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First Favorite Superstar.

Started by Ash Bombay, September 14, 2008, 06:54:28 PM

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Ash Bombay

Alright, So I want to know, what drew you guys to watch pro wrestling? What superstar set it off for you and why?

When I was 9 or 10 years old, I remember me and my friend were flipping through the channels on my grandma's TV. She had cable, so I found some pro wrestling. It happened to be WCW. Old school Saturday Night Superstation or whatever it was, before Monday Nitro came around. I watched it, and it peeked our interests. We tuned it in still curious, and found WWF and a couple of characters caught our interest and I was hooked from then on. Granted, we were really little, but, I am not ashamed to share the characters that caught our interests. Tatanka, Papa Shango, Adam Bomb, and Ludvig Borga. They were different, they were power houses, and they were colorful. Perfect for little kids. I remember my first PPV I got to order was Survivor Series, the year it was Foreign Fantatics vs The All Americans. That was a huge PPV for us. Obviously three of those characters didn't last very long in the WWF. Tatanka lasted a little longer, and I followed him into Money Inc, and started marking for Ted Dibiase and IRS. After that I got my hands on everything, became a smart mark, and just evolved from there. But those characters were the ones that started it for me and my friend.   

What about you guys? What drew you into watching wrestling, and what superstar?


I was 8 or 9 when I first started watching. It was Saturday mornings and my brother and I used to fight over what to watch. He wanted to watch wrestling and I wanted to watch X-men. Having to compromise, we watched Superstars on Saturdays and RAW on Monday when we could stay up that late. I remember watching before this, but my first memory of wrestling is when Mankind debuted. I remember them censoring Spark Plug Holly throwing up after Mankinds mandible claw. But I have to say, Shawn Micheals was my favorite and will always be.  I watched religiously through school and started getting to know the past. That's about it really.


Wow well I was basically born into a wrestling fan. No lie. My parents actually met at a small wrestling show that was huge here in East Tennessee back in the day. It was Smokey Mountain Wrestling. That's where I was as an infant on a Saturday Evening. So growing up I was a fan of Ricky Morton, Robert Gibson, etc. As for the big promotions, easily it was Sting. He was the reason for my hair style until I was 7 or 8. I'll never forget the day he went to Smokey Mountain and I actually met him. It was around 1994 and I was maybe 5 and they were all doing autographs and I got to meet Sting. He took a picture with me and autographed a really huge shirt of his that I got.

I had that pic and shirt up until my moms house burnt down in April of this year. The shirt was so big that it would just now fit normally on me.

I've never died out of that part of me, I've always been a very loyal Sting fan. But after that phase, I became a HBK fan during his boytoy IC Title days. He was one of the first Heels I liked along with Mr Perfect.

Those were the first for me to absolutely love. Never was a huge Hogan fan. Of course I cheered him but even at a young age I wasn't crazy about him.


I started in 1996, when I was brother was a huge fan, so I just sat there and watched it.

I was a huge Kane fan when shit started, liked Taker too.


Black Death

young whippersnappers...   lol  I remember back in the 80's , Wrestlemaina 3 ... Really did not watch wrestling in the early part of the 80's more of outside kid there. but it was after I move out to Arizona in 87 and started to rent videos from the local video stores . I knew of Hogan , but it was after Number 3 that I started to get into wrestling , I started to rent all the vidoes I coud find. watch the shows on tv.  Big Hogan mark   lol  just love everthing about it. Also big Sting mark too.  They were both my favs. growing up . but I just enjoy the shows . Horseman were kick ass and unstoppable for a while , ROck and roll express and midnight express  was great tag team rivals . grreat matches .  Road warriors ... man But it ws Hogan and Sting that I love to watch .
"Asuka, gives you two thumbs up"

Smash INC

I really marked for Doink, which is surprising because I started watching wrestling just after watching Stephen King's IT so you would think clown would scare the crap out of me or something.

Sgt. Josh Underpants

I started watching wresting back in 2000 just after I moved in with my dad.  It was like two weeks after I got there that we began watching WCW together and the first match I ever saw was Tank Abbott against TAFKAPI, Tank knocked him out in one punch, that was enough to catch my attention.  the cruisers were the main people I loved though and Kidman has always been and will always be my favorite, with Rey, Three Count, and The Jung Dragons right behind.
Shank â€" Action Josh Madrid does towards anyone making a racial slur towards latinos on the SB, his main target is usually Midas.
You Are Game Will Evolve
Quote from: Judge Reinhold on September 16, 2009, 07:30:31 AM
This dude is the most cracker looking beaner you\'ll ever meet.


 Man it was back when I was about maybe 5 years old? Pretty sure I was either 5 or 6 when I first started watching. My grandfather had gotten me some WCW action figures for my B-Day (or Xmas can't remember which lol). Then my parents introduced me to wrestling on TV, I first started watching WCW nitro back when Hollywood Hogan was feuding with the Warrior for the second time. I was too young to know that the feud sucked lol, I loved it. In fact my first wrestling PPV was WCW Holloween Havoc (Hogan vs Warrior, Goldberg vs DDP). My favorite wrestlers were Goldberg and Sting, I also was a huge Bret Hart fan even though he wasn't used correctly in WCW, I was too young to know lol.

Then maybe 2 weeks later I was introduced to the WWF. I saw the very last segment of RAW (my dad was flipping channels) and it was the seg where Taker put Austin up on the cross. I instantly became a fan and started switching between Nitro and Raw every week. I was a huge Taker, Rock and Austin fan and I loved D-X. That was an awesome time to watch wrestling. I had all the action figures and shit, I loved it.

Nowadays I am still a fan (on again off again lol). Sometimes I will watch Raw for a few weeks, then I'll get bored and stop watching.

MMA > Pro Wrestling IMO

but I still consider myself a wrestling fan and lately I have been watching it on a regular basis again.


damn, im the only youngin' that actually watched BEFORE the attitude era?


i started watchin wrestling right after wrestlemania 15, the first wrestler that caught my eye was Edge, but the one that made me stay hooked on wrestling was Jericho. I didnt know who he was as I hadnt seen WCW in my life, but i had heard about him online (yes I found out dirt sheets soon after becoming a fan) and when I saw his debut promo on Raw I was hooked and he became the reason i never missed a raw episode since his debut till he retired in 05, then i startted missing the show. I remember the day he beat HHH for his title (which was then stricken from the record but the Jerichoholics know the true story) I marked out for the first time in my life.


Quote from: jagilki on October 11, 2011, 05:21:41 PM
Midas would chop off his Penis if he thought it would win him a Mafia game.

Jose The Law Ramon

Ah, another Jericholic for life. Well, I was fortunate enough to actually see Jericho here once when he was doing a tour for the Mexican promotion. But my earliest memories of really paying attention to wrestling on TV were of Undertaker's early days as well as the HBK boytoy era, and those two quickly became my favorites. Of course I expanded to watching more of the Cruiserweights when they started coming up into the US, but HBK and Undertaker were the first to hook me in.

Drama Queen

I watched British old school on a Saturday afternoon with my Dad.

Matches were 8 x 3 minute rounds, best of three falls.

I actually liked the heels, thought they were "cool". My favorites were Marc "Rollerball" Rocco and Dave "Fit" Finlay (I have never been happier to see anyone get a big WWE push than this man).

Of course being a kid I still marked out for the superface of the time, "Big Daddy" and I liked Clive Myers because he had fancy martial arts skills, and I liked "Bomber" Pat Roach, because he also starred in a favourite tv show at the time "Auf Wiedersein, Pet".

I guess I was 9 or 10 at the time.

Owen Hart was the first American based wrestler I was exposed to, when he made a one-off appearance. He absolutely amazed me with his high flying skills, inheard of in Britain at the time.

Rebel Child

Rowdy Roddy Piper.

I got into wrestling when I was really young.  It all started out with the guys I grew up around, would turn it on when they were over, and my mom would watch it then, and she got into it SO SO SO SO SO SO much, that she turned into a wrestling fan, and in doing so, so did I.  Then there was of course Brutus the Barber Beefcakes, and i had the hugest crush on the Rockers (both of 'em), and I remember my mother -totally- hating Razor Ramone, and swearing someone's purse was going to get stolen during the Undertaker's entrance.

Tezmission Black

I know I have been watching wrestling forever, I have pics of my aunt and uncle bringing me to a couple smaller local shows, but to be honest the first match I remember seeing was 123 Kid facinging someone, I cant remember who it is and the only reason I remember it was 123 kid was cause he got the win and the fans cheered 1!2!3! and then his music hit...

but thats not the subject here is it lol

For me, it will always be Raven, the man came up with some interesting moves and match ideas, his storylines where classic, ECW, WCW Raven was the best, WWE never could use him right and TNA had him good started out but then later was not as well. His stables are things are greatness, and I am actaully glade to see a newer wrestler or two take on his quality's (Roxxie lol)


Like DQ I used to watch the old British wrestling on ITV on a Saturday afternoon.  Loved Big Daddy and Kendo Nagasaki.  I think I was about 6 or so when this was on.

First American wrestling would be WWF probably around 1991 or 1992 on Sky TV.  My Dad got Sky when I was still in primary school so I would've been 11 or something at the time.  First match I saw was British Bulldog vs The Warlord, so I became an instant Bulldog fan.

I remember Summerslam 1991 with Mr Perfect vs Bret Hart for the IC Title and being amazed by that match.  Same with Summerslam 1992 when Davey beat Hart for the IC Title.

My first favourite superstar was Davey, quickly followed by Undertaker, Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart.  Although I went off Bret quite quickly, I appreciate him more as a worker these days, he was a bit plain and boring for my liking.

I have been watching ever since and I watch ROH at least one night a week.  Yes, I'm that sad, lol.


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