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True Blood Season 3

Started by Zombie Gunn, June 29, 2010, 01:47:34 AM

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Zombie Gunn

I think the only thing that would make her interesting is for her to become a vampire.


Or for Lafayette to force-feed her anti-depressants.
Boss of the Experts, Hero of the TFWF and SCW, all-round giant bag of awesomness.

Mark Mania

I wasn't thrilled with the finale.

I mean, great in comparison to other shows, but in comparison to itself, it wasn't spectacular.

Few points,

[spoiler]I wish Tara had killed herself instead of cut her hair...and/or hope she's gone forever now.

I hope Sam killed his brother, maybe that sounds mean, but his brother was a little girly girl and it would be awesome if Sam just became a huge badass.

Uh, if Eric got out, my assumption will be that Russell will eventually get out. Granted Pam helped Eric escape, it still seems like it's possible for Russell to get out alive.

More light needs to be shed on the whole Bill/The Queen storyline, I get that she was the one who told Bill to get close to her and that there have been allusions to it all season, but, I still didn't give a shit.

Also, witches? Is this now going to become Harry Potter and the Legend of True Blood? I was ok with the were-panther, I was "ok" with the faerie. But now witches? C'mon mutha fucka. How about Lafayette just kicks Jesus in the face that leave it at that.

I'm sure there is plenty more that I could comment on, but that's all I can think of now, it's 7am, mind ain't quite right yet.



Anyway... anyone found a download link yet? Piratebay's got nothing.
Boss of the Experts, Hero of the TFWF and SCW, all-round giant bag of awesomness.

Mark Mania

Oops, sorry Russ. Figured we knew this was a spoiler-esque thread. I've modified it.


Oh I know and I didn't see anything, but I know there's a few people that download it instead of watching on TV and as there's no download (or at least that I can find) I figured it'd be safest to spoiler tag stuff for now.

EDIT: Found a stream if anyone's looking -
Boss of the Experts, Hero of the TFWF and SCW, all-round giant bag of awesomness.


Book 4 spoilers:

[spoiler]Book 4 is all about a coven of witches trying to take over the vampires, so I'm figure that's how they're leading into that.[/spoiler]


[spoiler]Right just finished watching, not bad to be honest. Up until that last scene it was pretty good, but damn did that last scene ruin it. Russell won't be getting out because he's wrapped in silver Mark; wrapped in something that severely weakens you + encased in concrete - someone to dig you out = trapped. Plus I've got to say that was an awesome way to get rid of Russell but still have it lingering that he could come back. Loved Bill's random heel/face/tweener turn through it; if he kills the Queen does that make him King of Louisiana? Tara should have either done herself in or been made into a vampire in order to embrace the supernatural rather than run/fight it all the time. And damn woman stop crying! Sam/Tommy storyline was good, I hope Tommy's dead - "I can't read". Best final line ever? Witches kind of make sense so long as the 'magic' isn't completely unrealistic - concontions and potions and shit would make sense, wands etc. doesn't. As far as the ending goes, eurgh. Sookie as a faeriefaerandomlightpersonthing is so dull and such a let down; like, vampires are believable because their special powers are enhanced versions of what humans can do (+flying. Speaking of which, how Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon was the Bill/Queen fight scene?), werewolves/panthers and shapeshifters work because it just does, we can kinda accept people changing into animals. Faeries that appear out of nowhere, shoot light from their hands, read thoughts and disappear into cloud cuckoo land is just... rubbish. Add to that last season's Maenad and it just looks like Charlaine Harris/Script writers trawled MythicalBeingsApedia and just found ones they liked. Still, hopefully Tommy's gone and Sam's now a badass, Tara becomes something decent and gets with Sam to be the uber couple, Sookie realises she dreamed all the faerie shit and is just a mindreader after all, the Fellowship of the Sun make some sort of cameo return (:D) and the witches are good. Also... wtf why is Jason now Mother Teresa to a village of inbreds?[/spoiler]
Boss of the Experts, Hero of the TFWF and SCW, all-round giant bag of awesomness.

Mark Mania

Yeah I figured that Russell would have to have someone dig him out, while obviously Talbot isn't around, I'm sure that's not the only vampire Russell ever created.

It'll be interesting to see what happens.

Also, with Jason, yeah, what the hell is that all about. Is he going to become the leader of the were-panther pack? It's ridiculous really. But, I normally enjoy the storylines following Jason, so we'll just have to see what happens.


[spoiler]Unless it's just their way of showing him 'growing up' as it were: season one he's an arrogant jock who loses the one person he's properly loved, grows up a bit through season two but still makes some mistakes with the fellowship of the sun and eventually realises how stupid he was, and now in season 3 he's saving crystal and tara's lives in rescuing crystal and saving tara, and now he's maturing and becoming a leader, potentially to lead to Jason w/ Inbreds and Crystal vs. Crystal's WerepantherBrotherHusband (wow, I need to stop watching wrestling).[/spoiler]
Boss of the Experts, Hero of the TFWF and SCW, all-round giant bag of awesomness.

Mark Mania

[spoiler]Experts Invitational VI

Main Event:

Jason vs. Crystals Werepanther HusbandBrother

Winner marries Crystal at the next Extreme Tournament![/spoiler]

Zombie Gunn

Quote from: Mark "Geezer" Mania on September 14, 2010, 11:00:54 AM
[spoiler]Experts Invitational VI

Main Event:

Jason vs. Crystals Werepanther HusbandBrother

Winner marries Crystal at the next Extreme Tournament![/spoiler]

Vile of Vampire Blood on a Pole Match!



[spoiler]Also with Tara leaving Bon Temps; is she gone for good or are we going to get following her a bit like when Sam 'left' and found his family?[/spoiler]
Boss of the Experts, Hero of the TFWF and SCW, all-round giant bag of awesomness.

Zombie Gunn

Are they for sure doing season 4? A lot of the storylines concluded sufficiently on their own though not all.


What concluded lol? Tara left, Sookie was taken to magical fairy world, Bill is ready to duke it out with the Queen, Jason is now charge of hot shots, Lafayette just learned Jesus is a witch/nurse/guy/gay, and Sam just shot his brother. Nothing was concluded apart from the Russel storyline.


Quote from: jagilki on October 11, 2011, 05:21:41 PM
Midas would chop off his Penis if he thought it would win him a Mafia game.