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What do you actually F*CKING HATE?

Started by Rob, December 28, 2009, 05:53:19 PM

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Haha, I can't wait for JB to see this thread. It'll reach critical mass like a motherfucker.

Anywho, one thing I've never been a huge fan of:

Douchebag "bro's."

Hearing how many times one guy can fit "dude," "awesome," and "fuckin'" into a sentence is one of the saddest things ever. Plus, they're usually very, very dumb.
"Behind you, Primo! WATCH OUT!"

Shawn FX

Anyone who uses the word "like" 20 times or more in one sentence.

This happens a lot in a college town li... such as Gainesville.


Dude Marq, you're fuckin awesome sometimes, do you know that?



Quote from: Judge on December 29, 2009, 07:24:47 PM

Yeah my lass infected my laptop's MSN with one of those worm(?) viruses where you unknowingly send messages to people asking them to click a link to see a picture. The message she got was "Hi, check out my cool picture! (LINK)" - suspicious to me. Should've been to her too cos the lass who sent her the message DOESN'T EVEN FUCKING SPEAK ENGLISH


Quote from: Kill Crazy on December 29, 2009, 08:49:54 PM
Dude Marq, you're fuckin awesome sometimes, do you know that?

Ugh, so not over.

But that's actually pretty tame, and I'd be lying if I said I'd never used a variation of that sentence. HOWEVER, when it gets to THIS level:

"Aw, dude -- fuckin' that one dude from fuckin' 30 Seconds to Mars was at Amoeba last night. Awesome fuckin' dude, bro."

"Behind you, Primo! WATCH OUT!"

Zombie Gunn

I generally hate people, in general. I mean, I like individuals but as a species... We all suck.


Quote[Today at 12:56:15 PM] Duckman: Fnording=the act of not realising something very obvious 
Quote from: AlexK on July 25, 2010, 12:23:31 AMI love you, Fnord.



Fat fucking cows who stand up front of the store, staring out the windows fucking chewing their god damned fucking cuds, doing NOT A GOD DAMNED MOTHER FUCKING THING, then they have to call me over to do some fucking bullshit that THEY COULD FUCKING DO THEM FUCKING SELVES.

SAME FAT FUCKING COWS who can not tell the difference between a center cut pork chop and a GOD DAMNED FUCKING BONELESS PORK CHOP.  Does it have a fucking bone in it you fat fucking simpleton?  NO?  Then it's a god damned mother fucking BONELESS PORKCHOP.  BONELESS!  NO FUCKING BONE!

Same fat fucking cow who's been working at the store now for 6 fucking months now and STILL DOESN'T understand that the PRODUCE dept makes the fucking vegi/fruit trays.  STOP FUCKING SENDIN THE ORDERS TO ME!

Fucking stupid god damned moronic customers who can't fucking read.  "How much is this $2.00 steak?  Is it 2$2.00?"

Fucking stupid lazy ass people.  Hello?  I'm fucking clocked out.  I'm walking out the fucking door.  GET THE FUCKING DELI your fat fucking self.  Jesus Christ, it's not fucking hard.




Drama more than anything. I'm a very old school type of guy in many forms of the word. While I am laid back, I'm not as into the loop as others most of the time. So there will be a lot of the times where I don't pay attention to all the gossip, rumors, whatever. All I care about is having fun doing the hobby I've loved since I was 17 and a 1/2, Journalism/Writing.

I also hate people that act like the IWC. (Internet Wrestling Community) You know, the crew that reads into all these major news sites and try to judge people based on reports rather than what we watch. Yeah, that sorta thing. Who fucking cares if so and so voted for you to win/lose or if one of the judges likes you or not. The point is to have fun, not to overanalyze every single detail.

Jon Tees

When a house guest accuses you of being a freeloader because you don’t work a traditional job lets say you telecommute. This is very annoying, because you feel as though you are providing for the person who is a guest in your home, while being accused of being a freeloader in return because of their failure to understand 21st century work. I run a home based business and its often been implied if not outright stated that I’m some sort of a “jobless parasite.” because I don’t go out and work traditionally while others do.

Don't Fall For Cheap Imitations And Knock Offs We Are The National Wrestling Federation Period.


People saying the Jonahs Brothers are the Beatles of today. >:(


Pnuematic drills.


Quote from: Mike Flips"Certainly officer...but first, we have two men here trespassing. Also I was assaulted moments ago by a man who might have had a sister I might have had sex with. Can we please arrest said man for Disturbing The Peace-opoly or something..."


Quote from: D-Day Dave on January 04, 2010, 02:51:07 AM
People saying the Jonahs Brothers are the Beatles of today. >:(

Whoever the fuck said that needs to be slapped in the face!


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