OPW Community

The Lounge => The Den => Topic started by: Rebel Child on December 24, 2008, 07:27:15 PM

Title: RC's feel good Holiday Post
Post by: Rebel Child on December 24, 2008, 07:27:15 PM
Hah, I'm stealing Gav's idea.

Anyways, here it goes.

There's a lot that could be said for 2008.  It saw the death of quite a few efeds that had promise.  It saw the birth of a few efeds that will continue to make it on.  It was the year that people realized Indiana Jones should just be left alone in his retirement, and George Lucas grasping at straws to make more money from Starwars.  It saw the birth of the Joker in teh Dark Knight, forever changing our comic fan boy (or girl) views on the mad man, and it also saw the death of a grand actor, who's demons were far too much for him.  2008 was the year that Kevin Smith decided he wanted to try something new with a screenplay that hasn't been sorted yet, and saw how the term Porno can make any theater in the US slightly skitchy on letting it be shown there.  2008 was the year history was made when the first black man running for office is now the President Elect, as well as the state that he had been a represenative for.. become the laughing stock with corrupt govenors (fuck you Blago).  2008 also showed and heralded that there was more than just skin colour change in the air as the first female VP was selected to run for the GOP, showing that we are perhaps slowly evolving as a human race to be able to accept others.  Perhaps, but only time will tell.

2008 has been a time for some personal accomplishments in each of our lives, not always celebrated with this community - however in some small way they are shared with one another.  Perhaps it was in our upbeat moods, perhaps it was in the simple fact we stopped being so pissy if even for a small moment of time.  No, we don't share everything under the sun with one another on this forum, within these circles - yet we still are able to share our moods in such a fashion.  2008 has also been a time for some personal disappointments in each of our lives.  Even these were not  always shared with the community - and they don't have to be.  But perhaps somewhere in the back of each of our minds, we realized tha at least some place, even if it be online, there was somewhere we could go to get our mind off of the crap that was bogging us down.

2008 for me personally has been a scales of up and down, a roller coaster ride, that at times I wished to get off of.   However, that's part of life - something I can appreciate, something that I actually have accepted for what it is.  For every downfall there was a rise, and that's not something that I would ever replace, ever could replace.   In 2008 I've made some friendships that I would never wish to replace.  I could go into a big list and say something about each of them personally - but you know who you are .  Yes they might be e-friendships, but I consider myself lucky, honored, and very happy for having them.    Unfortunately, in 2008 I also got to see the sides of people, I never would imagine - and while it saddens me to think so, I allow it to roll off my shoulders, due in part to the fact that.. While they may not be the people whom I thought they were - they each taught me something as well.

Life is many things, but also a lesson.

2008 has seen the birth of a civil war of sorts, when it comes to our hobby.  Where RK.com has turned into somewhat of a ghost town, ruled by the rules that aren't even truly there, and the birth of the Efed Knights which shows so much passion and joy for this creative process that we each at least in some modicum hold dear to us.  The ability to play some hot sweaty person in tights has never had a brighter outlook than it did when the Knights forum was created, when the first show was done.   It has also seen the birth of many different joinings... TFWF first joining with the Experts and Phoenix Wrestling and AWR combining to create PWR - only two of the many that I can think of at this moment.

Yes, this year has been bumpy for some, if not all of us in some fashion form or facet online or in real life.  However, that's how it goes sometimes.

So here's to 2009, here's to each one of you and your families.  May it find you in good health, good tidings, and good things to come.

And here's to hoping that Lucas will stop making Indiana Jones and Starwars movies... (GIVE IT A FUCKING REST) and that the X-Men movie won't suck as hard as X3 did and that T-4 is something we all enjoy.

Happy Holidays,

Rebel Child

Aka Cindy