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What do you actually F*CKING HATE?

Started by Rob, December 28, 2009, 05:53:19 PM

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Doug E Fresh

Students. Period. Lol.

No offense to anyone who is a student.  But I'm a prof and I'd much rather have all of you in my math classes than the worthless wastes of life I get in Kent Ohio.

I had one good student.  Ryan Ruckus.  True story just ask him lol.

Zombie Gunn

Doug E Fresh

Yup.  My first semester as a college prof Ruck was in my class.  Was hysterical lol.


... you're a maths teacher?

I had so much respect to...
Boss of the Experts, Hero of the TFWF and SCW, all-round giant bag of awesomness.

Ryan Ruckus

Zombie Gunn

"Dude... Gimme an A and I'll totally job to you for the title."


I absolutely despise when it rains in Southern California. Being originally from Spokane, Washington...where we all seem to drive just fine on ice and in snow.

These California people somehow forget how to drive when it's raining. Everyone is going 20 miles an hour in a 65 zone, fender benders all over the place. All over what? some wet pavement, it's rain...not fire. Out here people say "Watch out for Crazy Asian Drivers" in the LA area. I out for all drivers with California plates.

The DMV in California. Is the biggest bitch in the entire world. You wait in a line just to get into the building to wait in another line. You get a number and conveniently it takes 3 hours to get from B023 to B040. You get to the counter and the employees act like total Thundercunts. As I stand there thinking to myself...."You're getting paid. I just waited 3 hours, my day is fucked and you are the crabby one? When more than likely you are somehow going to fuck up what I ask you do to today, and I'll be seeing you again next week."

Hot Girls, That make it literally impossible to speak to them. When you do it's 100% attitude and it's like a chess game where you are focusing like hell just to get her to have a normal conversation. You finally break the ice, she acts like a total bitch still because maybe you aren't wearing 150 dollar denims or a 70 dollar shirt. You don't have a "cool guy" faux hawk and shave daily instead of having the Colin Farrell 5 o' clock shadow. You get totally blown off, then a few days later you just happen to run into her and she's hanging off some guy whose a total douche and makes you look like Brad Pitt...while you are like "How does this make sense?"

Bon Jovi - Why does every new single he releases...sound exactly like the last?

Post 2000 U2 - Give it up Bono, the world is too fucked for you to save. Nobody cares about starving kids in Somalia, or they would've been fed when they were starving 15 years ago. Also, stop throwing 9/11 out there like it was still yesterday. The media itself made the event as repetitive as a Lady Gaga club track. Stop trying to play Jesus, these people died...let them be dead in peace. Instead of let the families of these people be reminded every Super Bowl, or every charity event of how their loved one died. PS - Thank you for ruining Green Day, that band was actually good in the 90's until you threw them on the "Heal the World" bandwagon.


I actually like All That You Can't Leave Behind by U2, good album I think.

This is a lot of hate people. 5 pages of hate! Where is the love?



The fact that my junkmail filter DOESN'T FUCKING WORK.

Quote from: Mike Flips"Certainly officer...but first, we have two men here trespassing. Also I was assaulted moments ago by a man who might have had a sister I might have had sex with. Can we please arrest said man for Disturbing The Peace-opoly or something..."


Quote from: Krill Cazy on January 15, 2010, 05:58:49 PM
I actually like All That You Can't Leave Behind by U2, good album I think.

This is a lot of hate people. 5 pages of hate! Where is the love?

Make a topic for what people love then,  :P

Quote from: Mike Flips"Certainly officer...but first, we have two men here trespassing. Also I was assaulted moments ago by a man who might have had a sister I might have had sex with. Can we please arrest said man for Disturbing The Peace-opoly or something..."

Doug E Fresh

Quote from: Russaholic: Jesse's Girl on January 15, 2010, 10:46:47 AM
... you're a maths teacher?

I had so much respect to...

You're just jealous.

Quote from: Zombie Gunn on January 15, 2010, 01:32:06 PM
"Dude... Gimme an A and I'll totally job to you for the title."
