Give a small review of the last movie you watched.

Started by TaNK, July 13, 2008, 09:20:39 PM

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Very interning film, shot in almost all close up, very disorientating to watch. And very strange plot with an an interesting character base. A good watch if you are interested in the world of film.



Blazing Saddles:

If you haven't seen this 1970's Mel Brooks masterpiece and have had the opportunity, you need to be slapped. The wild west comes alive in spectacular idiocy as one-trick pony Cleavon Little and Gene Wilder save the little town of Rock Ridge from being turned into rubble and a place where "choo choo go."

Far too many quotable scenes and far too funny to watch only once. In fact, I think I'm now easily in double digits.



Title: Watchmen
Stars: Patrick Wilson, Malin Akerman, Jackie Earle Haley, Billy Crudup, Matthew Goode, Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Rated: R

When a ex-vigilante (The Comedian) is murdered, Another vigilante (Rorschach) begins an investigation which leads to a terrifying plot by an unlikely foe. But can the former heroes once known as The Watchmen stop this doomsday plot before the clock strikes midnight?

After seeing the motion comic, I was a bit taken aback by the story this movie is based on. The characters are, to put it mildly, a screwed up bunch. And the story itself is both terrifying and surreal.
So when I read articles saying they had stayed loyal to the comics, I figured I knew what to expect when I watched the movie. For the most part they did stay true to the original story, except for a few KEY points which were either changed or left out. While I did enjoy the movie, I was kinda disappointed that they changed the story, all be it only slightly. If they had wanted to stay true to the comic they should have stayed TOTALLY true to it. Changing even only the slightest bit of the plot on;y serves to twist the authors intended point.
I applaude Zach Snyder for his vision in bringing Watchmen to the big screen, and loved the way the story was told, but I truly felt that he left out what were key points to the story. All things considered, a film definately worth seeing. But I also feel it could be done better.
I give this film four stars.


The Matrix Revolutions

Thought it was decent for a trilogy-ending movie, although, definitley the weakest of the trilogy. The action sequences were decent, but the film was definitely hurt from the lack of hand to hand fighting that made Reloaded so epic. Sure, the city batlle was awesome...but that was about it. A good sequence...just kind of not what I was expecting.

I really thought the movie didn't do justice for Neo, who was built as this badass over the course of the past two films. The lack of Matrix hurt him, as well as the final fight (which I didn't enjoy).

Plot-wise, it was alright. Had a few climactic scenes that needed to be in there, but overall, some sequences were just totally not what they shouyld have been...especially the ending. I won't spoil it, but it was pretty bad.

Overall, I'd give it a 6/10. Decent, yes...but could have been more.



If you go to this movie to laugh and see corndogs thrown at idiots, it only happens once.  This movie was horrible.  The only funny parts of this movie was shown in the preview.  Frigo was the man because he hit the main dude in the nuts a lot.  If you're looking for a sappy love story for losers movie that takes place in the 80s, go watch this movie.  But then you still might vomit afterwards.

Movie Rating: F

Quote[Today at 12:56:15 PM] Duckman: Fnording=the act of not realising something very obvious 
Quote from: AlexK on July 25, 2010, 12:23:31 AMI love you, Fnord.


Fast & Furious

Movie was what I was expecting. I though highly of it after its 7.2 on IMDB, but I dont think it was that good. It was a good watch, but nothing special. Lots of Muscle Cars, but they ruined the famous Black ripped Charger too many times for my its probably the greatest car in any movie about 'cars'. Yeah, take that Bullet.

Movie Rating: C



Naked Lunch

Absolutely brilliant bizarre film. Kind of interesting how it twists reality and presents an entirely sarcastic story arc with illogical plot twists. Absolutely one of the best and weirdest films I've ever seen. Good humor. Beautiful visuals. Fantastic weirdness.



Naked Lunch
"I can name two things wrong with that title"


"Support your local sheriff"

A fun little comedy starring actors who i'm going to assume are now very old. James Garner from the Great Escape leads. It's similar in style and humour to Blazing Saddles, but PG-Rated, A charming little film, quite a few really funny scenes, good to watch with the family after a big meal as it's nostalgic and funny enough to please everyone.



Terminator Salvation.

Don't bother reading the reviews because people are always going to be snobby about action movies.  It's not Citizen Kane and it never claims to be and yet people complain about all the trashy bollocks that makes big budget action films so good!

Bale is very underwhelming as John Connor but Sam Worthington and the kid who plays Kyle Reece are excellent.

Some top notch set pieces and special effects and the story line isn't that bad, at least is keeps you interested and makes sense.

This isn't as good as 1 or 2 which are classic movies but it pisses all over 3.

A great bit of bubble gum for the brain and it's a good way to kill a couple of hours and be entertained.

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Joey Crash

The Matrix

A sort've infamous film nowadays, great story and jam packed with religious and post-modernistic ideas. At first I thought the Matrix was just okay but after researching all the weird post-modern shit they put in, it's worth watching again and again for me to see if I missed anything. Plus, the story is weirdly mindblowing (or at least it is the first time) and the action scenes are pretty good too.

Movie Rating: A+


The Ugly Truth.

Your standard Hollywood chick flick. Predictable storyline (which isn't dissimilar to What Women Want) and so so acting and set pieces..
Within 20 minutes you knew who was gonna screw who.


Zombie Gunn

Quote from: Timbo on January 18, 2009, 11:38:21 AM
Gran Torino

The one thing I'll say on Gran Torino is if you're a fan of Clint's films, you'll catch the subtle references to his past works.  Some might call it arrogant, but hell... it's Clint Fucking Eastwood.  This movie reminded me of the struggle in The Unforgiven.  It's a hell of a thing, killing a man.  Plus, you get a glimpse of what Dirty Harry would be like at that age.  He practically was Harry Callaghan except as veteran ex-automaker rather than an ex-cop.

But anyway, onto my latest movie.


The kids and I loved it with numerous belly laughs.  Probably the best Will Ferrell I've seen with a lot of subtle humor for the rest of the cast.  Sure as hell beats Land of the Lost.  And Zooey, damn.


Quote from: Zombie Gunn on December 13, 2009, 11:39:45 PM
The one thing I'll say on Gran Torino is if you're a fan of Clint's films, you'll catch the subtle references to his past works.  Some might call it arrogant, but hell... it's Clint Fucking Eastwood.  This movie reminded me of the struggle in The Unforgiven.  It's a hell of a thing, killing a man.  Plus, you get a glimpse of what Dirty Harry would be like at that age.  He practically was Harry Callaghan except as veteran ex-automaker rather than an ex-cop.

But anyway, onto my latest movie.


The kids and I loved it with numerous belly laughs.  Probably the best Will Ferrell I've seen with a lot of subtle humor for the rest of the cast.  Sure as hell beats Land of the Lost.  And Zooey, damn.

I actually watched Gran Torino again and enjoyed it more. I think some movies take time to really settle with you. I'm glad I gave it a second chance because its a pretty good film.


I went on a Batman spree, once again. Anyone that knows me will know that I'm a huge Batman fan, but not really into the whole superhero genre, not sure why not. Anyway, I saw Dark Knight yesterday for like the 5th time, and I still love it. It's dark, the actors are incredibly multi-dimensional, especially Aaron Eckhart as Harvey Dent/Two Face. It's pretty obvious to call out Heath Ledger and say how awesome he was as The Joker, but he really is that damn good. I'm not just saying it because he's deceased, he did do a great job in the role.... and he really does look freakin' mad! Also, it's always nice to see Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine.

Saying that, I don't really buy Christian Bale as Batman. Sorry...

Just an A from me :P
