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TEN: The Experts Network => Historical Archives => Extreme Tournament 2018: Super6 => Topic started by: Alex Smiley on December 06, 2018, 02:37:36 PM

Title: Super6 - Group Stage Week 1 (RESULTS)
Post by: Alex Smiley on December 06, 2018, 02:37:36 PM

[Cut to footage of the twenty-four competitors in this year's Extreme Tournament, as a young woman speaks in voiceover.]

Six weeks, six groups, and only six will advance for the right to be crowned the winner...


[Cut to a studio set, where we are greeted by the smiling face of one Kyle Bacon.]

Kyle Bacon: Hello, and welcome to Super6: Extreme Tournament 2018! I'm your host Kyle Bacon, and each week we'll be hanging out here in the Super6 studio taking a look at the amazing action that takes place during the group stage of this year's tournament! Twenty-four wrestlers have come together to see who will be crowned the winner, and half of the groups will be competing each week.

[The screen next to him changes, revealing some information as it pertains to the structure of the group stage.]

Kyle Bacon: Here's a quick refresher on the way this year's tournament works: the competitors in each group face each other once during the group stage in a match with a thirty minute time limit, and a win earns the wrestler two points...a draw earns each opponent one point...and of course, the loser of the match walks away with zero points. The wrestler in each group with the most points advances to the finale, an Elimination Chamber match to determine the winner of this year's Extreme Tournament! If the current True Expert manages to advance, the title will be on the line!

[The screen changes again, this time showing the three groups we're focused on this week.]


As you can see on the screen, this week we take a look at the exciting matches that took place in Las Vegas, New York City, and Chicago! Before we go into the matches, we're gonna take a look at one of the big sponsors we have for this year!


Since 2013, TitanCorp has worked with clientele all over the world to provide strategic security solutions. Our newest partnership ensures the safety of operations for The Experts through our headquarters in Las Vegas, New York City, Chicago, London, Toronto, and Tokyo. We look forward to serving our client in whatever means necessary.

The future is now. Make sure you're prepared.

[Cut back to Kyle in the studio.]

Kyle Bacon: And it's a good thing we've got such a good security team! As you can imagine from something called the Extreme Tournament, a bit of chaos broke out when the wrestlers were informed that the group stage matches were contested with no disqualifications! Some were quite surprised by the news, but as you'll soon see, others took advantage of this. Up first in our program this week, Billy Mitchell takes on Adrianna Wilde from the old VWF Arena in Chicago!

Billy Mitchell vs Adrianna Wilde

[This turned out to be a bit of a one-sided affair from the jump, with Mitchell looking to make a statement against the up and coming Wilde. Billy immediately goes to work on Adri with some hard lefts and rights, driving her into the corner before stomping a mudhole into the young competitor. The ref pulls Billy away from Adri, admonishing him for being too violent...but Mitchell reminds the ref that this is a No DQ match, and he's gonna do whatever it takes to win.]

[This opened the gates for Wilde to mount a comeback, coming at Mitchell with a flurry of offense that took the veteran by surprise! Action quickly spilled out of the ring, where the American Outlaw managed to turn things back in his favor with some hard jabs before whipping Adri into the barricade! Billy brings Adri back into the ring, lifting her high above his head before hitting a military press slam! The ref checks on Wilde, who isn't responding at this point...but that doesn't faze Mitchell, who picks Adri up—3:10 TO YUMA! Billy nearly turns Adri inside out with that Clothesline from Hell, but the ref tells him to back off before checking on Adri again. With no response from the young competitor, the ref calls for the bell!]

Winner via ref stoppage (9:49): Billy Mitchell

[We watch as medics attend to Wilde, helping her to her feet as the crowd gives her a standing ovation. She's assisted to the back, her future in the tournament uncertain as we cut to break.]


[Returning from the break, we cut back to Kyle in the studio.]

Kyle Bacon: After the match we checked in with Adrianna Wilde, who assured us she'll be good to continue in the tournament. Still, as a precaution we have our medical staff examining her, and will keep us updated on her condition...and we will keep you updated as we're given new information. Up next we take a look at some action from New York City as Rex Evans, who came up just short against Jack Benevolence for the True Expert title at the most recent Pro Wrestling RAIDEN event, taking on the self-proclaimed Face of The Experts, Mark Mania!

[Cut to a video package highlighting the careers of both men, particularly concerning The Experts: Rex's past with the tournament, and his recent match for the title against Jack Benevolence; Mark Mania's matches with the likes of Jesse Gunn and his insistence that it's "his time to shine" as the winner of the Extreme Tournament!]

Rex Evans vs Mark Mania

[Rex Evans looked to get some momentum back after his close loss at Big Trouble in Little China, but from the outset it was clear that Mark Mania was not going down without a fight! They go at it with some lefts and rights, but Mania takes an advantage with a whip to the ropes, landing a jumping roundhouse kick on the rebound that takes Rex down hard! Mania's technical prowess kicks in now, ending in a sleeper hold...but the Avatar of Brutality powers his way to his feet, sending Mania into the corner to break the hold!]

[From there, Evans unleashes his power on Mania before the action spills to the outside, Mania takes advantage of a momentary distraction to slam Rex into the steel steps! Mark brings Evans back into the ring, lifting him up with a smile on his face—FISHERMAN'S SUPLEX! A nod to his cousin Smitty as Mark goes for the cover!]


[Evans kicks out! An angry Mania sets Rex up for the Mania Madness, but Evans reverses—SIMPLY TAKEN OUT! Standing STO to Mania, and Rex now goes for the cover...but Mania rolls him into a small package!]


Winner via pinfall (15:23): Mark Mania

[Mania sneaks a win over Rex Evans, who's beside himself as the ref raises Mania's hand in victory! Mania quickly makes his escape from the ring, thrilled to get a big win as we cut back to Kyle in the studio.]

Kyle Bacon: With that win, Mark Mania picks up two points in the New York City group and a big advantage moving forward. That leaves Rex to figure out how to get back on track, with his sights now set on a former True Expert in a couple weeks as he takes on Sewaside, whom we'll be seeing in action later tonight. Up next, we go to the fight capital of the world as two former Extreme Tournament winners duke it out in Las Vegas...will Doug E Fresh pick up the win, or will the former Level-One prove why he calls himself THE True Expert?

[We cut to a video package highlighting the careers of Doug E Fresh and Lester Only, two men looking to prove they can win a second Extreme Tournament with their first step to pick up a victory tonight!]

Doug E Fresh vs Lester Only

[This match more than lived up to the hype, as two former True Expert Champions both show their best. In Extreme Tournament form, Level-One starts off the brutality with vicious chair shots on Doug's back. Doug answers later in the match when he has Level-One on the outside of the ring against the barricade and Doug slams the steel stairs into his back, basically pancaking Level-One. The action only intensifies from there, as Fresh goes to his usual technical playbook, unleashing a flurry of arm drags followed by a dropkick that sends the one and only Unum Champion to the outside!]

[With Level-One down and out, Fresh saw his opportunity and sure enough, he climbs up top just waiting for the right moment as Level-One manages to get back to his feet—TRUE EXPERTISE! Fresh with a leap off the top rope, hitting a Tornado DDT on one of his biggest rivals! Both men are down and out as the ref starts to count!]


[The crowd chanting the count along as both men are slowly stirring.]


[Level-One comes to, staring down his rival as Fresh manages to get to a knee. They go right back to brawling, not aware of the count still taking place!]


[The ref calls for the bell, much to the surprise of both men! This match may be a No Disqualification match, but count outs were a possibility that neither men accounted for.]

Decision: Double Count Out

[The two men glare at each other before they go right back at it, clearly looking to take the other out in frustration as staff make their way out to break things up before we cut to commercial.]


Kyle Bacon: One of the bigger shocks of the night as two former True Expert champions end up with a point each after that double count out! We learn that anything can happen at the Extreme Tournament, and the groups have some close calls at the outset. With that, we go back to Chicago as Kid Dynamo takes on Robina Hood!

[We cut to a video package highlighting the careers of Kid Dynamo and the FSW Champion, Robina Hood. Two newcomers to The Experts looking to make a name for themselves, who will pick up the win in Chicago?]

Kid Dynamo vs Robina Hood

[This match proved to be a clash of styles, as Kid Dynamo uses his hybrid of high flying and striking against the likes of Robina's more well-rounded approach. Hood takes the early advantage, enjoying the relaxed rules of this match as she takes Dynamo down hard with a set of hard kicks ending with a spinning heel kick that sends the Kid into the corner. From there, Robina unloads a flurry of punches to Dynamo, before finishing things off with a reverse STO that drives his head square into the turnbuckle!]

[Robina soaks in the jeers of those rooting for Dynamo, taunting him by yelling "where's your God Mode now!?" as she hits Dynamo with a European uppercut. The self-proclaimed Greatest Showman takes this moment to look at the work she's done, delighting in it before she sets Dynamo up for the Gran—no, wait! Dynamo drops Robina with a  Pele Kick! Dynamo's starting to get some momentum now as the veteran hits some more kicks on Hood. He goes up against the ropes, looking to hit the Bad Luck Ch—BLOOD MIST! Robina just nailed Dynamo in the face with that red mist, laughing wickedly as her opponent step back, trying to get the mist out of his eyes—GRANDE FINALE! Robina hits a devastating Double Knee Backbreaker, knocking the wind right out of Dynamo before she goes for the cover!]


Winner via pinfall (18:01): Robina Hood

[Robina has an evil grin from ear to ear as the ref raises her hand in victory, allowing the Greatest Showman to gloat as we cut to break.]


[The camera opens up backstage onto Aidan Collins, who is sitting in the locker room on a bench and lacing up his boots. The crowd in the arena pops loudly—while Aidan would almost certainly be jeered in other locations, his status on a New Yorker affords him a level of invulnerability when it comes to his reputation in the Big Apple. Suddenly, a voice comes in from off camera.]

"It's about that time, huh?"

[The voice questions, as James Raven steps into the frame, receiving cheers on his own.]

"So what do you say, Bliz? Are you ready for Sewaside tonight?"

[Aidan steps up, pleased to see Raven, his tag partner in The Tribe. He puts out his fist, receiving a fist bump from The People's G.O.A.T. as Aidan smirks.]

"I think win or lose, I'm ready for Sewaside tonight."

The comment draws a laugh from James.

"I guess it's a good thing that you should have no problem taking this one tonight. Aidan Collins in New York City. That's like beating the Seahawks in Seattle...No, tougher than that..."

[James thinks of a better example.]

"It's like beating Zeus on Mount Olympus!"

"It's like beating James Raven in Toronto."

[Aidan says, alluding to the fact that James will also wrestle his preliminary matches from the comfort of his hometown.]


[James is pleased to be complimented by the man who was a mentor of his during the early part of his career.]

"Say Bliz, let's say you win all your matches in New York...and I win all of my matches in Toronto. You know what that means, right?"

[Aidan plays stupid and raises his hands, as though he's confused by the assertion.]

"That would mean that in the Elimination Chamber, the world would see Aidan Collins versus James Raven for the very first time!"

[The crowd pops loudly at the possibility of this occurring.]

"We've been fighting side by side for over a decade, man. You haven't thought about that at all?"

"James Raven versus Aidan Collins, eh?"

[Aidan says, emphasizing the 'eh' like a Canadian.]

"Nah, can't say I've thought about it much. I've been far too busy to think about counters to your moves, your medical history, dirty tricks that you think I won't resort to that can provide me an advantage... Been too busy to think about that stuff."

[Aidan's sarcasm is evident with a chuckle at the end.]

"Good, good. That's the smart play. Think about your next match, right? That's what I'm doing..."

[Raven's eyes light up, like they always do when he's about to mess with someone.]

"So I've been doing a lot of thinking about Daryl Prichard, and not your bum shoulder."

[This draws a laugh from Aidan.]

"My bum shoulder, huh? Damn man, if they gave victories for passive aggressive comments, you'd be the People's G.O.A.T. of insults, too!"

"I try. But seriously, man. I'm excited we're both in this thing. It's going to be crazy. Let's just promise each other one thing."

"Yeah, what's that?"

"No matter what...one of the members of The Tribe walks away as True Expert."

[Aidan smiles with a nod.]

"Hells to the yes on that! Now, if you'd excuse me for a minute, I think I have a Bloodhound to put down..."

[Aidan looks into the camera.]

"New York. Let's go, baby!"

[This draws one last loud cheer as Aidan walks out of the frame, Raven looking amused. When the camera stays on him for a second too long, Raven uses the opportunity to throw in a quip.]

"I really hope he doesn't kill himself tonight."

[With that, we cut to the action at ringside as Sewaside looks to prove his 2007 Extreme Tournament win was by no means a fluke as he takes on a frequent rival in Aidan Collins!]

Sewaside vs Aidan Collins

[There's clearly no love lost between Sewaside and Collins, as they don't even wait for the bell to start trading blows in the middle of the ring. Sewaside is the first to go for a major blow, flinging Collins into the ropes. However, on the rebound, Collins ducks under the former True Expert's clothesline, then goes for a Bicycle Kick. However, Sewaside has that scouted, grabbing Collins' leg and spinning him around to drive him to the canvas with a DDT!]

[As Collins slowly regains his wits in the ring, Sewaside rolls out to mockingly count his money and trash talk the Garden faithful as he reaches under the ring to grab chairs and light tubes, tossing them into the ring. The Garden is firmly behind its hometown man as Collins gets to his feet, noticing the weapons Sewaside has thrown into the ring. King Infinity's expression turns cold as he goes to the outside. Sewaside charges at him, but Collins has a light tube within reach, smashing it over Sewaside's head and busting him up! Collins seizes the advantage, going for the 3-Some! One Northern Lights Suplex connects... Then two... However, on the third, Sewaside reorients himself... TORNADO DDT ONTO THE STEEL STEPS, AND COLLINS IS OUT!!!]

[Sensing his opportunity, Sewaside rolls Collins back into the ring as goes to the top turnbuckle, wiping the blood from his head with a sick smirk. However, as Sewaside leaps for Have a Nice Day, Collins gets up... BRAINBUSTER DIRECTLY ONTO THE STEEL CHAIR!!! Both men feel the effects, but Collins is up to his feet first, just waiting for Sewaside to get up. As he does, Collins charges headlong for the Ice Pick, but Sewaside grabs him to go for the F-Bomb! Sewaside pivots around toward the nearest turnbuckle, but as he pushes forward, Collins escapes, grabbing Sewaside's arm... HELL'S KALEIDOSCOPE!!! Collins goes for the cover!!!]


Winner via pinfall (14:20): Aidan Collins

[The ref raises the hand of Aidan as Side gets back to his feet. The two men stare each other down for a moment before finally extending a handshake in a show of sportsmanship between two men with a lot of history as we cut to break.]


[We're back from break, with Kyle in the studio.]

Kyle Bacon: After what's been an interesting night of action, we arrive at our main event...a battle between two champions in Sin City, as the EWC United States Champion Ace King takes on the True Expert, Jack Benevolence!

[We cut to a video package highlighting not only the careers of both Ace King and Jack Benevolence, but the events leading up to the return of the Extreme Tournament: Jack Benevolence winning the True Expert Championship from Doug E Fresh at the Invitational, and barely retaining against Rex Evans at the last Pro Wrestling RAIDEN event. There's a target on the back of the champion, as he tries to win his group and advance before becoming a two-time Extreme Tournament winner!]

Jack Benevolence vs Ace King

[There is a palpable energy in the crowd as The True Expert Champion Jack Benevolence and Ace King square off in the ring. At first Jack seems to think he's playing with Ace but quickly realizes that Ace is playing with a Royal Flush. The two men land a bevy of impact moves against each other inside the ring before Ace attempts a move off the top rope and Jack sends him flying to the outside and against the barricade. On the steel entry way the two go back and forth giving up their own bodies to hit suplex's on each other. Both men are covered in sweat and, after some well-placed chair shots from both sides, blood as they stand in the middle of the ring.]

[Ace King is starting to get a sense that time is not on his side, and ups the ante with some technical wizardry from his early days. Jack, realizing the desperation that Ace is in, does his best to simply get away from the fellow champion...luring Ace out of the ring before slamming him into the steel steps! Jack slides back in the ring, looking for the quick and easy win via count out.]


[Ace is slowly stirring as Jack just stares from the corner, hoping that the Gambler is forced to fold.]


[King manages to make it back to his feet, much to the dismay of the True Expert as Ace slides into the ring. He is exhausted, leaving him open to an attack by Benevolence who lifts Ace up for Jack's Ha—ACE REVERSES WITH A DDT! Both men are down once more, but Jack is already back to his feet as he stares at the fallen King. With a smirk, Jack looks to pick Ace up again—ALL-IN! The Gambler has truly gone all in, locking in a Gogoplata on the True Expert! We hear the announcement from ringside that there are just five minutes left, and that seems to give Jack a sense of hope...he's fading, but he's refusing to give up! Ace locks the move in tighter, trying to make Jack tap or pass out before the time limit as the True Expert inches his way to the ropes. He cannot take advantage of a rope break given the No DQ stipulation, but he can gain some leverage to stay in the match just long enough for the announcement that the time limit has been reached, giving the ref no choice but to call for the bell!]

Decision: Time limit draw

[Ace lets go of the hold, looking dejected as Jack is finally stirring again...with a big grin on his face, knowing he managed to survive long enough to not lose to Ace King on this night. Jack slides out of the ring, regrouping on the ramp as Ace motions just how close he was to beating the True Expert before we cut back to Kyle in the studio.]

Kyle Bacon: Thirty minutes of back and forth action between the True Expert and the EWC United States Champion, and it all came down to a time limit draw!? The so-called Group of Doom earned that moniker this weekend as all four men are tied at one point each!


Kyle Bacon: With that, the standings after Week 1 reveal that it's anyone's ball game in the Las Vegas group, with a couple clear leaders in the Chicago and New York City groups. Next week we go international, as we look at the action from London, Toronto, and Tokyo! Until then, this is Kyle Bacon signing off. See you next week for more Super6 action in the 2018 Extreme Tournament!

[Fade to black.]

- Geordie and Mark Mania for pitching in with match summaries
- Aidan Collins for the segment
- All y'all for RPing and being patient in waiting for results lol