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Films you wish you could 'unsee'...

Started by FXBlade, August 08, 2013, 02:11:06 PM

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Crazy Kyd

Quote from: PapaPancho on August 09, 2013, 11:11:10 AM
Requiem for a Dream

A friend hyped it up for me as a great movie and it just made me want to slit my wrists throughout the whole movie.  Luckily i got to break the DVD he had given me and that helped.

Darren Aronofsky's films are not for everyone. But I could watch Requiem any day of the week. I love that movie.

Quote from: Cory on August 09, 2013, 12:18:40 PM
- Hot Fuzz was garbage

I've always been in the minority as I thought it wasn't that bad.


Wait. What.

Since when has liking Hot Fuzz been a minority thing?

Quote from: Mike Flips"Certainly officer...but first, we have two men here trespassing. Also I was assaulted moments ago by a man who might have had a sister I might have had sex with. Can we please arrest said man for Disturbing The Peace-opoly or something..."

Crazy Kyd

Quote from: Jennifer on August 09, 2013, 01:00:27 PM
Wait. What.

Since when has liking Hot Fuzz been a minority thing?

From my experience. All my friends and almost everyone I've talked to say they didn't like Hot Fuzz.

That's what I meant.

GM Franchise

One word: Twilight. Seriously the worst piece of crap movie of all time.
Quote from: Trumpers on July 25, 2012, 01:46:54 PM
James, everytime you post in the OOC your perception of "yourself" is just as apparently off key 'in game' as GM Franchise as it is 'out of game' as yourself lol.
Quote from: Mike Powers on May 22, 2012, 06:44:25 PM
Now I know how Franchise feels every game.  Speak your mind and you get singled out for it.
Quote[Nov 30 21:22:23] Trumpers:you have literally assembled one of the worst teams possible


The only, and I mean only, movie I wish I could unsee:

Tucker and Dale vs Evil.

And not because I didn't like it, I fucking loved that movie.

But so that I can watch it with a fresh mind again, and experience watching it for the first time.  Because it was that great.

Quote[Today at 05:31:25 PM] JackHondo: If a zombie outbreak ever happened, Stonie would cut his arm off and replace it with a chainsaw.

Quote from: Ian "Wolfie" Trumps on July 23, 2015, 03:24:59 PM


Punch Drunk Love, I pretty much hated everything about this movie, the music, the dialogue, the acting, all fucking awful.

And I agree with Marq on 'Megan is Missing', it's not a bad movie but it's just so disturbing and uncomfortable to watch.




Quote from: Cory on August 09, 2013, 02:51:04 PM
Your Highness too was HORRIBLE

Just felt like one joke that went on waaaaaaaay too long.
"Behind you, Primo! WATCH OUT!"


Quote from: Crazy Kyd on August 09, 2013, 12:48:41 PM
Darren Aronofsky's films are not for everyone. But I could watch Requiem any day of the week. I love that movie.

I can agree with this. Love Requiem and mention it to my friends as a movie to watch, but sometimes they don't like it, which I totally get.


Quote from: Cory on August 09, 2013, 12:18:40 PM
- Hot Fuzz was garbage

Fuck that, Hot Fuzz was excellent.

There are some fairly average movies appearing on this list. Where are the really, really, really absolutely shitty films at?

Like Red Line.

Just google it. It's about car racing. A lambo breaks and ends up taking off and flipping upside down. The acting is awful, the direction is awful, the plot is thinner than tracing paper. Pure dog shit.

Crazy Kyd

Quote from: Dorling on August 09, 2013, 04:49:22 PM
Fuck that, Hot Fuzz was excellent.

There are some fairly average movies appearing on this list. Where are the really, really, really absolutely shitty films at?

Like Red Line.

Just google it. It's about car racing. A lambo breaks and ends up taking off and flipping upside down. The acting is awful, the direction is awful, the plot is thinner than tracing paper. Pure dog shit.

I noticed that one when I was looking at movies the other day. Glad I passed on that one then.


So may films that I haven't seen, but now... maybe I want to?

Maybe not.

All apart from Hot Fuzz.  Loved it.  But I guess I lie the guys in it and they all seem to follow on from Sean of the Dead in some bizarre way


I only show the youth I work with movies that are of a certain content level. I was working with a group of 11 year olds who happened to like high school musical. I watched a movie with them called Sunday School Musical thinking that it was the same production company. It wasn't. It was a mock-buster of the awful variety. Worst. Movie. Ever.

Chris Shields

If we were going simply based on plot and acting, I would totally say Avatar. However, the movie was visually stunning. It was just everything else about it that sucked. Now, before anyone starts telling me how stupid I am for not liking it or tosses out that it was the highest grossing movie of all time, I'm gonna say these three things.

1. Fuck off, it's my opinion
2. When adjusted for inflation, it sits in the #19 spot. Which while still respectable, is not #1
3. The element they were attempting to harvest from the planet, was called Unobtainium.


Quote from: Chris Shields on August 10, 2013, 02:54:39 AM

3. The element they were attempting to harvest from the planet, was called Unobtainium.

Yes, there is a reason its called that