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The Lounge => The Media Room => Topic started by: whysoserious on September 12, 2012, 02:47:44 PM

Title: 5 quick facts about my musical tastes.
Post by: whysoserious on September 12, 2012, 02:47:44 PM
So here goes:
- The Beatles are my favourite and also IMO greatest band ever.
- I have a general hatred if artists cannot write their own music.
- David Guetta and Example are two people I thought I could never like but love most of their music.
- Currently my fave bands going are Kasabian, Blink 182, Tenacious D and Arctic Monkeys.
- IMO Ed Sheeran is the best singer-songwriter in the charts at the moment.
Title: Re: 5 quick facts about my musical tastes.
Post by: Hondo on September 12, 2012, 03:07:32 PM
I'm down.

-I was born in 1980, but my musical preference since childhood is 70's rock.

-I can tell you the precise moment when rock music started going downhill (in my eyes anyway): Early 1999, when Orgy's video for "Blue Monday" debuted. The music was subpar, but people ate it up because they had a gimmicked look. Since then, musicianship in rock has taken a backseat to looks. I'd expect that sort of jackassery from pop music, but rock? C'mon. You could argue that the same thing happened in the 80's with hair bands (ie., Poison). But even then, those guys still put out some good tunes. There are NO redeeming qualities to Orgy.

-Despite being from the south, I'm NOT a big fan of modern country music. Classics like Willie Nelson and Johnny Cash and Waylon Jennings were awesome, but a lot of it over the past 20 or 30 years is overproduced noise.

-I would listen to Ronnie James Dio sing the entries of a phone book and throw the horns each and every time.

-The first album I ever paid my own money for was Jimmy Buffett's "Songs you Know By Heart".

Title: Re: 5 quick facts about my musical tastes.
Post by: Dorling on September 13, 2012, 04:04:36 AM
- My favourite live bands are Tenacious D, The Cat Empire and Metallica

- The first single I ever purchased was 'This Cowboy Song' by Sting.

- The first album I purchased on CD was 'Siamese Dream' by the Smashing Pumpkins.

- By volume, the most music I have by one band is the Red Hot Chili Peppers, followed by Foo Fighters, Faith No More, Offspring and Jimmy Eat World.

- I'm in a massive Beastie Boys phase at the moment.

- I know all of the words to Mudhouse/Gypsy MC by Jason Mraz. I enjoy rapping along with tunes in my car, mostly by bands like Beastie Boys, Rage Against the Machine etc. I also used to sing in a few bands.
Title: Re: 5 quick facts about my musical tastes.
Post by: The Stonewall on September 13, 2012, 08:25:04 AM
- My favorite live band is King's X

- My first ever concert was Motley Crue, back with Tommy Lee's drumset.

- I play a six-string and a twelve string bass guitar.

- I'm ashamed to say I do have all six of the ICP "Joker's Card" Albums.  Will sell them to some poor sucker.

- I am also in the south, and I hate country music.
Title: Re: 5 quick facts about my musical tastes.
Post by: jagilki on September 13, 2012, 09:14:23 AM
- Haven't been to enough concerts to say with conviction who my "favorite live band" is, but god damned if I didn't love Stone Temple Pilots.

- The first CD I ever purchased with "my very own money" was Aerosmiths Pump.  The First Tape.....

/me sighs

Michael Jacksons Bad...

/me sighs

- I honestly don't give a flying fuck about Genre, my music collection contains about every type.  Big Band 20's stuff, Jazz, Metal, Rock, Punk, Rap, Country, Western, Japanese Pop what have you.  Just has to catch my ear.

- The one band I have the most albums by is Stone Temple Pilots, followed closely by Aerosmith and Live... Maybe... not sure haven't looked at CD's in a long while and haven't put them all on computer.

- I'm real bad at names of Bands/Songs/Albums.  As a teen (before the internet was big) a lot of times it was just "oh I like song 5 on this one."  Mostly just because I put the CD's in binders and threw the cases away.
Title: Re: 5 quick facts about my musical tastes.
Post by: Sgt. Josh Underpants on September 13, 2012, 01:44:46 PM
-The Offspring are and always have been my favorite band hands down.
-The very first CD I ever bought myself Boxcar Racer,  First tape, Live's Throwing Copper
-I love female fronted bands.
-Wicked Game is one of my favorite songs, I have fiver versions of it on my playlist ( Chris Issak, HIM, Three Days Grace, Stone Sour, and Giant Drag)
- Like Jag I could care less about genre, I love music anything from classical to heavy metal, rap to country and what have you, though my collection on itunes starts from 1962 all the way til today
Title: Re: 5 quick facts about my musical tastes.
Post by: Rob on September 13, 2012, 04:26:23 PM
- Up until about 14 or 15 I really couldn't care less about music. In fact I had owned one CD up until I was around that age.
- I now collect CDs and own about 200 to 300 physical albums. My first one was Robbie Williams - Sing When You're Winning and my latest one was Pavement - Slanted and Enchanted
- My favourite band are Barenaked Ladies, I own all their albums, I have a few live album 'USBs' when they uploaded old shows onto the internet, I've got the Yellow Tape on cassette, I've only seen them live once as unfortunately I was on holiday the latest time they came locally and I've met both Ed Robertson and Tyler Stewart
- I've been signed up with Last.fm since the merging of the audioscrobbler back in 2005.
- I sometimes give up writing stuff on this forum because I'm pretty sure most people don't even read or listen to anything I post.... ;-)
Title: Re: 5 quick facts about my musical tastes.
Post by: Mike Powers on September 13, 2012, 06:05:47 PM
- Favorite band is Metallica (except for ther "St. Ager" phase....that stunk)
- My taste runs toward all types of rock, but I also enjoy other genres, such as 70's party/dance music (disco, etc), and American Standards/Crooners of the past (Sinatra, Dean Martin) and present (Michael Buble).
- My first concert was Aerosmith when I was 12 years old.
- I have nothing against rap, country or reggae music.....I jut don't care for it.
- Despite my enjoyment of music, my SiriusXm radio dial is more commonly on talk radio than not (Covino and Rich for the win, dudebros!)
Title: Re: 5 quick facts about my musical tastes.
Post by: Doug E Fresh on September 13, 2012, 07:30:04 PM
- Favorite band is Incubus followed by Coheed and Cambria. I'm really into non-american bands lately like Karnivool.
- First CD I ever owned was the Black Album from Metallica. However, the first cassette tape I owned was MC Hammer! lol
- First concert was Sno-Core 2000 headlined by Incubus and System of a Down. It is one of my fondest memories because the tickets were a gift from my ex-fiance which included VIP passes. It led to me getting to smoke weed with Brandon Boyd and Mike Ezinger of Incubus. Was totally fucking awesome!
- I loathe contemporary country. If its old school like Johnny Cash that's cool but over the last 20+ years it can go to hell. I can stand most anything else just not country. Rock is preferred and I lost often listen to 90s alternative.
- As for a music service, I have all my music saved on google play in their cloud and stream it in my house whenever I want. It's dope.
Title: Re: 5 quick facts about my musical tastes.
Post by: Sabra on September 15, 2012, 12:34:53 PM
I like such a wide variety of music its freaking ridiculous.  Doug can vouch for this as I sometimes trade links with him.

I'm on a massive Black Keys kick right now.  Lonely Boy is so boss.  Also have been into HIM for a good long while and I love Christian Kane.  House Rules is just a fun ass song.

The first album I bought and yes, it was a goddamn album ;D  was Billy Joel's Glass Houses, no lie.

I have seen Guns and Roses in concert with Skid Row opening and they played an amazing show and didn't have any temper tantrums.  Be Jeluz.

Also, I tend to find really cool shit by accident by clicking sidelinks on youtube.

Title: Re: 5 quick facts about my musical tastes.
Post by: Cory on September 15, 2012, 02:54:31 PM
- Born in the 90s, and enjoyed most music from the 90s. Like hair metal from the 80s (Scorpions, Crue), early 00's music wasnt too bad, especially rap. Loved in form Dre and Snoop. After 2005 95% of music is garbage.

- Litterally listen to a bit of everything. Rap(Young Jeezy), Hip Hop(Kid Cudi/Kanye), Metal (not so much anymore, but Slipknot), Hard Rock(lots), Soft Rock(Journey, ect), Little bit of Techno/Dubstep. No country or R&B.

- Reinstate, No country to R&B. Country is just as bad as rap about money and big asses. Every song sounds the same and generic. R&B is garbage, dont feel like listening to a song about some black dude that wants to fuck my girlfriend.

- I've seen Offspring, Nickleback, Motley Crue, Aerosmith, AC/DC, Metallica, Snoop Dogg, Nas, and just recent Tech N9ne live, just to say a few..

- Oh yeah, fuck R&B and Country.
Title: Re: 5 quick facts about my musical tastes.
Post by: Cory on September 15, 2012, 02:56:20 PM
Quote from: Rob on September 13, 2012, 04:26:23 PM
- My favourite band are Barenaked Ladies, I own all their albums, I have a few live album 'USBs' when they uploaded old shows onto the internet, I've got the Yellow Tape on cassette, I've only seen them live once as unfortunately I was on holiday the latest time they came locally and I've met both Ed Robertson and Tyler Stewart

Hahaha, one bonus of living in Canada....they play at almost every big concert. Seen them like 5 times, solid band.
Title: Re: 5 quick facts about my musical tastes.
Post by: GM Franchise on September 15, 2012, 05:43:23 PM
-My favorite bands are Tool, Incubus, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Deftones, Weezer, and Staind.
-I listen to all kinds of music but I think most music after the year 2000 is total shit especially in the last 5 years.
-First concert I went to was OBC 3.5 which featured Stone Temple Pilots, Godsmack, Staind, Papa Roach, Static-X, System of a Down, Cypress Hill, The Flys, Dope, and Snake River Conspiracy.
-Civili Twilight has been the band I've listened to the most here recently. Fire Escape is an amazing song.
-First album I ever got on cassette was a Halloween music cassette. First actual music cassette by a band was Nirvana "Nevermind."
Title: Re: 5 quick facts about my musical tastes.
Post by: Dorling on September 15, 2012, 07:44:32 PM
I always have a little laugh to myself when people say 'all music after xx date is crap.' That statement is always crap. Genres evolve, music changes. Take the Chili's for instance. Listen to their latest compared to their first. If you ask me, the mainstream music industry is way better now than it was mid to late 90s, when all you would see on TV was shit like the Outhere Brothers and 2 Unlimited and all those awful electro-dance-pop groups. Mainstream music now features a whole lot more actual music with session musicians, real instruments and songwriting ability than before. Mainstream artists as a general rule play their own instruments and sing live a lot more than they used to, which can only be a good thing.
Title: Re: 5 quick facts about my musical tastes.
Post by: Sgt. Josh Underpants on September 15, 2012, 08:21:00 PM
Quote from: Jack Benevolence on September 15, 2012, 08:08:51 PM
-Green Day "Dookie" was the sound track to most of my puberty

-Rancid "...And Out Come The Wolves" and NOFX "Punk In Drublic" were both the soundtrack to my High School days...though I'm not much of a punker anymore.

-Now I pretty much like any song that reminds me of a point in my life. For instance, as obnoxious as it can be, 'Call Me Maybe' will always remind me of this past summer, so I'll probably consider it a song i like.

-I sing songs in my car while driving. And I sing loudly and make no reservations about people seeing me sing along.

-Journey's "Don't Stop Believing" is always appropriate. No matter when or why. It's the right song to play, and you SHOULD play it. And sing along while holding a pretend mic and pointing at an imaginary crowd.

I knew there was a reason I actually get along with you