Kid Dies, Wrestling/Video Games to blame? News at 11

Started by jagilki, April 15, 2009, 07:47:38 PM

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I went with a funny title... news isn't funny though.


9-year-old Damori Miles dies in jump off Brooklyn apartment, may have been imitating video game

By Matthew Lysiak and Alison Gendar

Updated Wednesday, April 15th 2009, 3:00 PM
Friends say Damori Miles jumped to his death imitating a character from the video game, 'Smackdown Raw'.

Friends say Damori Miles jumped to his death imitating a character from the video game, 'Smackdown Raw'.
Related News

    * Boy, 9, jumps from building using makeshift parachute, dies

A 9-year-old wrestling fan jumped off his Brooklyn apartment roof wearing a homemade parachute - a fatal imitation of his favorite video game character, friends said.

Damori Miles' broken body was found on the ground outside the Albany houses about 7 p.m. Tuesday.

Wrapped around his body was the string and plastic bag he use to craft his makeshift parachute, police sources said. The boy died at Interfaith hospital an hour later, police said.

"It's terrible. The kids try to imitate what they see and they think they can fly," said family friend Sumore Murrel, 29.

She said the third-grader was supposed to have a play date with her two children Shakar 11, and Kevin, 9, Tuesday night, but never showed.

"His older sister came knocking on the door looking for him at 7:30. She had no idea he was dead. None of us did," Murrel said.

Instead, the little boy had left his 10-floor apartment on Bergen Street and walked up to the building's roof.

Shakar Murrel, Damori's best friend, believed his pal jumped off the roof to imitate his favorite PlayStation2 video game "Smackdown Raw."

"He tried to do a swan dive like Jeff Harding does in Smackdown. That was his favorite game. He played it all the time. That was what he was trying to do. If I would have seen him up there I would have told him not to do it."

The roof door was still unlocked and open Wednesday morning, and the alarm that was supposed to go off was broken, neighbors said.

"I was sitting inside and I heard a thump. I looked out my window and saw the boy on the ground. He was on his back and his clothes were ripped off. There was foam coming from his mouth. It was horrible," said Chiquita Jones, 25.

"The door to the roof should have been locked. Damori didn't have to die," she said.

Damori's mother told detectives she had gone to the store and came home to find her son on the ground, police sources said.

Sumore Murrel said she wasn't sure her kids were going to be playing the video games anymore.

"I need to keep a better eye on what they are playing or watching. Kids are so impressionable," she said.


Boss of the Experts, Hero of the TFWF and SCW, all-round giant bag of awesomness.


OBJECTION: The video game was NOT next gen. No damage could've possibly been realistically recreated.

Next case.


You mean we lost another idiot?

Shit, how will I sleep at night?

It's very sad what happened to this kid, but we can't pin someone's dumbass antics, no matter how young they are, on a friggin' video game.




Quote from: Conor on April 15, 2009, 09:27:23 PM
You mean we lost another idiot?

Shit, how will I sleep at night?

It's very sad what happened to this kid, but we can't pin someone's dumbass antics, no matter how young they are, on a friggin' video game.

You earned yourself a karma point.

The Murph

Quote from: jagilki on April 15, 2009, 07:47:38 PM
I went with a funny title... news isn't funny though.


9-year-old Damori Miles dies in jump off Brooklyn apartment, may have been imitating video game

By Matthew Lysiak and Alison Gendar

Updated Wednesday, April 15th 2009, 3:00 PM
Friends say Damori Miles jumped to his death imitating a character from the video game, 'Smackdown Raw'.

Friends say Damori Miles jumped to his death imitating a character from the video game, 'Smackdown Raw'.
Related News

    * Boy, 9, jumps from building using makeshift parachute, dies

A 9-year-old wrestling fan jumped off his Brooklyn apartment roof wearing a homemade parachute - a fatal imitation of his favorite video game character, friends said.

Damori Miles' broken body was found on the ground outside the Albany houses about 7 p.m. Tuesday.

Wrapped around his body was the string and plastic bag he use to craft his makeshift parachute, police sources said. The boy died at Interfaith hospital an hour later, police said.

"It's terrible. The kids try to imitate what they see and they think they can fly," said family friend Sumore Murrel, 29.

She said the third-grader was supposed to have a play date with her two children Shakar 11, and Kevin, 9, Tuesday night, but never showed.

"His older sister came knocking on the door looking for him at 7:30. She had no idea he was dead. None of us did," Murrel said.

Instead, the little boy had left his 10-floor apartment on Bergen Street and walked up to the building's roof.

Shakar Murrel, Damori's best friend, believed his pal jumped off the roof to imitate his favorite PlayStation2 video game "Smackdown Raw."

"He tried to do a swan dive like Jeff Harding does in Smackdown. That was his favorite game. He played it all the time. That was what he was trying to do. If I would have seen him up there I would have told him not to do it."

The roof door was still unlocked and open Wednesday morning, and the alarm that was supposed to go off was broken, neighbors said.

"I was sitting inside and I heard a thump. I looked out my window and saw the boy on the ground. He was on his back and his clothes were ripped off. There was foam coming from his mouth. It was horrible," said Chiquita Jones, 25.

"The door to the roof should have been locked. Damori didn't have to die," she said.

Damori's mother told detectives she had gone to the store and came home to find her son on the ground, police sources said.

Sumore Murrel said she wasn't sure her kids were going to be playing the video games anymore.

"I need to keep a better eye on what they are playing or watching. Kids are so impressionable," she said.

Bolded are the dumb fuck parts that have nothing to do with video games.

You do not leave a 9 year old home alone. How old was his older sister? 10? If anyone is held accountable it's the apartment building who should have a lock on the roof door and the alarm maintained on a regular basis. And if he was doing a swanton bomb. Why the fuck would he have a parachute?

When did you ever see Jeff Hardy do a swanton with a parachute.


As I said in the shoutbox... it's Jeff HarY not HardING... stupid people xD
Boss of the Experts, Hero of the TFWF and SCW, all-round giant bag of awesomness.


Never mind Hardy...

When in the name of fuck have you ever see a parachute in SvR? Did I miss a game secret somewhere?

Now, if he'd painted his face in stupid colours and been high (well, he WAS high, I suppose, just not THAT way) then I could see the impersonation.

Video games don't cause kids to do stupid shit.

The only things that causes stupid actions in children are stupid parents who don't do their part of the job.



And fuck the stupid cunts who let video games raise their kids then blame them for everything when it all goes tits-up.

"I need to keep a better eye on what they are playing or watching. Kids are so impressionable," - in other words, "My bad!" STFU and GTFO.

Whats the age rating on SvR anyway?


Probably higher than the age rating on the real thing on TV these days.

Pretty sure the PEGI rating on SvR 08 was 16+



So the kid shouldn't have even been playing the game in the first place because it was intended for young adults with at least some shred of intelligence or common sense? I'm good at this parenting thing, shower me with babies!


Draeden with babies

I can see that going very well.

*Imagines a Draeden rant during a 4am nappy change*


