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Long matches and hyping ever spot

Started by Ty, August 02, 2011, 04:33:42 AM

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You have more faith than I do Ty.


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I have a history of helping smaller fed, I'm guessing smaller feds must mean higher percentage of douches

The Janitor

I have only ever really been in one fed before EWA, and that was CZW. That was full results every single card, week after week, i was a writer and staff there and it's all i ever knew. When staffed and then took over EWA full results were all i knew. I recently joined PW and was shocked at the lighter results, not because they were bad, but because they were good.

I am constantly posting results a day late (one time two days) because i run the place basically by myself when it comes to results and there's so much to do, but the egotist in me doesn't really trust anyone to get over what i want. I'll admit it, i have a way i want things done and i feel only i can do it. It's a bad habit i'm finding really hard to break.

It would take ALOT of pressure off me and would make results never be late if i cut them down, but i have a few reasons i feel i can't.

one being the roster are used to my results, and like them, i kinda feel i'd be classed as lazy if i started summerizing them all.

and two, being the most pressing problem, i literally don't know how to. I'm so used to writing full results that i just don't know how to summerize, i feel too much is being left out, i can't beuild emptions, say what needs to be said etc in summaries and to be honest, when i have tried it i scrap it because it feels rushed and crap. Again, i'm talking about myself here, when anyone else does it it's great, i just don't know hiow too, i'm a detail freak

EWA is losing members by the bucketload for one reason and another, and i'm down to at least half my roster of a month ago. It's not me, people generally agree i think that i'm an okay guy, but the pressure of actually running it and doing things on my own (people do write a few of the matches, which i then toothcomb for inconsistancies and add continuity as well as write segs etc) that's hurting EWA, which i think is a good place.

Any 101s on how to write proper summaries and/or stop being an anal retentive freak would be appreciated.

PS. I do agree with the points raised, i guess only having limited experience and with detailed places have sullied me.


Quote from: The Janitor on August 04, 2011, 05:25:52 PM
Any 101s on how to write proper summaries and/or stop being an anal retentive freak would be appreciated.

A great idea for a new EFK Efed Guide or even a series of guides.  Pretty sure there's plenty of people here who could have input with that.

Might even have a shot at it myself!


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Quote from: Duckman on August 04, 2011, 05:30:03 PM
A great idea for a new EFK Efed Guide or even a series of guides.  Pretty sure there's plenty of people here who could have input with that.

Might even have a shot at it myself!



Count me in Duckers!
Boss of the Experts, Hero of the TFWF and SCW, all-round giant bag of awesomness.


@Janitor, what I found works with me is to spend more time getting to know the chars your writing first off then actually writing. Read the rps, reread the bios, ask them to update them if need be.

From there, what I do is try to think of what story I'd want to write with the full match and think of the big moments you want to see in the match.

Random example, bob and sarah have a match. Bob is your typical monster powerhouse but b/c of recent actions, he's devoloped a lack of confidence. Sarah is the rookie female char who just had her boyfriend put in a coma by a heel in the fed. This is how I'd probably write it.

"The match starts with both being hesitant. Sarah seems to be intimidated by Bob's size but she wastes no time unleashing her onslaught of kicks and punches. Bob is able to weather her storm and comes back using his power moves that keeps the rookie back pedaling. Sarah, being the never-say-die she is, manages at one point to counter a press-slam of Bob into a hurricarana after it appears he hesitated to pull the gun on the move. This allowed Sarah to return to unleashing stiff hell on Bob. At various points throughout the match, the ref had to step in to prevent her from going to far and getting d/qed.

After a missed corner splash, Bob takes the oppurtunity to ground out his faster opponent using moves such as these 3 moves from his bio. a nearfall after bob hits his signature move. About 6 minutes into the match, bob looks to hit a signature but sarah counter out into hers.

This finish of the match came when sarah was unleashing a barrage of punches on bob and the ref had to step in. Sarah argued with the ref and as she went back to bob, he had recovered enough to hit a lariat. He picks up sarah and taunts his finisher. Jim's music begins to play as Jim walks down the ramp. Bob and Jim gauk back and forth which allows Sarah to roll Bob up for the 3 count!

Winner via rollup at 8:14, Sarah


@janitor, they are better when you actually have a story to tell... And its been 6 months since I wrote.

What I like about summaries, its easier to build up finishers and signature moves. I had one guy in PWX when I was staffing there. He wasn't title caliber rper per se but he was reliable as hell. B/c his win/loss record was unfavorable, I still wanted him to have a solid char. I fed him a jobber one week and had squash him by hitting him his signature spear offguard. The next week, I believe what happened was we had an established guy who was quitting via no-show. We put him against this guy and when he did no-show, we let this guy hit his spear on him and then his finisher. We kept building his sig as something the fans loved and for really the first time in 6 months, his char had new life. B/c of the summarized results, it was a lot easier to convey that it was a big deal


@Janitor, sorry for the triple post but shoot me a pm. I'm a strong believer in the efed community aspect of the game. As an active member of efed, ill come out of e-tirement for a week (all I can muster for now) to help ya. Link me your fed and ill help write results with you if your serious about summarizing.

The Janitor

yeah man, i don't need sold on the idea. Though i appreciate it.

I just have a problem with too much detail i feel i need to add.

Head over to EWA (links in the sig) hit ''The Colosseum'' and click the Shatter Point link. you'll see the latest results, and i swear to god, that was me cutting DOWN (which can be proven by checking out the other results.

I think it came in at nearly 18 thousand words, and that included seven matches, three of which were short due to no shows, and a small number of segs.

It usually comes in WELL over 20000 words

I actually feel dissapointed by those results though, because i seem to equate length with quality. I know this isn;t the case, but it's like a mental bloody illness. i KNOW short doesnt mean bad, but i cant seem to accept it.

I honestly can't wait for these EFK guides on the topic, summaries and hopefully power sharing. I will read them as soon as they go up

The Janitor

Thankyou for the offer Tri, but due to my extremely anal views, i couldn't do that. One of my roster who has been around from the start has offered to write the bulk of the matches, making them shorter. He is a talented writer and i'm taking him up on it

The fact you offered though is one of the many reasons i love this place. My refusal is definetly not a slight on you. Just another thing that keeps the reputation of this place at a lofty high

Thankyou again Tri

The Janitor


Side note, Janitor, you are going to rapidly burn out mate.  Writing that amount, all the time, with so little reward.

Must be soul destroying at times.

Need to learn to adapt to changing times and also learn to delegate and let go a bit.  Otherwise it won't be too long before you no longer enjoy what you do and it'll show in your results and fed in general.

Take it from me, if you want to keep your fed going, as well as still enjoy what you're doing, you've got to change the way you do things because you're breaking your own back when you really don't need to.

Hopefully the new guides will help and also check out feds that use shorter results to pick up some tips.


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The Janitor

yeah man, i will do. I am already suffering from it, though i still love the place, but people are leaving, so that is definetly adding to the ''little reward'' feel. I just want to have fun, and i do, for the most part, i already made the decision to cut down results, i just can't seem to put it into practice.

Thanks for the advice man

The Janitor

Alex Smiley

Quote from: RussaholiCavalry Leader! on August 04, 2011, 03:55:20 PM
What do the other 1/4 do? C'mon, don't leave us hanging!

They wank.

Absolutely agree about summed matches for weekly shows, and here's another reason why: so they can be done and sent ON TIME. This is something I've dealt with recently and is actually something I need to have a talk with people about, as well as something for myself to remember lol.

Quote from: JackHondo on October 24, 2012, 07:31:28 AM
You're right, Jesus is nicer. But Alex is a close second.