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Some fun but creepy games

Started by Chris Stern, November 05, 2013, 11:06:10 AM

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Chris Stern

I know I should of did this around Halloween but eh what can you do?
Anyway I always had a soft spot for the odd, the creepy and the downright scary so because of this I played alot of some really creepy, scary or outright odd games quite a few most have never played. So here is a small list in case someone finds at least one of these interesting enough to take a look at:

The Cat Lady(PC only available from GOG and the Dev's website):
this one fills the creepy and bizarre niches really nicely, you take on the role of a 40 something Cat Lady named Suzan who sufferers from depression, one day Suzan decides to off herself with a bottle of pills and finds herself in a sort of bizarre purgatory and a old lady who only refers to herself as "the Queen of Maggots" and she offers Susan a choice to stay in Purgatory or to go back to the world of the living and help her kill a set of what the old women only calls "parasites" and well..I won't spoil it.
The Cat Lady - Release Trailer

I have no mouth and I must scream(PC available from GOG and Steam)
Based on the short story of the same name by Harlan Ellison who also helped with the game, this is a twisted and dark romp, you take on the role of five survivors of a homicidal rampage of a AI named AM(as in Cogito Ergo Sum: I think there for I AM) who at one time was a missile defence system but soon merged with it's russian and chinese counterparts and gained sentience, growing to despise humanity it wiped them out save for five people who it kept alive for the soul purpose of torturing and for 109 years, it has done just that now it has decided it wants to play a high stakes game with each of them while making them face twisted worlds based on their darkest fears.
Retro Intros: I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream

Lone Survivor Director's Cut(PC through GOG and Steam,PS3 and PS Vita)
Like the Cat Lady it's really hard to describe what this game is about without spoiling the thing so the basics are you take on the role of a nameless survivor of a viral outbreak who must try and escape from the monster infested silent hill like city or do you? Maybe, just maybe this is really all in your head? and that is what this game does it makes you slowly question what your seeing and what your doing, it's quite clever shame the original ending was a bit of a let down but the Director's cut version added(hopefully more satisfying) two endings(Not sure how satisfying since I haven't reached that point yet) 
Lone Survivor: The Director's Cut (Launch Trailer)
Oh and no he is not smiling, he is in fact wearing a white mask
and in case anyone asks the song in the Trailer is "Roost" by Big Black Delta

Eternal Darkness - Sanity's Requiem(Gamecube)
Inspired by HP Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos stories, this is a game that really captures the essence of those works while also doing some interesting tricks, you see you have a sanity meter that will slowly drain and making the game screw with you in unique ways  but all the clever tricks don't mean shit if the game is crap but luckily it's not, it's damn good. As I said the game is inspired by HP Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos and centers around a young girl who is called to his grandfather's home after his untimely death only to find that his death is tied to a mysterious Necronomicon style book and mysterious "old gods".
Eternal Darkness trailer
Sadly the trailer doesn't do this brilliant game justice but trust me it's one of the best horror games done

Silent Hill 2(PC, Xbox, PS2, PS3, 360)
Hey this had to be said, this game was epic and my personal favorite for the series. The story, the atmosphere, the creatures all of it was just so damn good. If you never played it then I feel sorry for you. Right the story is about a guy named James who receives a letter from his wife to meet her in a tourist town called Silent Hill, the twist is his wife has been dead for over a James curious goes to the town and finds that not only the town but his worst nightmares and fears..

Silent Hill 2 Trailer

I will add some more later if people are intrested.


I play a really creepy game with the Hot Blonde down the street.  No name for it yet, but I stare at her out of my window until the cops show up.