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Started by Gary, February 17, 2011, 12:21:25 AM

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Ian "Wolfie" Trumps

She was a fantastic actress in FNL, lets hope she can bring the same to this show. Though the girl who played Zoe Slater was a pretty good drama actress in East Enders and then tanked with the script for I believe it was called Bionic Woman or something she did in the States?

Anyway, I still think Palicki is hot and if given a good script will do the character justice, seeing as the TV series I remember watching with Lynda Carter was utter cheesey shit...she can't do half bad.
'Check out MFX -'

Jonny Worldbeater

Quote from: Non-Racist Haystack on March 21, 2011, 11:42:38 AMAnal ass Jonny Worldbeater already dismissing it before it even airs.

Based on the script and the costume and the fact I've actually read Wonder Woman books and not just basing my opinion on the character on a campy 70s TV show, actually being a fan of the character, you're goddamn right I'm calling bullshit.

The concept is simple enough: Xena Warrior Princess with super powers. That's your building blocks for Wonder Woman. This show? Not even close.

I also think it's a fairly safe assumption to say the proposed Preacher movie completely misses the mark based on the idea that this:


But hey, I guess these are all going to be brilliant, ingenius ideas and I'm just being an unpleasable reactionist.


I'm with Worldbeater on this one. David E Kelley's concept sounds like he has no knowledge of Wonder Woman outside of the original TV show and the costume looks cheap.

I actually think the new costume currently used in the comic looks pretty good and I'd have no problem if they wanted to use that. But this mish-mash of the old and new costumes looks like something you'd find at a comic convention. Actually, scratch that - a cosplayer would put more effort into making sure they looked good. I thought Diana was supposed to be a high powered CEO in this show? Don't tell me she can't afford a decent costume designer.

Black Death

I am also with Jonny on this one. I am not feeling the concept at all .  Wonder woman at her core is a person that stands for the truth and peace,and justice . she is hope in darkness, a light to show people the way to something better,  she has come to the man's world hoping to spread  that message and finding a place that only not listening to her , but ready to destory itself at any moment.

the show should be about  her mission to help save the world from itself , to spread the message of peace and trying to fit into a world that she does not really understand .

What kelly is pitching just same so off base... as a fan of wonder woman I am just turn off by it .
"Asuka, gives you two thumbs up"

Ian "Wolfie" Trumps

I don't understand why this series is being panned by y'all on the basis that...well nothing really...

an audition tape and a costume?

I'd prefer to see it first before jumping to the conclusion. It could well be shit, but I'll wait and see.
'Check out MFX -'


I get what you're saying, Ian -- but this isn't Wonder Woman. Period.

Recent DC retcon not withstanding, the core idea of Wonder Woman is a headstrong Amazon princess, created by magic and the gods, who can hold her own against some of the most powerful villains across time and space. She's the fairer sex's answer to Superman. Changing her to a simple, mortal woman who's apparently a high-powered business executive by day and fights petty criminals by night negates that. It's like changing the core concept of Batman by having him be bitten by a mystical bat that gives him badass superpowers so he could fight aliens. It could be the sickest movie ever, but it still ain't Batman.

I'm not hating on the show, or David Kelley, or Adrienne. For all I know, it'll be a pleasant surprise, and I'm hoping that's the case.

But regardless of its quality -- it's just not Wonder Woman, that's all. And I'm not even a fan of the character, nor do I pretend to be, like a lot of the folks on other forums going batshit crazy over this.
"Behind you, Primo! WATCH OUT!"

Ian "Wolfie" Trumps

Quote from: Marq on March 22, 2011, 12:25:16 PM
I get what you're saying, Ian -- but this isn't Wonder Woman. Period.

Recent DC retcon not withstanding, the core idea of Wonder Woman is a headstrong Amazon princess, created by magic and the gods, who can hold her own against some of the most powerful villains across time and space. She's the fairer sex's answer to Superman. Changing her to a simple, mortal woman who's apparently a high-powered business executive by day and fights petty criminals by night negates that. It's like changing the core concept of Batman by having him be bitten by a mystical bat that gives him badass superpowers so he could fight aliens. It could be the sickest movie ever, but it still ain't Batman.

I'm not hating on the show, or David Kelley, or Adrienne. For all I know, it'll be a pleasant surprise, and I'm hoping that's the case.

But regardless of its quality -- it's just not Wonder Woman, that's all. And I'm not even a fan of the character, nor do I pretend to be, like a lot of the folks on other forums going batshit crazy over this.

I am not hating on you, JB, BD or Conor's love of the comics which is where I can feel this annoyance coming from and believe me I can somewhat know where you are coming from because I am sick to death of bloody reboots full stop in the film world. In a lot of cases I am trying to give everything the benefit of the doubt until I have seen it with my own two eyes is all. I went originally mental about the proposed reboot of Batman when Nolan came along cause of Keaton two being personal favs of mine. I was 100 percent wrong and kind of changed the way I looked at things in regards to TV and Film to give everything a chance out the gate until proven otherwise, though yes I can appreciate it when you are passionate about it being a certain way.
'Check out MFX -'


LOL, I'm not even remotely passionate about Wonder Woman.

It's just... if they're gonna change the concept so drastically (and it IS a drastic change), why not just start something completely new -- create a whole new universe to play in? With Adrienne starring, Elizabeth Hurley and Cary Elwes in it, and David E. Kelley backing it -- they could go crazy with an actual creation, as opposed to a "reinvention," as NBC has called it. Least that way, you won't have the nerd armies threatening to burn your house down.

When Nolan did Batman, he kept to the core of the characters involved -- practically all of them, really. He kept it about a non-powered, intelligent one-man army against thugs and criminals. The direction and tone is all his doing -- as was Burton's, which in my opinion, both worked. But this? I can't get behind. Just seems like they came up with an idea for a female vigilante and said, "Fuck it, it's Wonder Woman."

Furthermore, and this is half-joking -- I can't buy for a minute that Adrienne will be deflecting bullets with those bracelets. If she gets shot at? She's dead. :)
"Behind you, Primo! WATCH OUT!"


Make no mistake about it, however -- whether or not the show is good, I shall have quite the wank to it. That is all.

"Behind you, Primo! WATCH OUT!"


Quote from: Marq on March 22, 2011, 01:54:55 PM
Make no mistake about it, however -- whether or not the show is good, I shall have quite the wank to it. That is all.

I thought that was the whole point of Wonder Woman.
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I honestly dont give a shit about WW, her costume would've looked cheesy in 2011 and the costume makes Adrienne look hot. But some people really need to relax and not act like its the end of the world because a potential TV show/Movie about a Superhero is gonna suck, more times than not it does so its about time to get fucking used to it.


Quote from: jagilki on October 11, 2011, 05:21:41 PM
Midas would chop off his Penis if he thought it would win him a Mafia game.

Black Death

I am not saying I  am not going to watch ,  she is a fine actress  and yes she is hot.  good wanking material   ;D.  Ian your right , I going to give it a chance.  just expressing my uneasiness as a fanboy toward what I think is show that totally off base to  what Wonder Woman's charcter is.   I don't really care about the costume , ( but Lynda Carter was the best  ;D ) it come turn out to be great or it could die a choking death. we will wait and see .

but there is a part of me that  going to ask why can they just look  over her history in comics and tv and take from that.  it a very rich history that  there are parts that would translate very nicley into a show .  not a rethinking of things that is happening  now
"Asuka, gives you two thumbs up"

Jonny Worldbeater

On the subject of the costume, I just stumbled across a little something pulled directly from the pages of Gail Simone's last Wonder Woman book.


It's the in-canon inspiration behind the costume.[/spoiler]

As far as the show goes, I think Marq summed it up best.

If this was something entirely original there'd be no problem, but because it just comes off as 'let's slap on something for name recognition to get our show noticed, regardless of actual context', it's kind of a slap in the face to anyone who actually is a fan and knows anything about the character.

So no matter how good or bad the show actually turns out to be, it really doesn't matter 'cause it's just not Wonder Woman.


The show wasn't picked up.


Quote from: jagilki on October 11, 2011, 05:21:41 PM
Midas would chop off his Penis if he thought it would win him a Mafia game.