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Net neutrality

Started by Tezmission Black, November 11, 2014, 12:24:02 AM

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Tezmission Black

So can anyone explain to me what Net neutrality is?

I tried reading up on it but it just seems confusing.

Triple B

In a nutshell...

Net Neutrality is the concept that the Internet is a Public Entity that should be shared equally by all at the same speeds.

People who want to take out Net Neutrality are large companies like Comcast, that want to sell websites the internet at one speed, and then sell a high, better speed for other websites that pay for it. 

Right now, any website is on pretty much equal terms in that each site loads the same speed depending on your internet connection.  Obviously, putting more content can slow it down, but for the most part Disney's website loads at the same speed as EFK's website.

If companies like Comcast had their way, they would sell a higher speed to sites like Disney, leaving websites like EFK to run and load slower.  This can hamper competition, as it would have a site like Facebook just pay for faster speeds, while the next Facebook style website would never be able to pay enough to be as fast as Facebook, and thus never take off because users would want to use the faster sites.

This would even be take a step farther and if a website may not pay an internet provider, they may even shut off that website completely.  So, a place like Netflix may no longer be available because Hulu is making the payments.

The dirty secret is that the industry has been doing things similar to this for years, but now are trying to make sure it's legal so they can get away with it completely moving forward.

The argument is that if the Internet is treated like a Public Utility like Electricity or Gas, then it would be regulated like them and should make the Internet.. Neutral.  But if it's treated like a private endeavor, then it could be hindered in this way forever.

I think I got that pretty close to what the deal is.
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Essentially its un-regulated, un-controlled, un-filtered internet. Every website is in theory equal and if you post a website tomorrow, the traffic it receives is un-hindered.

The 'threats' to it are (I haven't researched it, just read news stories) are government and service providers. Government would censor what you could read or access which would give advantage to the sites it wants you to access. Service providers could direct you to or away from sites and even have different types of premium advantages for sites (sites loading faster, easier to access the sites, etc). Providers could charge you more for accessing certain sites or even make sites pay them to be able to be accessed on them.

The theory is that if net neutrality ends, it'll be similar to having cable. Less options, less creativity, less chance of the internet being a good resource. A company like Facebook would be accessible by all the customers of all the internet providers because Facebook could afford to pay a lot of money to be featured and, as a not accurate example, Myspace couldn't afford to be carried by net providers and would no longer be able to be accessed in America. So smaller sites would die out while bigger, richer ones would flourish. In turn, you as a user would have to pay to be allowed access to Facebook.

That's just the examples I know of, hope it helps

Ninja Edit: B beat me to it lol

Triple B

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Triple B

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I have to do a debate about this as part of the study skills portion of my foundation degree (not sure what learning to debate net neutrality teaches me about nautical science but hey ho), luckily I have been draw to argue for it. Because there is no reason that it should ever be considered to in effect start censoring and controlling the net.

Tezmission Black

Just wanted to say thanks, everything that was said and posted really helped.


Quote from: Tezmission Black on November 11, 2014, 10:39:52 PM
Just wanted to say thanks, everything that was said and posted really helped.

Until now...



Triple B

Fart Neutrality is where corporations charge you for the better ones.
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But... But.... Something Something stifling Corporate Innovation and Government Regulation, and Government Cronieism.  Net Neutrality is bad because something something Free Market.

Rocky Muscleman

Quote from: jagilki on November 12, 2014, 06:50:17 PM
But... But.... Something Something stifling Corporate Innovation and Government Regulation, and Government Cronieism.  Net Neutrality is bad because something something Free Market.

What a succinct summary. :)

Triple B

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