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burning the Koran

Started by JD Storm, September 07, 2010, 11:53:00 PM

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Zombie Gunn

Quote from: Mark "Geezer" Mania on September 10, 2010, 12:12:11 PM
It's like saying one gay guy loves cock and assuming the rest......oh wait...that's a different thing.



Personally, I don't think the pastor has the right to call himself a christian. He is the embodiment of non-tolerance. This country was founded by protestants who were looking to escape religious persecution, and what this pastor in Florida is doing is against everything that this country stands for. Also, another funny thing to dwell on is that he is essentially burning a religious text that phrases the same god that Christians believe in, because Jews, Christians, Islam and Muslims, all believe in the same god, just different profits. The first Christians were Jews who believed Jesus Christ was the savior. The first Islams and Muslims were Jews that believed Mohamed was the one and only Profit. So, yeah, dumb ass Pastor, burn a religious text praising God just because it doesn't praise Jesus Christ, fucking dumb ass.

Cory Funk Jr.

He decided to not do it and that it was a "stunt" to get people aware of the evils of some Muslims.. I think he just allowed us to see the evils in some men.

Jon Tees

He probably got scared and backed down. There’s a strong possibility that he received multiple threats against his person, property and even his life as did family members and friends of his that if he went through with it he’d be sorry. Usually when someone changes their mind so abruptly when they are adamant about something they have been threatened/bullied and intimidated into seeing things someone else’s way.

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Zombie Gunn

I doubt that was it. He would probably love to be a martyr.

Triple B

Quote from: Big Daddy Tees on September 11, 2010, 03:26:20 PM
He probably got scared and backed down. There’s a strong possibility that he received multiple threats against his person, property and even his life as did family members and friends of his that if he went through with it he’d be sorry. Usually when someone changes their mind so abruptly when they are adamant about something they have been threatened/bullied and intimidated into seeing things someone else’s way.

I doubt it.  If he was willing to sensationalize 9/11 with this horseshit, he would be MORE than willing to tell people that he had received multiple threats against his life, to make himself feel even MORE important.
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The guys an idiot; but I don't doubt he's actually received death threats by some fellow nut cases. Remember the south park episode dibolical? And various artists who protray ''Muhammed'' in a negative light? The war on terrorism is complete bullshit, yes--but there are people who take this type of thing to heart and this stuff could potentially kick off real terror attacks and or/ assassinations.

Anyways, hopefully tomarrow this is offically done with. I'm personally wasting no more time on it. I'm sure the next media diversion is in the works while we speak...

JD Storm

real terror attacks? what would you define as a real terror attack?


Quote from: JD Storm on September 12, 2010, 11:24:33 PM
real terror attacks? what would you define as a real terror attack?

Attacks where the perpatrators aren't tied into the military or CIA. Attacks in which the said attack in question, wasn't done in drills weeks leading up to the attack and/or in some cases on the same day. Preferably, attacks that are logically plausible--and don't depend on a myraid of never ending coincidences.

An example of a fake terror attack; the underwear bomber. Yes, because anyone can just hop onto a plane without a passport these days. Oh, not to mention the body scanners that came in as a result. Well, that's half true. The scanners were on order before the event; the event just came right on time, so the rollout of the machines could follow in a too good to be true, manner.

Or if we REALLY want to get intimate; give this link a click;

There are REAL terror attacks; but most of them, are staged. I'm not going to beat around the bush. This has been going on for ever now; and there's NOTHING that tells me it has stopped. Wether, it's Hitler burning down the Reichstag to step in as savior; or the admited Gulf on Tonkin lie all the way to events that were planned but never took place (Operation Northwoods); governments stage attacks on themselves. Hell, even on a smaller scale; people have been caught writing offense things on their OWN property to demonize opposing political groups. You even had some draw a ''B'' on her own forehead and said she was attacked by Obama supporters; but the B was spelt backwards and was caught in her own lie.

Anyways, whatever. It is what it is. WTC7 collapsed in it's own footprint, just cause.

Triple B

WTC7 also had numerous diesel tanks in the building with gas lines all over that fed the fires that took out a good chunk of the building.  It also was supported not by beems, but by trusses, and this the fires really did alot of damage there to the structure.  A building doesn't fall over on it's side, ever.  Unless Godzilla is doing the demo work, it don't work that way.

I don't understand why anyone, after looking at all the evidence and all the facts, would assume that the government did 9/11.  You give them WAY too much credit.
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Adam Wrong

I don't see what the popular rock music magazine did to deserve burning...

Mark Mania

Somebody wanted to burn Spin magazine?

Adam Wrong


Quote from: Triple B on September 13, 2010, 02:57:05 AM
WTC7 also had numerous diesel tanks in the building with gas lines all over that fed the fires that took out a good chunk of the building.  It also was supported not by beems, but by trusses, and this the fires really did alot of damage there to the structure.  A building doesn't fall over on it's side, ever.  Unless Godzilla is doing the demo work, it don't work that way.

I don't understand why anyone, after looking at all the evidence and all the facts, would assume that the government did 9/11.  You give them WAY too much credit.

Who said buildings toppled over onto it's side? It certainly, doesn't collapse in form of a controlled demonition, though. There's been artichects who've explained how the tower should have fell.  It collapsed in the same manner the first two did. If large buildings can collapse by fires set a muck; the demolition companies should just save a whole lot of time and money, by taking the joint down with a bic lighter. As as I know, no building has ever collapsed due to fires. Ever. Anyways, Larry Silverstein admitted to ''pulling'' the building down. I'm aware of the offical ''debunk'' claim that it was taken out of context but again, almost too good to be true--considering, accounts from some firefighters saying that they were warned beforehand of the collapse of WTC 7. Related to this, is the nanonthermite found in the dust samples and eyewitness/video accounts of what looks to be thermite pooring from the building, while on fire.

Then of course, we have the famous report of the collapse... before it collapsed. The popular mechanics shill crowd shrugged it off as yet another misunderstanding, and that the news reporter and entire media channel would have to be in on the attack. Wrong. Again and this goes back to other threads I have posted it; the media is a governments propaganda channel. They often make reports based off government press releases. It's as simple as they spilt the beans 45 minutes early. Whoops.

And I agree with you about giving the government too much credit. Bush didn't orcastrate the attack anymore then he could orcastrate his way out of a paper bag. Neither are the government so slick, they could pull an event like this without a hitch--because by god, they're plenty. Some would aruge that the government wasn't involved; and rather, the intelligence services carried out a large part of the operation. I don't know. I am, however, not sold that it was soley nineteen cave men with box cutters. Sorry, man.

At the VERY least; these attacks were allowed to happen. I'd say, the proof behind the scenes so to speak heavily outweighs the case that actually played out infront of our eyes. And I'm not an artichect but if six of the ten commissioners smell a cover up, then I'm probably not as out to lunch as you think I am.  More then anything, I'm 100% sold that the offical story, is a cover up for SOMETHING; how deep it is, I guess will come out in twenty+ years from now when it's declassified.

I expect a speech to go a little something like this, ''We aren't the same nation we were thirty some odd, long years ago...''; and what the hell, nobody will REALLY care.

Anyways, kudos for a civil reply. I'm still waiting for the typical; YOU R CRAZY CONSPIRACY THEORIST, TIN FOIL HAT, ARR, ARR, ARR; reply, the media treats ANYTHING that goes against their ''offical'' bullshit story they put out to which the minion followers are then programmed to repeat.

And just a personal question if you or rather anyone choose to reply. Do you think there has ever been a staged attack on US soil--beyond the one's I have listed to be admitted in declassification? And if not, why would they stop despite it being proven to be an effective war-game strategy, time and time again?

Zombie Gunn

I feel dumber having read that.  I should have listened to my better judgement.