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The Lounge => The Media Room => Topic started by: Zombie Gunn on September 13, 2009, 01:57:02 AM

Title: Horror Monster Tournament - The Battle
Post by: Zombie Gunn on September 13, 2009, 01:57:02 AM
Alright, so here goes round 1.  This will be two SEPERATE tournaments.  The first will be who would win in a fight.  The second will be who is the most scariest.

1st Tourney - Round 1 [Who would win in a fight]

Vampires vs Zombies [Especially those from Resident Evil]
(http://www.euroartmagazine.com/artUps/1175379269.jpe) vs (http://www.virginmedia.com/images/resident-evil.jpg)

Orphan [From The Orphan] vs Werewolves
(http://www.televisioninternet.com/news/pictures/the-orphan-spoiler.jpg) vs (http://www.alicia-logic.com/capsimages01/hp3pa_127Werewolf.jpg)

HAL 9000 vs Asami Yamazaki [From Audition]
(http://iloapp.samuelvargthunberg.se/blog/blogg?ShowFile&image=1242556856.jpg) vs (http://i415.photobucket.com/albums/pp240/movierapture/aa2/audition/3.jpg)

Hannibal Lecter vs Pennywise
(http://www.solarnavigator.net/images/anthony_hopkins_hannibal_lecter.jpg) vs (http://doxxa.files.wordpress.com/2008/08/pennywise.jpg)

Damian [Omen] vs Michael Myers
(http://cdn.screenjunkies.com/www/sites/default/files/images/143145__omen_l.jpg) vs (http://www.iwatchstuff.com/2007/02/27/mike-myers.jpg)

Daryl Revok vs Jason
(http://www.denofgeek.com/siteimage/scale/800/600/31963.png) vs (http://www.fridaythe13thfilms.com/multimedia/pictures/partx/jasonx2a.jpg)

Ring Wraith vs Jaws
(http://michaeljasper.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/nazgul5oc.jpg) vs (http://images.fanpop.com/images/image_uploads/Jaws-jaws-468735_686_353.jpg)

Rawhead Rex vs Chucky
(http://www.bigcheesepress.com/keller/rawheadrex.jpg) vs (http://www.askthecommish.com/_images/action/chucky.jpg)

Pinhead vs Freddy Kruger
(http://www.horrornews.net/exclusive_news/_news_10.2008/images/pinhead.jpg) vs (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_ikLgN2RxvEo/SCcJFvCoawI/AAAAAAAAApU/OXBzPZrlv-s/s320/freddy-kruger-photo.jpg)

Killer Clowns from Outer Space vs Cloverfield Monster
(http://www.retrocrush.com/archive2008/clowns/killer.jpg) vs (http://www.nefariousfilms.com/Images/Monsters/cloverfield_monster.jpg)

Norman Bates vs Predator
(http://filmfanatic.org/reviews/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/psycho-perkins.png) vs (http://people.ee.duke.edu/~drsmith/cloaking/predator.jpg)

Mick Taylor [Wolf Creek] vs Frank Booth [Blue Velvet]
(http://www.horrorphile.net/images/wolf-creek-john-jarrat.jpg) vs (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/it/1/1c/FrankBooth.jpg)

Aliens vs Dr. Herbert West [Reanimator]
(http://blogs.amctv.com/scifi-scanner/aliens-3.jpg) vs (http://laurenclark.tripod.com/Reanimator.gif)

Alex Forrest [Fatal Attraction] vs Preacher Kane [Poltergeist 2]
(http://bluraymedia.ign.com/bluray/image/article/992/992743/fatal-attraction-20090609111726106_640w.jpg) vs (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Ne5Lb2SiFHg/R1WaIJxbCeI/AAAAAAAAH_g/W0Jli_Fih4o/s400/preacher+kane.jpg)

Jack Torrence [Shining] vs Leatherface
(http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/8394/jyf0.png) vs (http://www.nefariousfilms.com/Images/Monsters/Leatherface200.jpg)

Pale Man [Pan's Labyrinth] vs Dracula [Bram Stoker's]
(http://blogs.suntimes.com/scanners/paleman.jpg) vs (http://nighthawknews.files.wordpress.com/2009/01/oldman3.jpg)

And now, for the Scariest tournament.  Which of these is scariest.

Resident Evil Zombies


HAL 9000
Asami Yamazaki

Hannibal Lecter
Pennywise [IT]

Damian [Omen]
Michael Myers

Daryl Revok

Ring Wrathes

Rawhead Rex

Freddy Kruger

Clowns [Killer Clowns from Outer Space]
Cloverfield Monster

Norman Bates

Psycho Outback Dude [Wolf Creek]
Frank Booth

Dr. Herbert West

Alex Forrest
Preacher Kane

Jack Torrance [Shining]

Pale Man [Pan's Labyrinth]
Title: Re: Horror Monster Tournament - The Battle
Post by: Tezmission Black on September 13, 2009, 02:41:02 AM
Bolded is the winners.

Resident Evil Zombies


HAL 9000
Asami Yamazaki

Hannibal Lecter
Pennywise [IT]

Damian [Omen]
Michael Myers

Daryl Revok

Ring Wrathes

Rawhead Rex

Freddy Kruger

Clowns [Killer Clowns from Outer Space]
Cloverfield Monster

Norman Bates

Psycho Outback Dude [Wolf Creek]
Frank Booth

Dr. Herbert West

Alex Forrest
Preacher Kane

Jack Torrance [Shining]

Pale Man [Pan's Labyrinth]
Title: Re: Horror Monster Tournament - The Battle
Post by: Ian "Wolfie" Trumps on September 13, 2009, 04:11:01 AM

Resident Evil Zombies

WHY: These Zombies aint doing jackshit. Ian Monks is dodging around them eating a kebab and still continuing his Xbox game. However, Vampires can fly around and more than likely be a sexy lesbian loving threesome one who wants to lure Ian into some sexy times whilst draining him...as these two monsters. Is the sexy lesbian thing scary? No...would be it scary if Count Fagula wanted some as well. Yes.


WHY: No fucking orphan can afford a silver bullet! I mean yeah she is creepy...kind of scary, but her character has not spanned folklore and countless movies alone now has it? Hell...teenwolf could give her a run for a money especially in a game of basketball. I got to go with something that could be drooling at my window...and isn’t Ryan Davis.

HAL 9000
Asami Yamazaki

WHY: R2-D2’s messed up cousin goes C3-PO on this chick.

Hannibal Lecter
Pennywise [IT]

WHY: DO NOT EVEN INSULT MY INTELLIGENCE! Lecter says he might eat Pennywise, Pennywise creates a glamour of Lecter been eaten by a giant farther bean...nough said. Haunted my dreams vs a bloke I cheered on for half the film...

Damian [Omen]
Michael Myers

WHY: He is the son of the devil! He would control Myers anyway and that gothic music would play as he committed suicide. Michael Myers is so slow, I would have been able to catch a flight somewhere by the time he caught up to me. Myers is overrated as horror guys go.

Daryl Revok

WHY:  I don’t know who Daryl is so I got with whats I know.

Ring Wrathes

WHY: Ever been lost at ocean? Have you??? HAVE YOU? Me either...but if I was I wouldn’t want the never dying shark after me.

Rawhead Rex

WHY: I have never seen Rawhead Rex...but Chucky is fucking lame.

Freddy Kruger

WHY: Tough call...pinhead has some major credentials. But I like to sleep and this dude, well he just fucks with that doesn’t he.

Clowns [Killer Clowns from Outer Space]
Cloverfield Monster


Norman Bates

WHY: Bates’ finale scene in the original psycho with Mother talking for me was one of the creepiest moments in film. Coupled with the fact the dude can come off so normal...Predator...well if you help him kill an alien he becomes your butt buddy.

Psycho Outback Dude [Wolf Creek]
Frank Booth

WHY: This guy is going to rape your comic book if you bring it in the car with you whilst visiting Wolf Creek.

Dr. Herbert West

WHY: Can’t fuck with a classic...

Alex Forrest
Preacher Kane

WHY: Plausible denial would defeat Alex. Preacher Kane was one of the most fucked up images I saw in Poltergeist 2. Given that and he was ridden with cancer IRL added to the image. I don’t like the amish.

Jack Torrance [Shining]

WHY: Jack’s performance is damn scary, but I found the twins and old bird in the bath a little more frightening. Leatherface...well his blatant disregard for any momentus buildup before smacking and dragging folks makes him scary. One thing I love about this film is that lack of suspense...made it all the sweeter to watch.

Pale Man [Pan's Labyrinth]

WHY: He might well steal your girlfriend! The cunt...
Title: Re: Horror Monster Tournament - The Battle
Post by: Jennifer on September 13, 2009, 05:00:46 AM

Resident Evil Zombies

Vampires are too cool to be frightening. You don't really get the scariest kind of zombie, so far as I remember, in Resi Evil - which is the horde (hey, I haven't seen the films or played half the games, lol), but still, zombies are my personal 'oh shit' monster. Just... not so much Resi Evil ones.


Werewolves are awesome as hell and goddamn scary at the same time. They > A little girl, even though creepy children are chill-inducing.

HAL 9000
Asami Yamazaki

Sentient machinery is always a good one.

Hannibal Lecter
Pennywise [IT]

This man should instantly win. Good GOD was he creeptastic.

Damian [Omen]
Michael Myers

Though the small child on the tricycle is creepy, there's just something about how Myers just keeps on coming, and coming, and coming 'till either you're dead or he's too badly crippled to walk. And then he gets up and sneaks off so he can have another try.

Daryl Revok

QuoteI don’t know who Daryl is so I got with whats I know.

Plus, I have a bit of a thing about those white masks.

Ring Wraithes

Excluding the Witch King. He's not scary at all. Stiiil, these guys gave me much of a chill than a shark.

Rawhead Rex

He looks scary, that's why.

Freddy Kruger

Dreams. Oh, and the fact he has a claw for a hand. Yeep.

Clowns [Killer Clowns from Outer Space]
Cloverfield Monster

I don't fear clowns. I fear Pennywise, there's a difference. Big monster does it for me.

Norman Bates

Predator is cool, but he's not exactly scary.

Psycho Outback Dude [Wolf Creek]
Frank Booth

Another 'he looks it'

Dr. Herbert West

They're horrifying, especially facehuggers and chestbursters.

Alex Forrest
Preacher Kane

Holy shit that man looks scary.

Jack Torrance [Shining]

He may be a crazy axe murderer, but jeez, Leatherface man, Leatherface.

Pale Man [Pan's Labyrinth]

As I said, vampires don't frighten me. Guys with eyes in their palms... do.
Title: Re: Horror Monster Tournament - The Battle
Post by: Bucky Skyler on September 13, 2009, 01:50:48 PM
Resident Evil Zombies


HAL 9000
Asami Yamazaki

Hannibal Lecter
Pennywise [IT]

Damian [Omen]
Michael Myers

Daryl Revok

Ring Wrathes

Rawhead Rex

Freddy Kruger

Clowns [Killer Clowns from Outer Space]
Cloverfield Monster

Norman Bates

Psycho Outback Dude [Wolf Creek]
Frank Booth

Dr. Herbert West

Alex Forrest
Preacher Kane

Jack Torrance [Shining]

Pale Man [Pan's Labyrinth]
Title: Re: Horror Monster Tournament - The Battle
Post by: Cory Funk Jr. on September 13, 2009, 07:20:14 PM
Resident Evil Zombies
Why: Zombies can eat Vampires, Vampires cannot eat zombies (something about dead person's blood and all)

Why: Can eat Orphan

HAL 9000
Asami Yamazaki
Why? Pc's are evil.. pure evil. HAL will make her try to figure out Vista and how to change it to the new Windows.

Hannibal Lecter
Pennywise [IT]
Why: he is the shit. That is all.

Damian [Omen]
Michael Myers
Why: Son of Satan... has a birthmark of 666. Nuff said.

Daryl Revok
Why: Scanner Jason's head.. blows the shit up.

Ring Wrathes
Why: What Ian said

Rawhead Rex
Why: I have seen Rawhide Rex. No one can really be scared of a stuffed psycho Cabbage Patch Doll

Freddy Kruger
Why: Pinhead is just a little fucked.

Clowns [Killer Clowns from Outer Space]
Cloverfield Monster
Step on and kill the Clowns

Norman Bates
Why: Predators don't shower nullifying Bates's plan of attack

Psycho Outback Dude [Wolf Creek]
Frank Booth
Why: Based on a true story, true guy and -nothing- written can be scarier than the real thing

Dr. Herbert West
Why: they can infect the good doc and make him one of them

Alex Forrest
Preacher Kane
Why: Just a super creepy fucker as is.

Jack Torrance [Shining]
Why: hEEERRREEESSSS JOHNNY!!!  Sorry but anyone who wants to hit Olive Oyle with a bat is ok in my books

Pale Man [Pan's Labyrinth]
Is the shit and just awesome.
Title: Re: Horror Monster Tournament - The Battle
Post by: Conor on September 13, 2009, 10:11:41 PM
Vampires Vs Resident Evil Zombies

Who would win in a fight: Zombies, even if they are of the Resident Evil variety. The fact is, it doesn't take much to create a zombie, but there's a shit ton of pomp and theatricality surrounding vampire transformation. Unless we're dealing with the vampires from 30 Days of Night, the zombies' sheer numbers will overrun them.

Who is scarier: Again, I'm going with the zombies. Why? Because it's not what they are that terrifies. It isn't the fact that they eat people that really frightens (though that helps.) The most horrifying thing about zombies, as witnessed in every zombie film ever made, is that as soon as they appear society immediately begins to crumble into anarchy. Sure, vampires stalk you and suck your blood, but zombies make all of civilisation shit their pants without even trying.

Orphan Vs Werewolves

Who would win in a fight: Man, here's a fucking mismatch! Even in their human form, the werewolves would tear this small, genetically-damaged ex-prostitute to pieces.

Who is scarier: Am I really supposed to be scared of someone half my size? I'd be more worried about an angry goat. The werewolves get my vote here, because they're the embodiment of all our basest desires, the ones that tear us apart (figuratively, unless you meet a werewolf.)

HAL 9000 Vs Asami Yamazaki

Who would win in a fight: HAL, because space ships don't have feet you can cut off with piano wire.

Who is scarier: This goes to the chick from Audition, because the last thing you want is for the mousey girl from your English class to go from shy to sex kitten to fucking nutjob torturer in three minutes.

Hannibal Lecter Vs Pennywise [IT]

Who would win in a fight: Pennywise likes to fill his victims with terror, right? Yeah, Dr Lector doesn't fear anything. I expect a meeting of the minds would only result in Pennywise swallowing its own tongue.

Who is scarier: I'll have to go with Lector again, because unlike It, the idea of someone out there eating people is a very, very real possibility.

Damian [Omen] Vs Michael Myers

Who would win in a fight: If Damian is in full Antichrist mode, then he has all the powers of hell to help him. But Myers has seemingly no fear, and he's pretty much indestructable. I'll go with Michael and a carving knife through the chest.

Who is scarier: That depends on how much you believe in hell and the devil. While I'm certain that evil exists in the world, I believe it exists in the hearts of men, like good. Since we're all God, and we're all of God, we're all capable of choosing our own destiny and we have nothing to fear. Except the masked killer who just won't die. Myers wins.

Daryl Revok Vs Jason

Who would win in a fight: I've never seen Scanners (yeah, I know) but Jason Vorhees is immortal, so he could basically just keep on coming until he gets you. Zombie Vorhees wins.

Who is scarier: But Zombie Vorhees is also a slow, lumbering brute that you can evade as long as you keep running. Revok can kill you from twenty paces with mind bullets, which is a damn sight scarier.

Ring Wraithes Vs Jaws

Who would win in a fight: This seems quite unfair, because if the Ring Wraithes have those flying beasts they can just swoop down and pick Jaws out of the water, letting him suffocate. But hey, no one said life was fair, so they take the fight.

Who is scarier: Ring Wraithes are the product of a history nerd with too much time on his hands. Jaws is based on a real-life creature that could actually, really eat you. Guess which one I'm more worried about?

Rawhead Rex Vs Chucky

Who would win in a fight: I guess Rawhead Rex would win a one-on-one fight due to his size and strength advantage, as well as not being made from cheap plastic.

Who is scarier: I'm not really familiar with Rawhead. What I am familiar with is the inability to turn my head after a night of lying on my side, my head cocked at a nintey degree angle, so Chucky couldn't jump on me. That fucking doll stole my childhood, and is definitely the scarier of the two.

Pinhead Vs Freddy Kruger

Who would win in a fight: Ooh, tough one! They both use fear to hurt their opponent, but Pinhead is devoid of emotion. For this reason, he'd probably have little trouble tearing Freddy's soul apart.

Who is scarier: Hmm... I think I'll go with the murdering paedophile who was burned to death but who still manages to exist because he just really loves killing children.

Clowns [Killer Clowns from Outer Space] Vs Cloverfield Monster

Who would win in a fight: Fuck those clowns - if the monster doesn't eat them, the parasites will make them explode.

Who is scarier: Let's see - the stupid-looking clowns or the fucked-up monster who decapitated the Statue of Liberty? I'll go with Door #2.

Norman Bates Vs Predator

Who would win in a fight: Predator, due to his advanced technology and aversion to showers.

Who is scarier: As scary as an alien coming to Earth and hunting humans might sound, you have to ask yourself if you'd really pose much challenge to an intergalactic hunter, and if not, why would he bother with you? I highly doubt Predator will get in my way as long as I stay out of his. But Norman Bates was based on Ed Gein, who really did kill people (as well as skin them for upholstery) so he gets my vote here.

Psycho Outback Dude [Wolf Creek] Vs Frank Booth

Who would win in a fight: Frank Booth's a degenerate pervert. And yeah, so is Psycho Outback Dude. But Psycho Outback Dude also has a big fucking knife, and I doubt he would have any trouble turning Frank into a "head on a stick."

Who is scarier: I don't mess with the BDSM scene, so I'm very unlikely to cross paths with a Frank Booth. I've never been to Australia, but I'm willing to bet some version of Psycho Outback Dude exists, and that he has friends, so he gets my vote.

Aliens Vs Dr. Herbert West

Who would win in a fight: Here's another huge mismatch. The aliens will have West's brain splattered across a wall before he knows what hit him. Try reanimating that, Doc.

Who is scarier: Normally I'd go with the more feasible option, but I doubt either are that feasible. On the other hand, I'm willing to believe that something like the Alien exists in the cosmos. And even if there isn't, it's still terrifying. I mean, Jesus - it mouth rapes you, then uses you to breed more aliens that then go on to rape more mouths! It's an entire species focused solely on non-consensual oral sex! That's just fucked up on so many levels!

Alex Forrest Vs Preacher Kane

Who would win in a fight: There's something about that preacher's messed up grin that makes me think he'd bite Alex's face off.

Who is scarier: I'm gonna go with Preacher Kane. Alex Forrest is frightening, sure, but it's nothing a change of number and a restraining order couldn't fix.

Jack Torrance [Shining] Vs Leatherface

Who would win in a fight: Let's look at each man's weapon of choice, and then let's look at Jack's arms hitting the ground as Leatherface carves him up into ground meat.

Who is scarier: It wasn't Jack's fault - he just ended up in the wrong building at the wrong time. Leatherface is an inbred retard with anger issues and a chainsaw, which makes him just a tad more frightening to me.

Pale Man [Pan's Labyrinth] Vs Dracula

Who would win in a fight: Dracula is a big pussy. There, I said it. But the Pale Man has one major disadvantage - he has to hold his hands up to his head if he wants to see, meaning his body is wide open to a volley of shots from Dracula. The Pale Man goes down, and Vlad stands tall. Asshole.

Who is scarier: Dracula wins the fight, sure. But the Pale Man is so weird looking, even Drac would be creeped out by him.