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Started by T-Bonizzle, March 28, 2013, 10:59:49 PM

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FBL Analytics

It's time for FBL Analytics where we put the ANAL in analyze! With your host as always me! Ant Al Ticks. Remember even though we treat our interns like slaves, we did it first and we did it best! We pump out analytics like GM Death pumps out record setting contracts!

We are debuting our new secret top secret formula that was developed with countless slave hours for 32 fucking teams (Commissioner Trumps might be the real asshole here). I mean 32 teams seriously? What does he think, kids coming out of college with business degrees that'll work for damn near nothing fall out of the sky? Well, they do...but that's hardly the point. My colleague however reminds me that every intern hour used is a minimum wage paycheck we save. If you can trust us to save money off this endeavor, you can trust us to do our math right. Drum roll please!

San Diego - 2.74
Las Vegas - 2.68
Kentucky - 2.68
Hollywood - 2.68
Honolulu - 2.67
Pittsburgh - 2.67
Puerto Rico - 2.65
Montana - 2.60
Wyoming - 2.57
Birmingham - 2.56
Tampa Bay - 2.55
Seattle - 2.48
Calgary - 2.44
Roswell - 2.40
Greenville - 2.39
Texas - 2.39
Portsmouth - 2.39
Baton Rogue - 2.38
Colorado - 2.35
Providence - 2.35
Montreal - 2.34
Tempe - 2.33
Bismarck - 2.32
Reno - 2.32
Mississippi - 2.32
Boise - 2.28
Anchorage - 2.26
Virginia - 2.26
Morgantown - 2.25
Boston - 2.21
New Mexico - 2.15
Jacksonville - 2.03

There's obviously a lot of touching at the top. GM Hondo's assistant may or may not be involved. The common denominator is simple though...a strong starting 5 and strong coaching contribute to these tight scores. There is a huge dropoff from the Elite 7 to Tier 2 of the FBL, and then a significant drop off from Tier 2 to the rest of the pack. Interestingly enough, more teams end up at the top of the pile than last season (From 3 to 7). From East to West, the conferences seemed to have evened out a little bit. But the toughest conference by far is the Western South with 4 of the Elite 7 (San Diego, Vegas, Hollywood, Honolulu) all coming from that conference. It's a stacked conference and everyone else should be concerned for their playoff chances. If your favorite team is in the Western North, well congrats you have a shot. There is no elite team in that conference. Out East the conferences are more balanced with the Eastern North being a slightly tougher sell.

From the expansion teams Reno is the obvious winner...except their are no winners because all the expansion franchises are in way over their heads. The obvious losers are Boston, Virginia, Anchorage, and Boise. They are going to struggle, and the GMs are going to probably lose their jobs. Listen, I don't make the numbers up (I do), I just report my findings. Teams like Mississippi, Roswell, Baton Rogue, and Colorado will under achieve for sure. Will we see any surprises? Probably...but I stand by my numbers and say we will see no surprises what-so-ever! This will be a boring season. Turn back now.

Thanks for tuning in!

So, happy FBLing!

The TeeJ of Philly

Bruno Soulson back and without the missing part two to my season 16 preview, but let's just say it's all going to plan!

Instead, I'm here to hand out my winners and losers of free agency this year. A short preview, we have GM Black Death To Salaries Around the League, GM I Want All The Players and I Don't Care The Price, GM Handshakes and Hugs, and GMs Rich Get Richer. But before we get into the thick of it all, let's run down quick who are my Almost Winners and Sorta Loser

ROSWELL ALIENS:  Quiet at the free agent window but GM Steven locked up his best players at the beginning of the season. He extended Heinz Gratz, Franz Otto, and Chris Jones. We've learned in the FBL that the core of a team being together for a good amount of time can give you the edge in the clutch. Nothing fancy, but he retained his core players, which is important.
TAMPA BAY DRAGONS: Look a great sixth man in Bobby Band? Shitty. Replace him with Nariaki Hitomi? Can't do better than that. A great team in Tampa replaces a main stay with a player with the same level of production.

HOLLYWOOD STARS: After the kind of free agency GM Jen had last season, there comes the fallout. When you get young studs in Chris Thomas and Jason Howard and you get them a hefty price, you're going to lose out on money to give those who have helped you along the way.  Last year you saw Shakers Lee be sent out before the season this year, Blair Smith and Kev Sanders. It's ok as Blair Smith is in the twilight of his career and Kev wanted to leave. In their place are Chris Thomas who is already now the leading scoring threat in Hollywood and Shannon Ford takes Kev's place, so the departures don't sting as much.

The one thing that has plagued the Waves this year is help. Help for Scott Cunningham on the wing. Help for the staters off the bench. Larry Hardaway is a premier sixth man who is out of his depths as a starter and Ballz is a young player who needs to continue to develop. Alex Henry is nice but Chico Velez is done. The bench is weak because the Waves are forced to start Hardaway. Then starting lineup is weak because they are forced to start Ballz. GM Justin went out and got the answer in Swoop McCarthy, who allows Hardaway to be the sixth and with the departure of Ballz, means they don't have to concern themselves with the development of the kid. With no first round pick this year, Puerto Rico made out as well as they could.

Is that a hockey stick in their logo? Maybe that's why a lot of the free agents that Reno targeted signed elsewhere. An expansion team going into year two could have attracted a nice amount of players with a nice players in James Miller and Tomica Novak to build around, for Reno to come out with nothing hurts, especially when Jacksonville, another expansion team who is arguably worse off going into this free agent season, fared well. (We'll get to that later). The rumored offers that GM Hannibal threw out to players like Ecko Walls and Clarence Marx were far better than the contracts they accepted in Jacksonville and Las Vegas respectively.  Most expansion teams make a splash in free agency their first years, Reno did not.

Reggie Jones spoke of a dynasty in Honolulu last year before they won the title. Maybe this year is the mulligan year in a dynasty because they don't look like the same team, which they really are. The bench is a bit worse off than last year but the starting five just isn't getting it done. The one thing that would complement Reggie Jones is a defensive wing player, Swoop McCarthy isn't that, but Konda Plains is. And at 11 million, that is very team friendly. And about the bench? Brad Coplex adds to the bench and resigning Rajak Vle keeps the championship core together. A bit cap strapped? Yes, but talented strapped? Hell no.

Lost out on retaining captain Shakers Lee, as he went to New Mexico, so what does GM Domingo, a championship winning GM do? Nothing. The Defenders shut you down, forcing you score only 10 points, but as of right now, they look to struggle to score 9 next year. Portsmouth could have used a Swoop McCarthy, Val Keaton type player to help them out on that front.

The last of our GM who were rich and got richer, GM Reya stands at the top. Let's look at the last two seasons for Seattle. They have Troy Marshall willing his team from not being terrible with some awful support. GM Domingo is fired, GM Reya brings with her Sofu Ozawa and Miles Peter. I was talking at a FBL draft party how Seattle could very well get Andy Wallace and they did. This year the bench had Miles, Sofu, and Griza Valinka, next year? Sofu returns with Blair Smith and Chris Flynn. You can bet that Nick Shaw takes credit for that.

When you acquire a young big who is in the last year of his deal and he's publically stated that he would like to go to you prior to being dealt, you should be in the prime position. That is until you start him as your small forward when he excelled as a center the year before. GM Zeus falling into a great spot where Mississippi got two top 5 picks and got two great guards. Outside of that, GM Zeus has failed, in my estimation, as a GM. Last year I was scratching my head when he signed Truck Lynch, this year, I think I broke the skin on my scalp when he not only signed Felix Johnson when he has two young wing players in Wilson and Hightower, but also signed him for more money than Felix's last stint in Tempe. You don't pay a man that much if he's going to be a sixth man, if so, Seattle needs to pay Blair Smith better.

GM Josh made some questionable moves last season around this time giving Joe Gallen 7 million and then in the offseason signing Jesse Cole to a 5 million dollar contract. This year, Sy Rodgers will leave for the Super League and Harry Allen is going to Birmingham. Now, I hear there were a handful of GMs who were offering solid pieces for Sy and GM Josh said no. So nothing for Sy but he got Pebbles Lane for Allen, and that replaces Sy. While players as good as Harry don't grow on trees, players like Reagan James and Melvin Smarts do. Cheap, productive PGs. (But don't tell GM Franchise or GM Taurus that.) So what makes the Hooks a winner? You know what else doesn't grow on trees, MVP candidates and that was Krease McCool is. On the court, not many can give you what Krease can. While it will be fun to watch Pebbles and Krease fight over the ball, neither has had a teammate on the wing with the other's ability. That's why Colorado is a winner.

Oh boy, you knew the real GM Black Death would return, but he's changed. Gone are the days of the GM who stood up to Nigel Falls about James Grant. Gone are the days of the GM who gave Mason Griffin everything he wanted. Instead, we see a GM Black Death giving mediocre players WAY too much money. Findi Muwamma gets 4 million in PR.....let that sink in for a moment. Ok, done? Good, now Ballz got 10 million and 2.5 in PR. Why is that bad? It's certainly not the production, Ballz is solid. 10 million may be a bit of an overpayment and the PR is absolutely overpaying for the production. But the knock on Ballz coming out is the fact he was a troubled youngster who needed strong guidance from management. GM Blade and GM Justin are respected GMs. Maurice Mays and OJ McLoo are respected coaches. GM Black Death is more known to bend to the whims of his stars, at the price of his team. Hirko Sai is rookie coach. Maybe the Pillars help but maybe they don't . Maybe Ricky and Clint are quoting David Handwarmer in Deadly Arensal. "I'm too aged for this shit"

The big winner in free agency, an expansion team that has a young All-Star PG and a solid, yet unproven coaching staff. That's less than Reno yet, GM Gooch was able to snag defensive anchor Ecko Walls, and two vets in Bernie Evans and Bralin Hurtz for a young team. I don't know who else GM Gooch went after but some solid pieces to have in the second year of an expansion team. Winning free agency isn't about getting the big names, which we'll get to in a minute, it's about positioning yourself better for next year.

An email I got from a reader:


Is GM Cory trying to implode another team?

Yes, it seems he's challenging himself this time though. You can only destroy so many teams before it becomes too easy. Why not build up a great expansion team only to do your damnedest to implode it by telling every free agent you want them, telling your players that most of them are replacable, then signing two wing players when you have a young stud in Steve Fletcher already there. Not just signing them, overpaying both of them.

I joked with That Strike Guy earlier in the season which GMs would bid what the player is worth and which would bid to outbid the other GMs. GM Cory clearly was of the later. Not only did he signed two players who were very similar to the player he already has in Steve Fletcher, he spent 27 million on the two of them. Sorry, but Rob Palace hasn't shown me anything to be paid 11 million let alone 13. And two million in PR for him is crazy. He's average as a wing player, 14 ppg and 2 rpg. Nothing special. Palace will make as much next year as Dex Wilson makes now.

And everything I said about Palace is the same for Keaton.  This is how you lose free agency, go after everyone big, get two players who play the same position as your stud player and now you're forced to trade one of these two who you signed, which hurts your rep as it tells other players that just because they sign with you, you may get sent elsewhere. If Morgantown gets lucky, they'll only have to give up their first round pick this year to send one of these two away. If I'm a GM who is interested, I'm asking for at least that. And I'm giving up little to zilch in return.

That's the winners and losers. Check back in the playoffs as I do my first ever FBL mock draft, hopefully.



Eastern Conference - North Division

Kentucky Hayseeds (12-0)
Clinched division.

Portsmouth Defenders (9-3)
Clinched playoff berth.

Pittsburgh Blades (7-5)
Week 13/14 Opponents: Virginia & Providence
Two wins clinches playoff berth.
If they only lose to Virginia, they need Providence to lose to Portsmouth or beat Providence by 23 points or more to clinch playoff berth.
If they lose to Providence, eliminated from the playoffs.

Providence Diamonds (7-5)
Week 13/14 Opponents: Portsmouth & Pittsburgh
Win against Pittsburgh clinches playoff berth.
If they lose both games, eliminated from playoffs.

Rest of division is eliminated from playoffs.

Eastern Conference - South Division

Texas Stallions (9-3)
Clinched division.

Birmingham Greenhornets (7-5)
Week 13/14 Opponents: Mississippi & Puerto Rico
Two wins clinches playoff berth.
If they only lose to Mississippi, they need Tampa Bay to lose one game or Mississippi to lose to Baton Rouge to clinch playoff berth.
If they only lose to Puerto Rico, they need Tampa Bay to lose one game or Puerto Rico to lose to Texas.
Two losses, eliminated from playoffs.

Greenville Bulldogs (6-6)
Week 13/14 Opponents: Tampa Bay & Texas
Two wins and Puerto Rico loss will clinch them a playoff berth.
Only lose to Texas, need Puerto Rico to lose both games and Mississippi to lose one game.
Only lose to Tampa Bay, eliminated from playoffs.
Two losses, eliminated from playoffs.

Mississippi Steamers (6-6)
Week 13/14 Opponents: Birmingham & Baton Rouge
Two wins and Puerto Rico/Tampa Bay loss, Puerto Rico/Greenville loss, or Tampa Bay/Greenville loss clinches playoff.
One or Two losses, eliminated from playoffs.

Tampa Bay Dragons (6-6)
Week 13/14 Opponents: Greenville & Jacksonville
Two wins and Puerto Rico loss clinches playoff berth.
Only lose to Jacksonville, need Puerto Rico to lose both games/Mississippi lose one game or Birmingham lose both games/Mississippi lose one game to clinch playoff berth.
Only lose to Greenville, need Puerto Rico to lose both games/Birmingham to lose both games/Mississippi lose one game to clinch playoff berth.
Two losses, eliminated from playoffs.   

Puerto Rico Waves (6-6)
Week 13/14 Opponents: Texas & Birmingham
Two wins clinches playoff berth.
Just lose to Texas, Greenville/Mississippi/Tampa Bay loss or Greenville/Mississippi loss and Birmingham loses to Mississippi or Greenville/Tampa Bay loss and Birmingham loses to Mississippi or Mississippi/Tampa Bay loss and Birmingham loses to Mississippi clinches playoff berth.
Just lose to Birmingham, Greenville/Mississippi/Tampa loss clinches playoff berth.
Two losses, eliminated from playoffs.

Rest of division is eliminated from the playoffs.

Western Conference - North Division

Boise Spuds (11-1)
Week 13/14 Opponents: Wyoming & Colorado
Clinched playoff berth.
Two wins clinches division.
One loss, Seattle loss clinches division.
Two losses, Seattle to lose both games clinches the division.

Seattle Toppers (10-2)
Week 13/14 Opponents: Anchorage & Bismarck
Clinched playoff berth.
Two wins, Boise loss clinches the division.
One loss, Boise to lose both games clinches the division.
Two losses, eliminated from winning the division.

Wyoming Wolves (8-4)
Week 13/14 Opponents: Boise & Calgary
Two wins, clinches playoff berth.
One loss, Montana loss clinches playoff berth.
Two losses, Montana to lose both games clinches playoff berth.

Montana Bears (7-5)
Week 13/14 Opponents: Colorado & Anchorage
Two wins, Wyoming loss clinches playoff berth.
One win, Wyoming to lose both games clinches playoff berth.
Two losses, eliminated from playoffs.

Rest of division is eliminated from the playoffs.

Western Conference - South Division

San Diego Seagulls (9-3)
Week 13/14 Opponents: New Mexico & Tempe
Clinched playoff berth.
Two wins clinches the division.
One win clinches the division.
Two losses, Hollywood/Roswell loss clinches the division.

Hollywood Stars (8-4)
Week 13/14 Opponents: Las Vegas & Honolulu
Two wins, San Diego loses both games clinches the division.
Two wins clinches clinches a playoff berth.
One win clinches playoff berth.
Two losses, Reno/Roswell loss or Reno loss/lose to Las Vegas by 3 or less or Roswell loss/lose to Las Vegas by 3 or less clinches a playoff berth.

Roswell Aliens (7-7)
Week 13/14 Opponents: Tempe & Reno
Two wins, Hollywood loss/San Diego loses both games clinches the division.
Two wins clinches playoff berth.
Just lose to Tempe, Las Vegas loss clinches playoff berth.
Just lose to Reno, Las Vegas loss/lose to Reno by 12 points or less clinches playoff berth.
Two losses, eliminated from playoffs.

Las Vegas Aces (7-7)
Week 13/14 Opponents: Hollywood & New Mexico
Two wins/beat Hollywood by 5 or more or Two wins/Reno loss clinches playoff berth.
Just lose to Hollywood, Roswell loss/Reno loses both games clinches playoff berth.
Just lose to New Mexico, Roswell loss/Reno loses both games or Roswell loss/beat Hollywood by 5 or more clinches a playoff berth.
Two losses, eliminated from playoffs.

Reno Shooters (7-7)
Week 13/14 Opponents: Honolulu & Roswell
Two wins clinches playoff berth.
Just lose to Honolulu, Las Vegas loss/beat Roswell by 13 or more clinches playoff berth.
Just lose to Roswell, eliminated from the playoffs.
Two losses, eliminated from the playoffs.

Rest of division is eliminated from the playoffs.


GM of the Queen City Conquerors



Join us once again as That Strike Guy and Primo Pancho explain why they were gone for so long, hear Primo Pancho gush about our current FBL Champions, watch the two break down some of the crazy ongoing this offseason and following up on some of the completed training camps at the time of the recording...



Every year, analysts across the EZPN Network cast their lots and make their predictions about who's going to rule the FBL.  This season - those of us at Rebel's Preseason Analysis Incorporated have put together an improvement on T-Bone's super secret formula and ranked every team in the FBL (save Nashville, who may never, ever finalize the lock-in process).  If the games were to be played on paper, this is how the season would shake out:

North Division

1. Wyoming Timberwolves - 3.13
2. Montana Bears - 3.00
3. Boise Spuds - 2.88
4. Reno Shooters - 2.81
5. Seattle Toppers - 2.75
6. Bismark Jaguars - 2.69
7. Colorado Hooks - 2.63
8. Anchorage Glaciers - 2.63

South Division

1. Las Vegas Aces - 3.56
2. San Diego Seagulls - 3.25
3. Hollywood Stars - 3.06
4. Honolulu Volcanoes - 3.00
5. Texas Stallions - 2.81
6. Roswell Aliens - 2.69
7. Tempe Flying Squirrels - 2.50
8. New Mexico Vigilantes - 2.44

North Division

1. Portsmouth Defenders - 3.06
2. Pittsburgh Blades - 3.06
3. Kentucky Hayseeds - 3.00
4. Morgantown Flyers - 2.81
5. Providence Diamonds - 2.63
6. Champaign Naturals - 2.50
7. Boston Bells - 2.25
8. Virginia Colonials - 2.25

South Division

1. Tampa Bay Dragons - 2.94
2. Greenville Bulldogs - 2.94
3. Puerto Rico Waves - 2.88
4. Birmingham Greenhornets - 2.75
5. Mississippi Steamers -  2.75
6. Jacksonville Juice - 2.56
7. Baton Rouge River Bandits - 2.56
8. Nashville Venom - Incomplete



Week One/Two

1. Kentucky Hayseeds (2-0)
The addition of Chris Watson has given Kentucky a point guard that the franchise as coveted for a few seasons now. Experts believe it was the missing puzzle piece to another Hayseeds championship. After the first two games of the season, the experts looked spot on in that assumption.
Last Edition: -

2. Hollywood Stars (1-1)
The returning champs have reloaded their roster with the addition of three rookies, including talented Alton Preps. Even with the small hiccup against the Seagulls... the Stars look poised to make a legitimate run at a repeat... well... as long as management can control Davis Newton's appetite for destruction. 
Last Edition: -

3. Boise Spuds (2-0)
You might not find a more solid eight-player rotation then the one the Boise Spuds have. With the announcement of Henri Jours' retirement at season's end, this might be the best chance GM Metro, Malcolm Hayes, and the rest of the Spuds have at winning the championship. So far, it's a great start.
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4. Las Vegas Aces (2-0)
After quite a disappointing season in S16, the Aces appear to have regained form. GM Blade has turned back time a little bit as he has a new "3 of a kind" in Flo Payton, Clarence Marx, and Cal Roberts and has put a great supporting cast behind them. Las Vegas looks dangerous this season!
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5. Portsmouth Defenders (2-0)
You have to wonder if Shazam Singh regrets firing GM Domingo, because he has quickly turned Portsmouth into a team of the future, but also a team that can win now! With rookie sensation Jesse Singh, and defensive stars Monty Green and Kai Lunia... this Defenders team could be a dark horse for the FBL title this season.
Last Edition: -

6. San Diego Seagulls (2-0)
I told you so! Cam Drake is ready to stake his claim amongst the best at his position this season and it could pave the way for players like Petri Rovuk and Joe Reed to have huge seasons as well. With an impressive first two weeks, the Seagulls just may be the team to beat in the toughest division in the FBL. 
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7. Wyoming Wolves (2-0)
Could this be the season the Wolves return to top form? I think so. As Matt Foster's years as an elite player dwindle, the Wolves have developed solid young talent around him in Frabuld, Thompson, Tarbla, and Mowa. And with the drastic improvements on the bench, including "draft steal" Jackson Dunn... this could be another season the FBL cries Wolf!     
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8. Texas Stallions (1-1)
Yes, this is the fourth team from the SouthWest and we're only at #8. The reigning Eastern Conf champs find themselves in a bit more difficult of a division this season, but don't be fooled... this is a tough, hard-nosed team led by breakout star Clyde Baker. It's going to be crowded at the top in this division, but with a tough disciplined GM, Coaching staff, and players... the Stallions could see there way back to the Finals.     
Last Edition: -

9. Tampa Bay Dragons (2-0)
Sure, it's the weakest division in all the FBL... but don't sleep on these Dragons. In a season that will be Blue Reeds last, it might turn into a season that will be remembered forever. Coach Red Mason has the Dragons, which arguably has one of the most complete teams in the FBL, off to a great start! 
Last Edition: -

10. Montana Bears (1-1)
In what should be another good season in Montana, one might think that Lincoln Frazier is going to need to put up his MVP numbers of S15 to make this team a legit championship contender. The roster is solid top to bottom, but many experts think Sacri needs to be coming off the bench instead of starting... something GM Jag will have to re-think as the season progresses.   
Last Edition: -

11. Providence Diamonds (1-1)
How can you not love the rookie Domnic Ash? He is a perfect complement to athletic scorer, Mason Griffin and has maybe saved GM Gates' job if he can help the Diamonds reach the postseason. Still built around youth, the Diamonds are looking at bright season.
Last Edition: -

12. Morgantown Flyers (1-1)
Tri-Fly is all the rave in the West Virginian state as the Flyers under GM Cory have something special in the works. Maybe it's a bit too early to think championship contenders... but... maybe not. The NorthEast is a tough middle-heavy division, but the Flyers might be the best of them all.
Last Edition: -

13. Birmingham GreenHornets (2-0)
You can't not love this start. The Hornets had to do a bit of rebuilding this season, but the duo of Allan and Williams is as good as it gets. The one problem they'll be plagued with all season will be too many "6th Man" caliber players on their roster, but being in the weakest division has its perks. 
Last Edition: -

14. Puerto Rico Waves (1-1)
Not their same dominant selves that were accustomed to seeing out of the Waves, but you can never count out a team led by perennial scoring champion, Scott Cunningham. With news breaking out that this will be Bobby Chang's last with the team, one has to wonder if it will be the last time we see "CunningChan" on the same FBL team.
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15. Seattle Toppers (0-2)
This will be the very last season of TOP3 and they still have no championships to brag about. The departure of Nick Shaw will either destroy their final season together... or it will propel them to heights they haven't even reached yet. This will be a season that will weigh heavily on GM Serra. 
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16. Pittsburgh Blades (0-2)
It wasn't the start everyone was expecting out of the Blades this season and it has quickly put to question whether long time GM, Pancho, has a future with the organization. But with players like Barnes and Dreams... the Blades are still a talented team that could find the type of success to save such a situation. 
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17. Reno Shooters (1-1)
The cinderella story of S16, the Shooters have made a few changes that have put themselves in a good position to continue to build this young franchise. Even with a center controversy brewing, the Shooters have the talent to return to the postseason.
Last Edition: -

18. Anchorage Glaciers (1-1)
It's a much different environment in Anchorage then from Montreal, but don;'t be fooled... the talent is still very much there. Led by the big time post playing duo if "Mack-Hattan" and the emergence of Cordela, the Glaciers have a young squad that might be a season away from being a legit contender in the West. 
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19. Roswell Aliens (0-2)
A difficult first two games has put some doubt in the future of this team as rumors are circling about GM Steven taking some talent and fleeing. But until that happens, the show goes on, right? Roswell is in the unfortunate situation of being a above average team in a division full of really good teams and it's going to hurt their postseason chances this year. 
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20. Honolulu Volcanoes (0-2)
Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Not too far removed from being one of the most dominant teams... maybe even in FBL history... the Volcanoes have lost their legs a bit. And it doesn't help that the talented starting line-up has quite possibly the worst bench in the FBL to relieve them. It could be another long season for Honolulu and GM Bone.
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21. Jacksonville Juice (2-0)
Off to another good start to the season, and even while playing in the weakest division in the FBL, I'm not quite sure the talent level is where it needs to be... yet... to be a postseason team. Still, you have to tip your hat to the job GM Gooch has done and maybe even more... the job Eric King has done.
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22. Colorado Hooks (1-1)
The addition of Krease McCool and Pebbles Lane will be good for highlight films, but this is a team that doesn't really have much else to support them... besides maybe Shell Tamlin. Will they do enough to save the job of GM Underpants? Maybe. But I don't see a ton of success in Colorado this season.
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23. Boston Bells (1-1)
In what is shaping up to be a bit of a rebuilding project, one has to wonder if GM Powers is the sort of person to stick around long enough to see it through. The talent is there to build around, no doubt about that, but it's not going to be all sunshine and rainbows in Kadeon Apollo's final season in the FBL. 
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24. Campaign Naturals (1-1)
The Naturals are led by a natural leader in Joe Howley, as this will be no doubt a building season for the first year franchise. In what's expected to be a very up and down season, Campaign might be the place GM Strike can regain his GM form of his early years.   
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25. Greenville Bulldogs (0-2)
Not the start GM Kirk envisioned, but there is still hope for the Bulldogs... afterall... they play in the worst division... oh, am I repeating myself? Well, even though Yablo Yabla probably wasn't the greatest choice as team captain, there is still a lot to desire about this team and that is their defense. Expect Greenville to move up in the rankings as the season progresses.   
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26. Tempe Flying Squirrels (1-1)
Did you know this is possibly the worst team GM Dorling has ever GM'd? Despite that, if there is one GM that can take a bunch of average chaps and make a winner out of them... it's GM Hond... I mean... GM Dorling. But this is a team that will be built around future star, Will Kidd.
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27. Bismarck Jaguars (0-2)
A team that mean felt were going to take a few steps forward from last season, has instead, taken a step backwards. Yes, they still have Tre Majoe and Bobby Dade... but they haven't really put much of a team around them. Unfortunatley for them, they play in a division where most of the teams are just a hair better. It might be time to send the team to Cat Camp?   
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28. Nashville Venom (1-1)
The expansion franchise didn't get off to the best of starts when they sent Chris Watson to Kentucky... but they did get Lou Malone in return, and the drafting of Chris Williams to pair along with young studs in Dru Moore and Buck Fisher, this is a team that can maybe raise some eyebrows this season.
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29. New Mexico Vigilantes (1-1)
GM Franchise with a win... already? Yes sir! The Vigs, led by veteran leader, Shakers Lee probably won't see too many victories and certainly not while playing the the division they play in. Still though, there might be something... maybe... that GM Franchise can build around for the future. 
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30. Virginia Colonials (0-2)
GM Death might not have a job much longer as he has failed to bring the talent needed to make a winner out of Virginia behind the remaining pillars in Clint Danberry and Ricky Hallmark. Not sure Cedric Malone and the Ball & Wang show can provide much support for the Colonials or GM Deaths' job security.   
Last Edition: -

31. Mississippi Steamers (0-2)
With yet another line-up gaffe by GM Zeus... it might be close to time that the Colonel gives him the axe and hires someone else to try and build around one of the most promising back courts in the FBL in the likes of JC McKnight and Dex Wilson.   
Last Edition: -

32. Baton Rouge River Bandits (0-2)
While this team might have marginally improved from last season and the all-female bench fiasco... but still... this is the worst team in a division of average teams. But I will say, there is some talent to build around in the future. It's just a matter of it will be GM Taurus who does the building.
Last Edition: -





GM of the Queen City Conquerors



Week Three/Four

1. Hollywood Stars (3-1)
Last Edition: 2

2. Boise Spuds (4-0)
Last Edition: 3

3. Las Vegas Aces (4-0)
Last Edition: 4

4. Portsmouth Defenders (4-0)
Last Edition: 5

5. Kentucky Hayseeds (3-1)
Last Edition: 1

6. Wyoming Wolves (4-0)
Last Edition: 7

7. Tampa Bay Dragons (4-0)
Last Edition: 9

8. Morgantown Flyers (3-1)
Last Edition: 12

9. San Diego Seagulls (2-2)
Last Edition: 6

10. Birmingham GreenHornets (3-1)
Last Edition: 13

11. Puerto Rico Waves (3-1)
Last Edition: 14

12. Reno Shooters (3-1)
Last Edition: 17

13. Providence Diamonds (2-2)
Last Edition: 11

14. Pittsburgh Blades (2-2)
Last Edition: 16

15. Honolulu Volcanoes (2-2)
Last Edition: 20

16. Texas Stallions (1-3)
Last Edition: 8

17. Seattle Toppers (1-3)
Last Edition: 15

18. Montana Bears (1-3)
Last Edition: 10

19. Roswell Aliens (1-3)
Last Edition: 19

20. Anchorage Glaciers (1-3)
Last Edition: 18

21. Jacksonville Juice (2-2)
Last Edition: 21

22. Colorado Hooks (1-3)
Last Edition: 22

23. Boston Bells (1-3)
Last Edition: 23

24. Campaign Naturals (1-3)
Last Edition: 24

25. Bismarck Jaguars (1-3)
Last Edition: 27

26. Nashville Venom (2-2)
Last Edition: 28

27. New Mexico Vigilantes (2-2)
Last Edition: 29

28. Greenville Bulldogs (0-4)
Last Edition: 25

29. Tempe Flying Squirrels (1-3)
Last Edition: 26

30. Mississippi Steamers (1-3)
Last Edition: 31

31. Baton Rouge River Bandits (1-3)
Last Edition: 32

32. Virginia Colonials (0-4)
Last Edition: 30


BIGGEST JUMP: Reno & Honolulu (5 spots)

BIGGEST DROP: Texas & Montana (8 spots)


GM of the Queen City Conquerors



Week Five/Six

1. Boise Spuds (6-0)
Last Edition: 2

2. Las Vegas Aces (6-0)
Last Edition: 3

3. Hollywood Stars (4-2)
Last Edition: 1

4. Portsmouth Defenders (5-1)
Last Edition: 4

5. Tampa Bay Dragons (5-1)
Last Edition: 7

6. Morgantown Flyers (5-1)
Last Edition: 8

7. Kentucky Hayseeds (4-2)
Last Edition: 5

8. San Diego Seagulls (4-2)
Last Edition: 9

9. Birmingham GreenHornets (5-1)
Last Edition: 10

10. Puerto Rico Waves (4-2)
Last Edition: 11

11. Pittsburgh Blades (4-2)
Last Edition: 14

12. Honolulu Volcanoes (4-2)
Last Edition: 15

13. Wyoming Wolves (4-2)
Last Edition: 6

14. Seattle Toppers (3-3)
Last Edition: 17

15. Reno Shooters (3-3)
Last Edition: 12

16. Providence Diamonds (2-4)
Last Edition: 13

17. Anchorage Glaciers (2-4)
Last Edition: 20

18. Colorado Hooks (3-3)
Last Edition: 22

19. Champaign Naturals (3-3)
Last Edition: 24

20. Montana Bears (2-4)
Last Edition: 18

21. Roswell Aliens (2-4)
Last Edition: 19

22. Bismarck Jaguars (2-4)
Last Edition: 25

23. Greenville Bulldogs (2-4)
Last Edition: 28

24. Nashville Venom (3-3)
Last Edition: 26

25. Texas Stallions (1-5)
Last Edition: 16

26. Jacksonville Juice (2-4)
Last Edition: 21

27. Boston Bells (1-5)
Last Edition: 23

28. New Mexico Vigilantes (2-4)
Last Edition: 27

29. Baton Rouge River Bandits (2-4)
Last Edition: 31

30. Tempe Flying Squirrels (1-5)
Last Edition: 29

31. Mississippi Steamers (1-5)
Last Edition: 30

32. Virginia Colonials (0-6)
Last Edition: 32


BIGGEST JUMP: Champaign & Greenville (5 spots)

BIGGEST DROP: Texas (9 spots)


GM of the Queen City Conquerors



Week Seven/Eight

1. Boise Spuds (7-1)
Last Edition: 1

2. Las Vegas Aces (7-1)
Last Edition: 2

3. Morgantown Flyers (7-1)
Last Edition: 6

4. Tampa Bay Dragons (7-1)
Last Edition: 5

5. San Diego Seagulls (6-2)
Last Edition: 8

6. Hollywood Stars (5-3)
Last Edition: 3

7. Pittsburgh Blades (6-2)
Last Edition: 11

8. Kentucky Hayseeds (5-3)
Last Edition: 7

9. Puerto Rico Waves (6-2)
Last Edition: 10

10. Birmingham GreenHornets (6-2)
Last Edition: 9

11. Portsmouth Defenders (5-3)
Last Edition: 4

12. Honolulu Volcanoes (5-3)
Last Edition: 12

13. Wyoming Wolves (5-3)
Last Edition: 13

14. Seattle Toppers (4-4)
Last Edition: 14

15. Reno Shooters (4-4)
Last Edition: 15

16. Roswell Aliens (4-4)
Last Edition: 21

17. Anchorage Glaciers (4-4)
Last Edition: 17

18. Colorado Hooks (4-4)
Last Edition: 18

19. Providence Diamonds (3-5)
Last Edition: 16

20. Greenville Bulldogs (4-4)
Last Edition: 23

21. Champaign Naturals (3-5)
Last Edition: 19

22. Boston Bells (3-5)
Last Edition: 27

23. Montana Bears (2-6)
Last Edition: 20

24. New Mexico Vigilantes (3-5)
Last Edition: 28

25. Bismarck Jaguars (2-6)
Last Edition: 22

26. Nashville Venom (3-5)
Last Edition: 24

27. Texas Stallions (1-7)
Last Edition: 25

28. Jacksonville Juice (2-6)
Last Edition: 26

29. Mississippi Steamers (2-6)
Last Edition: 31

30. Baton Rouge River Bandits (2-6)
Last Edition: 29

31. Tempe Flying Squirrels (1-7)
Last Edition: 30

32. Virginia Colonials (0-8)
Last Edition: 32


BIGGEST JUMP: Roswell & Boston (5 spots)

BIGGEST DROP: Portsmouth (7 spots)


GM of the Queen City Conquerors



Week Nine/Ten

1. Boise Spuds (9-1)
Last Edition: 1

2. Las Vegas Aces (9-1)
Last Edition: 2

3. Pittsburgh Blades (8-2)
Last Edition: 7

4. Hollywood Stars (7-3)
Last Edition: 6

5. Tampa Bay Dragons (8-2)
Last Edition: 4

6. Puerto Rico Waves (8-2)
Last Edition: 9

7. Honolulu Volcanoes (7-3)
Last Edition: 12

8. Morgantown Flyers (7-3)
Last Edition: 3

9. Kentucky Hayseeds (6-4)
Last Edition: 8

10. Birmingham GreenHornets (7-3)
Last Edition: 10

11. Portsmouth Defenders (6-4)
Last Edition: 11

12. San Diego Seagulls (6-4)
Last Edition: 5

13. Anchorage Glaciers (6-4)
Last Edition: 17

14. Wyoming Wolves (6-4)
Last Edition: 13

15. Greenville Bulldogs (6-4)
Last Edition: 20

16. Seattle Toppers (5-5)
Last Edition: 14

17. Reno Shooters (5-5)
Last Edition: 15

18. Providence Diamonds (5-5)
Last Edition: 19

19. Colorado Hooks (5-5)
Last Edition: 18

20. Champaign Naturals (5-5)
Last Edition: 21

21. Roswell Aliens (4-6)
Last Edition: 16

22. New Mexico Vigilantes (4-6)
Last Edition: 24

23. Boston Bells (3-7)
Last Edition: 22

24. Montana Bears (2-8)
Last Edition: 23

25. Texas Stallions (2-8)
Last Edition: 27

26. Bismarck Jaguars (2-8)
Last Edition: 25

27. Mississippi Steamers (3-7)
Last Edition: 29

28. Nashville Venom (3-7)
Last Edition: 26

29. Baton Rouge River Bandits (3-7)
Last Edition: 30

30. Jacksonville Juice (2-8)
Last Edition: 28

31. Tempe Flying Squirrels (1-9)
Last Edition: 31

32. Virginia Colonials (0-10)
Last Edition: 32


BIGGEST JUMP: Honolulu & Greenville (5 spots)

BIGGEST DROP: San Diego (7 spots)


GM of the Queen City Conquerors

The TeeJ of Philly

Another year, another free agent season, which means, the return of me, Bruno Soulson.  Last year, I named a couple teams winners and losers, and those teams this year, well, if flipped everything this year, we'll get to that in a moment. But first, let's start another annual tradition, In Memoriam!!!!


GM ROB: He's time in Bismarck wasn't great, wasn't bad, but at least he didn't trade his best players best friend.

THE SOUTH EAST'S DIGNITY IN SEASON 17: Tampa's a great team. Deep, balanced, well coached. That's how you can describe Tampa. Same could be said for Puerto Rico, but the rest that division, holy Ferndale. Mississippi which started with yet another "You brought me here but won't play me where I play?" situation with Felix Johnson (whose signing was a good reason I named Mississippi a loser in free agency last year). Then Jacksonville who could have continued to build on its solid first year before GM Gooch quit. GM Taurus failed to put together a team for another year, and then GM Krazy....nuff said.


THE WHOLESOME, FAMILY-MAN, GOGO FRAZIER:  Yeah, I'll never look at GoGo again, the patriarch of the first family of FBL (All apologize to Pete Ferndale) is mired in an affair scandal with Bonko.....Bonko......shudder

MARCELO AND MATT MORRIS: A farewell in advance to two of the most passive, indecisive, boring coaches in the league.

THE BIG RED "SCREW UP THE SEASON" BUTTON This poor button has been abused so much in the last few years, WE MUST STOP THE VIOLENCE! GM Cory is the biggest abuser to some, but to this man, just because we can't see the result of the abuse, GM Justin's repeated battery around the button is just as bad. #KNOWMORE

Alright, on to the purpose of the article. Winners and losers for Free Agency. Not as obvious as last year, but that doesn't change the impact of losing and winning in Free agency. Two of the losers are no longer with their teams. Like last year, going to start with the Honorable Mentions and work our way to the biggest winners and losers.

Swapping out Manhattan Jones and putting in Sterling Ba isn't exactly the reason why GM Soul gets an honorable mention, its more the failure elsewhere in Free Agency. Several players heard offers from Anchorage, and only one signed. Some of them opting for the Super League rather than play for GM Soul.

GM Rebel lost out on Bernie Bells, a young wing player who has turned into quite the player. He also loses Blue Reed, the heart of this team for years. But retaining JR George who looks to be a serviceable player in the line of combo guards in Tampa and replacing Reed in Benk Umbako, getting both on market comparable contracts.

A year ago, I named Puerto Rico and GM Justin a winner in Free Agency because he went out and got a player to help out Scott Cunningham and the team's depth issue. This year, he did the opposite. He lost Bobby Chang because he didn't want to give him the kind of money that he is owed. DeShawn Drummond retires this year and word is the Alex Henry is going to move into that spot right now, but it didn't have to be Henry. Justin was unable to get the likes of Donnie Henderson and Brett Thomas. He also didn't replace Chang. Things are not looking good next year for GM Justin.

Forgive me for a minute but, I think I just got a call from EZPN officials to take a drug test. Yes, GM Franchise won something! Now, it could have been later in this article, but that Cassius Code signing, EVERYTHING about it is bad. First, you already have one hot head in Brad Coplex, you know the guy who once fought a fan and lost. Now you're going to go after Cassius Code and get him? That bench is going to be throwing punches for no reason. As if it wasn't bad enough, 11 million and 2 million in PR for Code to throw punches. I don't think I would pay Code that much if I was a boxing promoter.

Other than that, Mowa, Bernie Bells, and TJ Bailey are going to be joining Eric King next season in New Mexico. Bernie Bells next to Derrick James on the wing. TJ Bailey was a good back-up point guard in Boston before going over to the Super League. The only odd bit of this is the Mowa signing when Franchise re-upped Shazam Mendo to 10 million just this season. It'll be interesting to see what Franchise does with that and Code-plex.

  Another winner turn loser. Last year GM Underpants was able to get Krease McCool in Free Agency and pair him with Pebbles Lane for this year. He then drafted Lamar Tate to round out the wing. Fun fact, the three of them do not have a "D" in their name, which the fact that they lack the ability to play D incredibly coincidental. So what does GM Josh focus his free agent targets? Point guards and Cabbidan Falls. Falls works, but there was Brett Thomas, Donnie Henderson, Kenny Wang,  and Rob Shilton, you know at worst, serviceable PFs, a few defensive PFs. What made it worse was GM Underpants resigned two players who give the team very little. Miss opportunity to continue to build his Hooks in the increasingly competitive North West.

When you get a player like Bobby Chang, you've done well in Free Agency, you do even better when you get CC Ale along with him. GM Powers overpaid a bit for them, but for a player the caliber of Bobby Chang, its worth it and maybe CC can push Dequinn Wright for his spot, making the young wing better.

A year after forcing himself to trade Pebbles for Harry Allen, GM Gravedigger could have found a couple pieces to put around an aging Ty Williams in an easy division. Gravedigger was able to get some players interested him coming to Birmingham, but could only bring one.....Jesus "I punch people with great hair" Chavez. He couldn't even re-sign Phil Cook. He should have gone after some win players so he could put Mensal Tham on the bench, WHERE HE BELONGS!! Although if Brage Anderson couldn't get that through him, I doubt little ole Bruno Soulson could.

Manhattan Jones and Alton Preps. Alton Preps and Manhattan Jones. Manhattan Preps and Alton Jones. Jones Preps and Alton Manhattan. Manlton Jonreps and Altan Prones. My brain broke with the thoughts of those two playing next to each other. Oh yeah, Eddie Hughes too.


On a serious note, Reno going another free agency without getting anyone is mindboggling, although they have Tony Laguna coming from Virginia, dunno if anyone remembers that.

The biggest problem expansion teams have is keeping guys in their first year, and it seems Champaign got over that problem with keeping Donnie Henderson. The biggest issue in Free Agency is failing Plan A and Plan B, which Champaign got over by signing Kenny Wang as well. Add snagging Ude Orlio to be a defensive bench spark, Champaign had an incredible haul in Free Agency.

Hold on, before I go on, I hear that GM Cory failed to sign Borgavich as his new head coach. Let's recap this email I got last year:


Is GM Cory trying to implode another team?

Please, this e-mailer, send me the numbers for the lotto next week PLEASE!!!! Okay, back to your reading.

Last year I gave GM Steven an honorable mention for re-signing his core players. Other than that, he did nothing but what he did was very important. This year was the same, except, he didn't re-sign anyone. He didn't even declare interest in free agents. NOTHING! As a GM this year, I have done just as much as GM Steven.  Hell, I know the roster better than he does.

The rich get richer in this game, this is the best example of this. GM Pancho/Libre retained Teste Huir and added sixth man extraordinaire Sacri DiArmigio, Jul Rina, and Terry Christie. The starting 5 for Pittsburgh may be one of the best, but their best years were when they had a deep team and they've made their team pretty deep for next year. It's not always about splash, it's about substance in the FBL. And Pittsburgh's haul is filled with substance.

And that's it. I'm gonna poof away until next year, or later to let you know who the best value players. Depends on those lotto numbers.



Eastern Conference - North Division

Pittsburgh Blades (10-2)
Clinched division.

Morgantown Flyers (8-4)
Week 13/14 Opponents: Boston & Champaign
To clinch playoff berth:
- 1 win
- 1 loss by two of the following: Kentucky, Providence, Portsmouth

Kentucky Hayseeds (7-5)
Week 13/14 Opponents: Champaign & Portsmouth
To clinch playoff berth:
- 2 wins
- 1 win plus 1 loss by Providence & lose by 16 points or less to Portsmouth 

Providence Diamonds (7-5)
Week 13/14 Opponents: Portsmouth & Pittsburgh
To clinch playoff berth:
- 2 wins plus 1 loss by Kentucky or 2 losses by Morgantown
- 1 win plus 2 losses by Kentucky & 1 loss by Portsmouth

Portsmouth Defenders (6-6)
Week 13/14 Opponents: Providence & Kentucky
To clinch playoff berth:
- 2 wins plus 2 losses by Kentucky
- 2 wins plus 1 loss by Kentucky (if Portsmouth beats Kentucky by more than 17 points)
- 1 win plus 2 losses by Kentucky (if Portsmouth beats Kentucky by more than 17 points) & 1 loss by Providence (if Providence beats Portsmouth by 15 points or less)

Rest of division is eliminated from playoff contention.

Eastern Conference - South Division

Tampa Bay Dragons (10-2)
Week 13/14 Opponents: Greenville & Jacksonville
To clinch division:
- 1 win
- 1 loss by Puerto Rico & Greenville

Clinched playoff berth.

Puerto Rico Waves (8-4)
Week 13/14 Opponents: Nashville & Birmingham
To clinch division:
- 2 wins & 2 losses by Tampa Bay & 1 loss by Greenville

To clinch playoff berth:
- 1 win against Birmingham
- 1 win (if Birmingham beats Puerto Rico by 37 points or less)

Greenville Bulldogs (8-4)
Week 13/14 Opponents: Tampa Bay & Nashville
To clinch division:
- 2 wins & 2 losses by Tampa Bay

To clinch playoff berth:
- 1 win
- 1 loss by Birmingham
- 2 losses by Puerto Rico

Birmingham GreenHornets (7-5)
Week 13/14 Opponents: Mississippi & Puerto Rico
To clinch playoff berth:
- 2 wins & 2 losses by Greenville or Puerto Rico
- 2 wins & 2 losses by Greenville or 1 loss by Puerto Rico (if Birmingham beats Puerto Rico by 39 points or more)
- 1 win & 2 losses by Puerto Rico (if Birmingham beats Puerto Rico by 39 points or more)

Rest of division is eliminated from playoff contention.

Western Conference - North Division

Boise Spuds (9-3)
Week 13/14 Opponents: Wyoming & Colorado
To clinch division:
- 1 win
- 1 loss by Anchorage

Clinched playoff berth.

Anchorage Glaciers (8-4)
Week 13/14 Opponents: Seattle & Montana
To clinch division:
- 2 wins & 2 losses by Boise

To clinch playoff berth:
- 1 win
- 1 loss by Wyoming

Colorado Hooks (7-5)
Week 13/14 Opponents: Montana & Boise
To clinch division:
- 2 wins & 2 losses by Boise & Anchorage

To clinch playoff berth:
- 1 win
- 1 loss by Wyoming, Seattle, & Reno

Wyoming Wolves (6-6)
Week 13/14 Opponents: Boise & Reno
To clinch playoff berth:
- 2 wins & 2 losses by Anchorage & Colorado

Reno Shooters (5-7)
Week 13/14 Opponents: Bismarck & Wyoming
To clinch playoff berth:
- 2 wins & 2 losses by Colorado

Seattle Toppers (5-7)
Week 13/14 Opponents: Anchorage & Bismarck
To clinch playoff berth:
- 2 wins & 2 losses by Colorado & Wyoming & 1 loss by Reno

Rest of division is eliminated from playoff contention.

Western Conference - South Division

Las Vegas Aces (11-1)
Clinched division.

Honolulu Volcanoes (9-3)
Clinched playoff berth.

San Diego Seagulls (7-5)
Week 13/14 Opponents: New Mexico & Tempe
To clinch playoff berth:
- 2 wins
- 1 win (if New Mexico beats San Diego by 14 points or less) & 1 loss by Hollywood

Hollywood Stars (7-5)
Week 13/14 Opponents: Las Vegas & Honolulu
To clinch playoff berth:
- 2 wins & 1 loss by San Diego
- 1 win & 2 losses by San Diego

New Mexico Vigilantes (6-6)
Week 13/14 Opponents: San Diego & Las Vegas
To clinch playoff berth:
- 2 wins & 2 losses by San Diego & Hollywood
- 2 wins & 2 losses by Hollywood & 1 loss by San Diego (if New Mexico beats San Diego by 16 points or more)

Rest of division is eliminated from playoff contention.


GM of the Queen City Conquerors



Week Eleven/Twelve

1. Las Vegas Aces (11-1)
Last Edition: 2

2. Pittsburgh Blades (10-2)
Last Edition: 3

3. Tampa Bay Dragons (10-2)
Last Edition: 5

4. Boise Spuds (9-3)
Last Edition: 1

5. Honolulu Volcanoes (9-3)
Last Edition: 7

6. Anchorage Glaciers (8-4)
Last Edition: 13

7. Greenville Bulldogs (8-4)
Last Edition: 15

8. Hollywood Stars (7-5)
Last Edition: 4

9. Puerto Rico Waves (8-4)
Last Edition: 6

10. Morgantown Flyers (8-4)
Last Edition: 8

11. Kentucky Hayseeds (7-5)
Last Edition: 9

12. Providence Diamonds (7-5)
Last Edition: 18

13. San Diego Seagulls (7-5)
Last Edition: 12

14. Colorado Hooks (7-5)
Last Edition: 19

15. Birmingham GreenHornets (7-5)
Last Edition: 10

16. Portsmouth Defenders (6-6)
Last Edition: 11

17. Wyoming Wolves (6-6)
Last Edition: 14

18. New Mexico Vigilantes (6-6)
Last Edition: 22

19. Seattle Toppers (5-7)
Last Edition: 16

20. Reno Shooters (5-7)
Last Edition: 17

21. Champaign Naturals (5-7)
Last Edition: 20

22. Roswell Aliens (4-8)
Last Edition: 21

23. Montana Bears (4-8)
Last Edition: 24

24. Bismarck Jaguars (4-8)
Last Edition: 26

25. Mississippi Steamers (5-7)
Last Edition: 27

26. Texas Stallions (3-9)
Last Edition: 25

27. Boston Bells (3-9)
Last Edition: 23

28. Jacksonville Juice (4-8)
Last Edition: 30

29. Nashville Venom (3-9)
Last Edition: 28

30. Baton Rouge River Bandits (3-9)
Last Edition: 29

31. Virginia Colonials (2-10)
Last Edition: 32

32. Tempe Flying Squirrels (1-11)
Last Edition: 31


BIGGEST JUMP: Greenville (8 spots)

BIGGEST DROP: Birmingham & Portsmouth (5 spots)


GM of the Queen City Conquerors



Week Thirteen/Fourteen

1. Las Vegas Aces (13-1)
Last Edition: 1

2. Pittsburgh Blades (12-2)
Last Edition: 2

3. Tampa Bay Dragons (11-3)
Last Edition: 3

4. Anchorage Glaciers (10-4)
Last Edition: 6

5. Greenville Bulldogs (10-4)
Last Edition: 7

6. Boise Spuds (10-4)
Last Edition: 4

7. Honolulu Volcanoes (10-4)
Last Edition: 5

8. Morgantown Flyers (10-4)
Last Edition: 10

9. Hollywood Stars (8-6)
Last Edition: 8

10. Puerto Rico Waves (9-5)
Last Edition: 9

11. Kentucky Hayseeds (8-6)
Last Edition: 11

12. Providence Diamonds (8-6)
Last Edition: 12

13. San Diego Seagulls (8-6)
Last Edition: 13

14. Wyoming Wolves (8-6)
Last Edition: 17

15. Birmingham GreenHornets (8-6)
Last Edition: 15

16. Portsmouth Defenders (7-7)
Last Edition: 16

17. New Mexico Vigilantes (7-7)
Last Edition: 18

18. Colorado Hooks (7-7)
Last Edition: 14

19. Roswell Aliens (6-8)
Last Edition: 22

20. Bismarck Jaguars (6-8)
Last Edition: 24

21. Mississippi Steamers (7-7)
Last Edition: 25

22. Seattle Toppers (5-9)
Last Edition: 19

23. Reno Shooters (5-9)
Last Edition: 20

24. Champaign Naturals (5-9)
Last Edition: 21

25. Montana Bears (5-9)
Last Edition: 23

26. Boston Bells (4-10)
Last Edition: 27

27. Jacksonville Juice (5-9)
Last Edition: 28

28. Texas Stallions (3-11)
Last Edition: 26

29. Nashville Venom (3-11)
Last Edition: 29

30. Baton Rouge River Bandits (3-11)
Last Edition: 30

31. Virginia Colonials (2-12)
Last Edition: 31

32. Tempe Flying Squirrels (1-13)
Last Edition: 32


BIGGEST JUMP: Bismarck & Mississippi (4 spots)

BIGGEST DROP: Colorado (4 spots)


GM of the Queen City Conquerors


Ladies and gentlemen of the FBL Universe, Howard McAfee here coming out of journalism retirement to report on the fast-paced frantic maneuvering that is the FBL off-season.  This is the time where GMs draft prospects that they most likely didn't scout as well as wheel and deal to try and improve their rosters from the previous season. 

The first round of the draft has finally concluded and there have been some surprise picks thus far.  I would say the biggest surprise pick so far is GM Talon taking Chris Cross with the 22nd pick.  His organization must have seen something promising in the high school phenom to go ahead and grab him in the first round.

As the off-season is still in full effect there have been a few teams that concluded their business and I am going to offer my two cents, not that anybody wants it, on those said teams.

So here we go....

Colorado Hooks

GM Underpants and the Hooks have the reigning MVP in Krease McCool running the point once again in Season 18.  McCool proved his worth last season as he carried the team and was rewarded for it with a new six year contract that will paying him the maximum $25 million per season.  While I understand wanting to lock up Krease for the rest of his career, I believe the contract might be a little too ambitious.  Krease is still ultra-productive but he is 29 with ten years in the league.  I don't foresee him living up to the $25 million price tag after this season.  Lamar Tate and Pebbles Lane are back once again to compliment Krease and both will continue to stuff the stat sheets.  I believe this is the year that Pebbles will really step-up and shine as the potential superstar I believe he can be.  He is only 23 and will continue to get better.  The rest of the roster is a little guard heavy, but I do like Pedro Morales as the backup point guard.  Another issue I see is the age of the bench.  A couple of young guys are sprinkled in, but the rest are aging.  That will need to be an issue addressed in free-agency and the after the season.

Two other points of note.  First, the biggest hindrance for the Hooks in my humble opinion is the coaching staff.  I don't believe they have the right guys that can properly coach and get the best out of the talent on the roster.  Second, I have a feeling that if GM Underpants doesn't make the playoffs or have a solid record half-way through the season that his job may be in jeopardy.

New Mexico Vigilantes

First and foremost, I would like to congratulate GM Franchise on finishing the season with his job intact!!  Way to go buddy!  Now that that is out of the way I can chastise GM Franchise for signing Davis Newton to his team...and paying him $2 million per season!! What is he thinking?!?! I get it, he's got Newton at the end of the bench as the 12th man and most likely won't see much playing time, but still...the thought of Davis Newton on a FBL roster makes me sick.  Okay that is out of my system so lets move on to the rest of the team.  I'm a big fan of the backcourt consisting of Eric King and Derrick James.  That is a dynamic duo that will put on a show.  Only issue is James wants to test free-agency so it will be interesting to see how that plays out.  Bernie Bells is a nice addition at the small forward position that should help give a scoring punch.  I have to commend GM Franchise on pulling off probably the biggest free agency upset by signing Mowa away from Wyoming.  He is an anchor in the paint that provides solid production.  Unfortunately my praise stops here.  The bench for the Vigilantes is well, disappointing to say the least.  An overpaid TJ Bailey, an overpaid Gurpet Singh, and of course Davis Newton highlight a bench that will struggle to produce.  Cassius Code is possibly the only bright spot, but then I would argue that he is overpaid as well given his previous attitude issues.  Once the starters come out the Vigilantes will struggle mightily.

Like the Hooks, the Vigilantes will also be hampered by their coaching staff.  Not a lot of experience and knowledge reside on the coaching pine.  I think the Vigilantes will take a step backwards this season.

Wyoming Timberwolves

Season 17 saw GM Jon and his Wolves make another impressive run in the playoffs before being stopped short.  In an effort to make another trip to the finals GM Jon was quite busy in the offseason as he traded for All-FBL center Ty Williams and the super productive Anders Van Lowe.  These two additions are great and will help heal the sting of Mowa leaving in free agency.  Slammin' Sammy continues to improve as a complete all-around player and at 21 will only continue to get better.  Frabuld is an above average point guard who will do just fine leading the team's offense.  And of course the veteran leadership of Matt Foster will be crucial to their success this season.  GM Jon has assembled a solid starting five as they come and will definitely be competing for the playoffs once again.  Much like the case will be for every other FBL team this season there is some concern with the bench.  I think they have a very good sixth man in Jackson Dunn who will compete for the Sixth Man of the Year award this season.  Jarrett McLoo is a decent backup, but he will never live up to his dad's ability.  Forte, Ferndale, Trehurd, and Kurtz all provide experience, but all are past their prime.  Azir Azia is a nice pickup from the regional scouting and should provide a nice spark when he's in the game.  Of the three teams that I have reviewed, the Wolves have the best bench, though it should be pointed out that they are severly guard heavy with McLoo being the only big man on the bench.  I believe this will come to haunt GM Jon in the playoffs given Ty Williams age and the toll of the regular season.

With that being said, the Wolves have a top flight coaching staff with head coach Ben Legacy leading the way.  Al Checker is a very good assistant and I believe Adreas Kurtz will develop into a very good youth coach.  The Wolves will make the playoffs once again and will be very tough to beat, but I think they lose in the divisional finals.