to pay to watch the rest of the shows past season 1. I'm continuing to watch in hope that it changes, but I have a feeling that Heroes became too big for their britches too fast.

Oh. Can Heroes be fixed? Maybe. But it'd take a really talented writer who knows how to do something with what he has and make it better.

Drama Queen, me and you should be expecting a call from NBC any day now.

Tezmission Black

Well the only thing I'm happy about is the fact that I hit who Rebel was on the head lol

But I think it can be fixed, it's just gatta get past the storyline they got going, and focus more on the heroes and not the government shit they got going on right now.