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2015 Let's Make a Movie Rules/Draft

Started by Fnord, February 11, 2015, 02:44:14 PM

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This will be a snake draft format.  So, 1-10, 10-1, 1-10, 10-1, etc. 


1: You are drafting everything in current time. No dead people. No old people drafting them as younger.

2. You are making a movie that will be released in 2015 or beyond.

3. Your creativity is the key. You can do a remake, a sequel or an original idea.

4. Once a person is picked for a position, they cannot be drafted for that same position.  For example, if Ben Affleck is drafted as an actor, he can still be drafted as a screenwriter or director. 

5. After the first four rounds, the actors/actresses will begin to get drafted. You do NOT have to draft them in any sort of order but you MUST have a Lead Actor, Supporting Actor, Cameo Actor and Breakout Actor in your movie.

6. We will have 10 rounds to draft actors. That should be enough. If you want to draft a movie like Movie 23 (which sucked) and draft 20+ actors, then we will have a open pick-up/drop/trade round where you may add more actors to your movie if need be after the draft has ended for a 24 hour period.  This will be open pick-ups with no order, so make sure you get the 10 you want in the first 10 rounds. Also, if you don't need 10, just post "PASS" so the next person can pick or "END" if you are done picking entirely.

7. If there's an actor you want, you can negotiate trading picks like other drafts.

8. There will be a deadline of 24 hours per pick, so please pick promptly. If you miss your pick, then you just miss it and we move on so pay attention.

9. When I use the term Actor, I use it as both Actors and Actresses. You CAN have ladies in your movie.

10. At the end of the draft, you will have approximately 96 hours to post your movie synopsis in a designated thread that I will make. It can be as long or short as you'd like it. Remember, you're trying to get people to vote for your movie as the best, so make it good.  Make sure to point out who your 4 key positions are: Lead Actor, Supporting Actor, Cameo Actor and Breakout Actor

11. I was going to have "genre" as a drafting category, but I figured we'd all do whatever genre we want to make it more fun. Plus there aren't enough genres out there for all of us to get one we'd like.

12. I'm going to apply a "3 Strikes" rule.  If you miss 3 picks, you will be out.

This is the second time that I've done this, so bear with me. The first time didn't go so well. We might have to flip a switch or two if I forgot something.

Round 1: Screenwriter
Round 2: Producer/Production Company/Studio
Round 3: Director
Round 4: Theme Song/Soundtrack Main Song
Round 5-14: Actors/Actresses
Round 15: Open pick-up/Trades gave us this order:
9. Gooch

One final note, if we could keep this strictly for the actual draft and keep any discussions or comments in the thread here:

And LASTLY, have fun! :D Yay!

Quote[Today at 12:56:15 PM] Duckman: Fnording=the act of not realising something very obvious 
Quote from: AlexK on July 25, 2010, 12:23:31 AMI love you, Fnord.


Round 1: Screenwriter
1.Franchise: Quentin Tarantino
2.BD: David S. Goyer
3.Flins: Charlie Kaufman
4.Pancho: Coen brothers
5.Teej: Max Landis
6.Gravedigger: Christopher Nolan
7.Tritch: Joss Whedon
8.Fnord: Eli Roth
9.Gooch: M. Night Shyamalan

Round 2: Producer/Production Company/Studio
1. Gooch: 20th Century Fox/James Cameron
2. Fnord: Ghost House Pictures/Sam Raimi
3. Tritch: New Line Cinema/Brad Pitt
4. Grave: Dreamworks/Steven Spielberg
5. Teej: John Singleton
6. Pancho: Smokehouse Pictures/George Clooney
7. Flins: Paramount Pictures/Ridley Scott
8. BD: Joel Silver
9. Franchise: Warner Bros/Clint Eastwood

Round 3: Director
1. Franchise: Christopher Nolan
2. BD: Guillermo Del Toro
3. Flins: David Fincher
4. Pancho: The Coen Brothers
5. Teej: Steven Soderbergh
6. Grave: Quentin Tarantino
7. Tritch: Martin Scorsese
8. Fnord: James Gunn
9. Gooch: Tim Burton

Theme Song/Soundtrack Main Song
1. Gooch: How To Destroy Angels w/Trent Reznor/Atticus Ross
2. Fnord: Chris Isaak classics/original
3. Tritch: Composer Brian Tyler
4. Grave: Hans Zimmer
5. Teej: Childish Gambino
6. Pancho: Johnny Cash
7. Flins: The Flaming Lips
8. BD: Jack Wall
9. Franchise: James Newton Howard

Actors (Round 5)
1.Franchise: Leonardo DiCaprio
2.BD: Liam Neeson
3.Flins: Matthew McConaughey
4.Pancho: Jake Gyllenhall
5.Teej: Strike 1
6.Gravedigger: Daniel Day Lewis
7.Tritch: Johnny Depp
8.Fnord: Tom Hardy
9. Gooch: Helena Bonham Carter

Actors (Round 6)
1. Gooch: James Spader
2. Fnord: Logan Marshall-Green
3. Tritch: Angelina Jolie
4. Grave: Javier Bardem
5. Teej: Chiwetel Ejiofor
6. Pancho: Viggo Mortensen
7. Flins: Edward Norton
8. BD: Bill Murray
9. Franchise: Jennifer Lawrence

Actors (Round 7)
1.Franchise: Benedict Cumberbach
2.BD: Rosario Dawson
3.Flins: Alicia Vikander
4.Pancho: Ed Harris
5.Teej: Donald Glover
6.Gravedigger: Daniel Craig
7.Tritch: Ryan Gosling
8.Fnord: Amy Adams
9. Gooch: Zach Mills

Actors (Round 8.)
1. Gooch: Windham "Bray Wyatt" Rotunda
2. Fnord: Isla Fisher
3. Tritch: Brad Pitt
4. Grave: Christian Bale
5. Teej: Catherine Zeta Jones
6. Pancho: Dylan O'Brien
7. Flins: Josh Lucas
8. BD: Eve Mendes
9. Franchise: Matt Damon

Actors (Round 9)
1.Franchise: Tom Cruise
2.BD: Yvonne Strahovski
3.Flins: Sam Rockwell
4.Pancho: Christina Hendricks
5.Teej: Michael Ealy
6.Gravedigger: Michael Keaton
7.Tritch: James Franco
8.Fnord: Michael Rooker
9. Gooch: Will Poulter

Actors (Round 10)
1. Gooch: Andy Samberg
2. Fnord: Dakota Johnson
3. Tritch: Josh Hartnet
4. Grave: Dwayne Johnson
5. Teej: Chris Zylka
6. Pancho: Laurence Fishburne
7. Flins: Sean Penn
8. BD: Adrian Pasdar
9. Franchise: Michael Fassbender

Actors (Round 11)
1.Franchise: Samuel Jackson
2.BD: Paul Blackthorne
3.Flins: Susan Sarandon
4.Pancho: Clint Eastwood
5.Teej: Lily Collins
6.Gravedigger: Stephen Amell
7.Tritch: Bryan Cranston
8.Fnord: Kennedi Clements
9. Gooch: Malcolm McDowell

Actors (Round 12)
1. Gooch: Maggie Smith
2. Fnord: Ezra Miller
3. Tritch: Paul Giamatti
4. Grave: Denzel Washington
5. Teej: Ice Cube
6. Pancho: Vera Farmiga
7. Flins: PASS
8. BD: Ving Rhames
9. Franchise: Emma Watson

Actors (Round 13)
1.Franchise: Benicio Del Toro
3.Flins: PASS
4.Pancho: Damian Bichir
5.Teej: john leguizamo
6.Gravedigger: Scarlett Johansson
7.Tritch: Alexander Skarsgard
8.Fnord: PASS
9. Gooch: Mark Calaway

Actors (Round 14)
1. Gooch: Glen Jacobs
2. Fnord: PASS
3. Tritch: Stanley Tucci
4. Grave: David Mazouz
5. Teej: Brian White
6. Pancho: Christopher Meloni
7. Flins: PASS
8. BD: Charlize Theron
9. Franchise: Robert DeNiro

Quote[Today at 12:56:15 PM] Duckman: Fnording=the act of not realising something very obvious 
Quote from: AlexK on July 25, 2010, 12:23:31 AMI love you, Fnord.

GM Franchise

Quote from: Trumpers on July 25, 2012, 01:46:54 PM
James, everytime you post in the OOC your perception of "yourself" is just as apparently off key 'in game' as GM Franchise as it is 'out of game' as yourself lol.
Quote from: Mike Powers on May 22, 2012, 06:44:25 PM
Now I know how Franchise feels every game.  Speak your mind and you get singled out for it.
Quote[Nov 30 21:22:23] Trumpers:you have literally assembled one of the worst teams possible

Black Death

"Asuka, gives you two thumbs up"



The Coen Brothers ... if drafting an established duo that the Academy Awards does not allow then I draft Ethan Coen.



Peephole Productions hires Joss Whedon to pen their script.

Best Town Player - 2008
2nd-Best Overall Player - 2008
2nd-Best Moderator - 2008
Best Third Party Player - 2010
2nd-Best Use of a Night Action - 2010
Best Game (Batman: Arkham City) - 2012
Best Moderator - 2012
2nd-Best Third Party - 2012
Best Game (Batman: Wayne Penitentiary) - 2013
Best Moderator - 2013
2nd-Best Town Player - 2014
2nd-Best Scum Player - 2015
2nd-Best Moderator - 2016
Best Game (The Conjunction: Episode 1) - 2016




Rumor has it that Eli Roth, one of the high-profiled member of the Splat Pack, has written a new screenplay that involves some major actors. Roth is known for directing the horror film Hostel and its sequel, Hostel: Part II. He is also known for his role as Donny "The Bear Jew" Donowitz in Quentin Tarantino's war film Inglourious Basterds for which he won both a SAG Award (Best Ensemble) and a BFCA Critic's Choice Award (Best Acting Ensemble).

So far all we know is that the script he has written has been read front to back without break by everyone that it's been given to. He's currently shopping it around for a high-end production company and big name producer. We will break the news as soon as we hear it.

Quote[Today at 12:56:15 PM] Duckman: Fnording=the act of not realising something very obvious 
Quote from: AlexK on July 25, 2010, 12:23:31 AMI love you, Fnord.

GM Jimmy Gooch

Dallas Morning News Blog Reports:

Wrestling personality and sports General Manager Buckson Gooch has had an investment take off into the multimillions of dollars and is wanting to get into the "movie business". His first movie, a suspence/mystery/action movie is just getting off the ground. We have confirmation that he's signed....

M. Night Shyamalan to come on a screenwriter. "I'm very excited to sign Mr. Shymalan as the project's screenwriter. His ability to provide depth of characters, as well as, fantastic plot and speed made him an easy choice for me."

Mr. Gooch is already getting the attention of big time production companies. He's already signed a deal with....

20th Century Fox. When contacted by Dallas Morning News, 20th Century Fox responded, "We are very excited to be working on this project with Buckson Gooch. His vision for this film is going to find fruition with us and we will be making a movie that a lot of people will be paying to see."

To go along with the rapid fire hiring, Gooch landed another big name in producer...

James Cameron. There was said to have been a "power meeting" that involved Shymalan, Cameron, and others. It's reported that Gooch was able to make the gathering by offering sizable amounts of money to the charities of their choice. The attendees of this closed door meeting showed up for the charity, but left signing contracts after being inspired by Mr. Gooch's ideas. It's been said that those in attendances' combined income ranks in the billions for profit in Hollywood.

We surely haven't heard the last of this project. We'll keep you posted via the Dallas Morning News Blog.

Production Company: 20th Century Fox utilizing James Cameron

Screenwriter: M. Night Shymalan
Production Company/Producer: 20th Century Fox/James Cameron



Breaking News! Eli Roth has just got his new script, tentavely titled "Monster", greenlit for production through Ghost House Pictures! Also signed on as a producer for this movie is acclaimed producer and director Sam Raimi.

Raimi was quoted just hours ago saying, " very excited to be producing Eli's next big project. I feel this is going to be a movie that really turns some heads in our industry."

We'll keep you updated as soon as we get any more information.

Screenwriter: Eli Roth
Produced by Ghost House Pictures w/guest producer Sam Raimi

Quote[Today at 12:56:15 PM] Duckman: Fnording=the act of not realising something very obvious 
Quote from: AlexK on July 25, 2010, 12:23:31 AMI love you, Fnord.




It would seem that Joss Whedon has given up his short exciting tenure with Marvel to work for the dark side. Or at least, Marvel's enemy. Not many details are available at this time, but we know that company Peephole Productions has hired him to pen the script for their first big time feature film. Peephole Productions executive known simply as Tritch, who was a film student turned English major, was cited saying "I don't want to give out too many details. Let's just say people who like my mafia games will be excited about our film." We have no idea what that means.

In perhaps bigger news, the small independent film studio has financial backing and a more experienced company to help guide them through their first movie. It has been confirmed by several credible sources that Tritch and Peephole Productions will be working with New Line Cinema to help produce the movie in an effective way, and Brad Pitt has attached his name to the project as well.

No news yet on a director, though rumors have been circulating and fans have been talking about dream duos with Joss Whedon since the announcement of his hiring.

Best Town Player - 2008
2nd-Best Overall Player - 2008
2nd-Best Moderator - 2008
Best Third Party Player - 2010
2nd-Best Use of a Night Action - 2010
Best Game (Batman: Arkham City) - 2012
Best Moderator - 2012
2nd-Best Third Party - 2012
Best Game (Batman: Wayne Penitentiary) - 2013
Best Moderator - 2013
2nd-Best Town Player - 2014
2nd-Best Scum Player - 2015
2nd-Best Moderator - 2016
Best Game (The Conjunction: Episode 1) - 2016