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Started by Ty, August 26, 2011, 11:40:59 AM

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GM Franchise

No Bruce Campbell Mafia? I blame this on the Army of Darkness. Time to go to war.  :knight:
Quote from: Trumpers on July 25, 2012, 01:46:54 PM
James, everytime you post in the OOC your perception of "yourself" is just as apparently off key 'in game' as GM Franchise as it is 'out of game' as yourself lol.
Quote from: Mike Powers on May 22, 2012, 06:44:25 PM
Now I know how Franchise feels every game.  Speak your mind and you get singled out for it.
Quote[Nov 30 21:22:23] Trumpers:you have literally assembled one of the worst teams possible

Tezmission Black

Sgt. Josh Underpants

See what happens when I die first
Shank â€" Action Josh Madrid does towards anyone making a racial slur towards latinos on the SB, his main target is usually Midas.
You Are Game Will Evolve
Quote from: Judge Reinhold on September 16, 2009, 07:30:31 AM
This dude is the most cracker looking beaner you\'ll ever meet.


Josh, I died before you in that game :p

Tezmission Black

Ok..why doesn't CWC just take up home here in CWC like Experts here..then we can have both innerfeds and then each year we can have Experts vs CWC On Hallowed Ground.

Would be awesomeness....coommmeeeee onnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!

Yeh I know it won't happen -walks away with head down in shame for even considering it-

JD Storm

now i realize what happened. i thought i was the only one experiencing problems signing in for the longest damned time.


This is getting bad, I worry for CWC's future


Boards are back up, I'm doing a lot of wor on CWC stuff right now so keep an eye on it.


Ian "Wolfie" Trumps

Quote from: T-Bonizzle on September 06, 2011, 08:17:15 PM
Boards are back up, I'm doing a lot of wor on CWC stuff right now so keep an eye on it.

Never give up on that 'wor'...
'Check out MFX -'


Tezmission Black

See that's the problem with CWC, they just doing the wor, not the work :p


What's CWC?


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To all the people who play mafia, Kill Midas Mafia will be starting over there within the week, sign-ups are open now


This isn't an advertising thread guys...