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OPW Sports Bar Crawl => Squared Circle Brewery => Topic started by: Duckman on October 05, 2009, 05:27:59 PM

Title: 'King of Old School' Steve Corino returns to ROH
Post by: Duckman on October 05, 2009, 05:27:59 PM
Fans of ROH will have mixed memories of Steve Corino's run in the company.  He had an incredible feud with Homicide which ended in a really flat and poorly received match.  He had incredible chemistry in teaming with CM Punk and working against him in matches.

Corino has always been golden on the mic and his overly long ring intro where his personal announcer refers to him as "The Fucking GOD of Professional Wrestling" always cracked me up.

He hasn't always been in great ring shape in recent stints in ROH but it looks like that's all changed and Corino is coming back to ROH in November!

ROH posted the following blog from Corino on his return:

When ROHWrestling.com asked me for my thoughts on returning to Ring of Honor, I imagined that fans would think I would just going to brag and boast about the things I have done in the past. And honestly I could. The epic feud with Homicide is still talked about today and something I am very proud of. Except one thing. The Bitter End.

With the feud between Homicide and I coming to an end, I wanted to have a match that everyone would talk about for 20 years. Something that you would be able to tell your grandchildren about. But it just didn't click. Looking back at the footage literally a hundred times, I wanted to see what went wrong. Blame can be thrown at everyone and anywhere but the bottom line is that I wanted to give the ROH fans more.

Maybe it was the injuries that caught up with me, maybe it was the weight gain over the years, or maybe it just wasn't meant to be, but the time for excuses is over.

After an eight year run with Pro-Wrestling ZERO1 in Japan and a successful run in Puerto Rico for the WWC I came back to Philadelphia weighing 261 pounds, miserable, and not knowing what I wanted to do with my life. I was at a crossroads. But it was my son and his friend that quickly put a bug in me when they asked me if I had any ROH DVDs because they were big fans. And then in August I took them to a ROH on HDNet TV taping at the Arena and I realized that I wanted, no, NEEDED to be back in ROH.

In November, when I make my return to ROH, the only thing I can promise is that the fans will see a new Steve Corino. 227 pounds, in shape, with a clear mind, and ready to make a true impact in Ring of Honor.

In 2005, I did a "Reinvention Tour" where I changed my look and style. Let us call the end of 2009 into 2010, "Reinvention 2".

To the fans of ROH, one last thing: I will never claim that I am going to wrestle for you and I don't expect you to cheer me. But let it be known that Steve Corino is going hit that ring 110% EVERY time out. Soon enough, by hook or by crook, everyone in the ROH locker room will be on notice that this time I am coming for glory.

It'll be really interesting to see what shape Corino is in and what he can bring to ROH in 2009/2010.


Title: Re: 'King of Old School' Steve Corino returns to ROH
Post by: Conor on October 06, 2009, 04:00:10 PM
The Steve Corino Never-Ending Retirement Tour rolls on.

Corino's excellent on the stick, and having someone with his experience in the locker room will be great for the younger guys. Hopefully he'll be in good shape; I doubt he'll be doing the fast-paced, hard-hitting style that ROH is known for, but having a solid old school base is good for any company.