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Started by T-Bonizzle, March 28, 2013, 10:59:49 PM

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In this N.S. Report, That Strike Guy and Primo Pancho are finally back after a series of issues involving microphones being dropped into the water and Pancho meeting Brian Beast happened. Nevertheless, they break down some of the action over the last week alongside the All-Star Break and then, they get to working on the college draft and those they believe will shine or fall. During that time, That Strike Guy ends up getting a lesson on taking the word "deserving" out of his vocabulary while Pancho continues to be, well, Pancho.



In the sixth episode of the N.S. Report, That Strike Guy and Primo Pancho go through and examine the playoff possibilities looming before us, we take a look at the international side of the draft and try to estimate who's going to be good and who's probably going to suck (without even seeing any of their games, at that) and most importantly, we take a look at the coaches who are currently without jobs and lose our respective shit over one specific one.


Howard's Corner

Hello ladies and gents, I am Howard McAfee, your resident basketball loving guru.  I've been a devout follower of the NBA for the past thirty or so years and have decided to dust my old bifocals off and give the state of the FBL competition a chance.  A colleague of mine mentioned the FBL and the fact that I should check it out.  So I spent the past six months review old game footage and have finally gotten caught up to be current with the league.
I may be a little rusty, but as I churn out these reports, which by the way are called Howard's Corner, on a weekly basis I'm sure my analysis will improve.

So without further ado, lets get to it:

There are two weeks remaining in the Season 13 regular season and the playoff picture is taking shape.  You have your perennial stalwarts such as the Aces and Hayseeds sitting atop their divisions with the Waves bouncing back from a disastrous season a year ago and the Glaciers, despite not having a GM, have found their stride.  Both the Dragons and Seagulls have had impressive seasons, though both have suffered tough losses recently.  Other than those six teams, the rest of the league is so-so. 

Now I'm going to breakdown my view on things by division.

The Glaciers sit atop the division and with two games to go I believe they will finish on top.  They have a solid team led by Ty Williams in the post and Ricky Hallmark as the floor general.  That dynamic duo is just too good to be caught.  The defending FBL Champions, Seattle Toppers, will make the playoffs albeit limping into the playoffs.  The Bears and Jaguars both will make the playoffs, the only question is in what order. 


The Southwest division is the one with the clearest playoff picture.  The Aces have dominated all season and will continue to do so their last two games.  The Gulls are playing great basketball, not to mention handing the Aces their only loss.  The Stars and Volcanoes round out the top four and I believe those two will stay in that position.  The Aliens and Hooks are on the outside looking and will be rebuilding projects for the next couple of seasons.


It is no surprise that the Hayseeds are number one in the Northeast division.  GM Hondo has his team firing on all cylinders as usual, even able to navigate through a potential disaster with his hiccup in handling the Country Sampson injury.  The Blades and Defenders are two outstanding teams who can beat anybody on any night.  The fourth spot comes down to the Colonials and Diamonds, which I believe the Colonials will win that battle.  If GM Shields can get Cedric Malone in order, I think they have a chance at dethroning the Hayseeds in the playoffs, but I will leave that for another column.


The Puerto Rico Waves are the top team in the Southeast division despite the fact nobody gave them a chance at making the playoffs in the preseason.  GM Justin has put together a team of unselfish players who play the game the right way.  GM Cory made a nice run in the playoffs last year and has continued his success this season with possibly the best team in the FBL, despite the two losses on their record.  The Stallions, Greenhornets, and Steamers are all tied with the same record and only two playoff spots.  If I was a betting man, which I am, my money would be on the Stallions and Steamers making the playoffs.

Well folks that is it for now.  With week eight games coming up, you can expect a lot of drama and the hunt for the playoffs in overdrive.  Until then, this is Howard McAfee signing out!




Welcome everyone for another edition of Q's Corner. The playoffs are finally here in the FBL for Season 13 and the race to be called the best starts in the Divisional Playoffs. The odds have come out and Las Vegas is the favorite to win the entire thing, but if history has shown, GM Dorling and Las Vegas have had some problems in the postseason. 

In the North Division we have the reigning FBL Champs, the Seattle Toppers facing off against the Montana Bears. Late in the season, GM Flins was fired from Montana and the franchise appointed the beloved GM Jag back as the GM of the Bears, which has a lot of fans in Montana very happy. I know a few people that will be very happy about that and that is Gravin, Frazier, and Corbin. The heart of the Bears. In Seattle, it's been a little roller coaster ride for the Toppers, but GM Domingo knows how to get things done in the postseason. GM Domingo is the second winningest GM in the postseason and with Joe Harding and Rich Deane leading the charge, expect the Toppers to make some noise in this postseason.

In the other matchup in the North we have the North Division Champs, Anchorage Glaciers facing off against the new franchise, Bismarck Jaguars. Both teams have no GM as Rebel is now in Baton Rouge and Josh has taken over the Glaciers. This game will be Chang/Cunningham vs. Hallmark/Williams. My money is on the latter.

Now let's venture down to the South where the odds on favorite Las Vegas Aces and GM Dorling take on the struggling Honolulu Volcanoes and team terrorizer, GM Bone. While the Volancoes have had some good moments this season, it's going to take a total team effort to eliminate the Aces from the playoffs in the divsional round. This has been dubbed as the best Aces team EVER. Can GM Dorling and Coach Bunt live up to that billing? A good start might tell us that answer.

In the second match-up in the South we have the San Diego Seagulls and the Hollywood Stars. Before the season started, the Stars were a hype machine that didn't really live up to that billing. GM Jen lost two of her best players on the team and sort of spun backwards. It seems the team is primed and ready for a postseason run to show everyone that the hype in the preseason was warranted. In San Diego, what seemed like a legit threat to Las Vegas is no more. Due to what critics are calling Mathgate III, GM Jon over spent on his PR budget and now Cam Drake will be sitting out the playoffs. On top of that, GM Jon has taken his talents to Wyoming for Season 14 with his tail tucked between his legs. Regardless, it looks like the Gulls will be bounced out by the Stars.

Seattle over Montana
Anchorage over Bismarck
Las Vegas over Honolulu
Hollywood over San Diego

In the Conference Semi's... our predicted matchups will be Seattle vs Anchorage and Las Vegas vs. Hollywood. I'm going to continue rolling with GM Dom to the Conference Finals against a GMless Glaciers team. The tricky match-up will be Dorling vs Jen. Hollywood vs. Vegas. The rivalry. Earlier in the season Dorling stole Malcolm Hayes from Jen, only to turn around and trade him to the Diamonds. Will Hayes make him pay in this match-up? I think he might. In the end, it will be Eddie Lights' will to get another ring that advances the Aces to the next round.

Seattle over Anchorage in 2
Las Vegas over Hollywood in 3

The battle everyone wants to see for the right to go to the FBL Finals. The team of destiny against the reigning champs. Good vs Evil. I just think the Aces have too much talent from top to bottom to lose to the Toppers.

Las Vegas over Seattle in 2

Now let's go out East in the North. Kentucky and GM Hondo are atop in the East again and will be facing early season favorites Virginia in the divisional round. Hondo is led by perennial All-FBL PF Kamil Bennett and now have Kirk Byways as the head honcho against the twin pillars in Creed Jackson and Leon Dreams of Virginia. While Virginia has the capability to make a deep run in these playoffs, I don;t think everyone is all on the same page and against a Hondo led team that knows what it takes to go the distance, I forecast a Seeds victory.

Another intriguing matchup in the North is the surprising Portsmouth Defenders against the blue collar Pittsburgh Blades. GM Shields facing off against his former franchise. Both GMs and teams will be in search for their first playoff victory. In the regular season GM Libre and the Blades took both games, but we all know how hard it is to defeat a good team 3 times. However, that is where Clint Danberry and Mutu Mukwaza come in with their leadership. Will Larry Stevens be able to take this new franchise to the next level? I think he comes up just short of that.

In the South Division, we have two pretty gimme games in my opinion. First we have Puerto Rico and their stout defense against Krease McCool and the rest of the Stallions. Waves have been a surprise this season in what appeared to look like they could be headed towards another down year, but GM Justin has this team playing top notch basketball. While the Stallions have been a roller coaster ride all season as well as GM Strike ditching out for Calgary. Don't see this going any way than a Waves win.

In the second matchup in the South we have the Steamers against the Dragons. Not sure there is a team in every word of the meaning more then GM Cory and the Tampa Bay Dragons. The Steamers have talent, but they have no coach... no GM... and a lack of shall I say team pride. Dragons will roll in this game.

Kentucky over Virginia
Pittsburgh over Portsmouth
Puerto Rico over Texas
Tampa Bay over Mississippi

The next matchups are sure to be good. Kentucky vs Pittsburgh and Tampa Bay vs Puerto Rico. Kentucky beat Pittsburgh both times in the regular season, but this time I think the 3rd time will be the charm for GM Libre and the Blades. Mutu will shutdown Freddie Bishop while Clint and Kamil go basket for basket. In the end, I think the Blades march on. The Dragons and Waves split in the regular season, but I'm more sold on the Dragons in this matchup. They have enough offense to compensate the Waves defense. Leighton Lee will guide this team to victory.

Pittsburgh over Kentucky in 3
Tampa Bay over Puerto Rico in 3

This would be a fun match-up as you have two hard working teams. I think this could really go either way, as both teams have clutch players, great leadership, and good defense. I think in the end, it will come down to coaching and I have to give the nod to Coach Red Mason.

Tampa Bay over Pittsburgh in 3


My prediction in the FBL Finals is Las Vegas against Tampa Bay. I have been on the Dragons bandwagon all season and I do not plan on getting off now to go for the fancy choice in Las Vegas. On paper, Las Vegas should probably win the championship... but that is what I love about the game of basketball... the best team doesn't always prevail. I like the Dragons starting 5 and I think their bench can do just enough to beat the star cladded Aces. Dorling falls short of being the first GM to win an FBL Championship with 2 teams and GM Cory will finally get that eluded ring.

Tampa Bay over Las Vegas in 5

GM of the Queen City Conquerors



On this seventh episode of the N.S. Report, That Strike Guy and Primo Pancho come to you live from Las Vegas, shortly removed from an exciting FBL Finals to discuss all that there is to know within the impeding Season 14 alongside one of our favorite analysts of the FBL in Chase McCrackin. We break down the results of the Finals, take a hard, good look at the entire league and hypothesize movements, offseason acquisitions, raise our eyebrows at certain set moves, break down aspects of the upcoming drafts and get you geared up for what should be a fantastic Season 14!


By Hond Kiper, Jr.

Please, if anyone is reading this, I am being held against my will in a damp basement and forced to spit out mock drafts that only a couple dozen people ever read. I've been eating nothing but Top Ramen, candy corn and those Danish butter cookies that people give as Christmas gifts but never actually eat. All I have for entertainment are old copies of Readers Digest from 1997 and the toilet down here has been overflowing for days. Not to mention said toilet is a rusty Maxwell House can. Oh no, I hear them coming! Quick, call 911!...

I couldn't be HAPPIER to give you this projection of the upcoming draft! Nothing would ever please me more! I'm just happy to be here, in these lavish conditions and with such compassionate overseers—er—I mean, friends!

On to the picks!

(Picks are for entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as a drafting guide)

1. Greenville Bulldogs – JOHN CUNNINGHAM, SG/SF, UNC

Like brother, like... well, brother. The top projected player in the league (and brother of former FBL MVP Scott Cunningham) carries on the tradition of being picked first in the league and should be the cornerstone of GM Powers' lineup for years to come.

2. Tempe Flying Squirrels – THOMAS POWELL, PF/C, Duke

It almost seems unfair that returning Super-GM Blade has a franchise center fall straight into his lap. Franchise centers are few and far between, and Blade will surely build his fledgling team around the big man from the North state. And although they have Vlad Blazka and Cody Show from the expansion draft, Powell is just too good to pass up.

3. Calgary ThunderCats – MICHAEL BARNES, SF/PF, UNLV

GM Strike will look to take this freshman team  and build around the most well-rounded player in this draft. Barnes kind of reminds me of Lou Malone and his balanced game, and that's what a young team needs to build around.

4. Montreal Foresters – CABIDAN FALLS, PF/C, UCLA

Yes, I know GM TJ drafted Chris Jones and Caleb Toom in the Expansion Draft, but it's hard to pass up on a guy like Falls, who may or may not be related to SuperAgent Nigel Falls. I'm not entirely sure since Nigel's restraining order against me doesn't allow me to just ask. Besides, we all know that Toom can't stick around a team for too long before he prices himself out of town. A frontline of Falls and Remo could be a nightmare for Eastern Conference teams.

5. Providence Diamonds – JUICE MCCLAIN, C, LSU

New GM CJ Gates could go any number of ways with this pick. After all, Providence is still rebuilding from the whole Cunningham/Chang debacle. This could be the most unpredictable pick in the entire draft. He could go backcourt and take Flo Payton, or they could go the international route and take either guard Simen Sorensen or combo forward Brag Anderson from Norway. But in the end, big men are at a premium, and McClain could fill a void left by the departing Kadeon Apollo.

6. Providence Diamonds (via Boise) – BRAG ANDERSON, SF/PF, NORWAY

Our first international player comes flying off the board at #6. As stated earlier, GM Gates has quite the rebuilding project on his hands, and this pick should shore up his front line and replace the dreadful Rex Holly if need be.

7. Birmingham GreenHornets (via Wyoming via Colorado) – FLO PAYTON, PG/SG, TEMPLE

Sure, combo guards seem to be twelve for ten cents these days, but there's a LOT of buzz around Payton, and he's rumored to be one of the best we've seen in years. Birmingham and GM Talon should be so lucky to have him land here. He will probably be the opening day starter at point guard if they decide to play Kolo Rolo at SG.

8. Calgary ThunderCats (via Pittsburgh via Boise via Boston) – DANNY FEEDER, G/SF, ENGLAND

GMs are no doubt salivating over Feeder's versatility, as guys like him have had quite the premium put on them over the years. This is a perfect fit for Calgary and a rookie franchise.

9. Colorado Hooks (via Colorado) – LYLE FREDERICKS, PG, TEXAS

Last year's floor general, Kevin Moose, is gone. The Hooks will need someone to lead the team on the floor, and Lyle Fredericks is possibly the best pure PG in the draft.

10. Baton Rouge RiverBandits (via Birmingham) – OYVIND TARBLA, PF/C, NORWAY

Tarbla could challenge Lars Holgan for that starting PF position, and in the worst case scenario, be a great sixth man off the bench to spell Holgan and dominant center Ty Williams.

11. Baton Rouge RiverBandits (via Boise via Pittsburgh via... themselves) – SIMEN SORENSEN, PG/SG, NORWAY

The Norwegian Invasion continues, and the second Scandinavian lands in the bayou. Sorensen is one of the top foreign prospects this season, and could help lead a RiverBandits team that showed a lot of promise last season, but ended up in a rebuilding stage for the second time in its short lifespan. Sorensen could start at either position that Rey Rodrigo doesn't .

12. Roswell Aliens – ROB PALACE, SG/SF, SYRACUSE

Roswell needs to find a replacement for "Captain Scottie" Fletcher, whose resigning with the team last year was the catalyst to the team's eventual downfall. Palace is a guy who can hold his own offensively as well as defensively, and should be a real asset for returning GM Arkia Fisk.

13. Honolulu Volcanoes – PANCHO VELEZ, PF/C, MEXICO

GM Bone may look to go the international route (insert terrorism joke here) to get a starter at Center. It remains to be seen whether Velez will be better than someone like Stig Svenson or the big Brazilian Tulio, but one thing is for sure, they need a replacement for the departed Chin Chik. They may also try to go for a point guard here, Price Hall is a name we've heard bandied around with this pick, but the safe money seems to be on center. But speaking of Hall...

14. Honolulu Volcanoes (via Texas) – PRICE HALL, PG/SG, MONTANA

...let's go ahead and slot him at #14. Hall, the younger brother of Horace, could be a real star in the league if he has half the skill his brother had. It is rumored that GM Bone has looked into drafting Hall, and it would be a surprise if he didn't go here.

15. Tampa Dragons (via Wyoming via Puerto Rico via Mississippi) – GIANFRANCO MORELLI, SF/SG, ITALY

With the recent departure of Washington Owens, the surprising Dragons have an opening at shooting guard. They probably would have loved to have Price Hall or Rob Palace fall to them, but those two are projected to be gone. Morelli is a big-bodied swingman who could cause Eastern conference defenders to have fits.

16. Mississippi Steamers (via Bismarck) – MANIC, PF/SF, ILLINOIS

A top ten talent falling to pick 16? Yes, please! Of course, there is the slight issue of possible occult activity and devil worship from the big man from Illinois, but he's a defensive dynamo who could stop the Kamil Bennetts of the world. More likely though, he'll spend most of his time at Small Forward, a need position for the Steamers. It's going to be a risk for GM Steven, but it could be the biggest reward in this draft.

17. Montana Bears – VAL KEATON, SG/SF, OHIO

Bears fans are still celebrating the return of beloved GM Jag, and Jag will no doubt look to draft the one position that always seemed to elude him, the Two Guard. Keaton is a cool customer under pressure, and could be a real asset for the Bears during those tough Western Conference games.

18. Anchorage Glaciers (via Virginia) – TURNER BANKS, PG, SAN DIEGO STATE

The Ricky Hallmark era in Anchorage is over, and they'll be looking for a PG of the future. Banks is a lightning quick guy who knows his way around a court, and could end up paying dividends for GM Josh for seasons to come. Most people would draft a Power Forward here (Yablo Yabla? Justin Crane?), but I think a talent like Banks falling to them would be a little too much to pass up.

19. Birmingham GreenHornets (via Hollywood) – YABLO YABLA, SF/PF, HOLLAND

GM Talon and the Hornets use their next pick to shore up another position in their future lineup. With Payton taking care of the backcourt, and recently-acquired Rik Kluff filling a need position down low, Yabla can fit in quite nicely at the three or four. With his size, he could be quite the dominant PF in a league that doesn't have many.

20. Birmingham GreenHornets (via Boise via Baton Rouge via Pittsburgh) SAM THOMPSON, SG/SF, HIGH SCHOOL

. The flashy but young Thompson could be the wing the Hornets are looking for if they decide to keep Rolo at SG. There's always a risk in drafting high school players, but Pebbles Lane last year showed us that when it pays off, it pays off big time.

21. Greenville Bulldogs (via Boise via Baton Rouge via Seattle) – STIG SVENSON, C, SWEDEN

GM Powers recently picked up Country Sampson in the expansion draft, but even he knows that Sampson isn't the long-team answer at the five. Svenson is a super tall center who could make it next to impossible for players to drive the ball to the basket.

22. Tampa Dragons – JUSTIN CRANE, PF, BYU

GM Cory has the luxury of making a depth pick here. Crane could very well be a successor to Bernie Class at the four.

23. Wyoming Timberwolves (via San Diego) – EDDIE HUGHES, SG/SF, MINNESOTA

New GM Jon will no doubt be looking for a little bench depth here. Hugues was a big-time scorer in school, but not against big-time competition. His real test is yet to come, but we still like Hughes and think he could be a real contributor to the Wolves, and may even make Wolves fans forget about Mason Griffin.

24. Greenville Bulldogs (via Boise via Birmingham via Portsmouth) – VAGN DAHL, PF, DENMARK

GM Powers could use his third pick in the FBL Draft to select a Power Forward for his fledgling team. They drafted Jeff Poole in the expansion draft, but he's only a one-year solution at best. Dahl could be a real steal for them at #24, and it wouldn't surprise me a bit if he were the opening day starter at the Four.

25. Kentucky Hayseeds – TULIO, C, BRAZIL

GM Hondo has his starting lineup set for next season, so he can afford to draft guys to develop off the bench. Tulio is certainly one of the more enigmatic players in this draft. He's a skyscraper of a man at 7-feet-8, but it remains to be seen if he'll be more like surprise stars Ronko or Echo Walls, or more like major busts in Ching Bu or Fan Mu.

26. Portsmouth Defenders (via Birmingham via Anchorage) – WILK SMITH, SF/SG, PENNSYLVANIA

After a very public meltdown from GM Shields, Portsmouth is actively looking for a general manager. Whatever manager they find will certainly want to get away from the mentally-deranged Cedric Malone as quickly as possible. Drafting schoolyard legend Wilk Smith could be the way out.

27. Montreal Foresters (via Puerto Rico) – JOE GALLEN, PG/SG, FLORIDA

GM TJ focused mostly on his frontcourt in the expansion draft, now it's time to show the backcourt some love. Gallen could be just the guy to dish the ball to all those big men down low. Melvin Smarts is a capable point guard, but they could do a lot better.

28. Boise Spuds (via Providence via Las Vegas) – RONALD DEKKER, C, HOLLAND

Nyako Umjumbo will be a free agent next season, so look for GM Metro to draft his successor here. Dekker is another huge specimen who could make it tough for anyone to go down low.[/b]

"Just do the best you can with whatever gift God has given you, whatever intellect you have. Use it. Be good while you're doing it. Love your neighbor. Love the One that created you. Enjoy the cosmos. And rock on." - Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty


FBL By The Numbers[/b]
By Geek Nerdington

Hello loyal FBL stat masters! Today we will be looking at how each team did during the off-season. This look is based purely on player grade and not on any factors such chemistry, team unity, Dorling's poaching skills or proximity to Franchise. For anyone who is interested in betting bit coins this season, this will be a guide and not an answer book for you.

Least Likely To Win:

Colorado - 30 (avg Grade D+/C-)

Interesting fact, last season the Boston Bells had the lowest grade of all time at an avg grade of D/D+. They beat (if you can call it that) the previous record which was set by the Boise Spuds team that GM Franchise assembled. As a matter of fact, this is at least the third time that Franchise has had statistically the worst team in the FBL. At least he is consistent.

A far cry from the decent team he assembled last season, (which had avg grade of C-/C) there is not too much saving grace to be found in his coaching staff. His assistant coach is average at C but the question mark hanging over Chris Camp has more to do than just with his coaching grade. I heard his reputation is killer though.

My prediction: After a decent season last year in which Franchise managed to almost make it through, this season will feel a lot longer. Poor guy, at least Mexico has nicer weather than Colorado.

Bismarck - 31 (almost a C-)

Coming just on the tails of poor Colorado, the Jaguars come second place on the 'let's not bet on them' scale. On paper, they look really bad but on the court... they probably will look bad too. You have to feel bad for Baldo, he isn't the greatest player to begin but on the Jaguars, he will be given more minutes than he'll ever be able to handle. Good thing this man has no fear, at least someone in Bismarck isn't scared. Baldo has no support but then again, with the weakest bench in the league, neither do any of the other players.

In the coaching from, a sober Cappy could do wonders but after looking at this team, even I got a bit drunk. But then again, with both Waldo and Baldo, maybe magic can happen.

Predictions: *Spoiler alert* No it can't. Alex should be looking for his third team any minute now.

Greenville - 32 (avg Grade C-)

Rounding out our no chance in hell is a deceptive team. Sure Greenville is but couple points higher than Franchise, this is a team in building and has a solid core that can be built on for years to come. Their bench is horrid though. Another saving grace may be the completely adequate coaching duo of Horace Hall and Tweed Bellam. If any team were to benefit from the Superleague stealing players, it would be this one.

This team becomes a matter of how much patience the Dog Pound is willing to give Mike Powers and whether the team's core can survive and thrive carrying the team.

My Prediction: Country Sampson sees a man dressed as a fire hydrant and pisses away Powers chances of seeing this team become a contender.

Roswell - 34 (avg Grade C-)

Roswell has always been one of the more interesting teams in the FBL. It appears as though they flip-flop in between being a solid franchise and being built by Franchise. The Steven era in Roswell is over and the Fisk era is already looking in danger of being a disappointment. When Dickie Greeves finds himself benched in a few weeks, their starting five won't look too bad at all which is good because we will probably not see anything but their starting five play. Greeves, Grey, and Wheeter completely underwhelm and challenge for the honour of being the worst bench of all time. Luckily for Fisk, her 4 rookies will having a blessing in Jerry Scott developing them and Marcelo is a proven coach who could help this team win a game or two.

Another fortunate point for Roswell is that none of the players have the same charisma as Mason Griffin. If Fisk can keep her pants on around Val Keaton, Roswell may just have a future.

My Prediction: Val Keaton turns down GM Fisk and gets fired for it. The team gets a boost in morale from it and manages to win two games. Then Hollywood comes to town and destroys them.

Providence 36 (avg Grade C-/C)

In a recent visit to Providence, the fans couldnt stop talking about Scott Cunningham. No wonder, it looks as though Cunningham will have outscored this entire team. Outside of the Russell and the incredibly overpaid Rex Holly, people can only describe this team as 'adequate at best'. When asked about the coaching, their described Fon LaBeuf as 'good enough' but didn't appreciate having Mark Brown helping their players develop. With absolute no star power, this team looks like it's full of the supporting role players of champion teams without any of the champion players.

Looking towards the future, Gates looks to have the pieces of a team that looks to be okay. Might be a few years before Providence shines again.

My Prediction: Mark Brown learns that he's no appreciated and quits but CJ Gates holds on to develop a team that's adequate for years to come. We will forget about them soon. Can I have a diamond?

Montana - 37 (avg Grade C-/C)

Is Sven Morgason actually starting?

That there should be a clear sign that there's trouble in Montana. Don't get me wrong, Frasier and Dallas are one of if not the best PF/C combo in the league and Nick Gravin is solid at PG but really, there's nothing more to this team. On top of that, I reckon this is the oldest team in the entire league. Gravin and Dallas are 30 now and if they choose to retire after this year, Frasier will be left with nobody of value to play with.

Montana's key to success may just be Vlad Bogolov and his best Eastern European friend Nezra. Sadly though, Bog has done great things but he doesn't have much to work with this year.

My Prediction: The second best rivalry in the west was the one between Montana and Roswell. I see Montana winning the rivalry this year which will be great as they won't be winning much else.

Tempe - 38 (avg Grade C-/C)

I have two things to admit about Tempe. First, I have no idea where it is. Second, their team doesn't feel that impressive and I'm okay with that. Blade is back and he built himself a team that might not be incredible off the get go but managed to land Mays and Robinson as coaches. On top of that, they've barely used 75% of their budget and two amazing draft picks in Flo Payton and Wilk Smith. The leadership is definitely there, it's the players that aren't.

Tempe gets a pass because their new and because I don't know how to find it.

My Prediction: The pieces are there. They get put in place by the well respected Blade and in a few season Tempe will be a nice place for those who can find it on the map.

Boston - 39 (avg Grade almost C)

Although low on paper, one has to remember what GM Flins was working with. He took the worst team in FBL history and made it adequate. The only player that survived the purge is also their assistant coach. Perhaps the greatest thing that Flins did however was to do it with HALF THE BUDGET. To compensate for all the lost revenue that GM TyTy cost the Bells team, Flins built a decent team for only 31 million. In the course of one off-season, the Bells franchise has increased grade points for 2 million less in salary and still have room to sign any major free agent that may hit the market.


Tony Luco is 30 now and may getting close to focusing solely on his coaching duties and the rest of the team doesn't look too weak. Add in Dave Chart as the coach, the future looks bright in Boston. This may not be their year but with 28m in cap room to play with, it could be the start.

My Prediction: Boston stops pretending like their FBL team doesn't exist, last season gets overshadowed by the current generation, and after a rough year this year, Boston rebounds and is a contender in a couple seasons. GM Flins may also be getting the key to the city soon enough.

Honolulu - 39 (Avg Grade almost C)

Rounding out the list of teams you shouldn't be betting on is Honolulu. With Reggie Jones and Creed Jackson on the same team, how can the team be listed so low? Kozlo and Sai is how. Bone's current bench is beyond lacking and his starting 5 is more than obvious. Last year, both of Father Mura's orphans got themselves suspended so his weak bench will no doubt be a factor that holds him back.

Father Mura proved that he can raise excellent basketball talent in his orphanage but can he keep the team disciplined? Rattle Lee has been a good coach but never found himself listed amongst the greats. Can they pull together to help this team prosper?

My Prediction: A tantrum here, a petty crime there and two of the worst players in the FBL today disappoint Honolulu fans for stretches of the season. At least when they miss the playoffs, Honolulu is a great place for an extended vacation.

Hang around, there is more to come


FBL By The Numbers[/b]
By Geek Nerdington

Welcome to part two of FBL by the Numbers. The following are teams that you may not want to bet on but may, based solely on grades, be worth cheering for.

Anchorage - 40 (avg Grade C)

What can you say about Anchorage. Well, they have Scott Cunningham and Bobby Chang will be passing him the ball. Other than that, they will have a bunch of subpar guys standing around watching Captain Cunning get all the points. If Cunningham gets injured or sick, they will have no chance of betting any team not GM'd by Franchise, Powers, or Alex K. Brandon Carty and Vernon Nelson are both more than than capable coaches but unless they really like watching Cunningham highlights, this will be a frustrating season for them.

Other than that, there's not much to say.

My Prediction: Is getting fired from Anchorage really that bad of a thing? It's cold and dark up there and I don't mean the weather.

Calgary - 41 (avg Grade C)

Oh Calgary, what a year you've had. It's been a rough year between being flooded out and having to deal with having an awful FHL team. The thing I love about the city is it's resiliency and ability to bounce back from hardships. Except their FHL team, they have always sucked. I do have to give a ton of credit to Strike though, he has built a really decent team to restore hope to that city of Canadian Cowboys. Getting Burt Hawk to coach can mean big things for the city and the tandem of Tarbla and Barnes looks to be cornerstones of a great franchise. Add that in with a bit of triplet magic and I smell success in their near futures.

There are a couple sticky point though. Tulio appears to be an over-paid bust and Umjumbo appears to have found himself on his 11th team which set the record for most under-appreciated player of all time. If the team can click and Umjumbo can find a bit of the skill he left behind back when he was a promising prospect, this team could be one that is tough to beat. He seems into danger zone when it comes to cap, this seems to biggest issue to arise. Let's hope nobody asks for a raise.

My Prediction: A bit of triplet magic and poof, this team sneaks in to the playoffs riding him on brotherly love. The Calgary Fire of the FHL will still suck and Strike will find himself as GM of two Calgary teams.

Mississippi - 41 (avg grade C)

Does Damore still got it? Cal Roberts for Greg Walton, was it worth it?  Those two questions will need to be answered in order to determine whether or not Mississippi will be successful this season. Their bench won't be able to compensate if either is a no.

Mississippi has a lot of good players outside of Damore but not a lot of great players. Add to that a good, yet not great, coach in Nathan Spots and a questionable coach in Sheik, this season might not be their best ever. Steven was already under a microscope as the colonial expects success and that Cal Roberts trade might make this season feel like it lasts forever.

My Prediction: Mediocre season, misses the playoffs but just barely. Steven has a tough rebuilding year afterwards due Damore retiring. Sheik blows up something.

Portsmouth 41 (avg grade c)

I like cheap teams that over-achieve. That's what I see Portsmouth as. With 24 million remaining in cap space, they have the room to re-sign the four players on the last year of their contracts. There are a couple weak points in their hall. They have an over-eager Mike Flips and a supposedly cowardly Matt Morris coaching (though, don't get me wrong, Morris has done great things in Roswell) and their bench leaves a lot to be desired. Other than James Grant and Bralin Hurtz, there is a lot to be desired in Portsmouth this year.

BD may have been blessed to walk in as captain of this pre-assembled team but in order to keep it from sinking, he will have a lot on his place.

My Prediction: Disappointing season this year but luckily, Mike Flips is only on a one year contract. Look for them to re-emerge next year better than ever.

Puerto Rico - 43 (avg grade C/C+)

Say it ain't so? Is Puerto Rico.... average?

I don't think so. I think on paper PR is worse off then they actually are. They have Harry Allen, Sy Rogers and DS Drummond and that alone is enough to beat some teams. Randall Junior and Konda Plains can really flourish under their great coaches, Oj Mcloo and Djem Maluka.

Grades aren't everything. This might not be Puerto Rico's greatest year but I think they'll do just fine. Bench might be weighing them down though and their centres will be out-played in nearly every game.

My Prediction: Everything is sunny in PR. Another playoff appearance for them and Justin gets another year to tan.

Wyoming - 43 (avg grade C/C+)

Wyoming's team this year is not outstanding but is definitely solid. Their only weakness might just be Akabussa on the bench but other than that, a pretty well-rounded team with no glaring holes. Ben Legacy is definitely worth his weight in a lot of people's opinions.

The starting five may not be the best in the league but they certainly are able to hold their own. The thing I love most about this team however is the age. They are a young, hungry team. Look for them to make waves in the feature but for now, this might not be their year.

My Prediction - They make it to the playoffs but get ripped apart by Vegas.

Montreal - 43 (avg grade C/C+)

Imagine that, an expansion team has as good of a grade as Puerto Rico does. Soul did real well for himself building his team. Cunningham (lite), Morelli, Jones, and Toom being fed by the underrated Melvin Smarts make a superb starting five, especially for an expansion team. The bench is a little weak but for an expansion team, Soul deserves a ton of credit. As the team grows, they will become a monster.

Unless Toom steals all the money first.

On the coaching end, Ray Johnson looks really solid and Flan Bulois was the type of player many thought would do good as an assistant coach. Time will tell but Montreal could be a contender in seasons to come. Looks like the FHL's Montreal French-Canadians will have to share the french sports section.

My Prediction: Will be battling for the last playoff spot.

Boise - 44 (avg grade C/C+)

The big 3, Jour, Hayes, and Roberts. Add in CC Ale and you have the makings of a great team. Despite making 1003 trades, Metro built himself a more than decent team. There's obvious holes such Teddy Rumpin and Igor Slapdick or however their names are. Their bench is definitely lacking but as long as they keep focused on their starters, they should be fine.

Phil Bull is a steal of a coach at 2m and Steve Watchen could be the man to make the most of Boise's big 3. Who would have thought that Boise would someday overcome all the rotten pototoes to become a true spud... err, stud.

My Prediction: Playoff bound, knocked out in the second round.

We now jump to teams that may be more worth your dollar. There is a bit of a jump between the pack here, these are the teams not guaranteed to win but likely to shock you.

Texas - 46 (avg grade, C/C+)

Texas has a solid team from top to bottom. Not exactly a super deep team but has no glaring weakness. The bench isn't superb but can be called into any game without much hesitation. With the three-some of Owen Bridges, Kadeon Apollo, and Krease McCool leading it, this team has a lot of high points.

It does have a couple glaring weaknesses.

Owen Bridges is no doubt going to want a bigger contract as will Bael Gilliginasomethinggreek. I don't see the pieces of a solid franchise outside of Krease and Apollo.

Coach wise, Smith and Hawes seem quite solid.

My Prediction: Will sneak into play-offs but will fall apart off-season and miss next season.

Tampa Bay - 46 (avg Grade C/C+)

Ah yes, another old team with no budget left. Two phenomenal players in Griffin and Lee surrounded by good players in Free, Class, and Reed. Cory has built himself another great yet short-sighted team. His win-now mentality is apparent but this may be the year he wins. Jerret Mcloo might weigh the team down but hopefully he receives minimal court time. Red Mason is an amazing coach, one of the best in the game but Morita appears to have the same grade as Mike Flips.

If Cory is going to win the Championship, this would be his year. Unfortunately, I don't see him winning this year and I don't see his team improving in the off-season.

My Prediction: Knocked out in the first round of the playoffs.

Whew, that's most of them. Tune in for the best bet teams, the upper echelon of the FBL.


FBL By The Numbers[/b]
By Geek Nerdington

We will now look at the teams with the best chances this year based on grades and nothing more.

Baton Rouge - 47 (avg Grade almost C+)

They said it would be the deepest draft class in the history of the FBL and Baton Rouge made the most of it. Combined, their team has played 7 seasons in the FBL. Their 5 rookies are the most of any team covered thus far and each of them look to be able to hold them own in the FBL. Inexperience could be a factor as even their coach is in his first year of the FBL. We literally have no idea what to expect from this team and that makes me excited.

If Rebel can hold this together, he has the potential to build a dynasty in the future.

My prediction: Will make the play-offs now and potentially for years to come.

San Diego - 47 (avg Grade almost C+)

[so, I won't do my own team]

Seattle - 48 (avg Grade C+)

The strongest front-court in the game lead by perhaps the best player ever to play the game. Outside of the big 3, it's somewhat of a weak team. I can't see Dom being too worried about that as he has Troy Marshall running the point in his prime.

Mark Black has all the potential in the world to lead this team to another FBL Championship and Pete Ferndale has all the potential to ruin it.

Not the deepest team by far but Troy Marshall. He is the answer.

My Prediction: Dom has done more with less. I see him losing out in the conference finals.

Kentucky - 48 (avg Grade C+)

Kentucky, despite being one of the top teams on paper in the league, has dropped quite a bit from last season (5 point). A large part of that probably has to do with Jamie Anderson on the bench. I never quite could figure it out, Hondo must like giving rings to undeserving, loveable big men. Having one of the strongest starting 5 in the league, led by Coach Byways with a great Stelio Popsadickohmy supporting the team and two great prospects on the bench, Hondo once again shows us why he is one of the best men ever to call themselves GM.

My Prediction: Loses the conference final.


I'm surprised to be honest. Looking at the team sheet, they look good but not great. It wasn't until I added up the numbers that I realized that they could compete this year. They have a lot that's disappointing (Trehurd, Manic-Depressive, Macquire, Marquisse). Oh, that's why. I added wrong. Despite having one of the strongest coaching duos in the league, Ricky Hallmark in perhaps his last year, and Leon Dreams nearing his prime, this team stinks compared to teams of the past. Bolak Huir might help a ton and keep them competitive but they seem a far step off from where they were.

My Prediction: Since I messed up and added an extra ten to their score, they don't make the play-offs. Also, I won't try adding up the numbers when on the phone again.

Only 4 teams left. The following are the FBL On-Paper Elite of this year.

Birmingham - 49 (Avg Grade C+)

Yes I said Birmingham, stop laughing. Ty Williams, Rik Kluff, Kolo Rolo, Reagan James and newcomer, Simen Sorenson make up one of the toughest starting five in the league. Their bench players, Cheese King and Brian Holmes could be starters on most any other team and with Willy Davies coaching them, you know they won't be giving up a lot of points.

The Green Hornets are the perfect combination of offence and defence and are looking next to impossible to beat. Whatever Talon did, he did it well.

Charles Munsen. He isn't much of a player but hopefully they can keep the ball away from him.

My Prediction: They do well, really really well. They best prepared to go far in the play-offs but ultimately will fall short.

Las Vegas - 49 (avg Grade C+)

Always bet on Vegas baby! When Sean Rivers is the weakest link on paper of your starting five, you got something good going on. Outside of Bryan Carty, Vegas once again has one of the strongest teams in the FBL. In what could possibly be the swan song of the great Redford Shack, Vegas is going all-in to win back-to-back championships. With Johnny Bunt being on his 'A' game and Lugasoon being better than most coaches in the league, all the chips seem to be in play for another good run. If only they had a stronger piece than Bryan Carty.

My Prediction: Knocked out in the first round in a stunning underdog upset.

Hollywood - 50 (avg grade C+/B-)

Hollywood just doesn't have a player like Redford Shack, Troy Marshall, or Scott Cunningham. Hollywood doesn't need a player like that. There isn't a weakspot on that entire team, should a player injure themselves, they can still win and dominate. Even the coaches, Mogo and Reid, are beyond solid.

The iron lady, Jenn, has been building this team for the last few years and this is her pay-off year. Their bench is stronger than some teams, their superstar 3some of Rhys, Smith, and Lee are primed to set the scoreboards ablaze and Walls and Beast have developed into all-star defensive studs.

Hollywood is full of stars.

Prediction: Loses the finals.

And last but not least, one team has stood above all the rest. Hollywood was rated C+, this team is almost a B.

The Pittsburgh Blades
57 (avg Grade B-/B)


No less than 5 all-star calibre players on Blades. Clint Danberry is back for his 8th season and the supporting cast around him is insane. Mutu 'the unstoppable stopper' Mukwaza, The 'Champ' is Martin, The Next Eddie Light aka Pebbles Lane, and 6th man of the century, Pablo Hurtado. Velez, Gray, and Bradd are all bonafide, ready to start players as well. This team is incredibly deep and is on a whole 'nother level.

I hear they're sizing up their ring fingers.

I hear they have the rings on order.

I believe what I hear.

Ollie Stambola has reached the status of elite level coach, the same level as the Bogolovs, Classes, Masons, and Bunts. Nick Shaw would be a great coach on any team. There is not a weakness here.

My Prediction: Start the parade!




1. Pittsburgh Blades
- The team to beat in Season 14. With the addition of Champ Martin to pair with Pebbles, Mutu, and Clint. This team of stars and solid roleplayers look to make a return trip to the FBL Finals... this time to win it all!

2. Las Vegas Aces
- No surprise here. The reigning FBL Champs go on the journey to double down on their FBL Title. Missing from the picture is Eddie Lights, but new faces in Ernie Bell and Sean Rivers will pair with McDonald, Stanza, and Shack as look to be the cream of the West again.

3. Seattle Toppers
- Troy Marshall is back and alongside Joe Harding and Rich Deane, look to take the Toppers to the very top!

4. Hollywood Stars
- Even after the departures of DS Drummond and Malcolm Hayes... the Stars are looking to contend again this season with the return of Blair Smith to the FBL. Mitchell takes over the helm at the PG position while Shakers Lee adds a scoring punch to Ecko Walls' defensive approach down low.

5. Kentucky Hayseeds
- Not long ago, this was the team to beat. Kamil, Freddie, and Lou will lead a very solid Seeds team that hope to end the season with another banner hanging from the rafters.

6. Tampa Bay Dragons
- Mason Griffin finally has a supporting cast in Leighton Lee, Bernie Evans, and Blue Reed. Can the Dragons finally get over the hump?

7. Birmingham Greenhornets
- The biggest team improvement of the offseason goes to the Hornets. Ty Williams and Kolo Rolo look to make this the best season in Birmingham history.

8. Puerto Rico Waves
- The Waves are right back into the mix of it, but how will they do after shattering expectations last season? DS Drummond is now running the show alongside Harry Allan and Sy Rogers. The bench is a weak point, but they certainly have the firepower to contend.

9. Baton Rouge Riverbandits
- Talk about a young team with only 3 players with prior FBL experience. Regardless, this team is talented and watch out for the Bandits if they can get things clicking early on.

10. San Diego Seagulls
- It's the Mr. Magic Make and Top Breed show! There is no doubting this team has the talent to make a charge at the title this season, but with rumors that morale is low, is that going to be the kryptonite to this team? Drake, Reed, and Kurtz is a scary three for any team in the FBL to go up against.

11. Anchorage Glaciers
- This team might be the spitting image of Bismarck from last season. It's Scott Cunningham and not much else. Someone will need to step up alongside Captain Cunning if they are going to make a real run at the title.
12. Calgary Thundercats
- The first of the expansion teams. With top rookies in Barnes and Tarbla, along with the triplets... the Cats might just be the best of the new class of teams. Not sure it'll be enough to be a legitimate threat to the title this season though.

13. Wyoming Timberwolves
- A much different looking Wolves team then in years past. Now lead by Matt Foster, alongside Owens, Marx, and Mowa... the Wolves fans might actually have something to cheer about other then one player on the court.

14. Montreal Foresters
- The top expansion team in the East perhaps. A loaded front court with Jones and Tooms leading the way with a good supporting cast in FBL rookies Morelli and John Cunningham. Montreal could really surprise a few people this season.

15. Boise Spuds
- This must be a typo, right? The Spuds? Jour, Hayes, Ale, and Roberts make this a very exciting team to watch in Season 14. How far can these Spuds really go? I don't know, but they're heading in the right direction.

16. Texas Stallions
- Krease McCool will be in charge of leading this team to the playoffs this season with the departure of Kadeon Apollo to Boston. This Stallions team is good, but is McCool the right person to lead this team will be the ongoing questions as the season moves forward.

17. Boston Bells
- From the worst team in FBL history to a team that has an actual chance to make the playoffs? Incredible turnaround, as Apollo, Rovuk, and Chico will try and guide this Bells team to an improbable run into the playoffs.
18. Montana Bears
- The talent is there, but I'm not sure the best decisions have been made. The PAW3 is every bit as dangerous, but it's obvious they are on their last leg. This season might be the final season we see this Bears team intact with the stars everyone is accustomed too.
19. Honolulu Volcanoes
- A fantastic starting 5 led by Creed Jackson and Reggie Jones. Add in the orphans and you have yourself an explosive team. The only thing that sets this team back from doing great things is a horrid bench.

20. Virginia Colonials
- Ricky is back in Virginia, but maybe he was better off retiring. A far cry from the Colonial teams of years past. Can Hallmark team with Leon Dreams and make magic happen? Doubtful.

21. Greenville Bulldogs
- Leon Powell has been dubbed the next Clint Danberry. What can he do to help lead this expansion team to a magical season? Kevin Moose and fellow rookie Davey Powell help anchor this new team which expect to have some first year growing pains.

22. Tempe Flyingsquirrels
- Maurice Mays said get me a point guard and boy did they. Flo Payton is the real deal and will team up with Wilk Smith in the back court for the expansion team. Outside their rookies, their just isn't a whole lot here though.

23. Providence Diamonds
- Many question if Robbie Wright is the right man at the point for this Diamonds team, but alongside Xavi Madrid and the two rookies of Rob Palace and Juice McClain make up the meat of this Diamonds team. Not quite back to where this team was in Season 12, but a step in the right direction with the young talent.

24. Portsmouth Defenders
- This team will go as far as James Grant takes it. And hope to hell that Cedric Malone doesn't do anything stupid to stop it from moving forward. Hurtz and Valentine give this team a formidable back court... but the bench is not something to be desired. Don't expect a repeat of the magical run from last season.

25. Roswell Aliens
- This team is another rookie heavy team that will be lead by the youngster Val Keaton and the International studs in Dekker and Otto. A rebuilding year this season from the Aliens, but could potential make a few upsets.

26. Colorado Hooks
- This Hooks team is better than last year... but that isn't saying much. Rumor has it that the Head Coach is hiding from the CIA, but this team does have some pieces they can build on in Chris Thomas, Neil Prince, and Donnie Henderson. They won't be near as bad as last season, but they won't be world turners either.

27. Mississippi Steamers
- The Colonel will not be happy. Damore will not be happy. The Steamers have taken a step in the wrong direction. Tees, Richards, Walton, and Ryan make this team competitive but in the tough Eastern Conference... they will be the ones on the losing side more often then not.

28. Bismarck Jaguars
- Awful. Just awful. I have nothing else to say about this team.

GM of the Queen City Conquerors



Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the first edition of "Burning Questions" with Daniel Khan. 
In this article, we will look at four questions pertaining to the FBL, and I'll give my opinions on each of them. 

While we missed out on the pre-season edition of Burning Questions, we're going to dive right into week 1 of the 15th season of FBL Basketball, so let's get right to it!

Question 1 Who is in more trouble, The Hollywood Stars or the Puerto Rico Waves?

It is never good to find yourself in the center of controversy during the season, but it's even worse when it comes before your first game can even begin.  Several players really stood out after voicing their displeasures before the season started, and while most of them were handled in house and resulted in either contract extensions, trades, or even rumored verbal smackdowns, two high profile teams entered the season with questions still lingering.

Hollywood, lead by the "Iron Lady" herself, GM Jen named loyalist Ecko Walls as the team captain, a decision that brought a lot of questions and tension to the locker room of the Stars.  Reports from insiders around the league have told me that Jen approached Ecko about possibly vacating his captaincy and the 7'3 center did not take the news well.  It is unconfirmed, but I have heard that Ecko asked for a trade, but as we saw in Week 1, he was still dressing in a Stars jersey once the pre-season trade deadline passed and we moved into the season.  Ecko's uninspired performance tells the tail though, leaving Hollywood with two options: Repair the damage done to Ecko's ego, or sit him on the bench and pray that the over-paid Shakers Lee can play the 5, something he did in Puerto Rico early in his career, while the combination of 6'8 combo forwards Feni Oladunna and Brian Beast can do enough at the 3 and 4 to keep Hollywood's big dreams alive.

Meanwhile, Puerto Rico started the season in its own captaincy controversy.  Sy Rogers, the UNC product who was the sole survivor of a weird rollover of the starting line-up that featured Kolo Rolo being traded to make room for Blair Smith... who was later traded for Harry Allen, leaving Rolly Pounds to start at Shooting Guard, something Waves fans will be complaining about until rookie Konda Plains inevitably takes over, but back to Rogers.   Sy said last season he enjoyed not being the team captain, so when he told the press he was upset he was overlooked this season when GM Justin named his captain, it caught everyone off guard.  While it an unforeseeable problem for one of the longest tenured GM's in FBL history, the problem only got worse when Rogers requested a trade, but was denied.  Reports out of the Waves clubhouse say that Rogers attitude lead to friction between himself and starting Power Forward, Deshawn Drummond.  Hindsight being what it is, it's easy to say that The Waves should have traded Sy Rogers, who managed 11 points in the season opener against former team mate turned Green Hornet Kolo Rolo, but lets put ourselves in GM Justin's shoes, shall we?  Last season Puerto Rico had a captaincy issue when Caleb Toom was named captain and immediately demanded a pay raise that was impossible for The Waves to make happen without trading away another piece of the puzzle. GM Justin instead saw Toom leave for the Super League before the season began.  So history shows that GM Justin has now gone back to back with not making trades before the season starts, and while he survived the move last season, you have to wonder if he can right the ship this time and prevent a Sy Rogers / Deshawn Drummond feud that makes this a rough road to the playoffs for the proud franchise.

...So while it is too early for ANYONE to hit the panic button, especially after a win. (I'm looking at you GM TyTy) I'd say that of the two options presented, I believe that the damage done in Hollywood is more serious, but the margin for error in the East is much smaller.  Puerto Rico dropped a game to Birmingham, who has scored an opening night upset in back to back seasons now, and GM Justin is going to have to hope it was just a bump in the road and not a sign of things to come for his squad.

Question 2 Will Troy Marshall thrive at Point Guard? 

Folks from Washington DC to Moscow were talking about the line up for Seattle when GM Domingo announced that he planned to go against the grain and name Troy Marshall as his starting point guard. Troy, who is finally returning to the FBL after a stint in Barcelona after his horrendous season 14 fiasco, was thought to be the choice to play Small Forward or Shooting Guard for the Toppers, while Joe Harding would slide to the point to run the show, but GM Domingo had a plan and thought that King Troy would become a match up nightmare for the West if he could run the point without eating up all the shots, and after one game he looks like a genius; but the real question is "Will it last?"

I believe that Troy Marshall is happy to be on a team with a supporting cast.  He is happy to know he has the chance to raise an FBL championship at the end of the season, and he isn't at risk of being dealt to Boston, ever again.  Troy wants to win and in Seattle he can do that; but let's not forget that Troy also wants to be the MVP at the end of the season.  Can he do that as the primary facilitator, or will he start holding onto the ball a little more, trying to keep pace with one man shows like Krease McCool and Scott Cunningham?

If Troy can keep winning an FBL title higher on his priority list than walking out of the awards banquet with the MVP trophy, there will be but a handful of games where anyone can match up against King Troy at the Point.  I only see two point guards in the West who I think can give Troy trouble, Cam Drake and Henri Jour.  Call me crazy, but I don't think that Jour's 4 steal game was a mirage, I think it's a sign that GM Metro in Boise was much more strategic than he may have appeared when he was wheeling and dealing, drawing the ire of some of the older GM's in the league.  Meanwhile, we all know that "Mr. Magic Make" has the hands to defend Marshall one on one.  Outside of that, most teams will have to hope they can put up the points to contend with the high octane offense that Seattle boasts this season.

Question 3 Who has the best chance of starting 3-0?

50% of the teams have to start the season 0-1, but which of the surviving teams have the best chance of being 3-0 after Week 2.  Remember, each team in the league plays TWO games per week from now until week 13, with week 14 being a single game to end the season.  Let's take a look at the match ups and see who can continue the undefeated streak.

In the West:

Seattle: (vs. Hollywood, @ Bismarck)

Troy Marshall has the chance to eat Rhys Mitchell for breakfast, and finish with Dre Majors for dessert. Seattle's weakness, its front court, will be tested a bit by Hollywood if they can get their Ecko-issues corrected, but Bismarck might want to stock up on kitty litter, because when the Toppers come to town, the Jags are sure to shit the bed.

Chance of reaching 3-0: 85%

Boise: (@ Tempe, vs. San Diego)

GM Metro's new-look Spuds look to test themselves against the expansion Squirrels, who picked up a win, but still do not impress me, yet.  I think it comes down to raw talent on the floor, as the coaching staffs cancel each other out, and I see Boise's roster as the more well rounded unit, Perm Pederson could be the X-factor off the bench.  In the second game, The Spuds welcome the Seagulls into the potato patch, and we'll see if Cam Drake can make some magic against Henri Jour.  A real tough match up there, as Reed and Roberts will be banging down low, it could go either way.

Chance of reaching 3-0: 50%

Wyoming: (@ Anchorage, vs. Colorado)

The Wolves have dumped the salary of Mason Griffin, but lost out on bringing Cam Drake on board, but GM Jon kept a player who's career he helped revitalize, and that is their team captain Matt Foster, and when you look at the point guard, losing out on Cam isn't so bad when you end up with Washington Owens.  A road trip to Anchorage looks like a win, as Mowa should dominate Corey McDoe and Scott Cunningham will just not have the weapons to pull out a win.  In the second half, it's a home stand against the Hooks lead by GM Franchise who made moves to bring the two most disappointing picks in the top half of last year's draft together, in hopes that their Canadian-ness might bring the best out of them.  Can Chris Thomas and Donnie Henderson stand up against fellow sophomores Clarence Marx and Kenny Wang?  ...maybe, but I doubt it.  I say its another win for Wyoming and a good shot at 3-0.

Chance of reaching 3-0: 90%

Las Vegas: (@ Roswell, @ Honolulu)

It's rarely a good idea to bet against Vegas, the odds makers love the defending champions, and with good reason.  GM Dorling replaced a retiring crew of Lights, Smalls, Da, and Mission with Bell, Rivers, Perkins, and Carty; three of which are suitable replacements.  With Tim McDonald taking over as a starter after patiently waiting in the wings, we get to see what the new blood can do, and that's not even getting to Stanza and the Shackpot.  Vegas is loaded and I see Roswell and Honolulu both rolling snake eyes this week.  If there is a challenge, it comes from The Volcanoes, but Rattle Lee's crew are just as likely to give each other a fight instead of bringing it to Vegas.

Chance of reaching 3-0: 95%

San Diego: ( vs. Bismarck , @ Boise)

GM TyTy walked into a great situation in San Diego and his statement victory over Hollywood showed that with the right pieces, he can be a winning GM in the league, right?

...We'll see, I say the jury is still out and even with the win the 'Gulls should get over Bismark, Boise will give them a challenge.  Drake vs. Jour could really decide this game for San Diego.

Chance of reaching 3-0: 50%

Honolulu: (@ Colorado,  vs. Las Vegas)

The Volcanoes made moves in the off season and showed why having salary cap space is a sign of a great GM as GM Bone traded for Creed Jackson, instantly making the team a contender by grabbing one of the best centers in the game.  The biggest obstacle Honolulu faces is more self-destruction, character issues run rampant in the club house. A trip to Colorado should be a relaxed win, just in time for welcoming the defending champions into their house.  Vegas is going to test Rattle Lee's boys, I'm unsure right now if they can rise to the challenge.

Chance of reaching 3-0: 45%

Tempe: (vs. Boise, @ Montana)

GM Blade returned to the FBL this off season to put together the expansion Tempe team, and while some question his expansion draft moves, his rookie draft landed Flo Payton, who is exactly the point guard that Coach Maurice Mayes wanted to run the show for his offense.

Tempe's win over Roswell wasn't enough to convince me that they are threats to the top half of the West yet, but a home game against Boise and then a trip to Montana to take on another returning GM, in GM Jag, gives them a true chance to test their mettle.

I say they split the series, but Im not sure which one they win, and which one they lose.

Chance of reaching 3-0: 50%

In the East:

Kentucky (vs. Boston, @ Greenville)

GM Hondo isn't used to having folks slot his Hayseeds anywhere other than the #1 slot in the east, but after the off season Kentucky had, and the rise of the Blades, The Seeds find themselves having a little chip on their shoulder. 

Their first game the week is a home game against a revamped and greatly improved Boston Bells squad.  GM Flins worked hard in the offseason to make this team his own, having escaped the shadow of GM Jag in Montana.  Now he looks to lead a team into Kentucky hoping to score the first monster upset of the season.   Can an aging Kamil Bennett keep up with the Block Party, led by Kadeon Apollo in Boston?  A matchup to watch is Lou Malone vs. Petri Rovuk.    In the second game of the week, Kentucky travels down south to Greenville, hoping to keep the 2pow Punch in check. 

Both games for Kentucky are winnable, but the questions around Bennett's mobility have me questioning them a little more than I ever thought I would.

Chance of reaching 3-0: 85%

Pittsburgh (vs. Greenville, vs. Montreal)

The reigning Eastern Conference champions get to go back to back at home this week, and that is bad news for the rest of the league.

Greenville comes into town, and top to bottom I don't see them out matching Champ, Pebbles, Mutu, Pancho, and Clint.  Add in 6th man of the year Pablo Hurtado, and its going to be a tough trip north for Greenville.  After that, the Blades will welcome in the Foresters, and while Chris Jones holds the advantage over Pancho Velez, I don't see Atlas Stands doing enough to get the Tree-men a win.

I say only a miracle drops Pittsburgh anywhere short of 3-0, and that's all I've got to say about that.

Chance of reaching 3-0: 99.9%

Montreal (vs. Providence, @ Pittsburgh)

The final number is going to sound bad, but its more a tribute to The Blade's dominance and not the Foresters' ability.  They start the week at home against Providence, who boast a future stud at center in Juice McClain, the big man out of LSU will give Caleb Toom a tough time in the paint, but Dusty Britches is going to be outmatched with Jones at the 4.  Something to look at in Montreal though, is how does Todd Yallop respond from the bench?  Rumors ran wild that the often-unhappy Point guard was demanding a trade if he could not start, but little noise was made once the game started last week.   Did GM Soul find the solution to appease Yallop?  My sources tell me it will be interesting to see what happens.   

Chance of reaching 3-0: 10%

Portsmouth (vs. Mississippi,  @ Virginia)

If you missed the epic EZPN ranting of former-GM Shields before he stormed out and vowed to never return, then you need to get on meTube and look it up... once you finish, you'll see that even with a shaky coaching staff, GM Death has an underappreciated squad that can make some noise in Portsmouth this year.  This week he has two winnable match-ups as the Defenders welcome Mississippi for a home game and then travel to Virginia to take on the Colonials.

Things to watch for in Mississippi are going to be how Cedric Malone matches up with Greg Walton as well as Bralin Hurtz going head to head with Damore Richards.  I think this one will be high scoring, but I think Portsmouth can walk out with a win.  In the second half though, It's 50/50 to me, as Interim-GM Reya Serra looks to guide Leon Dreams and company to a home win.  Dreams should destroy Jose Calballero and that could be the difference in a win and a loss.

Chance of reaching 3-0: 50%

Birmingham (vs. Texas, @ Boston)

Birmingham and 3-0??? That would equal the franchise's ALL TIME win total, so this one is surprising.
GM Talon had big dreams for Baton Rouge, but a financial snafu lead to him being promptly dismissed, but after this off season and seeing what he was able to acquire, Birmingham fans should thank Del Iverance for cutting ties with him.  GM Talon mortgaged the future, dealing both of next season's draft picks to bring in Kolo Rolo, and then made more moves to bring in Kluff and Reagan James, but the draft was the curious part for the Hornets. The team moved up to #7 to draft Cabidan Falls, but due to the 4 million dollar cap penalty for the teams PR budget, they could not keep him.  At the end of the day, it brought Cheese King and Ty Williams to Birmingham, and I don't see anyone complaining.

Birmingham managed a second consecutive season opening upset over a playoff contender, this year making The Wave's their victims, but I really like this team's chances of making it to 3-0.  First it's a home game against a Texas Stallions' team that is constantly labeled with the "one man show" moniker.  I'll be interested to see if European veteran turned FBL rookie, Simen Sorensen guards Krease McCool, or if it's Kolo Rolo who gets the assignment, with either Sorensen or James having to move to the bench for the game. Either way, I see Birmingham as more of the complete package, and say they win this one.
The second game of the two game stretch is a road trip to Boston, and the Bells will be coming off of a game against Kentucky.  If GM Flins can keep his team from being too emotionally drained after a tough game against Kentucky, I could see this one coming down to the final shot.  The Bells match up well with Birmingham, with Kadeon vs. Williams being the headliner, but right now I just see Birmingham having too many ways to hit that last shot.

Chance of reaching 3-0: 90%

Providence (@ Montreal, vs. Tampa Bay)

The Diamonds are rebuilding, and I believe that GM Gates is taking the right path to do so, but he's got some work to do.  Montreal is a tough game to call, but Tampa is definitely a loss.  If Madrid and Juice get loose, Montreal could be upended; I just don't see the fiery Dragon's going down.

Chance of reaching 3-0: 25%

Tampa Bay (vs. Virginia, @ Providence)
Tampa Bay traded Washington Owens so he could play Point Guard, and the fact that they were able to replace him with big-money Mason Griffin is just a big feather in the cap of GM Cory, who manages to keep his star players happy without overpaying them (sans Griffin).  Mason Griffin, the highest paid player in the league, but also an MVP caliber player looks to finally get on a true roll now that he has talent around him in the form of Leighton Lee and Blue Reed.  I look at this two game stretch and I see wins, lots of wins.   The Colonials will be a challenge, but I don't see anyone containing Mason Griffin, at least not until after the All Star break when they get a chance to adjust and make some changes after the first meetings.

Tampa is playoff bound, and I think they've replaced Puerto Rico as the #3 team in the east, and they are knocking on the door of GM Hondo, to take his spot at #2.

Chance of reaching 3-0: 95%

Question 4 Who has the best chance of starting 0-3?

We went with the long answers for 3-0, this time we're going to make it a little more simplified.

In the west, you've got to look at Bismarck as the team most likely to drop to 0-3.  It would take a major upset win to outscore San Diego in San Diego or to beat the Toppers, even at home.  Dre Majors has to be feeling alone in Bismarck with little talent surrounding him, a far cry from what he had in Virginia last season, before being a part of the Ricky Hallmark trade, that saw him land in Anchorage just long enough to catch a chill before being moved to the Jaguars.

Other western teams that could join them at 0-3: Colorado (vs. Honolulu, @ Wyoming)

In the east, you have to believe Greenville is headed for a 0-3 start as they travel to Pittsburgh and then take on the Hayseeds at home.  It's tough facing one of the top two teams in the east, but when you take them on back to back, it's just a bad week for your franchise.

Other teams in the east who could join them at 0-3: Texas (@ Birmingham, vs. Puerto Rico), Boston (@ Kentucky, vs. Birmingham)

BONUS DK's predictions for Season 15

Eastern Conference Finals: Pittsburgh def. Tampa Bay in 2

Western Conference Finals: Seattle def. Las Vegas in 3

FBL Championship: Pittsburgh def. Seattle in 4

MVP: Troy Marshall
DPOTY: Kolo Rolo
ROTY: Ovyind Tarbla
6thMOTY: Pablo Hurtado

GM of the Year: GM Metro
Comeback Player: Champ Martin
Coach of the Year: Ollie Stambola

- 2nd Best Overall Player 2013
- Best Town Player 2013
- Best 3rd Party Player 2013
- Best Teammate 2013 (Black Lantern Crew)
- Most Improved 2013

- Best Mafia Game 2014 (Project X Mafia)
- 2nd Best Mafia Game 2014 (Supernatural Mafia)
- 3rd Best Mafia Mod 2014 (Project X & Supernatural)

- 2nd Best Mafia Game 2015 (The Shield Mafia)
- Best Mafia Mod 2015 (The Shield Mafia w/ Pancho)

- Best Mafia Game 2016 (Interstellar)
- Best Overall Player 2016
- Best Mafia Mod 2016
- Best Town Player 2016



Week One

1. Pittsburgh Blades
After all the offseason praise, the Blades rose to the occasion and showcased why they are the early frontrunners for the FBL Championship. This team can really do it all on offense and defense. Boston, although in a rebounding season, was just overmatched on both sides of the ball. This might be the season that Clint Danberry can win himself the MVP award.
Weekly Results: defeated Boston 83-66
Last Week: 1

2. Las Vegas Aces
Like this game was ever in question. The star studded Aces is just in a whole other realm of basketball skill compared to the Hooks. Redford Shack is still a bit butthurt about not getting the Captaincy nod over Stanza, but the SHACKPOT still put up good numbers. Starting 5 was solid, but this bench took a big step down from last season's team.
Weekly Results: defeated Colorado 93-69
Last Week: 2

3. Seattle Toppers
It looks like playing Marshall at the point has certainly paid off. The former MVP filled up the stat sheet while dishing the ball to Harding and Deane. This team will go as far as their "TOP3" will take them. 
Weekly Results: defeated Roswell 93-70
Last Week: 3

4. Kentucky Hayseeds
Even with Kamil on his last wheel, the Seeds look good again. Newcomer Lou Malone filled up the stat sheet while slowing down McCool, while Freddie Bishop added a scoring punch. The bench rose to the occasion as well, noted by a good game by Turner Banks. The health of Kamil is a concern though and we'll see what the Seeds' plan with that is going forward. 
Weekly Results: defeated Texas 89-69
Last Week: 5

5. Birmingham Greenhornets
The sleeper team in the East started off Season 14 with a bang. Kolo Rolo showed the Waves it was a mistake trading him away, while newcomer Simon Sorensen looked like an FBL veteran. Kluff and Williams down low will be tough for any team to match up against. All in all, this Hornets team is really good.
Weekly Results: defeated Puerto Rico 79-71
Last Week: 9

6. Tampa Bay Dragons
It was good to see Mason Griffin relishing in his new environment. And how about Michael Free? Lee, Evans, Reed looked very solid as per usual and this team is showing it has the fire power to contend with the top of the conference.
Weekly Results: defeated Mississippi 94-82
Last Week: 6

7. San Diego Seagulls
One name. Cam Drake. He is slowly becoming the best player in the FBL and what a performance against the Stars. And new addition, Joe Reed with a powerful double-double to boot. They seem to have the Stars' number in the regular season as they pull off one of the week one upsets and climb up in the rankings. 
Weekly Results: defeated Hollywood 86-81
Last Week: 10

8. Boise Spuds
No team impressed me more than the Spuds did in Week One. This team is complete and full of players outside of Rumpbin, that can contribute. So much talk about the Stars, Aces, and Toppers in the West... but watch out for the Spuds!
Weekly Results: defeated Calgary 97-81
Last Week: 15

9. Hollywood Stars
How much will Ecko cost this team in Season 14 is the question on everyone's minds. Dropping a close game to a good Seagulls team isn't that much of a concern, but they certainly can't afford the locker room to get out of hand. This team is full of talent from top to bottom, how they respond in Week Two will say a lot about the future expectations of this team for Season 14.
Weekly Results: lost to San Diego 86-81
Last Week: 4

10. Montreal Foresters
Is it to early to claim Montreal as the best expansion team? The down low duo of Toom and Jones caused problems for Dreams all night. Morelli looks like a rookie of the year candidate. The bench was fantastic as well. If John Cunningham can get going, this team will only get better.   
Weekly Results: defeated Virginia 76-62
Last Week: 14

11. Wyoming Timberwolves
Doesn't this team resemble the Seagulls a little bit from last season? Strong play from everyone resulted in the Wolves getting by the "PAW3" and starting the season in the right direction. As this team build chemistry together, they could be firing on all cylinders late in the season. 
Weekly Results: defeated Montana 91-85
Last Week: 13

12. Honolulu Volcanoes
Welcome home Creed Jackson, with a monstrous 26-20 game. Reggie Jones was his usual scoring self and the orphans didn't cause any trouble. A perfect first game for the Volcanoes. The biggest suprise came from bench man Kenka Sai, who dropped a game high 12 assists. Barring an eruption, this is a team to watch out for. 
Weekly Results: defeated Anchorage 95-71
Last Week: 19

13. Puerto Rico Waves
It could get ugly in the Puerto Rico with DS Drummond and Sy Rogers butting heads in the opening game of the season. It's obvious they don't see eye-to-eye with each other and it doesn't seem it'll get any better soon. Regardless, the Waves have a team that can still win a lot of games, but one has to be concerned about the effects this internal war will have. 
Weekly Results: lost to Birmingham 79-71
Last Week: 8

14. Calgary Thundercats
Not the homecoming the triplets were hoping for. The young Calgary team was introduced to the FBL by a new look Spuds team that took it to them. With Barnes and Tarbla, it might be a rough beginning, but I think they'll be a tough team as the season progresses.
Weekly Results: lost to Boise 97-81
Last Week: 12

15. Providence Diamonds
Nobody really knew what to expect out of Providence this season, but they got thing started off on the right foot. Juice McClain looked like a Top 10 pick and Rob Palace showcased a nice all-around game, as did veteran Xavi Madrid. The jury is still out on whether Robbie Wright is not only fit to be Captain, but fit to be a starting PG.
Weekly Results: defeated Greenville 76-69
Last Week: 23

16. Tempe Flyingsquirrels
Luckily for the Squirrels, they got to start their franchise off in a bit of a gimme game against the unheralded worst team in the league. It was evident that Tempe isn't much outside Flo Payton and Wilk Smith, but we'll be able to get a better estimate on how good this team might be when they face tougher competition.   
Weekly Results: defeated Bismarck 74-58
Last Week: 22

17. Boston Bells
No shame in losing to arguably the best team in the FBL. I saw a lot of positive things come out of this game though, including Petri Rovuk dropping 20. With the return of Apollo, the Bells could find themselves vastly improving. 
Weekly Results: lost to Pittsburgh 83-66
Last Week: 17

18. Portsmouth Defenders
Nobody and I mean nobody gave this team a chance heading into the game against the Bandits. James Grant and Bralin Hurtz haven't slowed down entering their sophomore years. Michael Watchen and Tulio were also nice surprises off the bench.
Weekly Results: defeated Baton Rouge 71-69
Last Week: 24

19. Baton Rouge Riverbandits
It's clear that I had this team much too high in the preseason. It's going to talk awhile for the rookies to get their feet under them in the FBL, but when that time comes, Baton Rouge will be dangerous. With problems arising with Swoop, might have to start 4 rookies by moving Patel into the starting lineup.   
Weekly Results: lost to Portsmouth 71-69
Last Week: 9

20. Montana Bears
It seems that nobody outside the "PAW3" decided to show up for this game. Lincoln Frazier was sure electric! Sunshine looked ill-prepared to take on the job of a starting role and the same could be said for Sven Morgensen. Expect Montana to switch Sunshine back to a 6th man to get a boost off their bench. Someone is going to need to step up and take some relief off the "PAW3" if the Bears plan on finding success this season.
Weekly Results: lost to Wyoming 91-85
Last Week: 18

21. Texas Stallions
Krease McCool and the Mediocre Gang. Who is going to help out Krease McCool this season? Fingers are pointed at Owen Bridge or Druzen Krakovic to provide that exact help. As good as McCool is, without any help, this team will not amount to much this season. 
Weekly Results: lost to Kentucky 89-69
Last Week: 16

22. Anchorage Glaciers
Already being dubbed "Bismarck V2.0" as the Romeo (John Cunningham) & Juliet (Bobby Chang) tandem are the only thing the Glaciers can rely on. And rebounding is an obvious concern as the Volcanoes outrebounded them 45-28.  Glaciers might have to think about sacrificing a few point for a few more rebounds by starting Jesus Chavez, who led the team with 10 rebounds.     
Weekly Results: lost to Honolulu 95-71
Last Week: 11

23. Virginia Colonials
Not how Ricky Hallmark wanted to make his return to Virginia. He and Leon Dreams did all they could against the new franchise, but the Foresters had far too many weapons for them to overcome. Things continue to look bleaker and bleaker for the Colonials since their FBL Championship in Season 9.   
Weekly Results: lost to Montreal 76-62
Last Week: 17

24. Greenville Bulldogs
"2POW" look to be the real deal as they kept the Bulldogs in this game. They're going to need for Kevin Moose to contribute a little bit more in the coming weeks, as well as Country Sampson. Yablo Yabla was a nice defensive presence. An awful bench is going to cost this team a lot of potential wins this season though.   
Weekly Results: lost to Providence 76-69
Last Week: 21

25. Roswell Aliens
I don't think Roswell will get there this season, but their rookies in Val Keaton, Ronald Dekker, and Franz Otto has got the fans thinking of a bright future. The rest of the team is fairly weak and was easily overmatched against the Toppers. One has to wonder how long Ben Williams can hold off Otto for the starting PG spot.
Weekly Results: lost to Seattle 93-70
Last Week: 25

26. Mississippi Steamers
If the Steamers were in the West, I think they'd win a lot more games. Unfortuantley for them, they are in the East and it's going to be really rocky road this season. Mack Ryan looked great. Eisen excelled in his 6th man role. If Svenson can gradually improve, this Steamers team still has a lot of talent and might be able to pull off a upset here and there. The fans are still wondering why Cal Roberts was traded though. 
Weekly Results: lost to Tampa Bay 94-82
Last Week: 27

27. Colorado Hooks
Hooks fans are still praying that Thomas and Henderson will eventually feed off each other and start to score points in bundles. Colorado quite possibly has the worst bench in the FBL and just doesn't have the scoring to compete against a majority of the teams in the West. You have to think this team will improve as the season goes on, but just not sure it's going to be enough to get a few W's on the board. 
Weekly Results: lost to Las Vegas 93-69
Last Week: 26

28. Bismarck Jaguars
No... no.... no.... NO! From magical playoff run last season to this disaster? Rumors are circling that Bismarck might be moving to new city as they are at an all time low for attendance. Vagn Dahl was a nice surprise, but ultimately, this team is Dre Majors and Miles Peters who are not stars at all. Moving David Kradle back to his 6th man role should help, but this is shaping up to be a winless season in Bismarck.   
Weekly Results: lost to Tempe 74-58
Last Week: 28

GM of the Queen City Conquerors



Week Two

1. Seattle Toppers (3-0)
In one of the greatest games in FBL history, the Toppers outlasted the Stars in triple overtime in the first half of Week 2! In the later half, it was an easy 60 point drubbing against the worst team in the FBL. The "TOP3" were simply amazing this week as Marshall exploded with a triple double in both games, while Rich Deane averaged over 40 points. No question that the Toppers have become to team to beat right now and Marshall at the point is looking like an MVP. A clash with Boise in Week 3 is upcoming, will the Spuds be able to slow them down? 
Weekly Results: defeated Hollywood 126-125, defeated Bismarck 122-62
Last Week: 3

2. Las Vegas Aces (3-0)
Las Vegas is just quietly putting teams down easily, unlike the last two seasons when they did so a bit more loudly. Shack has taken a step backwards, but has still show signs of his MVP self during the game, while McDonald and Bell have formed quite the chemistry in the back court. Las Vegas eyes a match-up with Wyoming in Week 3 that will help settle the strong from the average.
Weekly Results: defeated Roswell 100-78, defeated Honolulu 99-88
Last Week: 2

3. Tampa Bay Dragons (3-0)
Another really good start from the Dragons and all signs point to them being a front runner for representing the East in the Finals. Griffin is blossoming under the "Unity of Fire" approach by Head Coach, Red Mason. They host Pittsburgh and travel to Kentucky in Week 3 for a chance to be called the beasts in the East!   
Weekly Results: defeated Virginia 80-78, defeated Providence 106-78
Last Week: 6

4. Pittsburgh Blades (2-1)
After easily winning their game against the Bulldogs, the confident Blades were surprised by the expansion Montreal Foresters at home in what many are saying is the upset of the young season, although Boston fans might grumble about that. Despite the setback, nothing has changed in terms of Pittsburgh being regarded as the most talented team in the FBL. They'll get a chance to prove that on the road against Tampa Bay.   
Weekly Results: defeated Greenville 85-64, lost to Montreal 84-83
Last Week: 1

5. Kentucky Hayseeds (2-1)
Shocked in first half of the week against the much improved Boston Bells. They regrouped nicely in an easy victory over Greenville. Seeds fans are still a little concerned over Kamil's health, but so far he has been playing elite basketball. How much longer it will last is debatable. Awaiting Kentucky in Week 3 is tough expansion team in Montreal and the first place Dragons.
Weekly Results: lost to Boston 86-84, defeated Greenville 81-60
Last Week: 4

6. Boise Spuds (3-0)
This is getting out of hand now. Surely Pu Ta To will end up in a coma smiling if this keeps up. Off to their best start in franchise history, the Spuds have put the entire FBL on notice. This is no fluke... this team is for real after tossing aside the Squirrels and Seagulls in Week 2. But are they elite? We're about to find out as they travel to Seattle and host the Stars.
Weekly Results: defeated Tempe 98-83, defeated San Diego 102-84
Last Week: 8

7. Birmingham Greenhornets (2-1)
After the Hornets slipped by Texas... they were shocked against a Boston team that had a huge week. There is nothing to be worried about though as Willie Davies has a nice combination of offense and defense at his disposal.  One thing is for certain, this is easily the best Greenhornets team in franchise history and they should lock up the most wins in a season in Week 3.
Weekly Results: defeated Texas 79-78, lost to Boston 84-80
Last Week: 5

8. Wyoming Timberwolves (3-0)
The Wolves are off to a howling start as they made short work of the Glaciers and Hooks in Week 2. Coach Legacy and this well balanced team are slowly rebuilding the image of the Wyoming franchise. We're about to see how good these young Wolves are in Week 3 as they take on the Aces and Volcanoes. Are they Alpha Males? Or just pretend?
Weekly Results: defeated Anchorage 94-77, defeated Colorado 94-80
Last Week: 11

9. San Diego Seagulls (2-1)
An easy win over the Jaguars had the Gulls off to a good week, but it was slowed down by a hot Spuds team. Still though, with Drake and Reed... this team can beat any team on any given day. They should be able to handle things in Week 3, but with the GM there doing his best to mess up a good thing... you never know. 
Weekly Results: defeated Bismarck 101-69, lost to Boise 102-84
Last Week: 7

10. Montreal Foresters (2-1)
Stymied by the Diamonds to open the week, it looked like the Foresters were going to have a new team blues sort of week. But they united and pulled off an upset that still has Blades fans scratching their heads. Don't look now, but this may be a playoff team this season. Then again, Birmingham and Kentucky could knock them back to reality real quick. 
Weekly Results: lost to Providence 90-85, defeated Pittsburgh 84-83
Last Week: 10

11. Honolulu Volcanoes (2-1)
Outside of arguably Seattle, Las Vegas and maybe Boise... there might not be a more explosive offense in the West. Reggie Jones and Creed Jackson are more then just a force, they are outright straight nasty! Once this team can figure out a way to beat teams like the Aces, there is no telling how far this team can go. They'll have a chance to make a statement against the Wolves in Week 3.   
Weekly Results: defeated Colorado 108-77, lost to Las Vegas 99-89
Last Week: 12

12. Boston Bells (2-1)
Just one year removed from a zero win season, no team turned more heads this weekend then the Boston Bells. Huge wins against the Seeds and Hornets have put them in position to have a remarkable rebound year. Can they keep the magic going against Puerto Rico and Texas in Week 3?   
Weekly Results: defeated Kentucky 86-84, defeated Birmingham 84-80
Last Week: 17

13. Puerto Rico Waves (2-1)
This was a make or break week for the Waves after they announced the benching of star SF, Sy Rogers. And boy did they rise to the occasion. A narrow victory over a young and hungry Bandits team followed by a slaughter of the Stallions. Konda Plains, who replaced Rogers in the lineup is rumored to be a dark horse for the rookie of the year for his all-around defensive play. Week 3 they get a shot at the red hot Bells and the struggling expansion Bulldogs.     
Weekly Results: defeated Baton Rouge 78-77, defeated Texas 91-70
Last Week: 13

14. Hollywood Stars (1-2)
Even though they were on the wrong end of one of the most entertaining games in FBL history, a victory over the Aliens might have gotten this team back on the right track. Blair Smith is showcasing his elite scoring early on this season and even with the depressed Ecko Walls, this Stars team is still dangerous. They get an easy one against Bismarck in Week 3 before travelling north to Boise to take on the surprising Spuds. 
Weekly Results: lost to Seattle 126-125, defeated Roswell 86-75
Last Week: 9

15. Providence Diamonds (2-1)
Not a lot of people are talking about him, but Juice McClain is quietly having himself a fantastic start to his FBL career and could find himself winning the rookie of the year this season. Providence took care of business against a scrappy Foresters team before running into a Dragons team that is out to prove they are the best.  Next week is a little bit easier as they face the Defenders and Steamers.
Weekly Results: defeated Montreal 90-85, lost to Tampa Bay 106-78
Last Week: 15

16. Montana Bears (2-1)
Looks like the Bears finally realized Sunshine Stream is more suited for a 6th Man role and boy did he produce this week in victories over a couple of expansion teams in Calgary and Tempe. Things get a get degrees tougher as they play the Seagulls and Toppers in Week 3.     
Weekly Results: defeated Calgary 90-83, defeated Tempe 97-84
Last Week: 20

17. Mississippi Steamers (2-1)
Everyone had this team out for the count after dealing away Cal Roberts, but not so fast. Impressive wins over the Defenders and Bandits put this team right back in the middle of this conference early on and they just might be able shove their way into the playoffs this season. They could make a big statement with wins over beatable teams in Virginia and Providence.
Weekly Results: defeated Portsmouth 76-69, defeated Baton Rouge 86-72
Last Week: 26

18. Virginia Colonials (1-2)
It took until the 3rd game, but the Colonials have finally put something in the win column. It still begs the question, who is going to help Hallmark and Dreams out this season? There should would love to be able to trade for Clint Danberry right not, don't you think? This team can't afford a two loss week next week with Baton Rouge and Mississippi on the agenda.   
Weekly Results: lost to Tampa Bay 80-78, defeated Portsmouth 68-66
Last Week: 23

19. Anchorage Glaciers (1-2)
Even with Scott Cunningham producing a majority of the scoring, the Glaciers found a way to get a win this week. Despite their blowout loss to the Wolves, the Glaciers might be able to build off that win and hope and pray Jesus Chavez can be a rebounding savior! Up next for the Glaciers is San Diego and Tempe. 
Weekly Results: lost to Wyoming 94-77, defeated Calgary 87-73
Last Week: 22

20. Tempe Flyingsuirrels (1-2)
Tempe was promptly welcomed to the FBL in Week 2 as they suffered defeats from Boise and Montana by fairly decent margins. Flo and Wilk look like a solid duo for the future though. Let's see how they fare against Anchorage and Colorado.
Weekly Results: lost to Boise 98-83, lost to Montana 97-84
Last Week: 16

21. Portsmouth Defenders (1-2)
Maybe benching Jose Caballero wasn't the wisest move for the Defenders. A couple close losses this week by the hands of Mississippi and Virginia have the Defenders fans questioning the playoff chances. They'll have their chance to quiet the critics with games against Providence and Pittsburgh upcoming.     
Weekly Results: lost to Mississippi 76-69, lost to Virginia 68-66
Last Week: 18

22. Baton Rouge Riverbandits (0-3)
The best of the worst? The Bandits were predicted to finish high in the East with a potential shot at the playoffs this season. After losses to a 7-man Puerto Rico team and the resurging Steamers, those chances are getting slim. Can they climb out of the early season hole?
Weekly Results: lost to Puerto Rico 78-77, lost to Mississippi 86-72
Last Week: 19

23. Calgary Thundercats (0-3)
I was very high on this team heading into the season, but they haven't quite clicked yet as a team. The Ferndale triplet experiment doesn't seem to be working and how long will Coach Hawk deal with the losing? They can really turn this season around with wins against Colorado and Las Vegas in Week 3.
Weekly Results: lost to Montana 90-83, lost to Anchorage 87-73
Last Week: 14

24. Texas Stallions (0-3)
So close against Birmingham before getting out classed by the man down Waves. This was supposed to be a year of redemption for the Stallions and it looks like it'll be more like a year of underachieving. Have to wonder what Krease McCool is thinking when he sees a situation someone like Mason Griffin got in. Texas needs to make a statement in their games against Baton Rouge and Boston.   
Weekly Results: lost to Birmingham 79-78, lost to Puerto Rico 91-70
Last Week: 21

25. Roswell Aliens (0-3)
No question this is a rebuilding year for the Aliens and they have some nice pieces for the future. Question for next week is will Franz Otto start? I know Aliens fan are hoping so. They should be able to get a win on the board against Bismarck, but it's going to be tough against an aggressive Volcanoes team.
Weekly Results: lost to Las Vegas 100-78, lost to Hollywood 86-75
Last Week: 25

26. Greenville Bulldogs (0-3)
This is how Greenville imagined their first season. It's one thing to lose games, but they are getting smoked out there. And it doesn't make matters any better with the success Montreal is having in the East. Can they make the necessary corrections against Birmingham and Puerto Rico? 
Weekly Results: lost to Pittsburgh 85-64, lost to Kentucky 81-60
Last Week: 24

27. Colorado Hooks (0-3)
Rumors have been swirling the internet have Coach Crump potentially causing bodily harm to Mo Daniels. Regardless, he'll be missing two weeks of action for a Hooks team that really needs all 8 players to be competitive. This week is potentially one of their best opportunities to go 2-0 with games against Calgary and Tempe.
Weekly Results: lost to Honolulu 108-77, lost to Wyoming 94-80
Last Week: 27

28. Bismarck Jaguars (0-3)
The Western Conferences punching bag. What will come first? A win or a Dre Majors meltdown? My money is on the later.
Weekly Results: lost to San Diego 101-69, lost to Seattle 122-62
Last Week: 28

GM of the Queen City Conquerors



Week Three

1. Wyoming Timberwolves (5-0)
Last remaining undefeated team and the biggest surprise in the FBL so far.
Weekly Results: defeated Las Vegas 92-90, defeated Honolulu 91-81
Last Week: 8

2. Kentucky Hayseeds (4-1)
Big week has them looking like the best in the East.
Weekly Results: defeated Montreal 96-78, defeated Tampa Bay 95-80
Last Week: 5

3. Tampa Bay Dragons (4-1)
They need to pull out all the tricks to keep Red Mason.   
Weekly Results: defeated Pittsburgh 90-85, lost to Kentucky 95-80
Last Week: 3

4. Las Vegas Aces (4-1)
Is Redford Shack Cape Town bound? 
Weekly Results: lost to Wyoming 92-90, defeated Calgary 92-65
Last Week: 2

5. Boise Spuds (4-1)
Is this the year of the Spud?
Weekly Results: defeated Seattle 99-79, lost to Hollywood 88-85
Last Week: 6

6. Boston Bells (4-1)
Block Party has the Bells as the biggest surprise in the East.   
Weekly Results: defeated Puerto Rico 87-79, defeated Texas 88-66
Last Week: 12

7. Montreal Foresters (3-2)
Weekly Results: lost to Kentucky 96-78, defeated Birmingham 73-70
Last Week: 5

8. Hollywood Stars (3-2)
No Ecko, no problem. The big question... will he replace the exotic fish tank?
Weekly Results: defeated Bismarck 110-56, defeated Boise 88-85
Last Week: 14

9. Providence Diamonds (4-1)
Can they keep this up when they enter the harder half of their schedule?
Weekly Results: defeated Portsmouth 68-66, defeated Mississippi 80-72
Last Week: 15

10. Birmingham Greenhornets (3-2)
Now officially the best Greenhornets team in franchise history. 
Weekly Results: defeated Greenville 84-50, lost to Montreal 73-70
Last Week: 7

11. Seattle Toppers (3-2)
Now apparent the TOP3 cannot carry this team alone.   
Weekly Results: lost to Boise 99-79, lost to Montana 94-85
Last Week: 1

12. Puerto Rico Waves (3-2)
Seems to be peace in Puerto Rico now. 
Weekly Results: lost to Boston 87-79, defeated Greenville 81-59
Last Week: 13

13. San Diego Seagulls (3-2)
Rumor is, morale in San Diego is low.     
Weekly Results: defeated Montana 85-80, lost to Anchorage 90-77
Last Week: 9

14. Pittsburgh Blades (2-3)
Preseason overhype? We think the veterans of the Blades get them back on track.
Weekly Results: lost to Tampa Bay 90-85, lost to Portsmouth 75-68
Last Week: 4

15. Montana Bears (3-2)
Up and down beginning to the season...
Weekly Results: lost to San Diego 85-80, defeated Seattle 94-85
Last Week: 16

16. Virginia Colonials (3-2)
Word is Danberry will be back in Virginia next season... so enjoy the Hallmark/Dreams connection while it lasts.   
Weekly Results: defeated Mississippi 77-55, defeated Baton Rouge 64-51
Last Week: 18

17. Anchorage Glaciers (3-2)
Scott Cunningham in beast mode is a very scary thing for opposing teams.
Weekly Results: defeated Tempe 82-71, defeated San Diego 91-77
Last Week: 19

18. Honolulu Volcanoes (2-3)
Orphan trouble........ again. 
Weekly Results: lost to Roswell 77-73, lost to Wyoming 91-81
Last Week: 11

19. Roswell Aliens (2-3)
Future is bright in Roswell... those rookies are good!
Weekly Results: defeated Honolulu 77-73, defeated Bismarck 90-70
Last Week: 25

20. Portsmouth Defenders (2-3)
James Grant may be the most revered player come All Star break.   
Weekly Results: lost to Providence 68-66, defeated Pittsburgh 75-68
Last Week: 21

21. Mississippi Steamers (2-3)
Who is the starting PG in Mississippi? Tees or Eisen? 
Weekly Results: lost to Virginia 77-55, lost to Providence 80-72
Last Week: 17

22. Baton Rouge Riverbandits (1-4)
No leadership = long season.
Weekly Results: defeated Texas 92-67, lost to Virginia 64-51
Last Week: 19

23. Colorado Hooks (2-3)
Unbelievable. Fluke or not?
Weekly Results: defeated Calgary 73-64, defeated Tempe 74-72
Last Week: 27

24. Tempe Flyingsquirrels (1-4)
I was told I needed to mention Cody Show in this or else...
Weekly Results: lost to Montana 90-83, lost to Colorado 74-72
Last Week: 20

25. Texas Stallions (0-5)
Biggest disappointing team in the FBL. How long will Cowboy Bob Starr let this continue?
Weekly Results: lost to Baton Rouge 92-67, lost to Boston 88-66
Last Week: 24

26. Calgary Thundercats (0-5)
Coach Hawk has one foot out the door already. 
Weekly Results: lost to Colorado 73-64, lost to Las Vegas 92-65
Last Week: 23

27. Greenville Bulldogs (0-5)
Country Sampson getting out of debt or Greenville getting a win? Place your bets.
Weekly Results: lost to Birmingham 84-50, lost to Puerto Rico 84-59
Last Week: 26

28. Bismarck Jaguars (0-5)
Can't be good when the 6th man is your best scorer.
Weekly Results: lost to Hollywood 110-56, lost to Roswell 90-70
Last Week: 28


BIGGEST JUMP: Wyoming (7 spots)

BIGGEST DROP: Seattle & Pittsburgh (10 spots)

GM of the Queen City Conquerors

The TeeJ of Philly

Nickname Power Rankings
- Bruno Soulson

So, I'm just sitting around with a few buddies as I'm eating some McDougal's as we watched the season 12 championship series between Providence and Seattle (Which that fugazzi GM Rob screwed up what could have been a premiere East team). We somehow got to talking about the current season, talking about the surprises, one being the turn-around GM Talon has done in Birmingham, which my pal Jonny C said, "Hey, have you ever even seen a green hornet?"  I thought about why one, even one as random as Jonny C would ask such a question when it hit me, he's probably not the only other one to think that, which got me thinking about all the names in the FBL. So I decided to do some research and formulate my own opinions about some of these names.

So without further ado, this is Bruno Soulson's FBL Nickname Rankings.
Mind you, this is only one FBL blogger's ranking of the 28 team names . This is entirely all my own opinions. I considered the power a nickname really has on a team— on the team colors, choice of a mascot, and other gimmickry bullshit. I also weighed several criteria related to the nickname alone — the way is sounds coming out of even the most stupidest of mouths; whether there is a alliteration, which for you GM Franchise types, means "words that start with the same letter in a row" For example Philadelphia Pity Party; its fit within the local scene; its history; its method of selection and possible alternatives; its existence in the real world as a person, animal, or just a random thing; who chose the name aka the owner; and other factors I felt weighed enough to be factored. We're starting in reverse order starting with the worst!

#28 Bismarck Jaguars
I bet you're going "Well Bruno, the owner's name is Jay G. McGwire...duh!" No, not duh. That is pure coincidence. No, this team name is AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. Why? Let's see Bismarck is cold. Jaguars live in the warm. It'd be like calling a team in New Mexico the Penguins. It's like someone asked you what you liked with your peanut butter and you said a lemon. THEY DON'T GO TOGETHER! The other thing is, look at the initials. B and J. BJ. Think about that and the team they've put out on the court. Plus, a Jaguar in a Jaguar jersey.  Wow Way to go Rev. I guess I won't be invited to the next Cat-ology getaway. Not that that's entirely a bad thing. I don't know what the rest of the nominees were, but given the Rev's obsession with all things feline, I bet Lions Tigers and Kittens were on the docket.

#27 Providence Diamonds
I know, Diamonds are a girl's best friend, but last I checked, FBL didn't stands for Female Basketball League (That doesn't rule out that FBL doesn't not stand for Ferndale Basketball League). Diamonds are tough though, the hardest mineral known to man. Wait....I didn't do enough thinking on this particular nickname before I sat down for this....well then...guess I have to figure something else for 27....

#27 Mississippi Steamers
Alright, note to all, if you are going to do research on the Mississippi Steamers, make sure you keep the safe search option on. Uuuugggghhh, that was gross. I feel like just for that, I should dock points, and I did a bit, but ever more is the fact that this team is named after something that has been used a mode of relaxation for tourists. Steamboats stopped being mean back in the early 1900s. That's over 100 years ago! Seriously now, Steamboats are slow, prodding, not what you want to sell your fans on. The colors remind me of the unsafe search of Steamers. And the mascot reminds me of a bad Clipark movie plot. Mississippi Gamblers or Snappers would have been my go to name for Mississippi.

#26 Colorado Hooks
I've never been to Colorado. I did my research, there's a good amount of lakes in the state. That said, I don't know many people who fish in the Rockies. That might just be me and a my narrow horizons, but this is one of the names that don't make sense or sound good when spoken out loud. Given that Colorado has the Rocky Mountains and the love for extreme sports there, the Colorado Extreme would have been cool. I like the colors given the logo, red, blues and silver, three solid colors that provide options for alternative jerseys and the fact you can call a subsection of the fans The Hookers, but what about the mascot. Is it a fishing hook? A fishermen? A pirate?

#25 Birmingham Greenhornets[/b]
So, what Jonny said really rings true, have anyone ever seen a green hornet?



Didn't think so. So right there, minus points. Now, the owner of Birmingham is El Stingo, famous luchadore. I mean, not to put any one region down, but I've been to Birmingham, they're not to found of lucha libre, if you catch my drift, so the combo of El Stingo and Birmingham is strange, but I digress. If I were advising Mr. Stingo, I would have suggested something like the Birmingham Buzz or anything but the Greenhornets. The Greenhornets do have the puns on their sides, especially with the defensive philosophy that this team has taken under GM Talon.

#24 Tempe Flyingsquirrells
This is a novelty name. It's a fun name, but we all have some late nights in college that can prove that fun does not always mean good, some more than others. Look, I'm gonna get hate for this, I just know it, but this nickname isn't as good as people feel it is. The owner is one of the more eclectic owners in the league, and that's an achievement all its own, so I guess I can't really dock points for the name not making a connection to the city of Tempe, but I will dock points for the fact that flying squirrels do not in fact fly. They glide. They have some skin that goes from their wrists to ankles and they just really, parachute tree to tree. It's more falling with style than flying. The other knock on the name, it's named after a not intimidating animal. Flying squirrels are cute, really cute. I mean squirrels are cute, but give them a built in parachute that lets them "fly" and HOLY FREAKING FLYING CUTENESS! Given the owner, I don't know if I would have come up with a name that would tickle his fancy.

#23 Greenville Bulldogs
So, tell me what kind of dog you'd want to be, here are your choices: Poodle, Great Dane, Bulldog, or a Hound? Me, Great Dane. Majestic and enormous. They tower over most dogs. They are great. I feel like Greenville Great Danes is alliteration and many colleges are the Bulldogs, you differentiate yourself better from those college teams. Man, I'd even take the Hounds, as long as you go with the larger ones like Deerhounds, but man, Great Dane just sounds right to me. But, the colors work and the fans are in the Dog Pound and everyone loves seeing a real bulldog pooping on the opponent's logo before the game.

#22 Seattle Toppers
Ok, this is a case where history comes and saves a name. Toppers is slang for top hats and nothing screams Seattle like top hats (/sarcasm). But since GM Dom arrived in the Northwest, the Toppers have done nothing but be at the top of the West year after year, he's never been out of the top 4 in the conference and that saves this name because if they were at the bottom, being the Toppers isn't gonna work in a logical sense. The colors are good, black and orange, a basketball. Playing up to the local climate would be good Seattle Rain (Or Reign) is my go to for the wordplay.

So now, I'm just going to power through the next couple rankings giving you one pro and one con to the name

#21 Anchorage Glaciers
Pro: Nothing says Anchorage, Alaska like glacier
Con: Ice climbing mascot

#20 Providence Diamonds
Pro: Diamonds are the hardest minerals in the world, toughest to cut; Prospector Mascot
Con: Color Scheme

#19 Pittsburgh Blades
Pro: Pittsburgh is steel city, plays into the local ties very well.
Con: Bland name, not clear if it's a sword or a knife's blade.

#18 Montreal Foresters
Pro: Very Canada...
Con: ...Not very Montreal.

#17 Calgary Thundercats
Pro: Awesome mascot
Con: Worked better before relocating to Calgary

#16 Tampa Bay Dragons
Pro: Dragons are cool...
Con: ...if you frequent the Jersey shore night clubsv

#15 Puerto Rico Waves
Pro: Puerto Rico is an island surrounded by Waves; Tidal wave puns.
Con: Was once the Wave, would have gotten bonus for being the only singular name

#14 Roswell Aliens
Pro: It's freakin' Roswell, Area 51.
Con: Too obvious for my liking

#13 Portsmouth Defenders
Pro: Defenders....defense. It plays right into basketball terminology
Con: Mascot.

#12 Texas Stallions
Pro: Not a mouthful and sounds good.
Con: Uninspiring color scheme

#11 Kentucky Hayseeds
Pro: Strong localized meaning, historic name.
Con: Derogatory term for country folk.

#10 Montana Bears
Pro: Montana has more bears than people
Con: Loads of bear themed college teams

#9 Wyoming Wolves
Pro: Same as Montana + alliteration
Con: Colors don't fit all that well

#8 Boston Bells
Pro: Short and sweet alliteration
Con: Not the best history associated with the name.

#7 Honolulu Volcanoes
Pro: Loads of local ties + Volcanoes are scary
Con: A "Petrified in ash" mascot not good for PR

#6 San Diego Seagulls
Pro: Alliteration + Local ties
Con: Despite having a mean Seagull logo, it's still a seagull

#5 Baton Rouge River Bandits
Now, I still don't know what a River Bandit is, but whatever it is, it very much Baton Rouge. And in the logo, is the mascot, which if very family friendly, and given that raccoons have that bandit mask it fits. Given the owner and his love for his family, this could have gone in several ways, but this is probably the best, plus the sorta alliteration is nice. Colors are pleasing to look at, but the solid red home jerseys could use some more breaking up.

#4 Boise Spuds
I know, "Bruno, you knocked points for the Steamers for being unintimidating. Have you ever been afraid of a potato?" Actually, there was this accident a couple thanksgivings ago, but that's a different article. The difference between the Steamers and Spuds is the Spuds aren't cartoony. Boise is in Idaho and Idaho is known for its...wait for it....POTATOES!!! HOLY WOW!!!!! Unlike the Steamers as well are the colors which are more so pleasing too look at.

#3 Hollywood Stars
Like Boise and the top two teams in these rankings, the nickname is really what the location is known for. The black, grey, and white color combo is sleek. I'm happy that not every team in the league is black and white, or has a black alternative jersey, it helps not only themselves, but also the Stars stand out more. The one knock on the Stars name, it's not as historic as the next two.

#2 Virginia Colonials
Virginia, one of the 13 colonies. HOW AMERICAN IS THAT?!? SUPER AMERICAN! NO ULTRA AMERICAN! COME ON PEOPLE! USA! USA! USA! USA! Ok now that that's done, the Colonials have a great name.  It's an underused named in all of sports when referring teams in patriotic locations. I also like the colors, like a lot. And who doesn't love to see a Colonials mascot with a normal body but a cartoonishly large head?! Not one person, that's the answer. The team has fallen off since GM Dorling left for...

#1 Las Vegas Aces
VEGAS BABY!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I'd talk about the last time I was there, but I am legally obligated not to it not meant to leave Vegas. The Aces hit almost all of it. Colors? Awesome. Logo? Creative? Alliteration? Nope. Local? OH HELL YEAH! History? Guys, it's Vegas one of the FBL franchises. Plus, GM Dorling has one of the best press conference ending lines with "Aces High". So much history, perfect colors, great logo, perfect name for a team in Vegas. That's why the Aces are the best name in all the FBL.