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MMA News Discussion Thread

Started by ciscoKID_VWF, July 14, 2008, 06:00:31 PM

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yeh i definitely supprt the points idea.

Big Gay Honker

GSP vs Jon Fitch- I'm actually siding with Fitch.  Nobody pushes GSP, they all backtrack.  I think Fitch, if he takes it to GSP, will win.
Brock Lesnar vs Heath Herring-  Lesnar is green, but I don't think Herring will be able to do much on the ground
Kenny Florian vs Roger Huerta- Huerta.  Jujitsu against wrestling, I pick the wrestler 9/10.  Wrestling is the superior grappling style, and I go by this.
Manny Gamburyan vs Rob Emerson-Why are they wasting Manny's time with this UFC jobber?
Jason MacDonald vs Demian Maia- MacDonalds time is over I think.  I think their throwing people at him cause he's beat a few people and it makes the people who beat him look better
Luke Cummo vs Tamdan McCrory-  Cummo
Cheick Kongo vs Dan Evenson-   I like Kongo, wish he'd work on ground work though
Chris Wilson vs Steve Bruno-  BAH


His myspace bulletins are fucking classic, check this one out.

QuoteSo last night we go to this lil spot by my pad and my boy tries talking to this chick. RIGHT AWAY her FAT and JEALOUS friend tells him to beat it and was being rude as fuck. My boy is super chill and tries to talk to her and mellow her out but she just loves being a cunt.

As you probably know War Machine is about to take action...
So I walk up and poor my entire drink on the fat cunt's head!!
I disappear into the crowd because I know if she does something in retaliation to me I'll prolly knock the bitch out.

Nothing feels better than being a dick to people who are SO deserving..
Made my night.

Hope you guys had a good one too.


I loled

Big Gay Honker

I have no desire to support Elite XC.  Their love of Kimbo making sure he wins is exactly the kind of thing that will kill MMA.


Elite XC isn't so bad, their show last night was actually pretty good. The Diaz fight was crazy and Lawler vs Smith was a war! lol

I want to see Carano fight Cyborg so badly now lol.

Big Gay Honker

I agree the card looked great.  But I'm also saying if this is the year MMA has a fall out, it will be because of Elite XC.  That Kimbo Stoppage was sooooo fake.  What really pissed me off was the same ref tried to make it look like that is how he always calls fights when he clipped Branden Vera out not much afterward. 


Yeah I didn't like the Kimbo stoppage either, if Kimbo is such a superstar stud like all the casual fans are saying then why is he fighting guys like Ray Mercer, Tank Abbott, James Thompson, etc? Yes he is beating them, he is an exciting fighter and he does hit hard BUT all of the hardcore fans KNOW that if Kimbo stepped up against a guy like Jeff Monson or Jake O'Brian he would lose quickly, and those two guys aren't even top 10 heavyweights. Kimbo is a nice guy, he knows he isn't the best, he is humble but the casual fans that have followed him on youtube watching him fight guys on the street think he is some kind of God of fighting, it's ridiculous.

Why do people like Kimbo Slice so much? Just because he is big, black and hits hard? Hey I like the guy too but some people need to get off his nuts. It pisses me off that when you ask a random guy if they know who BJ Penn is 9 times out of 10 they will say "who's that?" but if you ask them who Kimbo Slice is they will all say "oh chyeah dat da big ass dude who been busting motha fuckaz up on youtube, he fighting in dat UFC now", and my response "No actually he is fighting in Elite XC not UFC" and they say "No he be doing dat UFC stuff" and I just kinda roll my eyes and try to explain to them "Kimbo is fighting in MMA but not for the UFC, he fights for a different promotion" and they say "what's MMA?", lol and I just roll my eyes at their stupidity.

It's the same fucking thing with the guys that wear TAPOUT and have NO IDEA what MMA even is. I one time asked a guy wearing TAPOUT "Hey do you train?" and he said "huh", I say "MMA, do you train in MMA" and they say "What's MMA?".... WHY ARE YOU WEARING A TAPOUT SHIRT IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT MMA IS? lol I hate that because it makes the sport look bad, thats why I try not to wear TAPOUT anymore.


Put him against Big Foot Silva for the heavyweight championship. SHouldn't the cornerstone of their company be holding the title? lol


I'm a known Kimbo fan.

Now read my AO article on my top favourite FAVOURITE fighters. He was my speel about Kimbo:

'Many would say that my list here loses all credibility for putting this man on my list. By that, you’d be 80% of the Sherdog members, and by that, you’re automaticly a douche.

I find the guy entertaining, what more can I say. He had a weak fight against James Thompson, but while on the ground, Thompson has a joke of a ground game, so the fight shouldn’t have been stopped. As for the actual stoppage, you cant deny that two more left hooks, and Thompson would be out. There has been worse calls than this, but just because it’s cool to hate on Kimbo, he gets trashed the way he did. I hope Kimbo knocks Brett Rogers the fuck out come October.

When standing, he’s very entertaining. Some of the most heavy hands in the business today, and I’ll pop for anytime I see Kimbo on a card.'

Kimbo isn't a top fighter, but he's a fighter. I enjoy watching him knockout cans, and he knows that's what he is being paid to do. I wouldn't go as far to say he's garbage, but a bit for training, and Kimbo could be a 'good' heavyweight someday.


Big Gay Honker

I'm not trashing Kimbo.  I'm trashing Elite XC.  I hear tale and rumor, could be rumor but I like to believe it to be tale...  That during the ground round (2) one of the top dogs of ELITE XC was yelling at the ref to stand them up, even though they were busy.  Through using Kimbo's youtube sex appeal, Elite XC will tarnish the reputation of MMA as a pure and uncorrupted sport.


GSP vs Jon Fitch
Brock Lesnar vs Heath Herring
Kenny Florian vs Roger Huerta
Manny Gamburyan vs Rob Emerson
Jason MacDonald vs Demian Maia
Luke Cummo vs Tamdan McCrory
Cheick Kongo vs Dan Evenson
Chris Wilson vs Steve Bruno


Yeah, fuck EXC lol. We don't need WWE tactics in MMA. Say whatever you want about Lesnar being an ex-WWE wrestler, because the man is a true athlete...and would fuckin pwn Kimbo in seconds.


haha...seems like he would be a cool dude to chill with lol


QuoteAccording to a source over at Cage Potatoe, former UFC Light Heavyweight Champion Quinton "Rampage" Jackson may have a few more problems than just getting arrested:

Rampage thinks he’s God…He had a falling out with his trainer a couple of days before the first arrest. Basically he has lost his mind and is talking very religious and is saying that he is God. This is the main thing I wanted to keep hidden, but with the second arrest and Dana talking it will come out regardless. He needs some serious help. I don’t know if you would call it schizophrenia or bipolar disorder or what have you, but whatever it is, basically it’s become impossible to have a conversation with him. He is delusional.



I really hope he gets his shit together, I don't want to see an MMA version of the Benoit fiasco. Rampage is a good guy, hopefully he gets help.