If Lesnar doesn't defend

Started by Chris Shields, September 04, 2014, 07:08:43 PM

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Here's the thing...

In a perfect world, Daniel Bryan would win the Rumble, setting up a Brock / Bryan clash at Mania. But with DB's injuries and return timetable, that's not likely to happen. (Besides, do you want Brock to stiff around a fragile DB for 20 minutes and nearly kill him?) So the more likely scenario would be Roman Reigns.

Now, I don't really have a problem with Reigns at all. Thing is, making him a singles star has really cast a light on his weaknesses. See, when he was part of The Shield, he'd come in, hit his signature spots, then would let Rollins and Ambrose carry most of the in-ring workload. That goes for interviews too. Now, he's having to work matches on his own, and he's having to cut promos on his own. Outside of his signature spots (Spear, Superman Punch, Kick on the Ring Apron, etc.), he's kinda dull. So when he's working a 15 minute match, the fans are seeing that he's kinda vanilla.

I mean, they can fix this if they try. But it has to be done with patience and with a careful hand. Maybe pairing him with a mouthpiece manager would help, or putting him with an opponent who can carry more than his share of a match (Cesaro? Rollins? a heel Dolph Ziggler perhaps?). But if they keep rushing him along, it's going to blow up in their faces. 

"Just do the best you can with whatever gift God has given you, whatever intellect you have. Use it. Be good while you're doing it. Love your neighbor. Love the One that created you. Enjoy the cosmos. And rock on." - Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty

The TeeJ of Philly

Quote from: JackHondo on September 05, 2014, 07:04:59 PM
I mean, they can fix this if they try. But it has to be done with patience and with a careful hand. Maybe pairing him with a mouthpiece manager would help, or putting him with an opponent who can carry more than his share of a match (Cesaro? Rollins? a heel Dolph Ziggler perhaps?). But if they keep rushing him along, it's going to blow up in their faces.

They are putting him against an opponent who can carry more than his share of a match in Orton. The only problem is, Orton is the total opposite of what you want for Reigns to face. As much of the summerslam match was Reigns' offense lacking, it was just as much of Orton being the Orton we love to cheer, a dick head. They need to put him against someone who will be a chickenshit heel. Rollins works, just look at their match on RAW a couple weeks ago. I think Ziggler should be face for a while. I'd love to see Cesaro against Reigns but not a program simply because the way Cesaro is portrayed right now is a true wrestler.

I just think the Authority need Rybaxel (or generic heel team) to be the muscle that gets its ass kicked. Let Kane be the Big Boss Man of the group, the heavy that you gotta get through to get to Orton or Rollins but let Rybaxel get the babyface's assault a week after you beat the ever loving shit out of him.


Quote from: JackHondo on September 05, 2014, 07:04:59 PM
Here's the thing...

In a perfect world, Daniel Bryan would win the Rumble, setting up a Brock / Bryan clash at Mania. But with DB's injuries and return timetable, that's not likely to happen. (Besides, do you want Brock to stiff around a fragile DB for 20 minutes and nearly kill him?) So the more likely scenario would be Roman Reigns.

Now, I don't really have a problem with Reigns at all. Thing is, making him a singles star has really cast a light on his weaknesses. See, when he was part of The Shield, he'd come in, hit his signature spots, then would let Rollins and Ambrose carry most of the in-ring workload. That goes for interviews too. Now, he's having to work matches on his own, and he's having to cut promos on his own. Outside of his signature spots (Spear, Superman Punch, Kick on the Ring Apron, etc.), he's kinda dull. So when he's working a 15 minute match, the fans are seeing that he's kinda vanilla.

I mean, they can fix this if they try. But it has to be done with patience and with a careful hand. Maybe pairing him with a mouthpiece manager would help, or putting him with an opponent who can carry more than his share of a match (Cesaro? Rollins? a heel Dolph Ziggler perhaps?). But if they keep rushing him along, it's going to blow up in their faces.

Agree whole heartedly with this [except for if Bryan was healthy I'm not a fan but that's an entirely different point].

The Rock v Brock draws more people in outside of wrestling without sacrificing too much with the die hards finish be damned.  Rock Brock would be on the level of Pacino and DeNiro in Heat.  Stallone and Arnold had they faced off in their prime.  The title would honestly be secondary if it was even involved.

Arguably the two most successful people outside of the WWE getting it on IN it is a much better ticket than Bryan Brock or Reigns Brock.  The only drawback is some movie producer not wanting Rock getting roughed up and postponing a shoot schedule. 

As for the roster ... most of the main stream audience has a memory like a goldfish.  Not too many of exist as much as them and with the right highlight and promo no burial is complete.  Remember The Miz main evented Wrestlemania and people were on his bandwagon.

GM Franchise

The Rock should not even be mentionned in the WWE Championship picture at all.
Quote from: Trumpers on July 25, 2012, 01:46:54 PM
James, everytime you post in the OOC your perception of "yourself" is just as apparently off key 'in game' as GM Franchise as it is 'out of game' as yourself lol.
Quote from: Mike Powers on May 22, 2012, 06:44:25 PM
Now I know how Franchise feels every game.  Speak your mind and you get singled out for it.
Quote[Nov 30 21:22:23] Trumpers:you have literally assembled one of the worst teams possible


Quote from: Ty on September 05, 2014, 01:13:25 PM
No no no, I thought it was tennis for poor people but indoors on the wall

I'd give a +1.... but it's more for rich cunts.

... ah fuggit, ya get a +1 anyhow

Edit: But to get on point...

Ideally (assuming the end game is Roman Reigns beating Lesnar), what the 'E want to do is feed all their previous main event & WHC tier guys to Lesnar - Assuming they can work it on a 1 per 2 months basis - so guys like Orton, Sheamus, Henry (again), Show (again), Christian (I know ya lol but he's a 2x WHC and therefore a staple 'guy we can add to multi man matches and thus pretend there is drama' guy), *maybe* Ziggs, Miz. You could also use a Rock/Batista here if needed

THEN give some of the mid-card guys an attempt to break out (This is probably more where Miz/Ziggs... maybe Truth and Kofi as well(?) come in) and try 'step up' and come into their own by taking on 'The Beast'. Either way have him kill them all.

While this is going on build DB off the Rumble (preferably beating Reigns to win it), have him be the one to put a dent in Brock's aura of invincibility, but ultimately lose at Mania 31.

Continue for a year mixing mid-card tier talent trying to step up (with  varying levels of success - Rollins/Ambrose/Wyatt tier guys getting more 'maybe they might win' level matches, Kofi/Ziggler/Miz tier guys getting the more emphatic defeats). Reigns wins the 2016 Rumble  (last eliminating DB) and beats Bork for the title at Mania 32.

Prolly won't happen like this as is hope booking and real life quite often writes the plot. But as Brock is the guy who beat the streak, he needs a Punk-esque LONG reign to go with it. And Reigns needs a slow build  to become 'the guy' without falling into the SuperCena trap.
Quote from: The Bong Guy Stoner Hall on February 06, 2010, 01:11:21 PM
I hammered The Pink Ranger...  I never thought I would be so sad to say that.....
Quote from: Ian "Wolfie" Trumps on May 12, 2015, 11:15:06 AM
Becoming a super beast with a tendency for high octane flying shits...its a lifestyle choice.


Quote from: The Soul of Philly on September 05, 2014, 07:39:12 PM
They are putting him against an opponent who can carry more than his share of a match in Orton. The only problem is, Orton is the total opposite of what you want for Reigns to face. As much of the summerslam match was Reigns' offense lacking, it was just as much of Orton being the Orton we love to cheer, a dick head. They need to put him against someone who will be a chickenshit heel. Rollins works, just look at their match on RAW a couple weeks ago. I think Ziggler should be face for a while. I'd love to see Cesaro against Reigns but not a program simply because the way Cesaro is portrayed right now is a true wrestler.

I just think the Authority need Rybaxel (or generic heel team) to be the muscle that gets its ass kicked. Let Kane be the Big Boss Man of the group, the heavy that you gotta get through to get to Orton or Rollins but let Rybaxel get the babyface's assault a week after you beat the ever loving shit out of him.

We'll have to agree to disagree on the Orton thing.

Orton (and Cena for that matter) can definitely work good matches, but he's the kind of guy who needs a good opponent to have a good match. That's why his match at the Royal Rumble against Cena is one of the worst matches I've seen in a while that doesn't involve Eva Marie. He needs a good worker to bring out his best qualities. Reigns is most certainly NOT that guy. And that match ended up exposing Roman a LOT.

"Just do the best you can with whatever gift God has given you, whatever intellect you have. Use it. Be good while you're doing it. Love your neighbor. Love the One that created you. Enjoy the cosmos. And rock on." - Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty

Kieran King

I know the conversation got side-tracked a bit, but going back to the original point of the topic, the answer to who you put in the main event slot if there is no title match is easy.

Triple H vs. Roman Reigns.

Then, after that feud has subsided, if you still need a main event here or there you really sell how hard everyone is trying to get to Brock's level, and you make earning the right to face Brock as big a deal as facing the Undertaker was.