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Jesse's Top 100!

Started by Zombie Gunn, June 03, 2010, 06:34:25 PM

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Now this is the kind of thread we can work into the EFK podcast!  Great to read about characters from other feds. 

Keep this stuff coming guys - fantastic stuff.

And thanks for the kind words on FA and Lupino.  It means a lot guys, it really does.


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The extensive list of the best ever, ever.


Triple B


I took this as a "zany" list. 

Or is this the "best" list.

Color me confused, Riddler.
Check out the MFX Podcast today!

Subscribe to MFX via Stitcher or Itunes.  Just search: Marks for Xcellence Podcast.

Mike Wilkins

In no particular order...  Hope nobody gets offended... If you do, then you were # 11

Cory Hatred: HiWF/PWR - I watched this kid go from the guy that everyone made fun of to one of the most innovative and captivating roleplayers in E-Feds.  He managed to take the hardcore 90's garbage wrestling and develop it into a gimmick that carried over to the new millennium.

"Exile" Chris Lemke HiWF/PWR - Exile is a scrawny bastard who sometimes wrestles in a suit... There's just something to be said about that.  He didn't build his character to be 700 pounds and 18 feet tall...He didn't have too.  Anytime you're bored, google this guy and look at some of the promos he did as he was developing the "future" Exile.  It's some classic stuff.

Level One - No matter where you go, this is the guy you hear about... He is THE man.

'TNT' Nick Stevenson: XBWL/HiWF/PWR - A lot of this is nostalgia.  Nick Stevenson is the guy that my character has feuded with since 1997.  He is my character's 'arch rival' and will always be my most memorable opponent.

Hawk Henshaw/El Gallego: XBWL/HiWF(Briefly)/PWR - Most of you are only familiar with Hawk Henshaw/El Gallego from PWR, but my history with Henshaw goes back as far as TNT.  When I returned to E-Feds, I looked for Nick Stevenson and Hawk Henshaw.  Both of them eventually found me on their own.  There was a rumor going around the old XBWL crew that Henshaw's handler had died in the 9/11 World Trade Center attack...  For years I thought he was no more.  I even went as far as finding the people I thought were his family to talk to them... Turns out he was alive, had been in the service for several years, but now is back and kickin' ass in PWR!

Brandon Thornton XBWL/HiWF/PWR(Briefly) - It's rare that you actually KNOW someone you E-Fed with outside of the internet, but the handler of Brandon Thornton is someone I knew before E-Fedding and watching him develop that character through the years has been a great joy of mine.

Creed: HiWF - This guy actually KILLED people who no-showed events... Come on, how can you not love that?  He had an iron claw instead of a hand, he was a reanimated corpse, and he was like 25 feet tall. 

Josef Himmler HiWF/PWR(Briefly): It is very rare that someone running a "Nazi" gimmick can get said gimmick over... Josef Himmler did it with deadly accuracy.  One of he greatest of all time.

Ring Troll XBWL/HiWF:  This character had such a complex history.  He was a spirit of a slave that had died during the Civil War era, but had somehow become cursed and could enter and take possession of his descendants souls.  The character was as violent as you can imagine and he was one of the most creative storytellers ever.

Tristan Belmont: LOW (Lights Out Wrestling): This guy was amazing, and one of the few people I've come across that I've said hands down I could never beat them on my best day.  His storytelling was amazing and his promos were just as good.  Just reading his roleplays made me a better writer.

Zombie Gunn

Quote from: Triple B on June 04, 2010, 11:13:17 PM

I took this as a "zany" list. 

Or is this the "best" list.

Color me confused, Riddler.

Either or both.

Zombie Gunn

I have 83 names on my list so far.  17 more needed to have at least 100 to choose from.  Of the 83 that I have, I need to know why the following deserve to be on this list since there was no description in their nomination and/or I'm not familiar with thier character.

Joey Lupino
James Onlee
Jack Hondo
Ken Fuqua
Little Jim
Christian Xavier Belmont
William Bateman
Jesper Fect
Patrick Pines
Eaton Gore
Ally Braddock


Those which I know:

Joey Lupino - Sam's secondary character behind Angel. Former mafia hitman struggling with the guilt of his own actions but somehow melded perfectly into a wrestling context. He could pull off inring promos perfectly with the character but as well tell over the top tales to perfection. I personally feel Lupino is a much better character than Angel. Nothing against Angel, I just feel Lupino allows Sam to stretch his creative legs just a little bit more.

James Onlee - one of the most evil and vile disgusting religious figures. Heavily inspired by Silent Hill and other horror, Chad's work with him is amazingly original. I mean, he used to carry a fetus in a jar because he had an entire town where he was producing genetic clone worshipers. Self righteous and completely out there but always made it work. Plus, probably the biggest heel ever doing acts as vile as live crucifixions and... burning the bones of make a wish children? Truly evil character.

Jack Hondo - True blue collar hero with some comedical elements. I've read some work from the character and like some of it more than others. Hondo has a habit of setting up a scene perfectly with his writing. I've had too little exposure to the character to give a full summary.

Patrick Pines - Marc basically mocks the fuck out of me. Funny though, and flattering in a very backhanded way. Basically, we all know Marc is funny, I mean he's literally a standup comedian. Pines is brilliant because it was the character that allowed Marc to fully express the most of his comedic mind.

Eaton Gore - One of my characters, ofcourse, and I'd feel like a dick explaining why my own character is "great". However, I think a lot of people just like the freeness of the character. He's a face who is also a cannibal but also an art director but also a million other things. I'm guessing people like the unpredictability, and the fact that many legendary feuds have come from it (Wong, Ramon, Scorpio).

Ally Braddock - The character of Chris's real life wife Amanda. She was, if memory serves, a sort of noir detective that ran this agency. I remember her work was quite detailed and descriptive, and very well written. I think, a very strong uniqueness was the selling point, read like nothing else out of e-fedding. Controversial for that reason, but still I liked her work.

A few I think should be considered on the list as well who I somehow neglected:

The Ultimate Scally - The most disgusting character in the history of man. Used to carry around buckets of shit and piss he'd drown his opponents with. I've seen him write Rps that involve anal fingering paired with leaky diarrhea, masturbation, old ladies getting the shit kicked out of them. Just a weird weird weird hobo based on my understanding is sort of a British joke but somehow spiraled into this psychotic bum who is took shock value to the max yet SOMEHOW mixed it into a very incredible oft novelistic format.

Mike Mitchell - The ultimate face of all faces. Like Bret Hart without being such a little whiny prima dona. He's a guy who would write things that you could really truly get behind. The sheer amount of emotion he brought forth in his Rps were amazing. JB wrote face Rps you could fucking FEEL.

I know it's been a pretty heavily TFWF influenced list but that's where  I was for the longest. Doesn't mean there aren't some SCCW/SCW people who haven't caught my eye. I'd like to tack on a few of those:

Samuel Hessingstock - Very strong dramatic and promo guy. Can somehow mix the soap opera shit in(which usually bothers the fuck out of me) in a way which is very easy to stomach. Sometimes gets a bit excessive but good none-the-less. Might want to think of possibly putting Hessingstern as a group if you're going to include Chris Stern.

Bella - Very strange gimmick that I think needs to just find it's focus. Written by Stu from SCW. Sort of a terminator-like "indestructible female assassin" type. Completely psychotic and unpredictable and entirely dangerous.

Hillman - Ruck's best character, IMO. The evil carnival barker who absolutely has no soul. Fantasticly portrayed, and very different.

MDK - I think it's be unfair not to include MDK on this list. The evil bastard who will go any lengths in order to get into his opponent's head.

Others that I don't have the time to describe right now:

Masked Marvel, Hannibal Cage, and I'm sure there's a few others that could be mentioned that escape me.


Jesper Fect - HiWF character, only person to hold 3 belts in HiWF's history, was a swedish dude of sorts. That's all I remember.



william bateman is william from my list

Ryan Ruckus

This list is based on my personal interaction. There are guys who are obviously great, given their reputation ( dorian Wong) but I never had the experience of experiencing them first hand. Here are the ones I have...

1. Agent Decipher Light.
What's to say?

2. MDK
There's a reason I've dubbed this guy the archetype of assassination. Rucking brutal and one of my top two rivals in my 11 year career.

3. Snoop
The archetype of color commentators. Period.

4. Duros
Horribly underrated due to his low key pure G-2 career. But amazing.

5. Doug E Fresh
The ken to my Ryu. The evolution of rping may have passed Dougs desire by, but for his time, on top of his game... one of the best pure heels ever.

6. Stu Who
Yeah, I know he no-showed OHG, but ruck, man. At his peak... brilliant.

7. Scorpio
How the ruck is he not on this list yet. Russ is the future. And when a 17 year old british kid can make this 30 year old supposedly professional writer sweat a one on one battle... ruck, man. BTW sorry I had an off week when we faced off Russ. Let's do it again.

8. Exile / Roadblock
The epitome of pop culture humor and zaniness. Love me some Lemke.

9. Any character created / written by Time Sentz
Yeah, I'm a mark. Bite me.

10. Ornery Hillman
I know it may be taboo to put myself on the list, but its weird. Ruckus is me, but when I write hillman, its like he takes me over. Truly the most 3-dimensional character in my arsenal, and works on a multi$fed level SO well, even I am consistently shocked.

11. Jack Hondo
There is just something about hondo, man. No one else like him. And I read everything he does.

12. Mikhail Volkov
Don't know how speedy feels about it, but I consider volkov to be the best of his characters. Love booking him. Love writing him.

13. Level One
Pick a name that inspires more fear on the interfed scene. I dare you.

14. Strictly Business Lew Spectre
Retired 10 years ago. Still the Best single e-fedder in and out of character I've ever met.


I am agreed on Hondo.

No offense intended to the others on my list but he and Fuqua are two characters who I will read no matter where they are efedding. This is why they deserve to be on the list.



Quote from: Duckman on June 04, 2010, 01:31:32 PM
Now this is the kind of thread we can work into the EFK podcast!  Great to read about characters from other feds. 

Keep this stuff coming guys - fantastic stuff.

And thanks for the kind words on FA and Lupino.  It means a lot guys, it really does.



I would love to see something like this on the podcast, much as such a segment could go on a bit (guess it depends on the amount of discussion around each name)

Quote from: The Ruck on June 05, 2010, 07:50:57 PM
12. Mikhail Volkov
Don't know how speedy feels about it, but I consider volkov to be the best of his characters. Love booking him. Love writing him.

That makes me feel warm and fuzzy. ^^

Quote from: Mike Flips"Certainly officer...but first, we have two men here trespassing. Also I was assaulted moments ago by a man who might have had a sister I might have had sex with. Can we please arrest said man for Disturbing The Peace-opoly or something..."


Although you'll see a few of the same names on my list, there are a few notable exceptions from my fedding experiences that are independent of Experts feds.

These, like many other lists, are in no particular order...

Arguably the toughest character I've ever had to write against.  One as a character is almost impossible to expose in terms of finding a weakness, and his back story is so tightly woven that, even when you think you've got something on him as a writer, you really don't.  The character seemingly also has an incredible memory, as I found out during the 2009 Extreme Tournament.  When we faced off, I thought I had him with an angle of the character not being worthy of being called a champion because of his grave-digging antics in the legendary battle against Crazyman.  However, he was able to turn that around into me being immoral because I (as AC) had been part of the Collective plot to kidnap Level-One.  It's a compelling character that has to go down as one of the greats.

Bryan Payne
I've been on both sides of the coin with the Payne character, despite the fact that the character has only been used for a year.  Bryan Payne is the type of character that you really want to hate on account of his cockiness, but his overall charisma doesn't allow it (If that makes any sense.)  I was his first major feud back in the days of DEW, and later a stable mate in SCW, so I like to think I've got a bit of an inside thought on this. :P  Anyway, Payne is another character with a tightly-woven back story and, again, he's a character that just doesn't seem to have a lot of weaknesses (Apart from -MAYBE- having a bit too much hubris on occasion.)

Georgie Nickles
What the hell could I say that hasn't already been said? Nickles is, in my estimation, the prototypical female character; the proverbial measuring stick by which all other female characters should be compared.  From a character perspective, it's incredible to witness how Nickles is somehow able to rationalize her situation, no matter how dire things may be.  Nickles is a barrier-breaker, plain and simple.

The guy's a fucking sadistic clown!  Recently accompanied by Sally The Tire Iron, the CWC World Champion is quite possibly the most deranged character I've encountered.  What makes the character great, however, is its ability to make everything that happens believable while consistently pushing the envelope.  

David "Bones" McCoy
I'm listing Bones for the same reasons as Lemke listed him.  I'd also throw John Cross into this category as well, for they are handled by the same individual with an incredible gift for telling a story.

Now, I'll start my run through the characters I hold in reverence that aren't in Experts feds.  Most, if not all, of these characters are from a fed called CZW (Unoriginal, I know, but the handlers have made it fiercely different from the real-life version.)  Kicking things off...

Alan Fiscus
Simply being known as "The Sadistic Solution" doesn't do Alan Fiscus nearly enough justice as a character.  He's crude, he's outrageous, and he's unstable.  Best of all, he's absolutely shameless about all of it.  The man is an innovator, having come up with the concept of a Riot Match (Falls Count Anywhere, winner must keep opponent down for a 5-count), and he's willing to do absolutely anything to get into the head of his opponents, which includes (But is not nearly limited to): Raping a little girl who's wearing the mask of his upcoming opponent (More on the opponent in a bit), and burning down a church following a confessional gone wrong.  It's such a disgusting, vile character, and yet it's because he's reviled so much that I hold Alan Fiscus in reverence when it comes to characters.

"Bad Ass" Matt Covey
The primary partner of the aforementioned Alan Fiscus, Matt Covey was just as disturbed mentally as The Sadistic Solution, if not more.  My personal favorite memory of Covey came at a point when, following an injury to the fed's resident redneck, Covey went around an arena for the duration of a show terrorizing people while confined to the wheelchair he had stolen from the redneck.  At least he had the courtesy to knock the last time around, though.  I forget which character's dressing room he invaded (Whoever he was feuding with at the time, I think), but he did it under the pretense of being a "redneck in a wheelchair".  From there, a huge beatdown occurred.  The character also shone whenever we had a roast at the 1-year anniversary mark of the fed  Again, so vile, yet so goddamn awesome.

"Special" Ed Covey
Yes, both Coveys are handled by the same guy.  However, Special Ed is just an infectious sonofabitch.  This is the one guy you could have that would make Eugene Dinsmore really look like Stephen Hawking.  He had a fair bit of trouble counting from time to time, which made for some comical scenarios in situations where he was the special guest referee (I'll never forget the initial training session... One... Two... Sixty-nine!)  As a fighter, he was about as hardcore as they come (His pic base was WCW's Crowbar), and I honestly think that, contrary to popular belief, his brain power might have actually improved with every chair shot he took.

Covey was also a very adept merchandise promoter in his day, and his specialty was selling 18+ DVD's (The gay special Can You Get It Up-Starts? was his personal favorite).  He was also great for witty quotes in the news room.  If you've watched the movie Dodgeball, think color commentator Pepper Brooks (Or even Road Block), only about 10 times more ridiculous.

Jesse Montana
The consummate "don" of CZW, Jesse Montana began as a common wrestler.  However, a feud with Alan Fiscus (Which included the previously mentioned scene of Fiscus simulating sex with Montana by forcing a Montana mask upon the girl) would unearth a completely new, dark side of "The Sensation".  Eventually, their feud got to the point where they each had to sacrifice something if they lost: Jesse would have to disband his stable, The Upstarts, for 30 days, while Fiscus would have lost his CZW presidency to Montana for 30 days if he lost.  Fiscus would win, but a swerve meant that Montana would still get his turn as President.  It was a position that he eventually took a death-grip of, and he subsequently became the most loathsome character in CZW history.  For a long time, he was simultaneously President and World Champion, and he seemingly always had hired guns at his disposal to ensure that nothing changed in that regard.  In short, CZW became Jesse Montana's playground until his tyranny came to an end in the middle of 2009.  Through it all, the cold, calculating persona remained intact, and Jesse's uncanny ability to always be one step ahead is why he makes my list.

El Pablo
A character with whom I have had a strong friendship since 2008, "The Five Star Superstar" has been pushing the pain threshold since day one.  The second match I saw that featured El Pablo, he took a barrage of staples to his head and didn't skip a beat (Winning the match by the end of it).  Eventually, he earned the well-deserved monker of being "A Blood Bank On Legs" because of his consistent blood-letting.  However, regardless of how many pints were spilled on a given night, he somehow found a way to give the fans the enjoyment they sought.  Whether it was out of sympathy on account of a betrothal to a transvestite, out of admiration for his improvisational comedy (Whose Line style), or a rather humorous trek to the Disney Studios to discover the horrifying truth about how the characters REALLY interact (I was there for that... *shudders* Scary stuff), El Pablo knew how to satisfy the fans regardless of the physical (or mental cost) to him.

I could EASILY formulate a completely different list of people (Cory Hatred, Hawk Henshaw, Ornery Hillman, Agent Decipher Light, M.D.K., William Bateman, Nick Stevenson, Hannibal Cage, the Something Wicked tag team), but I have a roleplay to write.  :P

Note: If you're wondering why there aren't many TFWF characters on this and you're about to call blasphemy, it's because I haven't had enough exposure to them in order to properly formulate an opinion. :)

Quote[Today at 02:28:53 PM] Black Death: i thought  rettop had a raping promo
[Today at 02:28:55 PM] Church Dogg AlexK: I know I did a snippet in a Rettop RP once, is that what you meant?
[Today at 02:28:59 PM] Church Dogg AlexK: ...
[Today at 02:29:02 PM] Black Death: yeah
[Today at 02:29:13 PM] Church Dogg AlexK: I think EVERYONE is sigging that, BD


Im not going to get 10, but here are a few characters that have stuck out from past e-freds i have been in.

Screwball [hWA 2002ish]
Im pretty sure the character was based on Mankind.  But from what I remember he was a 6'7 freak who spent most of his time lurking in boiler rooms.  I saw his character develop from someone who was dark into a character that was fun loving but couldnt trust anyone.  He would attach himself to other characters looking for acceptance but in the end turn on them because he could never get over his trust issues.

Dark Shadow [hWA 2002ish]
Was a monster.  Name was unoriginal, but he was the original freakshow with a kind heart.  Befreiended Screwball and watching them on their capers was like watching Batman and robin.  They both wanted to be accepted, but could only find each other.

Suicide Youth [James Suicide/Savage Youth][NEWA 2008?]
Jag can fill you in more on these because they are his chracters, but from what i remember i loved reading these rp's.  One had his own grasp on the English language, and im sure the other was a mute?  Either way the rp's were different and the trouble they caused and got into was worthwhile

J.B. Shooter w/Roscoe [NEWA 2008?]
JB was my first real feud in a fed.  However much i tried to beat him, i couldnt.  The reason that i have mentioned him is because im 99% sure that roscoe his manager was a penguin.  Ill chase up more, but it was something about his character that made me want to face him more.


Quote from: Blade on June 06, 2010, 09:54:58 AM

Suicide Youth [James Suicide/Savage Youth][NEWA 2008?]
Jag can fill you in more on these because they are his chracters, but from what i remember i loved reading these rp's.  One had his own grasp on the English language, and im sure the other was a mute?  Either way the rp's were different and the trouble they caused and got into was worthwhile

Most here know Savage Youth.  If not, he's just Jay from Jay and Silent Bob, only dumber and more spastic.  However back then he didn't have Robo-Teddy yet.  He had James Suicide.  Savage Youth was the lovable idiot who didn't know anything and James Suicide was the guy who had to follow him around and try to keep him out of trouble.  Or... in graphic form.

Savage Youth =

James Suicide =