With gold material like this how could Regins not be getting over?

Started by Chris Stern, January 12, 2015, 09:12:37 AM

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Yeah, it's a template they can't seem to change.  Easy way for a face that doesn't talk to sell PPV's: by killing dudes and making him cool, exactly like Goldberg did.  Put him with the heel who does all the talking, maybe Heyman's next charge after Brock goes. 
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It's really bizarre how they don't change it though because their heels are getting face reactions but when they're turned they lose all the momentum and reaction because they're turned into a really lame version of themselves. Miz is a great example... His first big heel run was fantastic and he was great on the mic, now literally nobody can stomach the guy.



On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the highest, how big would the pop be for;

Heyman w/ new Paul Heyman guy (lets say seth Rollins for the sake of this example), rips down Roman Reigns with his awesome promo skills for a good three to four minutes. "Anything you'd like to add, Mr. Reigns?" 5 second pause, look around the crowd, BOOM superman punch.

Crowd would go batshit.

The problem with the silent babyface - a la Sting, Goldberg, to a lesser extent old AJ Styles, is you need the commentary team to fill in the gaps. In the above example;

Commentator B) how DARE he put his hands on Paul Heyman, there was no need for that!
Commentator A) He's sending a message to Seth Rollins - watch your back Seth, Reigns is coming for you!

Unfortunately what we have new is;

Cole) and of course you can watch the destruction of the shield documentary on the netw SUPERMANPUNCH Network
JBL) George St. Pierre would be proud of that one Maggle!
King) Was GSP really a saint, Michael?

It CAN work, you need commentators though. I would give one of my left limbs to have Heyman doign commentary, he knows how to work the match via mic.

Chris Stern

Quote from: T-Bonizzle on January 12, 2015, 11:52:07 AM
Cause they are trying to make him like The Rock you see.

Really? based on how Vince has been writing his promos it would seem more like they are trying to make him Cena, maybe they are trying to make him Rock but it still comes off as Cena especially after the Smackdown and now the Raw "story time" promo they just gave me flashbacks of some of the stupid shit they had Cena do like some of the goofy promos he did during the Wyatt feud and let's not forget the brilliance that was when he sprayed painted JBL's car with "JBL is Poopy".  Maybe it's just me.

Quote from: Duckman on January 13, 2015, 10:16:31 AM
I've seen a couple of his longer matches and he's improving every time - if he's got the right opponent.

Would be great to put him in there for 4 months with Bryan, would help him no end.

His move-set is total babyface at the moment, but his attitude could be really heelish and help turn the crowd.  Especially if he's in there with their chosen ones (Ziggler, Bryan).

It just feels like the course they're currently on with him is going to end up with him being rejected by a large chunk of the audience and then they'll have him and Cena as top babyfaces that half the crowd hate.  Which would be a crime because Reigns does have everything else going for him and making him the top guy shouldn't be this hard.
I personally think 1. Reigns needs a little more time to win the crowd over and 2. needs to stop having Vince and "creative" write his promos since from what I hear about Reigns he is pretty quick witted and can hold his own quite well even against Heyman but no, they can't have guys cut their own promos. I swear I wouldn't be surprised that this whole overly scripted bull we have crapped out every week is based on Vinces enternal and futile attempt to change the perception of Wrestling since advertisers hate wrestling, so let's keep making it more like a scripted TV show which is NEVER GOING TO WORK even if you could pull it off on TV it will never change how the product is viewed period, seriously after what 30 or more years you would think that people would get some form of a clue but Vince is a wrestling promoter despite what he chooses to call himself/view himself and like all promoters is prone to never learning jack shit till it's too late if at all, ah well at least people seem to be finally getting sick of this crap(sadly it seems the majority of Wrestling fans have a high tolerance for shit see how long WCW and TNA hung around before people finally got fed up with their products) as the ratings seem to continue to drop  so hopefully it will force Vince to finally pull his head out of his ass and listen to people who try to get him to fix the product or it will force him to go into panic mode and make even stupider ideas ala WCW in '98/'99.


Alright, Just seen reigns' RAW promo - was better. He's definitely more comfortable on the mic. again though, it's the choice of words. Drew the story out too long, rambled a bit. Still, hell of an improvement though.

Also he has magic beans. We should confirm this with Renee Young.



oh lord, they're giving him PG insults...yeah, Cena 2.0 right there.