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Mock Election - Debate Thread {Moderated by Duckman and RebelChild}

Started by Zombie Gunn, October 05, 2008, 06:37:44 PM

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Zombie Gunn

Alright, here is the thread for the debate.  I'll wait for one of the moderators to start it off unless you'd like each of us to give some sort of opening statement.  Your call.

Rebel Child

I think an opening statement from each person would work out best.


Agreed. let's have the opening statements from each candidate and we'll take things from there.

Say a word limit of 300 words?


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Rebel Child

Think 300 is a good number to start with.  So each candidate may proceed when ready.


300 Words is a pain in the ass. Mine is exactly on it.

Hello, my name is Christopher Lemke and I am running for President of the United States.

Our country is currently in an unprecedented state of crisis both domestically and through our foreign affairs. The outgoing administration  has done nothing but casually stand back and watch as the largest financial surplus has quickly given way to our country’s largest deficit. Our standing internationally has been completely compromised leaving America a source of constant ridicule and admonishment. The middle class of this country is in shambles and vanishing as the void between the have’s and the have not’s grows larger. We have witnessed some of the greatest human rights violations in Africa but remain handcuffed in a war that we did not want nor did we deserve and the very person responsible for so much America’s backslide has been allowed to escape untouched.

For too long the republicans in power have used the politics of fear to control this country, to steal away our rights and our dignity like a thief in the night. If we do not stop it immediately then things will just continue to get worse as we are told to stay the course.

Since 9/11 happened we have constantly been warned that the terrorists will strike again, the cold truth is that they don’t have to. We have already allowed them win. Our economy is in shambles, we have  young men and men being killed every day in Iraq, and the world sees us as a joke while our enemies gain nuclear capabilities.

It’s time to TAKE THIS COUNTRY BACK. To reclaim our dignity and FIGHT BACK. We need to demand a change, to raise our voices up and COMMAND to be heard. This is a country for the people, by the people. It’s time we prove it.


Ladies and Gentleman,

I hereby announce my campaign for the Presidency of the United States. I don’t represent a party, I represent you.

My opponents will preach the good word, rely on their faith, rely on fashionable phrases, but my purpose in this election is to be as straight forward and honest as any normal human being should be. I will not promise an end to Iraq and I won't promise the banning of gay marriage. I don’t fight for either side, I look to compromise. Age old arguments will never be settled and that's what makes our home so great. We are a diverse people. People who work hard for their government, and we'd like to think that we work hard for you as well. But that has not been evident in Washington in these last 8 years. There's no reason to blame anyone. Republicans, Democrats, we're all the same. I will be the first candidate on your ballot that will not be party affiliated because I represent America. America was founded on independence, which is how I will represent America.

I'm here to represent this great nation and finally bring together what's been viewed as a dirty administration and a dirty capital. In these harsh times, there is only one thing certain, and that's the power of unity. Regardless of your party affiliate I'm asking you - unify. This is how we will rise above the ashes of this economic firestorm. Unity. Not hatred. Not politics. Not war. We must be united, and I ask all of you to unite with me, and bring the United States back to where we as a nation belong.

Thank you all...and God Bless.

Timothy I. Sentz


Can we now hear from our other two candidates with their opening statements?

Thank you.


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Zombie Gunn

Hello, I'm Jesse Gunn.

First, I'd like to congratulate the two candidates that went before me for expressing their views, and to Honker for what he will share.  I'm glad to have the opportunity to change things.  Which is the only reason I'm here.  The status quo is broken, and I'm not just talking about the housing market.  I'll tell you the biggest problem this country is facing today.  Deregulation.  It's been evident in nearly every sector that it's been deployed.  Deregulation of the electrical system is what caused the blackouts in California 7 years ago.  It's one of the main causes in the failure of over a dozen airlines over the past eight years.  It's caused a massive overinflation of the housing market, leading to its ultimate crash that we are witnessing now.

So, what is the future of this country if unchecked deregulation continues?  The stock market will crash.  And I don’t mean the minor fall that we’ve seen over the past week.  There’s also a move right now to deregulate much of our military operations.  Security contractors, outsourcing equipment from foreign nations, even partnering with terrorist warlords to take down other terrorists.  Frankly, it has to stop.

Our country is being taken from us, slowly outsourced to foreign corporations and workers, all the while the quality of our own nation is being dismantled, our rich become richer with no accountability, and the lower class grows larger, simply by its definition.

Our biggest threat to this country comes from within.  We live in a country where people cannot afford to put food on their table, yet they have unlimited text messaging on their phone.  We have become a nation of consumers, and have lost our core product.  The American Dream.

Big Gay Honker

Hi Everybody, Most people can read my name as Big Gay Honker.  You guys can call me Honker.  I'm not like one of these other guys trying to woo you with fancy words and so on and so forth.  I'm a good ol boy who wants to help the people help itself out.  I don't want to totally help someone where they don't help themselves, and I don't want to leave the people alone either.  Over many years now, guys who have wanted to do these things have run this country...  into the ground.  It's time for a true common man who is one of the common people to bring us out of this rut we're all in, and into the next generation of prosperity.  What I am about is a common sense approach to things.  I think the guys who make millions and in some cases billions should pay more in taxes, instead of getting more tax breaks.  Why are we going with trickle down economics when that theory was debunked back during the days of the great depression are beyond me.  It’s time to revamp our Medicaid system, make it for working families who pay into it instead of the people who do not.  I want the welfare system changed.  I want Lower gas prices for you people.  I want our economy stimulated.  I want the government shrunk down.  I want the local police and the FBI as one group instead of two who at times work against one another instead of together.  I want more for you than any of these candidates ever could.  I am the change we all need.  I have plans, you have dreams.  Lets all work together to usher in a new era of joy and togetherness.  Remember my friends, Honker is change.

Rebel Child

Thank you gentlemen for coming here to talk about the issues that you feel are very important to you. 

I have noticed in nearly every opening a talk about the financial crisis that the United States is facing at this moment.   Right now it's on every citizen's mind exactly what the future could hold for each of us.  For you, the candidates - what do you believe you could do to help ease the financial crisis for the citizens as well as for the economy as a whole?

[500 word limit I think would suffice for something like this]

Gentlemen, when you are ready - please feel free to start.

Big Gay Honker

I would begin with a less is more approach with in our government.  I would begin it all by shrinking our congress down.  We have 535 members in congress, 100 of them being senators.  Why have that many people in there?  Rank and file members make around 170000 a year.  Majority and Minority leaders make 188000, speaker of the house makes 217400.  We're spending 90000000 in congress salary alone people.  This doesn't seem like a whole lot for government spending, but it all has to start somewhere.  I think we can cut Congress down by at least half. 

I think it's also time that the government was less charitable.  Medicaid is in dire need of reform.  I for one think it's time that Medicaid should be a percentage taken out of everyone's checks.  But it should MOSTLY go to those who work.  I don't care if you work 5 or 50 hours a week, as long as you pay into, you SHOULD be able to pull the benefits.  I want the government to work alongside insurance companies, to make it like one big workers health insurance.  Finally affordable insurance for the working class.  Now I realize there are those who simply can't work, but I also realize there are tons of people who refuse to.  To those who can't work, they will be insured under my administration.  For those who can, it's time for you to get a job.

We also need to redo our Welfare system.  I believe that if you're working full time and can't make ends meet, then you should have a helping hand.  If you're part time, it's time for you to help us while we help you.  I'm saying if you work 30 hours a week, I want 10 hours a week of community service.  Able body people can do anything, single parents who can't leave their kids can go to work in government daycares that provide the service at a more affordable rate.   These are a few examples of the government end of the spectrum. 

I would also like to Stop minimum wage from going up, all while ending the ability of printing money on a whim unless it’s approved by myself in emergency.  These are both huge factors in inflation.  It’s time we rose the value of the US dollar by getting foreign gold here too.  While our dollar isn’t backed by gold, a gold reserve is still important in it’s value.

I would also like the overtime wage thrown out.  Trust me, after Uncle Sam removes his cut from your check, you’d make more with 45 hours no overtime than 45 hours with it, trust me people, this is a fact.  I’d say no company can make an employee work over 40 hours without the employee’s permission.  The reason most companies wont allow you to work over 40 hours is because of this overtime wage.  Without it, you are free to make much more money.

There's more, I promise, thank you all

Zombie Gunn

This is the question of our time.  While Honker preaches that he wants a "less is more" approach to our government, he announces programs that would increase our bureaucracy exponentially.  He focuses on the wages of our elected officials, when their wages are less than .1% of the government's yearly budget.

Hear that again.  $90 million for senators and congressmen make up less than .1% of this government's budget.  What does that tell me?  We're spending a LOT of money in this country.  Money that we can't afford to be dishing out every year.

In 1980, our national debt was less than $1 trillion.  Over the past 28 years, it has grown to over $10 Trillion.  Personally, I think that number needs to come down, if not eliminate itself entirely over the next 20 years.  And it won't happen by the standards that we're used to... nor the standards of my opponents.

Honker wants affordable insurance for the working class, but he doesn't say HOW it will happen?  Myself, I have a plan for affordable insurance and it doesn't come from importing cheaper drugs from Canada, nor from forced government ran health coverage.  It comes from higher regulations of the pharmaceutical industry, in part.  It also involves us not giving away the medical coverage that we all pay for out of our own pockets through our taxes.  What I'm talking about is the billions and billions of dollars spent each year, treating people that are not in this country legally.  This is money that you are paying in taxes that goes to help people that are not only non-citizens, but unaccountable individuals.  When we shut the doors of our hospitals to illegal immigrants, that will dramatically lower the costs of healthcare.  In addition, I would propose that any citizen who accrues more than $25,000 in medical bills without insurance will have an automatic voucher by the government to cover these charges.  This will ensure that people who suffer a tragedy early in life, are not forced to suffer through paying back the hospitals until their grandchildren are old enough to work.

Lastly, our economy needs a boost in many things.  But to get that boost, we don’t need everyone out there to spend extra money around the holidays and place themselves further into debt.  That was a tactic of the past to get the economy out of slow spots, but it’s placing a band-aid on a festering wound.  The problem is that our economy is built on the service industry.  Retail.  Luxuries.  Fast-Food.  Fine dining.  That’s fine, when this country is leading the pack.  But when things are tight… the first thing that has to go are the $5 cups of coffee.  What we need is to gear this nation back to its roots.  Manufacturing.  Under my presidency, this country will return to making quality products that the rest of the world will purchase.  I will do it through tax cuts to manufacturing corporations and grants for new inventions.  Lastly, a complete revamp of our education process so that our students aren’t just prepared for college… but prepared to lead this country through the next century.


Do our other candidates have anything to add to this section of the debate?
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I'd like to assure our nation that this financial crisis is at the forefront of our concerns. However, we must remember that for every action, there is an equal reaction to it. We talk about "cutting back on those 5 dollar cups of coffee." Just remember that for ever 5 dollar cup of coffee you buy, you're helping the worker that's making it for you. All of the businesses that help provide for you, started out as a small business. I'm not saying you have to change your life style. I'm not even suggesting it.

Live your lives the way you feel safest and most comfortable. This financial crisis is something that we are all apart of, and it will take all of us working together to work our way out of it. Balance is a necessity in these times, and the sure fire way of protecting our assets is to balance, and take responsibility for what you are doing.

I'd like to remind everyone involved in this that the "recession" Washington and CNN are talking about, is no where near as destructive as the Great Depression. Its the richest recession you'll ever see. This crisis is but a pithy aspect of your lifetime. It's a hot topic now, but in the Spring, once things have had time to balance, we'll be on the slope upwards. Now the rest of these candidates will talk about their plans, but in truth there is nothing to realistically be changed to the state we're in. I have no control over the  bailout, I have no control over the banks or the foreclosures.

What I represent is you. And to you I say that you must take the proper precautions that you can afford to prepare for the worst, but hope for the best. This is not the dawn of man, there is no revolution or depression to look forward to or fear. Its simply time. We learn from our mistakes and pick up the pieces. What you can do is look at this crisis as merely a cornerstone or the building blocks for a new reform on how businesses control their assets. It'll affect you and me. But it will not be something we cannot handle. All I ask is that you have patience and faith in your country right now. This is the perfect time to pull out those dirty jeans and go work on the yard or volunteer at a charitable event. Its a time of giving. To balance our nation it will take work on all of our parts and this is the best time to become active. Only you can save this nation. And I will be with you in the fields harvesting. I will be with you in the churches, raising money for children. I'll be holding your hands at the dinner table after a hard days work. This is what the United States is about. To get out of this crisis, we must band together, and stand united, so that we never fall again.

thank you, and God Bless.