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Post your earliest RP here

Started by Bryan, August 10, 2008, 05:22:52 PM

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like the topic says- post the earliest RP you can find and post it here. its kind of cool to look back and see how you've improved since then. here's the earliest one I can find, from January 2006:

Ness: Interesting..

Ness walked into the door of his house, just arriving back from LAX. He was reading a note that was left for him regarding his status for next week. It is a "proving ground match".

Ness: Well, I guess that its about time that I actually try in there. These last few weeks in PWX, mainly because I had other things in mind. 2005 was not a kind year for me..personal losses abound. Truths were told. Lies were told. And friends? They became enemies.

The great thing about a new year is the fact that it A clean slate is set upon you on January the first. Of course, we set some new years resolutions that we forget all about sometime in March. People try to lose weight, be a better spouse, donate to charity, work harder, but at the end, do we actually accomplish these things? For a few months. Like I said, by March, no one will remember their resolutions. They will continue to live their lives the same way they did the previous year.

But is every person like this? Nah. Some people actually stick to their goals. They lose some weight. They do more chores around the house. They get that promotion they have been wanting for so long. But these come one in a million. The question is for me, what goals am I going to set? And which group do I fall into? The people who accomplish, or the people who give up?

Good question. My philosophy is whatever comes, comes. What is the point of saying "Im going to win" if you end up losing? Are you lying to yourself? Yes. So what is the point of self assurance if you try your damnest, but still come up short at the very end? I might not win this proving ground battle royal. Maybe i will. This is a whole new group that I must face. Now I have two groups to fall into...

The first one I pick is to accomplish my goals. In order to suceed in PWX, I need to do what I need to do. I will do the tasks that are said of me, and eventually, hopefully, I will be promoted. If I think of this, eventually it will come to me. And as for the second group, I say my money is on winning.

Again, I do not know if I will win. I am not going to be one of these people who think they can intimidate some wrestler who cannot think for themselves. The wrestler who is still up at 4 am, wishing for their lives to be different. No. I chose this profession for one thing, and that is to suceed. So far, I consider myself having a sucessful career. But the truth of the matter is, I dont know any of these people im going to face..

Perhaps its just a matter of luck..


Metalingus hits, and Edge steps out onto the stage, and looks around taking in the atmosphere. He grabs a microphone and walks down the ramp. He goes up the ring steps and steps under the top rope into the ring.

Crowd: Edge, Edge, Edge

Edge raises his arm and the crowd start to settle down

Edge: Alright! I can't believe it, I am actually here on DangerZone Wrestling, with you fans

This envokes more cheering from the fans, and Edge smiles as one fan shouts "I love you Edge". He also points and laughs at a sign that reads "Edgeheads 'R' Us"

Edge: I err..
(He gives a little chuckle)

Edge: I'm so excited to be here, and to be having my debut match against The Phenomenal One, AJ Styles I promise you you're in for a good'un.

The fans continue to cheer and chant

Edge suddenly looks more serious, and his voice gets alot louder

Edge: Enough with the suking up and butt-kissing. I am here on DangerZone in order to win titles, not to please you bunch of losers

The crowd are shocked by this sudden change

Crowd: Booooooooo!

Edge: Shut it, I said shut it! I can't stand people who kiss up to the fans all the time because they cannot perform here in the squared circle.

Edge looks around and gives a cocky grin

Edge: I would like to remind you suckers that I am a 12 time tag team champion, and a two time WWE champion. Oh, and regarding The Faecal One, and to those numskulls who have no idea what that means, it means worthless waste, AJ Styles, i think maybe you should get it on with Maria BEFORE our match, otherwise i assure you, you will end your career a virgin, and AJ, get your facts straight, you seem to have forgotten the most electrifying celebration EVER, when Lita and I had hot sex in the WWE ring when I won the WWE title, so who are you calling a homo? Do you even know what homo is abbrheviated from? DVW isn't for kindergarten kids, come back when your voice breaks! I nearly forgot to mention something, in his interview, Mr. Styles said, well watch for yourself...

A video rolls of AJ Styles' intervew where he mentions Randy Orton doesn't have Edge's back

Edge: AJ Shite, we've just signed the deal, and Rated-RKO, the team that shattered DX and thrashed Cena & HBK, are re-uniting on next week's Monday Night Main Event, all courtesy of the boss.

Crowd: Booooo!

Edge: It seems you have forgotton just how dominant we were, roll the VT

A vignette of Rated RKO's title streak is shown, including such incidents as a Con-Chair-To to Ric Flair, HBK being RKOed onto a steel chair, and Triple H being put out of action in a Rated-RKO vs DX match . The vignette ends with Edge spearing Ric Flair to capture the gold. The crowd cheer a little when they see the magnificance of Rated-RKO

Edge: So AJ, I swear to you that before the ink even drys on your DZW contract, your career here will be finished!

Metalingus hits and he drops the mic and leaves the ring, walking up the ramp and out to a chorus of boos from the crowd
Boss of the Experts, Hero of the TFWF and SCW, all-round giant bag of awesomness.

Black Death

I did this back in Aug 2007  entering the XWF...I have been out of the game for two years , can not find any of the stuff I did  before this


(The screen fades in from black)

We open to boardroom. A big oval table with plenty of chairs around it. The walls are barren and painted gray. At the end of the table sitting on a massive leather chair is Black Death. he is wearing a gray suit, with a white collar shirt, and gray tie. Behind him is a giant white board that is use for presentations. To the left of him is Lisa , his receptionist. Her beauty is just breath taking. Her blond hair is tie back into a bun, she is wearing a yellow blouse with a black skirt. She hold a file in one hand, which she now hands to Black Death, and a pad with a pencil in the other hand. Black Death takes the file and starts to scan though the pages. Lisa stands there waiting for his next order with an ice melting smile on her face. After looking though the pages of the file, Black Death motions for Lisa to sit at the chair to the left of him. She does still with that smile on her face. Black Death face, a total opposite, it is hard, blank no sign of any emotion can be seen on it.

Black Death: So... you are telling me that my first opponent for Anarchy this Thursday is named Ambush.

Lisa: Yes sir, You two are the first match of the evening

Black Death: Hmmm....Ok Lisa take a letter and I want it sent to this Ambush. Also get me a file on the man ASAP.... Put Monster on it he needs something to do

The smile leaves Lisa face and a grim look falls across it as she starts to write something on the pad we saw earlier. Black Death sees this look but says nothing.

Lisa: Standard OP on this sir

Black Death: Yes

She writes something else on the pad and then nods to Black Death indicating the she is ready for the letter. He leans back in the chair a slow smile forms on his face. the first sign of emotion we have seen. He begins to speak...

Black Death: Dear Ambush, My name is Black Death. I and everybody here at Damage Inc would like to congratulate you. Now you are probably asking yourself why is he congratulating me. Because you have been handed a great honor. You are going to be my first opponent on Anarchy this coming Thursday. Now you are probably asking what great honor. You have the great honor of being my example, you are going to be my demonstration to all of the XWF... of what Damage Inc is and who I am. Black Death is an artist, pain, suffering and humiliation are my tools and you Ambush will be my Canvas. This Thursday I will create a masterpiece the likes the world has never seen. So in closing again congratulations on this great honor and also I want you to know the this is not personal just business and I am enclosing with this letter my business card . If you should every need the services of Damage Inc. Do not hesitate to call the number on the card. Because at Damage Inc Pain is are Business and Business is Good! Sincerely Black Death CEO Damage Inc.... Now Lisa get start on the letter and tell Monster I want to see him in my office in half hour...also call Venom I need a status update from him. Thank you.

Lisa finishes writing on her pad and nods to him. She gets up from the chair and gathers her things and walks toward the door, Black Death goes back to reading the file she handed him earlier. She walks behind him and for a brief second put her hand on his shoulder and squeezes. There is no smile on her face but you can see a sparkle in her eyes. She takes her hand off and walks to the door , opens it leaves the room, closing the door behind her leaving Black Death alone reading his file. Black Death stop reading, leans back into the chair and turns his head toward the door where Lisa left. A half smile appears on his face then it's gone...

"Asuka, gives you two thumbs up"

Sgt. Josh Underpants

I had earlier ones from when I was using real people but I cant find them so here is the earliest I have.

Armando is walking backstage looking around for Dominator.  He is talking to himself as he wanders through the halls.

Listen Dominator, I'm really sorry I didn't mean to.  No no that sounds  to staged.  Listen my friend, no that won't do either.

Armandooooo, oh Armandoooooo.

Armando spins around, but doesn't see anyone, you can see beads of sweat drip off his frightened face.  He turns to head back down the hall, but bumps into a figured dressed in all black, he takes a step back and slowly looks up.

Oh thank God es you Messiah, I thought you were Dominator.

Dominator, your not scared of that moron are you, coming out talking about pain.  I will show him pain tonight, I will show him that when God smacks it hurts.  Hey whats say we go pay your friend a little visit, I saw him back here.

Armando and Messiah head farther down the hall.  They get to the end of the hall, the camera zooms in on the door, it is partially open and candlelight can be seen.  Messiah pushes the door open and steps in, he looks back at Armando, but he shakes his head no.  Messiah shrugs his shoulders and walks in.

Armandoooo oh Armandoooo

Armando jumps and then runs into the room with Messiah.

What’s your problem man, I thought you were to scared to come in here?

Th th th there was a voice out there, someone was calling me, but I didn’t see anyone, I think we better leave, before Dominator comes back.

Oh don’t be such a wimp Armando, that loser can’t hurt you, he’s just trying to scare you.  Now are you staying or not?

Messiah waits for an answer, but Armando never responds.

Armando you there, Armando.  Oh you little punk, you took off on me didn’t you, coward.

Messiah continues snooping around, but can’t find anything worthwhile.  He leaves the room and heads back to his locker room.

Stupid Armando, got scared of a dark room, I swear the announcers get more pathetic every time, why back when I was in……
Messiah’s voice slowly fades out and just as Explicit fades to commercial, a sadistic laugh is heard through the hall, followed by a scream of pain.


Questions, Comments, Concerns
Shank â€" Action Josh Madrid does towards anyone making a racial slur towards latinos on the SB, his main target is usually Midas.
You Are Game Will Evolve
Quote from: Judge Reinhold on September 16, 2009, 07:30:31 AM
This dude is the most cracker looking beaner you\'ll ever meet.