Smitty vs MDK

Started by Alex Smiley, January 14, 2019, 05:43:12 PM

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Alex Smiley


- Word limit for Group Stage matches is 1500.
- 1 RP per wrestler per match.
- Deadline: January 20, 2019, at 11:59PM Pacific.

Quote from: JackHondo on October 24, 2012, 07:31:28 AM
You're right, Jesus is nicer. But Alex is a close second.

Adam Wrong

A buzz of a phone rattles across the hotel table top. The name Denise is flashing on the front to indicate who is calling and as the vibration subsides, the name is replaced by another message.

11 missed calls.

(M.D.K. strolls past the phone and ignores it as he loads up his suitcases and empties the wardrobe and sighs as he looks at the silk kimono he was given as a goodwill gesture for attending the tournament. The phone buzzes again and M.D.K. simply looks down, frowns and picks up the phone and stares at it... before tossing it back onto the table... He sits on the bed, glowers at the camera and speaks out)

M.D.K.: "You want a fancy sound-bite? You want me to show hunger still? When I have been overlooked, underestimated and mistreated through this entire fucking shit-show? You think because I showed honour against Mike because I didn't want a cheap win that I will hold my tongue and me the corporate golden boy?

That's not how I work.

You think that for some reason, I am going to go all out against Smitty - the epitome of dialling it in in the ring - and deliver you something special? What for exactly? The match-ups were planned out badly... Everybody who has half a brain knows that last week was the true challenge to see who was walking out of our group and because of my god damned honour, I threw it all away. If you think that all I have done is to try and salvage my soul...

That's not how I work.

Smitty, if you think that I give a shit about you, that I care whether you bother to show up on time - if at all - and whether what you deliver to me in the ring is worth my while, worth shortening my career and my life... well let me reiterate one simple point..

That's not how I work.

All through my time here in Japan, I have been bored at best and uninspired at worst. To drag my arse out there in front of half a dozen disinterested fuck-knuckles and deliver gold? What fucking right does anybody have to ask of that for me... So I have gone out of my way to spice things up... to join in the mayhem and defend the indefensible. If that means I look like the good guy then so be it... If you think it means that I am now some sort of champion of morality...

That's not how I work.

And Smitty, if you think for a moment that I am giving anything more than half of my ass this week, that you don't deserve anything from me let alone the tagline which I have delivered to the greatest fuck-knuckles in Experts history... Well sunshine...

That's not how I work.

How you work Smitty is that you might turn up, you're going to thank me for lowering my standards to climb into the ring with you... Well... that's how it will work, and how it will pan out and you will thank me for the beating that you will receive... And you..."

(He glowers at the camera and pauses... before looking down and smirking...)

M.D.K.: "You ain't worth my fucking time..."

(His phone buzzes again and this time the name of the caller reads two simple letters... RC... M.D.K. smiles, picks up the phone and says three works as the camera cuts out.)

M.D.K.: "Evening Sugar Tits..."