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Doug E Fresh vs Lester Only

Started by Alex Smiley, November 25, 2018, 09:22:02 PM

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Alex Smiley


- Word limit for Group Stage matches is 1500.
- 1 RP per wrestler per match.
- Deadline: December 2, 2018, at 11:59PM Pacific.

Quote from: JackHondo on October 24, 2012, 07:31:28 AM
You're right, Jesus is nicer. But Alex is a close second.

Doug E Fresh

"I know you'll write me off. I know you're always gonna count me out. You think I'm gonna let you down."


(Packing his gear for the trip to Las Vegas, Doug stares out the window of his bedroom with a sigh. His wife Amber turns to the doorway.)

"You know I support you no matter what."

"I do."

"And you know that gives me permission to be critical literally anytime I want to be."

"I do."

"While I finally got Xavier down to sleep so can we talk for a few minutes?"

(Without a response, Doug moves his luggage and sits on their bed. He taps the spot next to him so that Amber can come and sit next to him. They hold hands without looking at one another, the look on Doug's gives the impression he expects what she's about to say.)

"The first time you retired, you talked about how you didn't have a desire to be that guy who can't let go of the business. And then you went on that special tour of dream matches before finally leaving wrestling for good. And now it just feels like you're being sucked back in."

"You and I both know its not the same as competing full time for SCW. We both had contracts. You played this game also."

"I'm not denying that. This Experts thing was one night only. Now you've got a tournament. You've been going to other shows. There's a match in January against Rex Exans..."

"We've been trying to have that match for over four years and it kept getting shut down. And these tournament matches are in Las Vegas. Its not like I'm flying back to Siberia again to be locked in a cage for months."

"But then what? What if you win? Where do you then?"

"When I win, that question will get answered. But its not the same as it was before. There's a different motivation. I have something left unsatisfied and I have to go after it now. There won't be another opportunity. What I accomplished already feels forgotten."

"By who? Tell me if those people matter! You have a massive legacy! Doug you're so damn important that you won't use your twitter for 2 years and people still tag you and get excited when you suddenly pop on. Who has forgotten about you?"

"I have."

(She pauses and lets Doug speak.)

"I let myself go. I conquered every single objective set in front of me and then quit when there was nothing else. I became complacent. And MAYBE the match at Chaos Reigns showed everyone that Doug's still got it. But all it did was PROVE to me that I wasn't the same wrestler anymore. That's why I'm training. That's why I'm working diligently day in and day out so that I may be the best again. I want that edge back. I want no one to ever forget that I am and will always be the most difficult challenge any wrestler will ever face."

(Doug lets go of her hand and kisses her on the cheek before grabbing his luggage.)

"You're too determined sometimes."

"This is me you're talking about."

"How long are you going to be in Las Vegas for?"

"Six weeks of group stages and then over to California for the finale. No trips to Russia. Everything is continental for a change. I'm pretty certain you and Xavier could just stay in a penthouse in Las Vegas during the entire tournament and we wouldn't even be apart."

"Ok two things. One, you'll be more focused without us around. Two, we're not letting little X anywhere near the wrestling world after everything we've been through. That is NOT a negotiation."

"Fair enough."

(They share an embrace. Doug walks into his son's room to blow a kiss goodbye. Afterward, he leaves his family behind to catch the next flight across country.)


"Power on. Hold reset. Load game. Press start."

(In classic display, The Professor, Doug E. Fresh is standing with scotch in hand. He looks cleaner, trimmer, more defined than his appearance against Jack Benevolence at Chaos Reigns where he lost the True Expert Championship. His back is currently turned to the camera while he's staring out into the Vegas skyline. The scene will look familiar to some as he's standing in the offices of the company formerly known as Sin City Wrestling. Doug is dressed as if he was once again running the company as was the case for two years ago during the last decade. Doug turns around and takes a sip of the scotch before speaking.)

"This business is about less about being remembered and more about being forgettable. Which is exactly why I don't expect you Level One to remember The Collective. There was a tournament much like this once on a far different stage and yet some of the same talent existed back then. You were there. Danny Tenegra was there. And a very young and for lack of a better phrase, 'Fresh' version of myself shared the stage.

That was our first match Lester. I was the brand new thing, being touted as the hot prospect from Sin City Wrestling long before the company even adopted that name. And I ran into a wrecking ball. I gave everything I had in that match and you still beat me. I'll never forget it. As a matter of fact, I can't thank you enough for it.

Twelve years ago you put me on the map.

After I suffered that setback, the world took notice of the rookie who nearly defeated Level One. It wasn't as if I took it as a rub. At the time I was already single-handedly carrying EWW on my back as the stars started gathering to my company. What I did understand is the single greatest point about being the professor. I had to learn from my mistakes.

From there was a singular purpose. My fixation on improvement was the only driving force in my life. Personal relationships were shunned, friends in the business were stabbed in the back, every decision made was keyed by statistical measures taken to build the better Doug E. Fresh. As the years passed and I became what you see today, I wondered year after year if we'd ever enter a ring together again. Thanks in large part to the Experts, we did...not entirely on my terms.

In-ring promotions, multi-man matches, all of that is insignificant in the grand scheme of things. We never crossed paths in a singles match since that day.

(Doug finishes the glass and throws it behind it. It shatters on the ground and he moves closer, his appearance changing from a causal stance to a tense demeanor.)

"In 2018, I've shown the world nothing but a depraved, disheveled version of the wrestler you once new. Well my friend, the game has been restarted. I've gained an extra life. These assholes aren't going to give me what I deserve unless I show them EXACTLY what I am still capable of being.

And that's where I feel sorry for you Lester. Because despite how simply incredible of a wrestler you are, I'm going to bring the entire body of work I've created since that first match with you to the table. I'm going to show you exactly who Doug E. Fresh is. People are willing to forget everything about you because they don't see your current value. That principle is what the Experts embody. Thus my only recourse is to dance with you Lester and re-establish said value.

Level One, just like you, I won this tournament. Not long after that, I ventured to your home of APW and won their grandest event, Survive and Conquer. And lets not forget the most important thing of all, I WAS THE LAST MOTHERFUCKER TO BEAT JACK BENEVOLENCE IN THIS TOURNAMENT FOR THE TRUE EXPERT CHAMPIONSHIP!

The times have changed, wrestlers have come and go, talent has improved. But you're about see that I am STILL the best this game has to offer. The first group stage matches of the Extreme Tournament will be the perfect showcase to prove my purpose and I think you'd agree that we are the marquee match of the week. The Experts NEED to see my best so they can give me what I rightfully deserve regardless of the match with Jack in a couple weeks. I know he's looming. But that's down the road and a grand performance from yours truly this Sunday is on the horizon. We may be wrestling in the old VWF Colosseum but everyone knows Sin City is MY TURF. I will show the world who I am.

Unfortunately Lester, it must come at your expense."



Quote''What is here at the beginning will be here in the end.''

Doug, don't you just wish you could rewind time?

This entire thing could have been avoided but guys like you, guys like us can never let shit go now can we? The truth is, you had no goddamned business defending the title of the True Expert against Benevolence but because you felt so inadequate with your place in the history books that you tried to fudge the records, oh, and fudge it you did! In fact, you've left a shit stain a mile wide across these pages that you've left me no choice but to return to burn the entire fucking book to start anew.

They say true champions must defend their championships but over these years I've realized that a true champion knows when it's also time to walk away with a prideful stride, not a pathetic limp. You should have taken that prideful walk, Doug.  You had nothing more to prove; you were the last True Expert and you had earned the right to ride off into the sunset under your own terms and conditions

You were a man with all the power and yet you proceeded to give it all away, as all weak men do...

It is your actions that have brought me back to this place. It is YOU who carelessly knocked down the first domino that has set this entire thing into motion and thus it is YOU who must bare the weight of these consequences.

Here I am leaving my family behind. I'm chasing fucking ghosts. I am breaking promises I have made to everyone I had finally learned to love after all these years and it is you who made me do it.

You've made me question if I've ever truly learned to love at all....

Change... it's a funny thing. I know they all probably thought they could change me.

Truth is, some things NEVER change. My adaptability is like nothing anyone has ever seen before and even though my time away is measured by years instead of months, you'll have the rest of your life to realize and finally acknowledge there isn't enough time left on this earth to ever close the gap between you and I.

I know you feel like time is overdue and that your owed a victory over me in turn but I will ensure that your less like Jack and more Joel, Crazy Man; the man I beat three times over and still made him a living legend.

It's been 12 years, Doug.

Well, you do deserve this...

The Group of Death, they're calling this. I'd personally much prefer the ''Level-One welcome back party'' but I understand that it undermines the talents and the abilities of my competitors, blahblahblah. Reality is, I never gave a shit about burying talent when I was about making my money so I certainly won't give a shit about it now that my moneys been well spent. Fact is, I created this fucking group because each and everyone of you in MY bracket have each played a vital part in my return. So, are you feeling important yet Doug?

It's amazing that how with a single tweet, I changed the course of events for everyone in this tournament. It goes without saying that anyone in group A+ would be worthy of advancing to the elimination chamber and would be physically able to win it all. You take any of us and put us in any other group, odds are we'd all be seeing that chamber. Thing is, I didn't return to fuck around and beat the breaks off of nobody for three weeks, I've come ONLY for best of the best.

I've never been one to concern myself about odds or worry about my chances. See, the hard and long road is the ONLY road EVER worth taking in the long run.

The scene opens to nothingness.

If I could rewind time Doug, I wouldn't change a damn thing.

Quote''Is this me leaving or coming home?''

I looked away from my daughter eyes swollen with tears, ''don't, please!'' she said as I backtracked both in stride and the promises I had made to her and her mother.

''Sorry, I'm...'', I had built my entire career on being a great communicator but words were hard to find in this moment. Many of the skills I had obtained in my old profession were little to no use to me in the real world.

As I took one last step backwards, I made my exit from my daughters room and watched her turn her back on me not knowing when or if I'd ever see her again.

Maybe, I'm being over dramatic I thought as I continued back down the hallway and retraced my steps carefully as I worked my way downstairs.

I turned around and looked at my bags packed up in front of the entrance door reminding me of everything that I am willing to leave behind in the name of reaffirming my status as the Truest of all experts.

''Promised you...'' my future wife cried as she wrapped her arms around me, trying to hold me in place.

''Know, I...'' I said, knowing I didn't have any excuses. I was guilty of breaking my word, my promise and perhaps my very own family apart.

She let go of me not because she wanted to but because I had given her no other choice. I looked at her as her tears rolled up her cheeks and back into her eyes, filling them with water. I turned my back to her and grabbed my bags as I contemplated each step back until I stepped through the exit of the front door.

Standing on the welcome mat, I knew I could return home and spend the rest of my life with my family or I could succumb to my addiction and all that came with it. Thoughts of violence, revenge and once again reclaiming the title of the True Expert.

I rang the doorbell with my decision already made.

In reverse, I parked the car and pulled the keys from the engine. Stepping back out of the car, I retraced my steps into the Urth Cafe in downtown Los Angeles. As I entered the cafe through it's exit, I took a seat at my table to reconnect with an old friend.

With the experts invitation in hand, I tore it shreds. I didn't actually need the physical invitation, it was more symbolic then anything. Secondly, I needed to make sure that the collateral damage I would cause with the decisions I'd make bare minimal.

That's why I brought her here.

''Lester, you fuck...'' She cried. It was the first time I had heard her swear. Still, she handed me the invitation as I had given her no other choice.

''Withdraw.'' I demanded of her. I knew that we both could not participate in the tournament at risk of crossing paths with her. She seemed harmless to most but I knew her full potential had not been realized yet and I refused to be her catalyst.

''Ok...'' She said in the process of handing the invitation to me. ''Talk, let's...''

I had raised my hand. ''cameras, no.''

''It's Lester, look... I know you've been in contact with the inner circle of the experts and I've found out that you're withholding my experts invitation from me.

I've also heard rumors  that you are considering entering the tournament and while I am sure you could probably win a match or two, you would impede on my progress be it directly or indirectly and I cannot allow that to happen.

I had given you my spot many years ago and while you made me proud, you failed to beat Jack Benevolence. I want to make things right for the both of us. I know you think that by holding onto the invite you thought you were helping me that you were somehow saving me from myself but now it's time that I help you whether you want it or not.

So, we can go ahead about this one of two ways. Meet me at the Urth Caffé at 2PM OR I'll be finding you. Gas prices in LA fucking annoy greatly me so I guess I'll be seeing you soon.''

''Hey, it's Vannah White! Sorry I've missed you, please leave one after the beep! Mwah!''


Trash Talk portion of the RP can be read again starting from the bottom to top if you'd like. Enjoy! :)