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Kid Dies, Wrestling/Video Games to blame? News at 11

Started by jagilki, April 15, 2009, 07:47:38 PM

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Jonny Worldbeater

Quote from: Level-One on April 16, 2009, 08:27:55 PM
Typical bad mother. Given the story; the game had not much to do with the entire incident. The kid used a plastic bag as a parachute, and jumped off a roof of the building; no relation to the game. His mother is better off blaming the air force for jumping out of planes, in that case.

Seriously though ''the stupid child comments'' are a bit too far. In fact, I'd be fake if I simply ignored them. I understand ''who jumps off a building, with a plastic bag as a parachute?'' It sounds pretty self explanitory, but that's exactly my point. Who says this kid wasn't mentally impared to any extent? The kid is nine, you can point a building out to a four five year old and ask them what will happen if someone fell from that height, and they understand the consequence of that action. Little details are out about this, but I'm willing to bet this kid had a mental disability of some sort.

Let's not forget this kid is nine; no matter WHY he did this, there's no reason you can't show the least bit of respect.

That's my take, meh.

Stupidity's probably going a bit far, but it's not too far to say the kid was ignorant of what he was doing, and you'd expect at 9 years old he should've known better. Once again though, that's probably got more to do with his parents.


It's a good age for him to have removed himself from the gene pool, before he started thinking about girls.

The Murph

Quote from: G.I. JUDGE on April 17, 2009, 12:43:15 AM
It's a good age for him to have removed himself from the gene pool, before he started thinking about girls.

that is a bit far though isn't it? The kid could have had something wrong with him, or maybe he had a really fucked up imagination. The fact is, it's the parents fault. Maybe he didn't know if you jump 10 stories that you will die. For all we wknow, he coulda been home schooled and thought that only bad ppl die and him, mommy, daddy, and sister and brother live forever.

The parents should have done their god damn jobs. And the media need to go after them and hound them instead of hounding innocent companies for producing games that 99.999999% of ppl are responsible enough to play and enjoy playing them.



Quote from: Matthew Murphy on April 17, 2009, 12:56:10 AM
that is a bit far though isn't it? The kid could have had something wrong with him, or maybe he had a really fucked up imagination. The fact is, it's the parents fault. Maybe he didn't know if you jump 10 stories that you will die. For all we wknow, he coulda been home schooled and thought that only bad ppl die and him, mommy, daddy, and sister and brother live forever.

The parents should have done their god damn jobs. And the media need to go after them and hound them instead of hounding innocent companies for producing games that 99.999999% of ppl are responsible enough to play and enjoy playing them.

Do you want a kid reproducing that even THINKS about that?  Honestly, my nephews are 8 and 10, and are rabid wrestling fans, play the hell out of SvR, but the thought to jump off a goddamned building would NOT cross their mind.  They're not the brightest kids in the bunch, but they know that.

Getting rid of stupid people is my number one goal.  I feel sorry for the mom in this case, she lost her child.  However if he was stupid enough to jump off a fucking building, then he shouldn't have been left at home.


If he's dumb enough to hoy himself off the top of a building at 9 then chances are he'd probably kill himself doing something equally retarded a few years down the line, like sticking a fork in a plug socket, playing chicken or pretending he's Altair from Assassin's Creed... (game's fault ofc, makes parkour look so fuckin easy)

Ian "Wolfie" Trumps

My only comment on this is his impression of Jeff Hardy was pretty poor. I mean Jeff has never used a home made parachute when performing the swanton bomb.
'Check out MFX -'


A normal 9 year old child could probably tell you that you would fall from the building at 9.8 meters/second/second, let alone just...what would happen when you get to the bottom. It was either a conscious decision, or the kid was legitimately handicapped, either way had nothing to do with the game.


I've read somewhere now, that the kid was in "special education".

Drama Queen

First of all, to those who think the mother should man-up and admit it was her fault, I have two points to make

1... There is no mention in the story of the mother blaming the video game. The kid's friends came up with the theory and his friends mother latches on to it... according to the story.

2... You honestly think that if you ever have to bury your own child that you are going to act in a way that is deemed normal? Seriously, I can not think of a worse thing, outliving my kid is my greatest fear. The trauma would be unimaginable, and hopefully nobody here will ever have to experience it. So you know, maybe think a little about that before commenting about how the mother should act. I would imagine that seeking reasons for why it happened is a natural human responce.

Actually there is a third thing

3... It really sounds here like the media are the greatest culprits in blaming the game. One person at least had the perception to consider that the ambulance chasers got to the family and friends before a public statemement was made. Others just seem to think they know from behind their computers how the mother should be handling her grief.

And as for whether or not it was a stupid thing for the kid to do... of course it was. But making predictions like he would probably do something else stupid a few years down the line... probably not as likely as the same critics continueing to make douche baggish comments in the future.

Stupid people (or even... you know... people who have done stupid things) are still people. You want to talk about it being good to get them out of the gene pool, well, I hope people who make those sorts of comments dont have kids either to be quite frank. I'm glad Hitler didn't and that seems to be alongside his line of thinking.

And "Special Ed" (though in fairness to Jag, I do not believe he brought this up in a malicious context) does not mean shit. Kids can be in special ed for any reason, because they cannot grasp a particular subject or whatever.


QuoteAnd "Special Ed" (though in fairness to Jag, I do not believe he brought this up in a malicious context) does not mean shit. Kids can be in special ed for any reason, because they cannot grasp a particular subject or whatever.

I know I'm going to shock the hell out of you all, and probably opening myself up for some future ribbing, but I can second this. Maybe, the system is a bit different in the U.S; but I was placed in special-ed for two years...

...I still suck at math.  :D


I brought it up, because it could mean that he had mental deficiencies.   


Well if special-ed makes ya rp like L1... SIGN ME UP
Boss of the Experts, Hero of the TFWF and SCW, all-round giant bag of awesomness.

Drama Queen

Quote from: Cobra Commander Jagilki on April 18, 2009, 08:58:48 PM
I brought it up, because it could mean that he had mental deficiencies.   

Yeah, I kind of figured that's what you meant, my responce to it was more of a pre-emptive thing before it was taken the wrong way.